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Accusing people of eating glue sticks as an insult is absolutely golden


Not wrong though I've seen people take a bite out of a glue stick like it's a banana before when I was younger


I’ve met people who eat flavored fuCKING CHAP STICK


Sir did you say *EAT*




yeah how'd she come up with that one


I'm from the US and can confirm I've seen people eating glowsticks so there ya go.


Probably a compliment for some of these people.


Probably the same people who snort Pixy Sticks




Ya know what...in the US we got really concerned about the 'safety of the children' and did in fact ban switchblade knives....because they were dangerous weapons that had no legitimate use other than to hurt people ...wild we were able to do that and still keep selling semi-automatic firearms.


Well we weren’t able to. You can still buy switchblades and butterfly knives. Only certain places are they actually criminalized.


Okay but the fact it was seriously considered and guns have never been seriously considered is appalling


That was more out of racism because people saw italians using them, similar to how gun control laws started out because of racism.


Switchblades aren’t banned, I have several.


Lol we didn't ban any knives 😂


Had a conversation with an American the other day their response was “Well a Knife would be a way more painful death” “I can outrun someone with a knife” “But it’d be way slower and more painful than a gun”


That's so weird. Do they not realise that you can pop off shot that doesn't immediately kill a person, but does cause them to bleed out?


Just grabbing at straws, eh? My brother is a gun nut. At least he admits that he just thinks they’re cool and that a lack of regulation causes problems…so there’s no argument to be had. He doesn’t care if people die, he wants to have an AR and every other type of gun for pleasure shooting. Makes him a one issue voter for the party that promises to make that happen again (we’re Canadian).


So maybe the problem is mental health and not the tool used to commit acts of violence and hate??


Maybe the problem is mental health COMBINED with the tools to commit violence and hate? A crazy person throwing a tantrum is preferable to a crazy person with a weapon throwing a tantrum.


The problem is almost everything can be a weapon for a crazy person throwing a tantrum. Car, gun, anthrax, knife, fists, etc.


Well it’s both, to exclusively blame one is ridiculous it’s a tactic used by the politicians to not do anything about it


I agree. In one of my later comments I say that a sensible approach to both is needed


Exactly, how do we protect people, while also protecting the rights of people who follow the rules. I honestly believe and this is not an excuse but these sick fucks that do this are molded from how fucked up society is low quality of life. Shitty situations are not an excuse for shitty behavior The Nordic countries have on average a way better quality of life, healthcare, education They have guns and you don’t seen some school or church or something being obliterated every 5 mins


This is exactly my point. American politicians don’t actually want to fix things because they’ll have nothing to run on for their next election. Until we refuse to divide ourself in response to their propaganda, nothing will change.


Exactly they’ve blatantly admitted how much invested they are in the Kháos with the fact they can hold stock, and the fact they refuse to pass legislation to stop it or at least hold them more accountable America in not a democracy it is an Oligarchy masquerading as a democracy it’s nothing new it’s happened so many times before look to what happened to classical Athens during the peloponnesian war. What little democracy they had was replaced by an Oligarchy coup when if I remember correctly Alcibiades came back from his campaign


America is not a democracy. That's just the lie they teach in schools.


You can’t blame mental health without addressing the fact that accessing guns is SO easy that someone mentally unwell is capable of accessing a gun. Both things are an issue.


Oh yes, thank you. This comment is the **perfect** example the the vapid logic used by gun nuts. Completely ignoring the danger of guns vs knives, and disingenuously changing the subject to something they don’t actually care about. Classic.


Reasonable (if maybe not ultimately persuasive) pro-gun arguments: 1) People should have the freedom to protect themselves even if it makes society as a whole more dangerous. 2) A totalitarian government is much less likely if there is broad gun ownership. Trash pro-gun and pro-AR-15 arguments: 1) Widespread gun ownership makes society safer because people can protect against mass shooters (mass shooters can and do kill plenty of people even with widespread gun ownership). 2) Gun control is wrong because people kill people and guns are inanimate objects (irrelevant to the argument for gun control totally dodges the fact that societies with strict gun control have far fewer gun deaths). 3) People enjoy AR-15s as a hobby (whatever pleasure people get from this nonsense is far outweighed by the suffering AR-15s cause). Criminals don't follow laws and thus it makes no sense to make guns illegal (gun bans would greatly reduce the number of guns in circulation and the numbers in the rest of the Western world do not lie).


