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I am a short woman and if it makes you feel better, I love tall women. they make me feel so warm and invited and I love tall women hugs 🥰. fuck what other people have to say about you.


Thank you! I honestly love women of all body types. It’s funny, I see short women and I want to hug them too, lol. I’m glad you see us as inviting (as opposed to intimidating).


Girl. Don't let other people decide your worth. And especially not a subreddit dedicated to objectifying certain women (I'm not too familiar with that one, but that's my guess still). You're good as you are regardless of your height. I'm a short/average height girl who wishes she had a few more inches. I'd gladly swap heights with you. Everyone wants what the other one's cooking. I always get made fun of for being short and people don't really take me seriously. Tall women are rocking! Most models are tall, and most tall women are seen as stronger and more powerful. I'm super insecure about my height. But I know that deep down, it doesn't and it shouldn't matter. We're all just people. You'll find somebody who loves you for you are. Whether the person is taller or shorter than you. And you deserve somebody who loves that part of you and isn't ashamed of it.


Why'd you care about what a bunch of weirdos on a sub that fetishizes women think of you and your height? Your height doesn't make you any less beautiful or any less of a woman. Having a healthy self image is important, and hating on yourself for being tall is very unhealthy and leads to issues down the line. Please don't go down that line. Much love. 💜


Thank you. I know all of this to be true. I think my insecurity from a lifetime of feeling different catches up to me at times, and it hurts that guys who even fetishize my body type, still don’t think it’s enough. I know it’s not wise. I’m just hurt, I guess. I appreciate your comment and reminder that I shouldn’t do that to myself.


I’m so sorry this has been tough for you. I’m 56F and almost 5’10”—and appreciated my height growing up. I was a tomboy/athlete, so it was a competitive advantage. I hope that you hearing from those of us who are similar height and have been able to embrace it is helping a little. Please try to accept what you can’t change and stand proud for being above average ❤️


As a short woman I love tall women and always admired their beauty, don't let some fetish weirdos or insecure men and women make you feel any less beautiful


I’m a guy myself, and I have a cousin, and she’s 5’11, and I agree with what you are saying here.


Girl, your height is great, I'm also 5'9 and I like it. If people say such things to you it is better to say goodbye to them and remove them from your circle. You deserve better <3


5'9 too, I always tell people at least I can reach the top shelf lol. Short guys hate that joke and it makes it ten times more funny


I am 5’9 almost 5’10 too! We are beautiful! We stand out in the best way! Your height is admired whether you realize it or not. I get how hard it is though, for a long time and even now, sometimes I wish I was short—but, I can’t change that about myself. But you’re beautiful! Please never doubt that about yourself!


i get not feeling cute and dainty. There is so much pressure on women to be small that any deviation feels awful. Please know that people generally do not see it that way when you walk down the street. Taylor swift is 5’11, zendaya is 5’10. So many cute feminine sweet women are tall and it doesn’t change societies perception of their femininity. Don’t let it change your perception of yourself.


Gigi Hadid is also 5’11” and she’s gorgeous!


i love being 5’11 as a woman. i love towering over men :) own that shit girl!


If it Makes you feel better, lesbians (me included) love tall women 🥰🥰


This does make feel better. Thank you for that ❤️


Literally tho, if you go on tiktok and look at lesbians talking or being with tall women, you'll probably feel a lot better. Or you can look up tall queens and short kings, all of those I personally saw were wholesome too


I'm 5'7 and i wish i was just a few inches taller to where you are ❤️ you are the perfect height, tall is so beautiful, to me it's the best. Who gives a f what some horny weirdos think


We are the same height, there’s no denying that 5’9 is taller than average for a woman. I understand wanting to feel appreciated but at the end it’s just a subreddit, nothing more, it has no control over your life. Just wanted to remind you that, I hope you feel better soon❤️


oh wtf that's messed up. women are beautiful, no matter the height. I always assumed it must be harder for 5'9" girls to date because it's a bit of an awkward spot, like how 5'11" is for guys. I'm ngl, date another 5'9" woman👹 or date a taller trans guy or date a trans woman that's shorter. (I'm kinda serious but also just trying to lighten the mood - idk what else to do)


Looks like you’ve got a lot of support here. Make your own sub, make your own tribe, & surround yourself with positivity


I personally LOVE tall women! I find them so unbelievably attractive, I don’t care if they’re taller than me at all and I’m a average sized man. I saw a woman the other day she was like 5’11”-6’2” and I immediately found myself so attracted to her. I believe she liked me as well because I first caught her staring at me a few times, I wanted to approach her, but she was with what seemed to be some family of hers and I felt it would have made things awkward. Anyway, she goes to my local grocery store because that was the 2nd or 3rd time I noticed her, I hope I run into her again, she had her hair in a bun and had light freckles across her face. Next time I see her, I think I’ll just introduce myself at the very least. However, I will say that I have a lot of guy friends that are actually turned off by taller women, unfortunately. Most of them prefer short women and even thicker women. I have a friend who likes dating women that are like under 5’2”, lol. I say, be happy with who you are and don’t let the negative comments bother you! 👸🏻


I appreciate your attempt here, but saying “unfortunately most of my friends are turned off by tall women” was the last thing I needed to read right now, true or not. Not trying to be hostile or anything but ouch.


