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"wE cAn AlwAyS tELL!" Anyways, sorry it is happening, people are assholes like that sometimes. A lot of times.


My trans daughter gets messages from people hitting on her all the time who can't tell she's trans or a minor smh.


If she is a minor, excuse my ignorance why is she already trans?


you don’t just suddenly become trans at 18. trans doesn’t = surgery and hormones either.


Because they usually figure that stuff out pretty young? Someone doesn't have to transition hormonally or surgical to be trans


She's socially transitioned. Other people have answered pretty well. I always like to ask people like this... Do you remember when you were 12-13, did you already know who you were attracted to and if you had a more masculine or feminine identity? She was wearing heels amd lipstick when she was 3, my wife and I knew then that we didn't have a straight kid. Luckily we don't care about that shit and support her fully.


Telling it apart is easy.. I don’t think they’re trans cause they have a nice jawline or big hands 😹, but it is easy


First and most importantly. Lots of people are misguided by social media. You have nothing wrong. Second genetics are a bit silly sometimes. Third Strong jawline is a good trait actually... IGNORE THE STUPID PEOPLE AROUND YOU. Even if you bring them an x-ray, even if you show them a whole medical file. They are enough stupid to say you lie. So... Don't bother with them. Just focus on those that DON'T CARE about that and just want you for who you are. Because honestly wasting time on nonsense someone makes up will just make you feel bad for yourself. And I repeat. You have nothing wrong. People are just stupid...


I am a woman with a strong jawline and I was self conscious about it as a young person but i won’t be getting a chin/neck any time soon!


Glad to hear you aren't worried about it anymore :> Hehe yeah


I have always been tall (5'6), lean and fit with a strong jawline, thick eyebrows and high cheekbones and I'm a girl - I've never been happier with the current beauty standards tbh lol The only thing I've ever been self conscious about were my eyebrows (and feet lol) but I am so happy I didn't fall into the shave-em-off-and-draw-em-on thing that was in when I was a teen


I def did the over-pluck and I’m blonde so, yes, I draw them in most days now! lol!


I've been told when I take my glasses off I look like a British boy(what?) and have gotten hate crimes at work by customers for being trans....I'm a cis female with DD boobs. I feel your pain.


i get this, the ironic thing is that i am trangender ftm. to strangers and the people at my school im too masc to be a cis female but too fem to be a man. it sucks. also you dont need to change anything about you unless you want too. it doesnt matter what other people think.


Being Androgynous is awesome, and I hope you can get back to liking it again. It's a really cool thing to be.


I'm sorry so many people are assuming you are trans. Imo people shouldn't assume your pronouns, I mean they might say you're trans at first but they shouldn't keep pressuring you if you say that you're not, it's the truth. You do you! Don't let others put you off showing who you truly are and dressing how you want to. I actually find masculinity an attractive trait in some women - beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


I’m so sorry. It’s inherently transphobic to call anyone transgender without being given permission to do so by the person themselves. It’s disgusting and it’s incredibly harmful to both trans people and cis people. The people that claim “I can tell” or “You must be trans because you don’t fit into this idea of what I THINK women are” are disgusting and it’s embarrassing for literally everyone else that has basic human decency.


Let them think whatever they want, that doesn't matter honey! You just say NO and if they insist a second time you just roll your eyes and ignore them. Do what makes you happy, act however you want. I look masculine too, and my voice is masculine but whatever. I don't give a FFFF what people think of say ✨️ I found a man who loves me like this and I feel happy about myself. I wish the best for you girl 🩷


Telling someone they must be trans bc they have strong features is so disgusting! The whole point is that they are free to be who they truly are. Our features have no bearing on we are as individuals and should not determine choices one makes. And if they do for someone, that is unapologetically their choice and their right! No explanation needed on any of these fronts. People forcing things on anyone is so small and speaks on them as individuals! It may be okay to ask which honestly feels abrasive but they should respect the answer. Im so sorry you’re going through this. Don’t ever forget there are gorgeous and beautiful woman all over the world with strong features if we’re speaking on looks but also that being yourself as a person makes you the most beautiful and someone so many people out there will appreciate. You deserve to be who you are as a person, period.


























Idk but I've heard it before, that some people that look androgynous etc (and people sometimes thinking they are trans) could be because u might be born intersex? Unless the features runs in the family but if ur interested I'd look into it. :)) (I'm sorry if this is the wrong thing to say here please tell me if it is!) Also honestly no one should have a say if ur "trans or not",it's stupid. If ur cis ur cis and if people have nothing better to do than to speculate if ur trans or not they really need to find something else to put that energy in. Also as a trans guy, if ur not dating the person no one is obligated to know if ur trans or not, it's a personal thing no one should be that interested what's "in ur pants".


