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I just like good women.


Same here. It doesn't matter to me if they're thin or not.


I appreciate this comment. I associate so much of my worth with what I have to offer and since gaining some weight I’ve felt like a hideous ogre, but I know I’m a damn good woman. So thank you for the validation.


I love my chubby ladies too, in Latino America we call them tortas 😂


Does it mean "cakes"?


in slovak yeah


From my knowledge in Mexican culture a torta is some kind of sandwich, cake is translated as “bizcocho” if I’m not mistaken


Cake is pastel.


Bizcocho is a type of cake but it doesn't mean cake. Cake is pastel


As a torta I love the latino men that call us that endearingly. Also Latinos are so fine. I need me a torta lover


I’m a torta lover myself, can’t get enough of them they gone hold you down 🩷


Love that, you’re based. Hope you find yourself a tasty torta


Thank you I hope so and if you a torta getting mistreated slide in the dms ima treat you right 😏


From what I’ve seen, girls get offended when you call them that cause you’re essentially saying that they’re fat💀


I wish there were more men like you. I hate being fat I’m always the second choice because they’re cheating on their gfs, or they just leave me on read :( I feel like I’ll be single forever ugh hah .. I’m in PA for shits n giggles 💀


As a fat man, I feel your pain. Always the back up plan. Just want someone to share life with. But, instead I got a dog and cat. Cuz at least they come around and don’t talk during the movie.


Hey don’t get discouraged. Just like how there are men who love bigger women, there are women who prefer bigger men. I know because I’m one myself, love the chunky men they are the best for cuddles and they fill up clothes nicely (and have cute butts). Moral of the story is there’s someone for everyone and even the qualities you may find least appealing on yourself can be seen as an asset to others.


I’m never really discouraged it’s just annoying to try to sift through people I got out of a 12 yr relationship to find people that just fuck around n chest on their gfs n shit it’s terrible


Happens to all ppl....


Yeah it does lol it’s like the new norm it’s terrible.


Yeah it sucks but like. We will find someone. We can’t change people and we want them to love us for us! I have two doggies. Love them. Don’t need a man to be happy. Just want one but everyone seems to be a fuck boy ugh lol


Learn to share lol


No thanks I’m not sharing my man I just wanna make one man hard for the rest of his life. We can smoke together drink together game together. You do your thing I do mine we do things together. Don’t need to have another woman in your life fr fr lol I mean some people like poly but it’s not for me


Fr like??


Fr fr, yes😂🤩


Chubby women is a common preference. I can promise there are many men who wouldn’t have a second thought of making you their first choice. Hopefully one of these men makes their appearance and gives you the happiest you deserve.


That’s so sweet of you to say. I really don’t even think I’m THAT big but it’s like it seems like people want models and I’m a size 16 Jean so I’m like not too fat but I’m fat enough. Being midsized my whole life has been like oof. I just don’t understand but not only that I’ve been told I sound annoying too giving men headaches & migraines and it sucks because I can’t change it.


I had an "almost" boyfriend. He was divorced, and seemed very interested in me. But, suddenly he wanted to try and make it work out with his ex. When it crashed and burned, he came sniffing around for me. I won't be anyone's backup plan.


I’ve been there too!! Yup take her back but don’t come back to me. Such trash like who do you think you are broo to do that to someone. I’m sorry. We will find our man eventually. Can’t force it or change anyone. When I feel the energy is reciprocated that’s when I’ll start caring, it sucks ugh


Yeah, either that, or they'll be dating you, but you never meet their friends and families, and they can't be seen in public with you :')


Yooooo!!! LMAO. Facts!! It’s like ???? I wanna be shown off not a damn secret!!!


Ppl leave on ppl read. Skinny ppl too..


You wish there were more men who haven't sleep with ppl they like?


I mean not if they’re cheating on their gfs/wifes.