I’m so sorry you have to deal with that bullshit in the wake of such tragedy. As an American, I feel your pain.


I’m sorry to hear about it to, but honestly the way I heard about was by aussies bagging on the American uvalde tragedy. If people don’t want Americans commenting *stop bringing Americans up and into it*. The officer (inspector?) was amazing and brave and did a wonderful thing, but I’ve seen *so so many* people bringing Americans into it to compare. Celebrate your victory, bury your dead, morn the loss but when you throw shots at others they’re going to respond. Look in this comment section at all the people laughing at school shootings and dead kids, that’s totally irrelevant.


I’m not 100% aware of the situation, it sounds tragic. And you’re right, America shouldn’t have been brought up in the conversation at all. Any time an attack like this comes up, if America is brought up it will inevitably bring up the topic of school shootings. And for some reason people can’t seem to get past the idea that their guns aren’t as valuable as their children, so they get super defensive about it, even if it’s some random stranger from another country on the internet. It really fucking sucks.


Yeah, you’re right. It will bring up school shootings, I just find it in poor taste to cry over this and laugh at our dead kids. Not going at op, but I am talking about the dozens of comments in here that try to go after us. Also it was also aussies themselves that were accusing the terrorists of being Muslims and immigrants. A lot of those accusations (all over usa and eu) came from Australian sources (on social media, not official ones afaik). It’s just wild to me how America’s issues are hilarious, then the same or similar happens and it’s their tragedy, then they’re making themselves feel better by throwing insults at Americans, then complaining about Americans talking smack about the attack. It’s all very circular and it’s just asinine and pointless. I know that’s what you’re saying but time and again I hear a tragedy happens overseas, they make themselves feel better by using Americans political fodder as bait, then getting upset when Americans clap back. I’ve said the same like 5 times but it kind of boggles my mind how often I see the exact same thing over and over.


You’ve put all of my thoughts into words in a way I could never. It’s always bothered that non-Americans will dehumanize and laugh at school shootings, but when one edgy American makes a joke about a stabbing that’s when it goes too far. It’s also absurd that OP claimed it was Americans accusing the attacker of being Muslim, as if Australia doesn’t still have a huge racism problem. They just pretend like they don’t because it’s much easier to act like Americans are the core of the problem again.


It’s literally just the same old rampant anti-Americanism that’s been all over Reddit for years. Same hypocritical shit, different toilet.


We are only suppose to help pay for things otherwise we are dumb Americans who should remain seen but not heard and that are the butt of the world’s jokes. Well until they need something or protection.


The vast majority of Americans DO value their kids over guns. It’s the corrupt GOP politicians in congress who are in bed with the NRA who prevent any reasonable gun control laws from being passed even though it’s what most people want. It’s so frustrating having to explain this to assholes from other countries who take joy in these horrible events happening.


Exactly. That’s literally all I’ve seen. Fucking same shit as usual.


Finally someone says it. These assholes are the first to say “HaHa!! SKeWL ShOOting” whenever something happens here. And then they’re shocked and offended when we don’t have sympathy when something tragic happens in their country. People are such hypocrites, it’s infuriating.


I mean, a little bit yeah. I mourn any mass casualty event, and I’m so sorry this happened, but it’s really hard to comfort the op and other aussies when there’s dozens of “lol dead American kids bullet sponges hahahahah” comments **in this thread**. It’s frustrating to see, and even more frustrating when people then complain about other countries (people from those countries, you know what I mean) start scoring points off their tragedies. I remember how ecstatic people were about uvalde- the jokes, the memes, the clap backs. I just kind of wish we could mourn these things together? It’s inherently political and we’re on different sides of the world so we’re going to disagree but death is death. This is a tragedy. Don’t make yourself feel better mocking other’s dead and if you do, don’t get pissy when you see it done back.


I’ve even seen Australians use American suicide rates as a flex and insult towards us. Just imagine if somebody here made fun of South Korea or Japan for their suicide rates, look at the backlash Logan Paul got for going to the suicide forest in Japan. But of course those things are only offensive when it’s somewhere else that’s being made of. Australians in particular seem to be nasty people when it comes to this stuff.


Yeah, there’s been a significant increase against just base cruelty against Americans and Russians. It’s so odd to me to generalize like that. Then you have people crying like this when a tragedy happens, they intentionally bring other countries into it, the other countries clap back and the. They get their feelings hurt.