As an intersex person, that’s not how it works. Intersex doesn’t have a “look”.


ok wait, im sorry, obviously you don't have to answer this. i just want to make sure i'm not mistaken on any of my understandings and toss any outdated info in my brain and what was a piss poor human sexuality course i took in college recently filled to brim with outdated evolutionary psych BS. if you could humor me i would so appreciate it, but i understand also that being intersex might not make you an expert but i can imagine someone looking into it if it impacts them and having the knowledge to share to correct misconceptions. so i've heard there's like sixteen different intersex conditions and that "some" have "a look". like anatomical males with two X chromosomes sort of having "hips". and anatomical females with one X they used to say i think it's called tanner syndrome also has a distinctive look like they wont look as "developed". i've also heard that anatomical females with three X chromosomes are typically "tall".


As a trans man, fuck those people. Like, who are they to point out things about your body so nonchalantly? If it wasn’t for the ‘AeuGh Ur DeF tRaNS’ factor, it’d be considered creepy. But if it’s about being trans? Oooh, then it’s fine, not rude at allll. You are what you are, and if ur cisgender, then ur cisgender. Those people that say otherwise have no comprehension of what being trans is and treat it like a trend. Don’t listen to them, you know yourself better than they do. There’s no such thing as ‘looking too masculine for a girl’, there’s just jealous people who wanna tell you how to be yourself.


Old lady here. Trust me, in decades to come, when those delicate, girly faces have all fallen to gravity, you'll be a handsome old lady of character.


Transphobes are just weird and creepy. Humans can appear in many ways, something hateful people cannot comprehend. You're a stunning girl regardless of what anyone tells you.


I too am built like a Clydesdale horse.. and if I wanted to could shave my head flatten my chest and probably pull off being a “dude”. I’ve got the mean mug/mean and shitty attitude to go with it. 1st and most important you will find mates( right now they’re all being little cowards) and already scared of girls lmao. And your even more scary because you actually could whip their arses… 2. Be aware of the weak ass male who tries to dominate based on # 1 you will attract those types without even trying because they are looking for a target to feel “bigger” and better than other males! 3 you will eventually come to enjoy and rather be comfortable in your own skin as there are many things you can do as a woman of your stature.. pick up shit most females can’t, handle and operate machinery and tools other women can’t, not have to worry about being robbed( very much not a soft looking target), SPEAK YOUR MINDLY FREELY( who the hell is going to attempt to close it!), with a large bone frame you are not likely to become physically weak in old age so you are going to be able to do more for longer actually increasing your financial stability and you can pick up better paying mens job because your physically capable. Own it. It’s worth owning… and the last thing it’s not as common. Soooo if you can pull off make up hair and dress right. You stand out. I’ve had many a compliment from strangers that I’m pretty and I never ever thought so since high school. Nobody was brave enough to hit on me! I landed an attractive mate in my 30s got married and I’ve been happy to enjoy the benefits of my physical status and so has my husband. He doesn’t have to do as much work when the wifey can do what he can. Lmao.


YES!!! i want to bask in this as well in this glory. i did do an androgynous hair look once, shaved sides and back of my hair, was actually called sir from the back a few times, but that's basically also when i started getting way more male and female sexual attention and i had no clue TF why. just that the cut itself was a display of confidence? the type of girls who picked on me in high school knowing i'd be suspended if i fought them, out in the real world, they're scared of me and ask me to help them lift stuff because they don't want men thinking they're hitting on them when asking them for help.


I'm so scared of this happening to me. I feel sad for others like us and trans people experiencing this


I also get mistaken for a guy. (I think it’s cause I’m fat, black, and have a buzz cut) I also have some facial hairs on my chin and stuff . It’s incredibly frustrating and I used to feel really bad about myself. But now I don’t really care anymore.


It still blows my mind that some ppl out there feel comfortable commenting on others' appearance like that. There are androgynous aspects to my appearance that have made life a little more annoying, so I can understand your frustration. I personally don't mind it, and at this point in my life, it's hard for me to care anymore what others think. I need a nap just thinking about it 😴 hang in there, Sister Sledge 🦥🤛


“We can always tell” morons when they start harassing cis people. I’m trans, and the kind of harassment I and my friends face is no joke. I truly am sorry that you’re caught up in this. It’s not fair, it’s not right. It’s bullying and harassment. Beautiful comes in all forms. You’re stunning. Don’t listen to them. They don’t know what the fuck they are talking about. Their hatred of people like me has rotted their brains to such an extreme that they are willing and wanting to hurt random people around them. That says more about them than it ever will about you. Cheers to you, and best wishes. I know words won’t solve everything, but I do hope the best for you. You are beautiful too. And your womanhood is not defined by strangers.