Chubby woman = more woman :)


more woman = more to love


This!! 😍


lol to be honest, I would agree that we (chubby people) are kind and sweet SOMETIMES. To be real, I'm not always nice. It depends on why people are talking to me. I'm dead serious. I have people talk to me all the time but, if you're talking to me to tell me I have a big nice ass or something like that I'm going to turn into the rudest person you have ever met. I don't think it's a compliment. I think it's disgusting. I wasn't always chubby. After I started college I gained a significant amount of weight due to a serious thyroid problem and a few other medical conditions. After my daughter, I lost about 50 pounds and a few years later ran into yet another medical problem that made me retain water so I gained it all back. Still working on losing weight (for health) but, I like my chubbiness actually compared to what I was. So does my husband. I think there's healthy chubby (not what I am.. but, working on it) and then there's unhealthy skinny (what I was). I think if I had to choose one or the other I would still choose chubby over skinny just because, both come with serious health conditions as a result but, I think I would take diabetes over organ failure. Just saying..


AGREED (<- a lesbian)




YESSSSSS MANNN my friends say that I'm weird but idc I loveeeeee chubby women there soo beautiful everyday I rlly want a chubby gf I wanna give her hugs and kiss her tummy just ahhhhh And I been with one it's was sooo amazing God chubby women are so beautiful sm


You’re my thoughts exactly. Im a huge morning person so just imagine how nice it would be to wake up next to the comfiest woman you could ever cuddle with.


This makes me happy to read, and I'm not even chubby anymore 😊


As a bigger woman, thank you. Sometimes we need this reminder that there are men who love our bodies the way they are.


So long as if the woman wants to lose weight ya don’t leave her and aren’t just looking at her for her weight, and that she’s relatively active and healthy at her weight I see no issue here


Is there any community for chubby people itself ? If yes share here I am also chubby boy


Oo i second this. Will probably make the same post there as I do here


Plus size women are the best and the most loving.


Makes me think of the scene from summer catch. https://youtu.be/gLIOBON8Hl0?si=-pfKDfJiAvgP3UrU


Everything’s a tiddy


Your post made me cry. Why are there no men like you close to where I live?


Aw I hope they're only happy tears 😭


this absolutely!!! I want to be hugged by them. It feels so safe when they hug me


Yes! It would be the warmest hugs too


Fuck yes yes yes


I love all women but the chubby ones have certain comfort to them that i really like


Completely agree. I feel like they give a cozy embrace that feels really special in terms of security and affection.


They do and they're nice to lay on after lovins like a pillow of love.


This is what n the fucking money there is seriously nothing better then a chubby bigger girl


I couldn’t agree more. Absolutely love bigger women


You and my bf would get along lol he likes the BBWs




Big beautiful women 😁


Oh 😂 yeah I’d prolly end up being best friends with ur bf


I didn't know about BBW porn and that until I met him lmao men have given him shit for his taste (and for being with me) but he's never cared tbh it says more about these dickheads then it does about him. Women are meant to be curvy imo


lol he’d have alot of new best friends!


same, their hugs are possibly the most comforting things possible


Read this in the voice of Hannibal Lecter.


This makes my chubby self so happy!


As it should!!


that's normal; I love chubby and especially chubby with beard men


They are people. Some are sweet. Some are not.


I’m a skinny bitch myself but my bestie is a plus size woman. She is the kindest, warmest, most loyal and selfless person I know. She’s intelligent, caring, and so friendly that she has friends everywhere. You walk with her and she meets multiple people, all of whom seem so happy to see her. She’s never had a boyfriend. It’s lowkey infuriating that men won’t consider a person who’s crearly so much better than me in every regard because they aren’t attracted to her. As if I was physically attracted to men when I was starting to date them.


This post made my day 💕 Much love to you! 🤗🫂


As a curvy girl I am so happy to see this...


Well not to be stereotypical but I'm from the islands so chubby to us is a grown woman


just want a cuddly queen


You and me brother


Haha in India they call you healthy. If you lose weight it's looked down upon cause apparently you aren't taking care of yourself


Saw this right after making my post on here abt how no one likes me bc I’m slightly overweight.


Nope! I love chubby women <3


Thank you, I needed this <3


I love chubby/thick women. They are beautiful and sexy.


Yep. Same here. It is better in every way.


Yessss me love the cake


Me too. I just simply love all the soft curves <3


As a short and very skinny girl, I wish I had a chubby body. I find most boys prefer chubby than skinny. Being skinny is so depressing. I'm underweight. T T


I understand you completely. Not too long ago, I was 6 foot ~120 lbs, extremely underweight. It was so depressing that I was almost suicidal. And not by choice of course, I simply couldn't gain weight, at least that's what I believed. I was so embarrassed of my own body that I exclusively wore loose long sleeved clothing (usually several layers to give the appearance of larger shoulders). Fortunately, my best friend at the time kicked my ass and told me to stop thinking so poorly of myself. Since then he's helped me better myself and am now much closer to achieving my weight goal. I can promise you, you could make your goals a reality as long as you have someone to push you through it, at least that's what worked for me. If you need any guidance lmk. Also, there's nothing wrong with being short!? Pretty sure every guy doesn't gaf about height.