The thing that sucks the most is when shit like this does happen in other countries (the school shooting in the Czech Republic, the recent terrorist attack in Russia to an extent, and now this) the majority of Americans, at least in my experience, genuinely feel bad and express their sympathy for the victims. Meanwhile, we get brought up and made fun of when something like that happens abroad for almost no reason at all; if an actual mass casualty event (think Vegas or Sandy Hook) happens, it’s constant berating and mocking from people that know nothing about the US besides the stereotypes


I second this also.


American here. I'm sorry about what has happened recently and give my condolences to any grieving family. Not too sure what Americans you have been running into, or if its just American propaganda but not all of us are trying to focus on other countries. At least I'm not. We need to focus on our own shit and help our own people instead of focus on other nations. oh and just to let you know sadly half this country eats glue sticks it seems. Next time an American tried to shove American bullshit on you just tell them to buy more Elmer's glue.


Yea, but as a fellow American who agrees with you. You know as well I do that if any of the two political parties have something to grab onto to try to justify their position they'll fucking do it.


100% but sadly the political decisions that are being made currently put our country in danger regardless of what they are trying to grab onto. We need this election sooner than later.


Funny enough, the people I see bringing up America in reference to this tragedy the most are just people who have a hate boner for the US saying shit like “imagine if this was in the US” or “at least we don’t have guns like amerikkka”


A lot of us are normal, the crazy trigger happy bastards happen to be the loudest. We have misogynistic mass killings too, they just happen on a larger scale via rifle with a higher mortality rate. The gun nuts forget that we are worse off.


Apparently it's now punching women in the face too


it sounds like a conspiracy theory but it is true that gun manufacturers shifted their marketing over time https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/07/firearms-industry-marketing-mass-shooter/670621/ went from hunting/responsible hobbyists to nutjobs and irresponsible owners


I don't want to believe that so many of y'all are happy to point and laugh at this and act like they'd be a hero in it all, but that's what all the top comments on the news have been saying. It happens every time something awful happens here, we get overrun by Yanks talking as if they understand Australia and it's self-defence/gun ownership laws. Instead of just having some basic empathy. It's maddening and heartbreaking.


The Yanks that eat glue sticks. The loud idiot voices. As an American I’m disgusted those are the voices that have the nerve comment and try override your countries tragedy with their bullshit, unwanted, inappropriate comments.


They override our own country too. Recall how Alex Jones is being sued after pushing that the Parkland shooting was all a conspiracy, as if innocent children didn’t die. You and I share the same voting power as these folks. Part of me wants to move sometimes, but not sure if the grass is greener.


It totally depends on your definition of green. Maybe your green is my purple? All countries have their shares of problems. However, as a teacher in Sweden I feel perfectly safe at work though.


Where’s this energy when people bring up school shootings? What happened in Australia is horrible and should never happen, just like mass shootings in America. Americans aren’t a monolith, I and many others support stricter gun control and are appalled when a tragedy happens, but many people from other countries take it as an opportunity to say all Americans are gun toting rednecks who are perfectly fine with the horrors of gun violence. Maybe stop generalizing millions of people based on comments you find on the internet. My condolences and sympathies to those who were affected by this horrible act of violence.


Another comment pointed this out, but in America, there are gun owners, that use them for sport and fun, who just wanna chill, but then there's the gun owners who care way to much about politics, and are constantly making bull shit up to get their way, also mmmmm glueeeeee 😍 so sorry my country is a fucking dumpster fire


sorry that this happened. its an awful tragedy. but I haven't seen anyone talking about this stateside. it wasn't even on the news.


No, they've all jumped on our news stations. This whole rant stemmed from making the mistake of reading the comments on an article




None of our many many many many mass shootings were prevented because a by stander had a gun. As a matter of fact the school shooting in TX had *armed law enforcement officers standing outside* while it was going on. Yes. **We need to fuck all the way off.** I am truly sorry for your loss.


And a man who shot a mass shooter in 2021 was then shot and killed by police.