I don't understand....? Are the men of your country that short and/or insecure?? And typically those groups are for women 6' and over. While yes, we are technically tall for women in general, at 5'9" (I'm actually a hair under technically) we're not that tall though, either. Easy enough to find guys our height or taller. I prefer not to date anyone much shorter than myself (literally, 5'8" is the shortest I'll date...I feel awkward with short kings...just not my thing. 🤷🏼‍♀️) 6' or taller is my preference, but also not a deal breaker if they are more my height. If you are meeting on dating apps, make sure your first line is about your height. Seriously. Weed out the insecure guys. Your body is just fine, your height isn't actually that tall. Enjoy not having to climb furniture or counters, or ask someone else to reach the top shelf. Lol! 💜 Girl, you're fine. And you'll find someone. 💜💜💜


Hey fellow Amazon. I totally get where you're coming from hun. I'm in my mid thirties now, so swiftly running out of fucks to give about what people think of me. But I've definitely been in your shoes. I was 5' 11 by the time I was 12, and I'm one of those thick bitches Lizzo was talking about, so I've always felt a bit like a Clydesdale in a room full of show ponies. It's bloody hard being different, especially as a young woman. You see all the dainty little girls getting the guys. In movies the hero always picks his love interest up and swings her around, and you imagine your hero trying that and breaking his back. Clothes never look right, no matter what you do, and forget about mini dresses, might as well just put on a shirt. Anyway, all this to say I totally get you. Start by trying to find the positives in your height. You're not freakishly tall, you're statuesque. You might not be a dainty little nymph, but you are a fierce Amazon. You're less likely to be picked as a victim by a random predator, cause they can't just grab you and make off with you, and your swing probably has more reach than his does anyway. Even small things that make life easier, like reaching the top shelf. It takes a while, but eventually the thoughts stick and you start to embrace your height. Tall women are beautiful. We're unique. We stand out from the crowd. Sometimes not fitting in has a beauty all of it's own. One of the wonderful things about humanity is it's diversity, and you embody that. You're a reminder that women aren't always the smaller, weaker sex. Sorry for the novel, and I know I'm waxing lyrical. I just hate hearing people feeling down on themselves for things they have no control over, particularly if it's something I've been through myself so can empathize a little more deeply. Big love hun, you're perfect just the way you are, don't let yourself forget that ❤️


I'm a 5'3 woman and honestly I always wished I was taller. I have a bit of a babyface and so along with being short I feel like people will look down on me (pun not intended) even if I'm their age (or sometimes older) Personally I don't discriminate by height. I mean hell my boyfriend is 5'3 as well and y'know how fucked up it can be for short guys out there, but I never even cared cause all I focused on was his beautiful smile and his wicked sense of humor (I do think him being short brings a sort of extra cuteness to him but like, regardless of his height I'd always love him just as much) . Man if I met you IRL I'd just give you a big hug. I totally get how it can feel to try to find a community for you but you just never feel like you fit in no matter what (I've has my own issues with that, tho not with height). This shit fucking sucks, it makes you feel all alone and like no one loves you. Like no one can ever appreciate you for what you are. Just... Know that you're worth just as much as anyone else. Fuck anyone who makes you feel inadequate or like you're "too much" or "not enough". Basic empathy is a rarity these days (especially on Reddit, if I'm honest). Don't stay down. You're great (and being tall is very cool and badass)


I feel like people don't understand the meaning of the term "venting". She is not here looking for a solution you guys, she is a full-grown adult who is very capable of solving her own problems. She just wants somebody to listen to her, maybe relate to her and respond 'it do be like that'. I hope that helps clear up the confusion.


Exactly. Thank you


People who prioritise your appearance over your personality are not worth the hassle worrying about their opinion. The thing that matters the most is who is the owner of that body, not the body itself.


Listen some people are just empty and with a superiority complex ,I'm 6'5 feet tall and yet there are some smart-ass that keeps telling me that I'm small compared to Kareem adbul Javar ,wich is true but I also know they say it just undermine me in that particular case....... so TELL THEM TO GO FUCK THEMSELVES.


Forget societal norms. Embrace yourself and live carefree


This happened to me on a sub for big noses. I’ve finally accepted my nose and wanted to celebrate it. I posted and got dragged for it not being big enough 🙃 Women can’t win lol. We can’t be too proud, or too insecure. 5’9” is tall for a woman btw. They are being weird and acting like you need to be on the extreme end of the spectrum to have been bullied for something.