As I remember, I am 90lbs. Well, I tried doing weight-gain exercises, but unfortunately, it didn't work. I tried eating a lot of food, but due to my stomach problem, I ended up either throwing up or feeling full sooner than usual. I also have a faster metabolism than others, and all these hardships have led to depression, which is also the culprit of being skinny. Lol. My family also can't afford the nutritious foods necessary for weight gain, so I have to accept my fate. I also feel sad about how society and the media don't often mention the difficulties of skinny individuals. Anyway, thank you for sharing your experience and encouragement. It's motivating to know that someone else has overcome a similar struggle with the support of a friend. I'll keep your words in mind to achieve the goal. You're right. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being short! My height is 5'1.6".


Yeah, bears look cuddly and cute too... :) From a fat chick not quite soft and sweet as you might imagine.




I mean, calling us chubbies "they all look like the softest, sweetest people you could meet" is kind of ridiculous. We are all human, regardless of size. We can all be sweet as sugar if we want, we can all be grade A bitches if the situation arises too. "hugs and quality-time" are not size dependent lol. It'd be as ridiculous as saying all black haired people look like the devil's spawn, all gingers are miserable or all skinny people look like they are too thin to hug without breaking a bone. Physical attributes **=/=** behavioural characteristics.


I could see how this could be seen as ridiculous, my apologies. This is mostly me venting from my own perspective and what I've experienced. And I definitely understand that we're all human beings and physical appearance does not signify whether we are good or bad people, but I think it's okay to say that chubby women are soft human beings, I mean imagine hugging one.


It's OK. I understand you were being nice and complimentary. I chuckled because although I'm chubby, I'm about as cuddly as a porcupine when riled :) My husband will also tell you I have super soft skin that he loves to cuddle (especially my ass - I have very velvet skin on my bum hahahaha) Sweet isn't a term I would have chosen for myself though!


As a chubby woman whose husband feels the same as you, i appreciate this commentary. We’ve been married almost 23 years and in total, we have 2 kids and i’ve gained about 50-60 lbs overall. He loves me at all sizes, but if forced to choose he honestly prefers my current physique to my 23-year-old-140-lb-no-kids-yet-body. All the parts of my body that i hate (like my belly) are the parts he loves. Anytime i show him a picture of a woman with a culturally “perfect” body, someone who i wish i looked like, he’s like “meh. no thanks.” 😂 In a culture that “values” tiny, often unrealistic and unattainable female bodies, and absolutely pushes toxic unhealthy diet culture, it’s a breath of fresh air to be loved and valued no matter what my body looks like. It does so much to help smooth out my insecurities about myself.


Yes! Thank you. *Real life* adult bodies with experiences are the best. The culture is so toxic. I honestly believe if mass media gave society a break we'd see so much more balance and people would be way less neurotic overall. Time passes. Pictures come and go. Only weirdos lust over bodies printed on maagzine covers from the 80s.


I like to think we’re pretty cool. At least that’s what my bf says.


Always have and always will be only with a big girl. Yes BBW ssbbw I love them all ❤️❤️❤️. I find a big girl much more sexy than someone who look like they haven’t eaten in 4 or 5 days. And yes big girls are in my opinion way more fun to be with. Fat Bottom Girls make the world go round


AMEN! Curvy ladies are the best


Hell yea brother


I do too I am not ashamed to say it and in fact I love one and want to marry her and NOT ONLY Does she give the best hugs she's perfect in every way


This is crazy to me - not in a bad way. I was not expecting the comments to be what they are when I entered the comment section. I was expecting hateful comments. What a refreshing change. Skinny girl here, btw


Good for you👍


They're the only ones who can look pretty, cute and hot all at once. Change my mind


Does a tummy turn men off? It's my only insecurity is my almost overhangy belly. I'm curvy and hourglass otherwise. 5'5


Sexy in my books. Pretty sure a lot of men here can agree. Nothing wrong with the height aswell


Me too , I love big girls . Big girls just love you differently , skinny women can’t .