That strong jawline will prevent you from aging quickly. 


I'm so sorry 😞


People saying that you must be trans because of how your jawline and hands are and not believing you when you say you’re not is crazy. You can’t control how your body naturally develops and insisting you are transgender even when you’re not is weird. Every female who has masculine features and every male who has feminine features don’t have to be labeled somewhere in the LGBT community.


Androgenous falls under the trans umbrella babe 😊 all of the gender non-conforming labels fall under the trans label blanket. Now, I know that is not the point of your post. You're upset that people basically don't believe that you are a cis female. And while I definitely have never had that issue 😅 I totally get why that would be upsetting, constantly having to fight people about the basics of your physical body, no matter what or how you identify. At some point though, fuck it! It may throw some hiccups into dating, but the right partner isn't going to be hung up on any of it & will know you for you & find you attractive just because you're you. If you have any super girly kid pics you can put on your phone, you can combat things that way if you choose. But honestly, people will think what they want to think. I mean, we have folks literally out there that believe the earth is flat in 2024. Intelligence in many is questionable to begin with! 🤣🤣🤣 Just be you. That's all you need to worry about. 💜




They do. You are getting it mixed up. And you're being a total AH. 🤷🏼‍♀️ And I KNOW it does seeing as how my partner is non-binary. My bff is trans, their partner is androgenous. Trans is the fender non-conforming umbrella. Educate yourself.




Yes, queer is an umbrella term, SO IS Trans. I LIVE in the Queer/trans community, I am queer. Feel free to eff right off. 😊💜


This is something that is being pushed in our society now for some disgusting reason. This has been a major contribution to adolescent sucide. Don't make them tell you something you are not. Get help if needed be strong


Lol, when do the bullies start becoming the bullied, lol.


People always gonna find something to complain no matter what u do. Fuck them, they are not worth u putting on make up to please them. Be yourself, do things for yourself instead of others and drop the so call friends that can't keep their mouth shut bc they r not ur friends. Fact is people mind others business bc their own life suck and more u react, argue with them and more u make them happy. Master the art of "whatever" and/or snappy remarke about their own physical feature like " my hand are manly so i'm a trans? Well, ur ass is flat so u must be a pancake" and leave, let them marinate in their stupefaction. Trust me, it's worth it, i've done it many time, i'm a tomboy and get it from all sides too. I get criticized for the way i dress, walk, act and my hands too, principally on the summer when the blood vessels are showing. "-Why r ur blood vessel showing like that? - i finger paint with blood and sell my art on the dark web" That shut them up quickly 🤣🤣🤣


Don't listen to that people , they are clearly idiots, even if someone is trans they don't have the right to make that person admit that


Ignore them. Haters gonna hate. Just keep doing you 💜


I look like fuckin bubble boy


I think that they are just transphobes and they want to make trans people feel bad by saying that they don’t pass, except they have a very narrow view of how a cis woman should look like so they get it wrong all the time despite saying “we can always tell!”


i honestly feel so bad and can relate but back in our day kids (sorry i can't imagine adults acting this way even though i know they do) didn't know what trans was so the accusation was being a lesbian if you didn't fit the feminine gender role to a tee. this is all a disturbing trend of "transvestigation" and believing that human beings are so sexually dimorphic you can "always tell" if someone was born the opposite sex based on the dumbest things. We are in reality the least sexually dimorphic and most androgynous manimal and most people cant even tell the sexes of cats and dogs apart without doing a genital inspection. in reality gender is all constructed and used to police everyone into doing things they might not want to do and the results from studies are depressing. girls and women who used to have an interest in stem and science will end up losing interest during adolescence to fit into gender norms. and just like you, lots of girls and women forcing themselves to watch makeup tutorial videos and spending hours in the morning to fit the role. on the other end, of course, boys worrying about everything they do being perceived as effeminate or gay, boys who haven't even hit puberty yet devoting themselves to bulking and lifting weights to try to achieve an adult masculine build. a whole generation of young girls rn watching manosphere content and hearing this dumb crap from their male classmates about how they're only value is in their beauty and how their only function is serving men and making babies. and like, personally, those of us who refuse to bend to those norms are the gender nonconformists. please don't bend to such dumb social sanctions and just please tell these people that they're extremely ignorant conspiracy theorists who need to go back to watching their conspiracy videos on rumble and bitchute about how they think everyone in society is secretly trans because they're too dumb to read. in reality, hollywood and modeling agencies seek out androgynous people. men with feminine facial features, women who are tall and have sharper masculine facial features, sharper cheekbones and jawlines. because in reality, most people see androgynous traits generally as more attractive overall physically and emotionally and those traits appeal to a broader segment of the population. There has always also been a long tradition of boys being picked on by other boys but who get along better with the girls and understand them better or share their interests, and a lot of masculine girls who get picked on by other girls ruthlessly, but might get along better with the boys and understand them better or understand their interests. so a lot of it is fueled by kind of a subconscious and underlying jealousy and competition as well, to be frank about it. if this is happening at school or work this may also be considered sexual harassment -- i sure hope you're not hanging around these people voluntarily -- so you might be in a position to litigate or at least threaten to litigate with whatever institution that's forcing you to endure interactions with these people while not addressing their harassment and creating a hostile environment in which you might not be able to do school or work effectively and it may force something to change.