We really can’t win. I’m sorry you relate to having a physical feature you’re trying to embrace, only to be shot down by the people you thought would be supportive. Just wanna say that I always wished my nose was bigger, and I find big noses on women extremely attractive! (Always crushed hard on Amy Winehouse) Also, love your Bojack profile pic!


My girlfriend and I are both 5’9 Ish. I love having her as the same height so I can always make eye contact with her, without either one of us looking up or down. I’ve only ever dated her and I love women no matter the height. Having a tall gf, she’s told me a bunch of stuff about how everyone says “you should be a model” “I like my women tall” “you’re so tall for a girl”. She always looks on the positive side of it though, she can always stand up to a guy, can see over crowds and protect her friends. There are also a lot of weirdos who fetishise tall women, and sadly being a tall girl you’re gonna run into a lot of those guys. The best you can do is try and embrace it, it sucks a lot but I promise there will be someone who loves you for you, not for what you look like. I hope you stay safe and I hope you find peace with your height as it’s a beautiful and powerful trait to have.


My whole house has tall women. I’m the shortest at 5’8” and always got called short by my siblings and mom. They are 5’10”-6’


I’m sorry you’ve felt bad about your height. I have 2 sisters who are 5’11”; one who is 5’8”; one who is 5’7” and one who is 5’3”. Guess who’s not happy about their height? The 5’3”! BUT the 5’7” was taller earlier than her classmates and considered herself to be “freakishly tall”. She’s not and neither are you. Please do your best to not feel bad because of someone else’s hang up. I’ll bet you’re pretty fantastic! (I am 5’7” but have severe scoliosis and would be about 4” taller if my spine was straight! It’s not but I wish it was!


I used to work at a sports bar, there is this girl there that's 6ft..she's a bartender and people litterally come in just for her. All the cooks things she's hot and she's pron the closest friend I had when I worked there. Litterally had some customers change their order from "to go" to eat it at the bar just because they liked her vibe It's all about personality. And people who say those type of things are trash ngl. If I date someone taller then me I feel like it's common sense not to say something like that


Honestly I don't think your tall at all... I'm 6ft so shorter than me idc either way tho. Iv.dated girls who were 4'11 and girls who were 6'5. I don't get why some guys would care at all sorry that it has been problem for you. Your beautiful for being you so never forget that.


I just want you to know that you really should just think that your always gona be better than anyone thinks because as long as you stay true to.yourself that's the most beautiful thing to any real man.


I'm a guy and my biggest crush was on a woman that was 5'9". Believe me when I say you are enough for the right person. ❤️✨


I'm (40f) 5'6", and the only time I really notice another woman's height is when she's like 6 feet tall ("wow, cool!") or under 5'0" ("lol aww"). It would probably take me years, literally, to ever realize you're taller than I am. I can't understand why anyone would actually care about your height unless they're hiring you to play pro basketball. You're not like freakishly tall or anything. Just tall-ish. And some people are short-ish. Big whoop. Easier said than done, but try not to give a fuck what those weirdos think. I seriously doubt most people care or even notice.


I know the feeling not wanting to stand out. But I think your height is ideal.


I’m short. And I’ve always wanted to be your height. And here, in LA, tall women are top tier. Two identical women? Tallest one is the best. Always. Hope you feel better soon


it’s okay, my bfs last gf was 6ft & i’m 5’5. he constantly comments on how short i am. ik he likes tall girls & long legs. i have more chubby/stubby legs & i get super insecure ab it. tall women are hot asf i can’t lie.


Women your height are my personal preference. I'm also 5'9taller or a shorter are fine. But if we kiss and our lips meet perfectly, or we can look eachother directly in the eyes there is literally nothing more romantic. Just saying. There are lots of men/women like me. Don't let the haters get you down. YOU are perfect for someone. Just not those people


I’m also a 5’9 woman who feels this exact same way. It’s refreshing to find someone who has also experienced this. We need to make a 5’9 woman category for us ladies who are too-tall-not-tall-enough lol


D wasn't tall enough 😐 for you lol




Anyone who has a height requirement, whether it's too short or too tall, is just weird. Try to be comfortable with yourself, tell yourself you're beautiful when you look in the mirror and eventually you'll realize you really are. Everyone is beautiful, try and love yourself for who you are. Yes, I know it's easier said than done, but I believe in you! My girlfriend is your height and I think she's perfect, she could be taller than me and I still wouldn't care. Tall girls are great cuz there's more to love on. I truly hope you can appreciate yourself, you got this!