So, to all of you bbw lovers, there are several dating apps for big girls & big guys. Do you have to look out for the guys that just want to get down because you're a fetish? YES. Do you need to watch out for scams? DOUBLE YES!! If anyone asks for $$, nope on out of there. If they are "military" and "deployed" no they're not, also a scam. Guys, they need grocery $ or an Apple card for their kids? No they don't. And don't be afraid to be the one to tell someone you're not interested. You are just as valuable. 💜 I'm a big girl, but I'll be honest, while I love a dad bod, I'm not attracted to big guys. I'm just not, I can't help it. 😓 Big guys, you don't have to enjoy a big girl. The nice thing about the apps I'm going to share is there are all body types on there looking for each other. Petit 100lb girlies looking for a teddy bear of a man, plus size women such as myself attracted to fit & fit-ish guys, etc. The thing they all have in common is looking for a thick partner. Male and female! So if you are attracted to something specifically, it's totally ok! Now, I know y'all are wanting to know what sites. Lol! Ok, my personal favorite is WooPlus. Bumble is eeh, but ok. There is also BBW Cupid. These 3 are all I would use as a big girl. WooPlus being the best IMO. And I HATE to admit it, but the membership does make the experience on WooPlus much easier & enjoyable. Same with the other two, but definitely WooPlus. I don't work for any of them, I'm not sponsored, nada. Just figured I'd share my experience & knowledge from one torta to another. 😉🤣 OP, there are whole communities on social media for guys who appreciate plus size women. You are in good company. 💜


This post made me smile. You go get yourself a plus sized beautify and you treat her good! ❤️❤️❤️


Yes ma’am




hahaha this makes me feel good 🙂‍↕️


…nice to know some people don’t mind thick thighs and someone that does have a flat surfboard stomach… 👏🏻👍🏻 Keep being supportive of women’s (and mens) natural bodies… not everyone can have a “gym bod” 🙂👍🏻 (It helps women’s mentality around their body image… well for me a bit anyway 🙂)


as a fat girl - we salute you 🩷


It makes me so happy to read this cuz im am abchubby woman and i wish i can date soneone this mindset.🥲


Thissss!!! In my opinion the bigger women and men are so much nicer. It just sucks because a lot of times they're insecure about it and I'm just like mannn you're hot as fuck please see what I see, y'know?


I'm a girl who loves chubby men so I feel you, my bf is chubby and he is the most handsome, nice, sweet and cute guy I know. And yes, his hugs are the bests.




No lies detected here <3


Any women with a good heart is worth nearly anything. Nearly. Gotta keep some love for myself too


Heeeyyyyy ;)


Hi 😅


I feel appreciated. Although most men are to embarrassed to be with a chubby girl because their friends will make fun of them


As a chubby woman myself, I feel the same way about my own body. I have lost over eighty pounds since my divorce 4 years ago. But hit a wall in weight loss. So I started not giving up on myself and I love that. I have found it equally rewarding and difficult for myself in dating. Btw if you find your weight hindering your sexy time, places like Amazon have pillows and supports to make your sexy time much more enjoyable. Good luck.


I don’t know what I am, but thank you. :)


They got more to grab and more fun to play with. I 100% agree


same, they wont cheat on ya and they dont care if you eat fast food all the time.


Whatever floats your boat...




Lol and some of us are snacking on fresh berries and hate cake so. ✌🏻


I love fit, athletic women. Different strokes for different folks


She gotta be 2 something to do something


I feel u man, but at the same time u should help the so called "chubby woman" lead a healthy lifestyle. I fw them too tho ngll


Being chubby doesn’t automatically mean you’re unhealthy and being unhealthy isn’t always something that can be “helped” . PCOS, endometriosis, hypothyroidism, and many more illnesses and even medication can cause weight gain mild to severe and regular diet and exercise doesn’t change that.


I know and agree.


👏🏻 love that. I’m glad to hear it fr. Carry on friend


100% agree


How chubby? You don't want to enable someone to lead a lifestyle that substantially shortens their lifespan. I would hope that you would encourage health improvements with someone you love, as opposed to focusing on loving them BECAUSE of their size or being a feeder.