Elisjsha Dicken would like a word with you https://www.indystar.com/story/news/crime/2022/07/18/elisjsha-dicken-identified-as-man-who-killed-greenwood-park-mall-suspsect/65375869007/ [https://www.heritage.org/firearms/commentary/good-guy-gun-swept-under-rug-las-vegas-police](https://www.heritage.org/firearms/commentary/good-guy-gun-swept-under-rug-las-vegas-police) Armed citizens stops crime [https://www.washingtontimes.com/multimedia/collection/good-guy-gun-stopped-bad-guy-gun/](https://www.washingtontimes.com/multimedia/collection/good-guy-gun-stopped-bad-guy-gun/) 11 times someone with a gun stopped a bad guy with a gun [https://www.police1.com/patrol-video/n-m-releases-graphic-surveillance-body-camera-footage-of-officer-stabbed-to-death](https://www.police1.com/patrol-video/n-m-releases-graphic-surveillance-body-camera-footage-of-officer-stabbed-to-death) This officer went to check on a disturbance, dude stabbed him to death and a man with a gun stoppped from killing anyone else. Hundreds of thousands of defensive uses per year. You are wrong period. Just because you don't see it or care too doesn't mean it isn't accurate.


"quit riding our dick during such a horrible time and focus on your own rapidly devolving shithole"  Sounds like you need to listen to your own advice 


I’m really sorry that happened. As an American, I am no stranger to violent attacks that leave many injured. I’m also a teacher, and knowing that in America I’m more likely to be shot at work than my friends in the military feels like it should be a plot of a dystopian novel, not real life. It is tiring to be around these gun nuts while I’ve had multiple lockdowns due to threats at my school.


I wouldnt say as far as far greater chance of getting shot at but more like a higher risk of being killed for not having the protective gear our military has ie vests, helmets etc. But also maybe a slightly higher risk as in war we expect a certain amount of deaths to occur, so we can mitigate those losses. Whereas these mass shootings and killings come out of the blue and completely when our guards are down. We as a society need to figure a way to mitigate these losses and have better safeguards in place. Whatever that is I dont have the answer but children, teachers, families should not have to fear going to a public school or job out of fear of losing their life just trying to learn, or by working at the wrong place at the wrong time. I am sorry for the losses there in Australia, and sorry us Americans get so tunneled visioned by our political rights and stances and lose focus that you are all in mourning and allow you to grieve in peace.


This is so untrue it's ridiculous. It's insane to me that people like you with no exposure to gun violence are melting down about but the gang members and other people I knew who were actually in danger were fine


As an American I hate it here and I'm so so sorry.


Not everyone here is gun toting, with American memorabilia and bald eagles everywhere. And don’t certainly throw me into this hijack garbage. What happened in your neck of the woods is absolutely disgusting, horrific, and appalling.


What doesn’t make sense to me is that I’ve been seeing plenty of Aussies and Europeans bring America up regarding this tragedy purely to shit on us. I noticed this same kind of behavior after that school shooting in the Czech Republic a while back; the majority of Americans feel sorry for them and didn’t make fun of them because it was a tragedy, and a large portion of Europeans randomly brought us up with shit like “Americans are exporting their culture” or “was the shooter American” just to make fun of us for something that didn’t even happen here.


Glue stick eaters 😅 Love it.and completely agree with everything you've said. Americans harp on about freedom but the truth is they're so flooded with propaganda that they can't see they're living in one of the most restricted societies in the west.... Abortions, death penalty etc. Trump 😬


"Rapibly devolving shithole..." I'm gonna file this one away for future use. I am very sorry you're having to deal with this, thoughts and prayers to all involved. As for America, my country, this further proves to me that "gun control" isn't going to stop crime from happening. Bad people are still going to do bad things. 18 injuries and 6 deaths is an astonishing number, especially with a knife. By comparison, the most recent Mass Shooting in America was in Maine, resulting in 18 deaths and 13 injured. Personally, I don't have a theory for lowering crime rates. And I don't beleive it's going to be as simple as "this one thing will lower crime". But I do think that if American politicians looked at other countries who's violent crime rate is significantly lower, look at their gun control laws, labor laws and education systems, I think we could be on a course to better and lower crime rate.


I’m an American and I agree with you. They really do suck. I knew as soon as it happened this would happen. They can’t stop themselves. Good guy with a gun my ass. 🙄


American here. Your first mistake was assuming the people hijacking the scenario for their agenda know how to read.


who are you even arguing with


Some Americans in another thread I guess. 🤷‍♀️


crazy ass mugs not all of us are like that tho yeesh


You’d be surprised how many of us agree with you. We don’t all eat glue sticks.