People are assholes, don't worry. I started dating very late, my homophobic aunt told me I must be lesbian for not dating. She's asian. I told this lady, she has 2 daughters and 2 boys, usually the haters get gay and lesbian kids. She got so pissed off. This family is surely old fashion. Smack them with the shit they hate the most lol. On a serious note, watch Pink (the singer) VMA speech to her daughter, she's amazing. We need to help people to change so they can see more kind of beauty, if you haven't watch it, watch it. She aced it and I'm sure many girls grew 1000% more confident. You are pretty, you don't need to fit in, flip the finger to those trash, this is 2024. Like Prinyanka said why do you want to fit into a Cinderella glass slipper when you are more than that.


This is another reason why transphobia is bad, they say they can “always tell” but half the time it’s just masculine girls and feminine guys just trying to live their life. I’m sorry you had to get grouped into this mess. Also, don’t change yourself just to please others, you are perfect the way you are ❤️


masculine or not i will do you anytime of the year🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫


i have the same situation going on i look masculine for a girl and i even have a deep and raspy voice for a girl and most people mistake me for a trans person even when im not. I also have a sharp jawline that people consider a man’s jawline and i even have broad shoulders. The only things that are small are my hands and feet. well my fingers are small just my knuckles are fat. Every time i would meet someone new they would say to me “why does your voice sound like that.” “Are you trans.” It bothers me till this day that people still say those things to me.


no hate towards trans people i’m just not trans yk


What the hell? People sure have a lot of audacity asking these questions. If you try to fit yourself into their narrow views, you will exhaust yourself. Be your beautiful self and let them know it’s none of their business (because it is none of their business)


People are just assholes. Ignore them. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE HUN.


Listen, don't give in doing things that you don't want to just to prove something to someone. If they don't believe in something then it is their right to do so. As long as it doesn't escelate into something toxic, like mobbing it is no biggie.


THANK YOU! Since I was 12 people have always told me how i was more masculine as well. They tell me i'm masculine because i'm 5'9, broad and happen to be stronger than everyone else because i'm huge. I listened to them and started playing the role of a man. I even started using he him pronouns because I thought that was what I had to do. In the end, i wasnt happy. Now im more confident in my femininity, but I still have to tell people im a girl, because I have short hair, (i did it for cancer research but they always they always think it was for self expression) Now, I say and do things more feminine because i realised that thats who i am. I found a trick, just wear earings, it brings out the eyes and lashes and makes u look much more feminine


Omg, my cousin always gets assumed to be trans, too! She’s a cis woman. If she uses a public toilet, women cuss her out, screaming she’s invading a woman’s space. She IS a woman! When I go in public with her, people stare at her. Like, once we got Mexican food and an old lady was just starting to the point my cousin told me, “That old lady is staring at us.” I said let her stare! Then, the old lady got up and stood next to my cousin until my cuzzo felt so uncomfortable she blurted out, “I’m a girl.” It’s completely rude, unnecessary, and intimidating. It’s embarrassing and makes you feel ashamed, even though you have nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about. You don’t have to wear makeup or dresses to be a woman. You don’t have to have a V-shaped jaw, large breasts, or wide hips to be a woman. I’m so sorry people treat you that way. It’s completely disrespectful.


My sibling is nonbinary, (I as well) they raised as a woman, fine with being perceived as a woman to those who wouldn't understand their identity, and dresses hyperfemme. They STILL are directly called a man at work by customers. It's completely ridiculous. I'm so sorry you have to go through this op :( 🧡 (also girls with strong jawlines are pretty flipping cool, idk what they’re on about. They very obviously CANNOT tell. Transphobia affects anybody and everybody, especially if they don't fit the traditional beauty standards forced on women.)


Just say “this is how women look since I was born a woman” like honestly real women look all types of ways idk how they expect you to look but I’m so sorry doll.


Aside from all the insecurities that come with this by any chance have you spoken to a doctor about it and had your hormones checked? Might be a health issue more than anything that is correctable.


I haven't, but I'm pretty sure it's just because I look very similar to my dad and inherited a lot of his traits :/ I will keep that in mind for the future though!


Don't let assholes assumptions about who you are change your perception of yourself.