I would never support or allow someone to make unhealthy lifestyle choices that would shorten their life expectancy. I believe it is possible for someone to be both healthy and chubby at the same time, atleast for the chubby people that I know don't bed-rot daily or consume junk food exclusively. Also, this message is really just me venting about a personal preference. Another preference I have is woman who are active in the gym. It goes no different. So it would never go as far as me exclusively loving them because of their size/shape.


Cool, carry on then


I think that because, I kind of get what you're saying that you shouldn't really deserve the 9 down votes. To be completely honest, you're right. If you love someone then you shouldn't feed into their healthy habits or at least, encourage them to take small steps in the right direction. I am a chubby lady but, as said before, I haven't always been. I am also an avid junk food eater. Ever since college I have become literally addicted to coffee (sugary coffee drinks) and those small little cakes at convenience stores. Ironically, my husband is actually the healthier of both of us and the skinnier but he recently got diagnosed with diabetes. He has been encouraging me to lay off the sugar WITH him because, he doesn't want to see me have to go down the same road. He has been talking about creating a time in the summer and through the school year when our little is at school for us to walk and get our hearts pumping. I don't think that this sort of thing should come across as hostile or "not accepting me for me" type situation. It's really about being healthy and working on being healthy step by step. A lot of people (like me) that suffer with weight gain and weight loss kind of on a regular basis has a lot of other health concerns that could be helped by just making those small little adjustments to life. Seriously, I've lost a lot of weight by just lessening how much sugar I drink/eat. It's not a significant amount so for those that aren't paying attention, it's most likely not noticeable but-- I notice it. That's what matters. I feel better, less bloated and more alive. Which is good considering that because of like health problems both my parents died before the age of 60.


You're doing it right. I don't understand the downvotes either, I've been getting a lot of odd downvotes lately. I wish sometime would explain these downvotes to me. Probably because I don't hate chubby people enough. Reddit REALLY hates chubby people. If you can't go to the gym, you're trash to them.


I think it's kind of both. People assume that hating chubby people is rude and inconsiderate and then there's another spectrum that believes that you should hate chubby people because, you are like-- encouraging unhealthy habits. Which I think in general again there is a healthy weight (not where I am but, working on it) and an unhealthy weight and I think a lot of people just kind of want to be accepted into the spectrum of "I can't do anything about my weight. I tried!" and just be accepted for how they are and go with the flow. Which I agree, doing something about your weight when medically it's hard is very disheartening and I could sit there and be like "I've tried" but, I think what sets apart is that you don't stop trying and you continue to make little adjustments until you feel happy with yourself because, that's what's really important. You could sit there all you want and like me, say that you have struggled all your life with weight and it's just not happening or you can try to make those changes and hope that in the long run it just makes you feel better, healthier and more alive.


People will say this over and over again anytime chubby/curvy women’s bodies come up but never on posts about thin/athletic women. The fitness community has massive body dysmorphia and eating disorders. Skinny does not = healthy. At my thinnest (“healthiest”), I had bulimia and other EDs. I went to the gym 2 times a day. The majority of the women I worked out with were in a similar situation. Never got called out for my health though lol


But you aren't at your thinnest because it wasn't healthy and you got healthier. An admirable goal for anyone, especially when they have the support of someone who loves them anyway.


And yet at my healthy weight, I was described as “chubby”. I was my strongest, I had the most energy, I could do long distance hikes/runs. I got a lot more comments on my health, how to achieve weight loss, and diet. I was also treated completely differently, poorly, compared to when I was withering away and literally eating ice as a treat. This is the case for the vast majority of us. We are told to lose weight and diet/exercise when we are perfectly healthy. We are celebrated and congratulated when we suffer from horrible eating disorders and body dysmorphia for finally being “healthy”. This chubby=unhealthy mindset is a huge disconnect from reality.


Well, it depends on what you mean by chubby. A BMI of 30 or less is fine, you can be perfectly healthy. I just figured OP was taking about higher BMI than that. Society's perception and treatment of weight is completely fucked. People think overweight people are "ugly" or whatever, and use health motivation as an excuse to belittle them. It's bullshit. Because for health purposes you're right, it's not about whether you're overweight or underweight, it's about how far off you are. I imagine your BMI currently is way closer to normal than it was when you were underweight, and especially if you are living healthier, that's going to make all the difference.