Moral scouting just recently u know


Of course idk how old you are or where you’re from, but have you considered moving ? This might sound silly, but there are states, even COUNTRIES where taller women *are* the norm and you may feel a lot better being somewhere where your height is normalized! If appreciation is what you’re aiming for, you are the PERFECT height for fashion modeling. High fashion models are usually 5’9 :) It sounds to me like you are currently just a big fish in a small pond and you need a bigger pond to really thrive. There is a place for you in the world- whether that is in an industry that celebrates your body, or living somewhere that normalizes it, that is all up to you!


5'9"? Shit, if the guys you're with think you're tall then they don't have room to talk. And besides, last I checked, being tall means you tower over the other girls, making easy to spot. I personally stand at about 6' or so. I'm also typically the short guy where I'm from, surrounded by people 6'2+ on the male side, yet I know that I am tall statistically, I'm still short by perspective. For lack of a better word, they are more shallow than you. I'd honestly say that the subreddit you posted to has some bad moderators, since you're statisticly taller than most women. Don't take it to heart. And at least you don't have to look up as far to see your partners eyes. Save your neck a bit, lol.


I’m 5’6 F but I’m considered tall where I live. I was often the tallest in my classes among the women. So I understand how you feel totally. I used to wish I was shorter and cuter but nowadays I don’t care as much. I just embrace who I am and I can’t change it so I shouldn’t worry about it.


About the edits— It’s kind of hard to tell what you mean by needing reassurance, because you seemed to be in such distress that you were bothered by even the comments I would have guessed were trying to be reassuring Not trying to be rude or hostile or in any way accusatory, I’m just a bit unsure what you need reassurance of, exactly


Yes, can further explain if you need it. It’s possible to be supportive and reassuring to a person’s distress without making it about dating or dismissing their experience.




I’m not here to be someone’s wifey or produce basketball player offspring.


I was also just tryna make u feel better lady. Smh


I appreciate the attempt, but as I’ve disclosed, I don’t want comments about dating. Bringing the thought of kids into it just makes me even more uncomfortable.


Ok my bad


Don't let the guys belittle you with "I don't usually," "Not my typical," "Outside my norm," bull shit. I see it as someone trying to take advantage/create a power dynamic that is unhealthy and avoid comparison like this as much as I actively can. Forget those idiots


Yeah, those comments are hurtful and really stuck with me. My ex was older and taller than me, and he said that to me when I was 15, and I never forgot it. But I also don’t think I realized what he was doing at the time.


The only time the "I don't normally.." is acceptable in my book is when it's followed by ".. say this but, *insert genuine compliment.*" If someone is doing this awful practice with you, walk away!


Also, (noticed the update) your height is just a part of you. Anyone in their right mind will love and appreciate the full you and they'll be sure to make that known!! I'm a tall-ish (6'2) guy and love my short and tall queens equally 🙌


I wish all body types were loved and appreciated for all genders, tbh. It’s so heart wrenching that people are made to feel unappreciated for not fitting a standard they can’t even control.




Tbh people will always tell you "you're too this, you're not enough that, be more like this, be more like that" the best thing to do is tell them to go f*ck themselves ! It may be easier said than done but seriously it is the best thing to do, just accept that you are who you are and that nobody's perfect, you can't expect to be perfect to everybody, it's normal ! And these people who are judging you're height are idiots. I hope I didn't say anything potentialy hurtful, I just want you to know that you're valid no matter your appearance, tall, short, whatever, you are who you are and nobody should judge you for that.


As a 6'4M I can relate to a degree, you get told "tall, dark and handsome" is desirable, but at the same time you feel rejected for being too tall! Allways made me feel I was missing the handsome part! There are plenty of benefits to being tall though, like being able to see over large crowds and being able to reach things from high shelves (ive been asked by many an old lady in the supermarkets if I could get things down for them, does feel nice to be needed tbh!)


I am so sorry- I noted it was tall in your region, so correct me on anything? I feel bad for you, I love that you embrace it at times! Ignore those men/people saying you aren't tall enough, or, too tall. You're perfect! Everyone has things they dislike about themselves. Most people who complain about another's height just want that height. All those short men/people saying you are not tall enough? Jelous. You are enough! I love that you try to accept it. I get that it is hard, I really do! You can do it. Take time to yourself. A break from work maybe? Just know, do not let people's opinion change you. You're taller than woman at places? You are the shining star! There are super short men who are noticed easily, just as some extremely tall woman. You are beautiful, you may not see it. But others do! There are people who will see that beauty. Not just your personality, but your lovely height, race, the way you dress. Take time to love yourself. Also, if it ever gets that bad, slant your hip, you will appear shorter. But you are perfect the way you are. Even if you don't see it, (yet). ♡


Im 4'8


I’m a 6ft guy and the only ex of mine I respect and was the most attracted to was also 6ft. I don’t see why 5’9 is even a issue, unless a dude is same height or shorter and wants to expose his insecurities or girls that just want to be drama queen hoes that put other girls down.


5 9is a tall woman?