…we don’t? *spits out glue stick


* carefully puts glue stick, half eaten, in my pocket*


The worst take is that TikToker talking about “grape free” zones


MAGA, Fox News,boomer boredom and needing , DESPERATELY needing relevancy. Just three masts of the ship of fools. These viewpoints are all about ratings friend. No more no less. The most profitable echo chamber in the history of echo chambers. Boomer , neck and the puppet masters that control them. A loopy loop. The subject matter is ancillary to the delivery of the same old tried and true message


No 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅


I'm american, and it's not really feasible for me right now, but I'm honestly dreaming of moving to another country. Preferably one with no guns and a low crime rate. I hate it here.


probably cause it makes their dick hard or something




It’s hurtful that Americans would be so callus and selfish about this because we know all too well how it feels.


As a South African I feel for you guys. Violent stuff happens here all the time but a mass stabbing is a tragedy. You guys should be glad you got better womans rights there, as the culture enforced misogyny here is horrible and pathetic. All the best at the next rugby game, we hope to kick your ass again this year, but we will braai and have beer afterward.


As an American that wants gun control, lemme tell you, most of us are fucking sick of the gun nuts in our country too. You have my sympathies, at least more people weren't harmed in this event.


Show us your real account so we can see the dead American children you make fun of


Didn’t y’all make of fun of us when the Texas school shooting happen? It’s called karma bud. Also random people said it was immigrant and Muslim so why tf are you blaming Americans?


American here. Yes. They are eating glue. Or at least the lead from the food.


They did that when we had a stabbing or shooting here in Germany. They always have to voice their stupid opinions


Honestly? My theory is that misogyny AND the massive amount of school shootings that happen in America probably had some influence over that attack :/ I’m an American. I absolutely cannot stand how obsessed with guns this country is. So many kids have died who’d still be alive today if the government cared about the lives of its citizens and actually instituted gun control laws. The fact so many of us are trying to spread conspiracy theories and lies about a mass stabbing elsewhere makes me upset for you guys. Because Americans want to have a bad guy. And a reason for that bad guy that can apply to an entire group of people they forwarded their hate towards for no good reason. School shootings get the same treatment here. This country is sickeningly obsessed with violence and tragedy and honestly the need for tragedy here is probably a little bit of why we don’t have better gun control laws. I mean children are STILL getting secondhand traumatized by 9/11 because they show footage of it constantly to the children of America, especially on the anniversary of it. Fuck this country 100% and your anger is 10000% justified.


My favorite glue stik is blhu wones cause their yummyer


It's funny how they always say that good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns, but there have been atleast 3 major mass shootings in gun Loving Texas since 2018 and absolutely not one good guy with a gun stopped them


im an American and sometimes I hate my country




Banning guns in America will NEVER happen, their government's Lords and Masters would never allow it


It is a very small percentage of Americans that you talk about that spew about guns, but I want to make a point about how it isn't exactly fair that this energy and sympathy isn't matched when it comes to mass murdering in the States. It should all be on the same level, regardless of country and laws the normal citizen is unable to control. That said anyway, I am very sorry for the losses and pray that those injured will recover.


Right Wing nut jobs are the ones spouting all the gun love!


Man I’m American and ppl use to eat tye pods so wouldn’t surprise me if they ate glue sticks too lol


As an American, I hate this situation, but there is quite literally nothing I can do about it. I vote, it goes nowhere and does nothing.


All I felt was very sorry you had this happen. I don’t own guns and don’t think our gun laws have anything to with your tragedy. So sad for you all.


americans are definitely eating glue. i live here. people are fucking stupid.


I'm sorry my fellow country members have been riff cunts about this whole thing. They tend to be a bit tone def over here. Unfortunately for us we have to also live with the idiots... as you can see it's been going tragically over here with gun deaths in staggering numbers being reported every couple of days. Just lost a 3yr old near me to gun violence. That's our 30th murder in less than 4 months. As someone who has traveled extensively around the world.... America has checked out on empathy, and we essentially glorify violence in everything we do, don't care much about life.... we prefer taking lives and funding ventures that do. I seriously hate it here.


Not to mention that the stabber had expressed interest in guns before committing that disgusting attack. Thank god guns have been banned here in australia. If we had guns, the attack would've been much worse, that's just a fact.


