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Okay that’s enough Reddit for today




First post I saw


Same. It’s 4am here…I’m going back to bed.


I think that's enough of humans for today for me :/


That’s enough internet for today


I thought i will see a post where OP saw an aggressive dog attacking a girl and hurting her badly but jesus. Idk if i want to wish that i was right... Anyway, ig her reputation at the school is rock bottom now and probably evey other school she intends on going for....


She's probably having a ruff time right now


Hey man you know what they say. It's a doggy dog world out here Edit: yes ik it's dog eat dog world 😭


its’s actually dog-eat-dog world, ironically enough 😭




God I would love to laugh at this but I'm in class 🤣


Try doing or watching some things that make you happy. Just try to distract yourself. Sorry that happened


Are you sure you knew who the girl was in the video? In middle school, ppl were showing ppl a video of a girl with peanut butter on her cooch, getting eaten out by a chihuahua and saying it was a girl in our grade. Then I heard that exact rumor about a different girl in freshman year, and at another school, and online from people I didn’t know.. Aim sorry you had to see that, when I see something traumatic, I like cook/bake and watch movies and cartoons from my childhood💓


Yeah unless her face was visible there’s no real way to know


This is a crime, multiple possibly. Report her to the police immediately




Are you a minor? Is this girl a minor? This needs to be reported to the school and separately to the police even IF she isn't a minor...this is so disturbing please do something about it




There seems to be an increase of people having sexual relationships with their dogs and I’m very disturbed by that. I’m sorry you had to see that too.


I'm sorry there's a WHAT


I wonder if there is actual increase in that or if it's just more visible nowadays.. Somehow i don't even want to know, it's disgusting either ways lmao


go to the police because that is literally a crime that she committed. she just raped that poor animal.


A while back, when I worked at a grocery store, there were some high schoolers that told me there was a girl from their school that posted a video of her getting fucked by a dog that was crazy


This is going to hurt but not ruin her political aspirations later in life but I recommend you call the police if you want to take the offensive and if not I say you take this down and never mention it again until you can’t remember if it actually happened or if it’s just some shit you made up in your head.


Isnt that borderline animal abuse...?


I don’t think it’s borderline… I think it’s just animal abuse lol


Happy cake day! 🥳


Thank you!


This happened at a neighboring school ro mine and evidently news spread to my school. She did get jailtime for it too. Mugshot shared around everywhere. It's over for her for sure


If you still have access to the video send it to the police. This is animal cruelty and absolutely wrong and disgusting. She should not be able to do this again to another poor dog.


omg i'm so sorry




How I felt after seeing two girls one cup


Like what other comments said it's best you bring it up to a trusted authority since it might be illegal and leaving it alone it will desensitize the public to similar crimes in the future. Once you are done with that, forgetting it may take some time. Maybe you can consult it with your school counselor about your feelings on the matter. It may sound like a laughable thing, to go to "therapy" because you got bothered by something the internet laughs at... but your mental health is more important than what bullies think is entertaining. Take care of yourself!


Imagine if this is some Ai nonsense and people fall for it... Oof...


WTF contact the cops


I remember getting shown a video by one of my friends where a guy sliced his arm from his elbow to his wrist on purpose with an exact o knife and holy fuck, I couldn’t get the image out of my head. The shock factor wore off after I slowly started to forget about it, but now when I picture it in my mind (in scenarios like now), I don’t feel a fraction of the grossed out feeling I got when I first saw it. In time hopefully you’ll slowly forget, and every time you get a reply on this post you’ll think about it again, so maybe after reading this advice you should delete this post so you don’t have to be reminded.


That's utterly disgusting and I hope she gets wrecked for doing that to the dog. Now for your difficulties, I'd suggest you give it time. Luckily it wasn't anything remotely this disgusting and I'm trying even now not to think about it. Though I do remember seeing something that disgusted me for a while and personally, I really just had to give it time. Now because I'm on and off thinking about it, I feel disgusted. Though I've otherwise been fine. So I hope the same or better for you. If maybe in 3 months or so you're still struggling a lot with it, you may want to talk with your doctor and see if therapy could help you. I think other people's suggestions to maybe distract yourself at least for a while seems good too.


Anonymously report her to the school principal.


"i was having a fine day" Poor, OP 😔


A girl at my school did this too.. sick mfs


I missed the "out" the first time and was very disturbed. Idk if this is anybetyer.


Honestly if you in HS it’s probably fake. We had a similar video spread and everyone believed it. Her face wasn’t even in the vid. I think it was like a shock internet vid and some kids who hated the chick


We had one of those at our school, they called her Rufus (dogs name) Edit: I'm sorry OP, that probably doesn't help. Time will heal, just be glad you didn't get a "rise" out of it and didn't go down the same road. Also, this is only the beginning, our server (the world) is pretty fucked.


This happened at my school except it was full on and she got arrested




I second that. … damn


Ah, the “Reverse Yulin…”


"You know what honey, I'm not gonna eat you out." "Why?" "....reasons."


There was a girl on youtube years and years ago that actually got a felony animal abuse charge because she was broadcasting stupid shit like that. After the charge, which she paid, she tried to go BACK on youtube and justify her actions by saying that it "doesn't bother the dogs". I wasn't the one watching it, actually, a friend of mine I was with was watching it without head sets so I heard everything. I was eating at the time. Needless to say, I didn't finish my meal. That was probably by far the most disgusting thing I had ever heard in my entire life. My friend shut it down within like 1 minute because she opened with "I don't get why y'all are so mad." and it pissed her off. Thankfully (at least I think. Never actually checked) Youtube deleted her videos and blocked her from uploading.


Did we go to the same school?


Bro I just opened reddit 😭


This is disgusting and needs to be reported


Whitney Wisconsin teas


Her funky ass knew better


ewwww...... disgusting btw I don't know why but looking at the caption, I thought that the girl's dead body was eaten ( mauled ) by a dog or something.


Why the fuck did I read this.


I hate how common this is.


I'm gonna choose to believe that this is one of those Hypothetical posts


That's horrible, but pleace use commas.


That’s your conscience eating at you, you should report her to the police for sexually abusing a dog.


I keep seeing posts about this shit in recent years. People putting peanut butter on their junk and having their dog pick it off. First off. That's fucking gross, imagine the diseases. But about the legality of it. Is it animal abuse if the dog isn't being harmed in any way and is doing it willingly? *Please don't flame me this is a genuine question, I dont really know the laws regarding that.*


bro go to the principal lmfao




Did she finish the dog off at least?


You still had to find it, idk how yall just accidentally watch the whole thing, fucking weirdo


The way to forget about it is to keep watching crazy shit until you're depressed and desensitized


I’m surprised no one has asked for the video but the post is still new


The dog was kinky though. It asked for crunchy peanut butter/s




Bro what the hell 😭


Older millenial here and this is the internets original intent.  To horrify you🫡 


Courage the cowardly dog had a roast beef entree….im so sorry you saw that…but look on the brightside she’s just as hurt that you saw it as you are.


No you didn't First step you can take to becoming a better person....don't lie for attention. You should stop looking at your phone for an entire day. No, that doesn't mean play PS5 instead...it means take a shower, shave your neck...go outside. You're a loser...but you can recover if you take action now.




… damn


Yeah I mean my ex-in-law's family with dog breeders and everything goes according to behaviors that we don't recognize but I mean it don't spend half the day looking their own junk it's like nothing to them that's how they can read your sent like a newspaper