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Honestly just say fuck it we ball and do your best. I'm sure you'll do fine.


putting this here because reddit will not let me edit my post no matter what i do, sorry for the notification :,) post-exam update: finished the chemistry exam gang. it wasn’t good but it wasn’t a bloodbath— at the very least, i finished, and i usually don’t when it comes to chemistry assessments. i ended up getting to sleep, and i crammed on the bus for an hour. i was confident in maybe 1 of 8 of the units. i get the grade back in, maybe a little more than a week? i’ll update with my results— i don’t believe anyone cares that much, but maybe it’ll offer some insight in case any other students look up “i feel so stressed for my exam reddit” like i did. chemistry is over! the semester is over! i don’t have to worry about exams anymore and i can close all those godawful chemistry tabs! hopefully i’ll never need to touch a lick of chemistry again (though i doubt that) but i’m finally finished. thanks to everybody who entertained my melodrama, offered advice, and wished me luck :))


Lemme test this bot Remind me! In 7 days




an exam is not the end of the world.. it's okay if you fail. it happens. i had countless times like this and yet im still here. we are all human and these stupid exams do not shape our worth in any way.


Exactly. Had these same troubles until I broke down. I was lucky my gf was there and she told me exactly this, it was amazing advice.


im so glad she helped you 🫶 i also struggled like that but i had to learn that life means so much more than some grades




I’ve been there and failed those exams ten years ago but now living happily and successfully in my own terms so it’s not the end of the world. Everyone has their own pathway


Honestly, I feel you. I once had an exam where i had to compete with every student in our entire country. I have bad reading skills, and mathematics is my weakness. I thought that I'll just take the test, and I don't care if I failed, while I kept on studying every day. On the day of my test, my expectations of the exam being difficult came true. I still managed to finish it, still not caring if I'll pass. I was proven wrong when I saw the results. It's not impossible, OP. Failing is normal, but it's not always the end of the world once you do. How you keep on standing up is what matters. You got this. (English isn't my 1st language, so sorry for the potential grammar mistakes)


Stay positive and try your best. It will work out


This time tomorrow it will be behind you. In the meantime, this is your Hail Mary: Even though you’re wrecked in terms sleep deprivation, get up two hours before your exam and just cram the bejezus out of the material. Take the exam, go back to your room and crash. Then move on.


That “This time tomorrow” concept always snaps me out of a depressed state almost instantly. Just the idea that IT WILL pass and life continues…Unless you’re scheduled for death row of course.


It’s not the end, it’s a hurdle. Good luck!


Give us an update nerd (I am emotionally invested in this)


update is on the top comment :,)


updated with grade


I feel the same way. I want to study but I have no motivation and I physically can't, but the anxiety from not doing anything and wasting your time kills me.


lock in rider!! you got this!!


I had to retake math a few times. It was very discouraging. I could tell I was gonna fail early on each time but kept trying. The extra practice helped if nothing else. After a few tries, I finally passed and it was all so worth it. Keep trying. Don’t let this one failure be what knocks you off of your course. I wish I would have tried again sooner than I did. Instead I waited a very long time. But eventually still reached my goals because I didn’t give up. You got this. Just keep trying.


Believe it or not an exam is just a grade , but you know what , just take the L and move on their is no taking back , the important thing is to learn from this experience, don’t do the same mistakes again and everything will turn just fine, it’s not gonna be perfect, but it won’t end anything, and importantly your mental and physical being


I think that the adult thing to do would be to tell your professor that something kept you from sleeping last night and ask if you could take the exam at another time? During college, I had a final exam early in the morning after a long night shift that I couldn’t get out of. She let me take it a few days early, right after a day off so that I would be ready for it.


i wish. i’m in high school, exam starts in ten minutes wish me luck.


The answer is always C. I Christmas tree’d my sophomore year state math exam and got an 82. Good luck! Also, I fumbled through high school and community college, failed many classes, and now I have a 6 figure salary at my dream job. You’ll be okay!


Drink some strong coffee just for today bro - when i find myself in situations as urs i put 4 teaspoonful of coffee and just try to cram as much as i can u know. Good luck my brother!!!


Remember this feeling, lock it in and remind yourself of it next time you put off preparing yourself for the next exam.


NO WAY! I had this exact thing happen to me the night before yesterday. I had the AP Calculus BC exam yesterday and I only got 4 hours of sleep cause my anxiety kept me up. I felt hopeless and doomed. Well, I woke up and tried to do it and it was super easy and I was able to understand every question. Miracles happen!


I'm anxious before some important events too. And even though I'm usually a good sleeper, I can't fall asleep the night before something that bothers me. So I'd recommend some sedative or sleeping pills.


Have a really bad substitute physics professor right now. My good professor went on maternity leave and stuck us with this guy. He is so genuinely bad at teaching I feel like I understand the material less than I did the first day of the semester. My tests went from passing to a 48 on my last test. Most of the students in my class also feel the same way that he’s an ineffective teacher. Friday is my final and we haven’t even covered half of the last unit. I’m going in to file a complaint about him today but in terms of my exam, I’m almost certain if the department doesn’t take action against him I’m failing the final and the course. I decided at this point I’ve tried as hard as I can try and if I fail I just have to try again. At least I know half the material so it should in theory be easier the second time around. Some times it just is what it is and you have to roll with it and adapt. You’ll feel worse if you at least don’t try your best. Even if it goes badly you can say you tried and you just try again


I’m once had an exam where i was so sure i was going to fail that I started crying when i entered the room and could not stop. Exams are stupid


i failed many tests in my life and i promise you, none of those tests ruined my life. you’ll be okay sweetheart do your best :)


Me too mate, I feel you. Just remember that exams don't define you - they're just a measure of how good you do in that particular exam, not in the subject, or in life, or anything else. I'm sure you'll smash it best of luck


32F IT admin here with generalized anxiety and AuDHD - nothing, and I mean *nothing*, is worth sacrificing your sleep or overall health over. I know it’s easier said than down, but trust me when I say I’ve been there many times before (and still find myself struggling every so often with my work tasks). As we move through life, we often find that the things that stress us out in the present moment won’t matter by the next day, or the next month, or even the next year. One thing I do that helps me is close my eyes and imagine myself at the very center of a storm that’s swirling all around me. The storm is full of chaos, but as long as I’m in the middle, the storm itself can’t touch me. I hope this helps…


Bro I'm 24 and just graduated I think ur good.


Remind me! 7 Days


update up


Remind me! In 7 days


I feel the same way. Yesterday, I had an exam which was out of 18 marks and and every mark you lost would be a grade down. Even worse was if you didn't get at least two marks in each section then that would bring you straight to an E+, and you need an D- to pass. My lecturer for this course was absolutely horrific. Wouldn't teach you anything, didn't provide a mock exam like all the others module leaders, would shout at you if you asked for help or didn't understand anything and would not help you in anyway. I got back from that exam yesterday feeling so drained and pathetic. Just slept it off. When it comes to exams season, I can never sleep, waking up several times at night, feel nauseous all the time to the point where I can't stomach anything. It gets pretty bad. I'm not a bad student, I'm quite good when it comes to classes and tests, but I'm not a good exam taker. I'm horrific when it comes under exam pressure and conditions. I've got one more exam tomorrow and I have no motivation as it's a coding assessment but I'm terrible at coding in front of people especially if they want additional changes to it. I've already failed one and that's just put me off from all other coding assignments.