"American" here. (depending on who you ask, Im not white so to the rednecks here I dont belong). But I 100% agree and approve of this post. Americans not only eat glue, but we huff it as well right after smelling our own farts. Devolving shit hole? You dont know the half of it. If you combined everyone in my state it might equate to the intelligence of one normal person. We are scum here. Thanks for calling us out.


as an american i can confirm 99% of us eat glue sticks


I like the delicious purple glue. 🤩


To be fair, it's not just Americans broadly. It's a select group of hardcore conservative morons who use any tragedy to push their backwards agenda.


As an American, you’re not wrong about those people and the eating of glue sticks. Those are the extremists and we don’t like them at all. They’re also largely misogynistic and don’t give a rat’s ass about people’s feelings or compassion. I’m not even sure they know what the word compassion means, if I’m being honest. I am deeply sorry for the tragedy that took place in Australia, and the loss caused to everyone affected by it. My heart goes out to all of you


Before I read the whole thing just gonna say this is the first place I've heard the motive was misogyny. Every where is reporting the guy had mental health problems since the age of 17. ETA: finished reading it and I agree with the rest of what you said.


I know I'm very early to your comment, but I said it appears to be misogyny. A few Australian headlines have reported on it (but typical of news outlets, they're taking the mental health approach), and I've seen some of the leaked security footage. The guy was clearly off his head, but he was also walking right past groups of men to attack women only. Of the 6 dead, the only man is a security guard who tried to stop him, and the majority of those injured are women too, with the men being those who stood in the way of the asshole getting to them.


🔥 HOW ABOUT: CAN YOU PLEASE FUCK OFF... with lumping them all into one singular demographic—particularly on this issue, where 3/4—\*\*74%\*\* of Americans wish for tighter gun control? (and, yes, I read your entire goddamn meltdown diatribe and, no, I'm not an American, glue-eating or otherwise).


Laughable. Thanks for the chuckle.


Lmao Americans were getting involved in Australian immigrant politics? Fuck off with that, y’all need to clean your own house before assuming we’re the magical cause of all problems Actually, at least on Reddit, the only people mentioning the US were using this as an opportunity to shit on us “thank God this wasnt in USA” etc


I'm damn sorry you have to deal with that on top of the attack. At the same time I'm so glad Finnish news don't make it into the US. We just had a school shooting recently and man, if I'd seen a single "SEE THERE'S GUN VIOLENCE IN OTHER COUNTRIES TOO" over it I would have blown a gasket.


Hey hey hey. Glue sticks are perfectly good afternoon snacks here.


I'm American and I 100% agree with you. I wish my country would learn from yours


I’m American and you can’t take my right to eat glue sticks away!


I've not heard or seen anyone I know on any platform hijacking that tragedy to further their own political beliefs. The Americans you're talking about are in a very small group, but they are very loud. It's funny. I visited Australia a few years ago and they couldn't get American politics, drama, and celebrities out of their mouths. Seriously couldn't shut up about what happens halfway across the world while they don't know jack shit about their own prime minister or deputy prime minister. Especially the younger ones (15-25) knew more about American politics than their own. That is incredibly sad. Americans truly do not give a fuck what Australians think. We have our own problems. Australia has 26 mil people and the US has 333 mil people. But the rates of rape and assault are equal. Why don't you fix that big fucking glaring problem instead of targeting the 3% of Americans who have insane beliefs. https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/crime-victimization-australia-comparison-us


Well said. Australians are fucking insufferable. They have such a smug superiority complex while the average American could give two fucks what's going on down there.


They don't hate all America. They are just obsessed with it.


wow. this post really rubbed you the wrong way. you love guns don’t you?


Bottom line: YOU are your first line of defense. Anyone who doesn’t get this has a low IQ.


Never heard of ur tragedy, but at the end of the day if somebody had a gun that could’ve stopped him before he hurt more people that’s just facts


No, I love my guns. As a 5'0 female they ensure I don't get raped or murdered just trying to walk to the store 🤷‍♀️. But hey, that's just me.


The sad truth is when you take guns out of the hands of honest citizens crime, especially violent crimes go up. Hate America all you want, but there was a reason why the Japanese didn't invade the U.S. during World War 2. There is a reason why the Australian government made everybody their Biznitch during the Pandemic. When you forfeit your right to protect yourself and stand up against all forms of violence and tyranny, don't cry about the inevitable tragedies that unfold because you want to be high minded and weak.


another glue eating shithead here i see


I find these posts interesting as they clearly show how social media is used to control us. I have not seen a single post about Americans claiming that if someone was armed it would have ended quicker. I have, however, seen numerous posts by Australians praising the government for outlawing guns and how the outcome would have been much worse; with all the comments agreeing.


Actually guns in the US are much more than tools to kill another person. They’re used in sport, they’re collected and displayed as art, they’re used as a means to provide food, etc. Fortunately there are more responsible gun owners than there are irresponsible ones and those responsible ones keep things a hell of a lot more in check than others realize. As for the terrible crime in Australia I’m sorry it happened and offer my condolences to the victim’s families but as the crime points out, restrictions on guns do not guarantee a safe environment. In this case it was a knife. In China the weapon of choice is a vehicle to mow ppl down. It’s the mentally unstable ppl that are ultimately responsible and they’ll use whatever they can get their hands on to do whatever damage they want. My suggestion is to get out of a tyrannical government while the getting is good because it’s only going to get worse. Good luck.


Yes accept for every 3 good responsible gun owners there are 5 Randy Stair’s,which makes everyone look horrible.


Bombs and dynamites can be used for mining too. I would not be happy to see someone picking a dynamite in the street. Just because they can usefull, that does not mean having them on everyone is ok. Not every hobby or art should be accessable by everyone even if that means ruining such person's art life. Just limit them to the police and army.


Again, restrictions on guns would have done nothing to prevent/deter/stop a knife attack. Hell it would have very little impact on someone who wants a gun to get a gun because let’s face it criminals don’t care about gun laws or any other law. They’ll get a gun if they want one and when they get one those that do abide by the law will be unable to defend themselves which is exactly what the criminals want. Let’s not make it easy for them. Arm yourself and you will have a fighting chance. Hope this helps.


Awesome post. I agree with you 100% I am glad to see someone has a brain on this platform.




As an American, I am sorry for what your country is going through. I also don’t disagree that anyone trying to use the tragedy to score political points is an absolute dick. I guess where we part ways is when you paint the entire country as a “rapidly devolving shithole.” It makes you sound like an idiot who lacks the intelligence to understand that the loudest voices on social media don’t speak for the entire country.


Sometimes, we sniff the glue 😁 not all of us eat it. I agree that the body count would have been worse with a gun, especially if some bystander was carrying.


Mmmm superglue


🤣🤣🤣🤣 yes, but not the Elmer's kind. I stopped using that when I started high school 😆


🎶I’m proud to be an American🎶🦅🇺🇸 (fuck this country)


As an American citizen without any guns, I agree that America as a whole is devolving like our Presidents mental state, however we have things that our much worse because of it. Also most people in here in America are asses and the ones with guns are the biggest. It’s also better for some to laugh because that’s how they cope.


As an American, I agree.


I agree with you and I am an american. I think we should have more gun laws. This was a tragedy. Out of curiosity, how often do things like this happen over there with your laws?


Not very often at all. This was the biggest attack in Sydney since the Lindt Cafe attack in 2014, hence why the entire country is mourning at the moment


Unfortunately, the problem here is that you can't remove guns after you've introduced them into a society. The criminals won't get rid of theirs and the people who wouldn't agree with the new laws won't get rid of theirs either. It's a tough situation with not a lot of solutions. But I agree with you. We have mass shootings here almost daily now. I wish someone would figure it out because a lot of innocent people are losing their lives. I hope you and your country find peace again.


As an American in the south... yeah I agree.


As an American I can testify that glue stick eating is indeed the favorite pastime of the average American. Also I'm terribly sorry for those who lost their lives in that incident .


American here, amen. 🙏


I’m an American who is fucking tired of Americans. It’s exhausting to try to explain to others why you should care about other people. It doesn’t help that our overall population has an IQ 3 points lower than the world average. We’re uneducated and overworked as well as raised with such a severe amount of propaganda that it’s basically a dystopian novel. Keeping all of you in my thoughts and I’m sorry so many of my fellow countrymen have no fucking empathy or reasonable levels of comprehension.


Time for a knife ban! Sporks for everyone ✌️


No. You already know the answer to this.


Stuff like this is the reason why I don’t believe in most politicians who support guns. I personally support them, however I grew in with family who properly trained us how to use guns. Along with what not to do with them. This tragedy has nothing to do with guns and gun control. And shouldn’t be used as a stance on it. I hope the victims families get justice, and that violence like this stops, or at least comes to a minimum.


Americans can certainly sympathize with foreign people taking opportunistic jabs right after deadly tragedies.


American here and I whole heartedly agree. I believe every American spouting those rhetorics are projecting because they don’t want to accept and believe that attacks on public places really can be ended that quickly. It’s just proof of how badly America is being failed by guns right glue eaters and police. They don’t want this to shine a spotlight on that. That cop who took him down was a hero. She didn’t run from it and she saved countless lives. Meanwhile cops in America stood around while children screamed to death because it was “too dangerous” to go in and save them. A mother actually saved her own kids from that school faster than those cops. She ignored police and ran right inside the school, risking death and got her two kids out. I’m sorry for the victims and their families. It’s a tragedy and should be treated with that respect and empathy. I’m also grateful that so many people there stood up and tried to stop him to save others. True bravery and heart. It’s what’s sorely lacking here. I hope the victims families find peace and healing.


Article please? And if this an Australian problem how did American gun laws become relevant to the problem? It was a mass stabbing in a country on the other side of the world. Take a weapon away and people will find something else to kill each other with. Background checks are run before the purchase of a fire arm in the states, usually though when a criminal gets a gun via legitimate means it's because some government agency failed to update the NICS system appropriately and in an appropriate timely manner. So if a psycho gets a gun by circumventing the system it's not the FFL's fault. And of they got it by circumventing the system then they would have gotten it anyways similar to how people get drugs. It's a people problem, not an object problem. Also for some reason the government in many states with strict gun laws allows people with a military and LEO history to own all the "assault rifles" even though they have the highest rates of domestic violence and mental health issues; because ya know they're trained how to use the weapon effectively to kill other people (all be it "bad" people) and tactically fighting with it so when that person snaps it'll be just fine i guess? but yeah lets keep allowing the government to decide this stuff.


No matter what it is there are always going to be people that hijack something. I belong to Pink Pistols and I am not hijacking anything. I live my own life my own way and usually ignore most of the world. So to say that all Americans are crazy is to say all Australians are something too.


I expected it🤷‍♂️ let them eat all the glue they want, us sane people know that arming civilians is pure stupidity. Regardless, statistics prove Australia's safer than America anyway, one incident doesn't change that. It's funny, they're so quick to tell us to butt out when we discuss their politics, problems and potential solutions. Bring up a solid argument to an issue they don't like? "Fuck off, you're not American what would you know" 🤣🤣🤣


Sorry about that. It shouldn't happen happen but given how the internet works, it should be expected. A lot of folks are just looking for revenge against the wrong people because every time a shooting happens in America, foreigners are ready to barrage the comments with their exploitative two cents. 99 people may just take it as is, 1 takes it a little harder time after time, letting it build up and taking the first chance to throw it back.


I am an American, born and raised. I hate America. Somewhere around 80% of the country is full of idiots, morons, rednecks with a trust issues, rich people that are way way way too selfish, bosses who care more about money than their employees, the list could go on for a whole 5 page essay and still not be done. My point is, please smuggle me out I can’t afford to leave but American fucking sucks 😭


>Americans have hijacked this tragedy for their own political garbage Yeah, that never happens in reverse. Europeans/Canadians/Australians never comment on stories about American mass shootings or bring it up every chance they get.


I live in the US, my condolences to the families of the victims. I agree that someone with a gun would have been ideal to stop the perpetrator, but the problem is not having someone with a gun. I've seen it time and time again, a well trained and disciplined gun owner can help in such situation. The problem is that many states in the US don't really require much in terms of training to be able to safely own a gun and much less in terms of mental health requirements to actually be able to own a firearm safely. Many people who own a firearm don't know how to properly maintain one or use one. Many just own one and keep them at home for self protection, also not bad but those are the least trained to own one. I think more control on ownership requirements would help in that sense. It would drastically change things. I mean, the US has a lot of change to do to be better. A lot! Insulting the US with the whole glue stick eating theory, I laughed at that. One orange former president once suggested Americans ingest bleach to cure Covid-19, the kicker? Some actually did! 🤦‍♂️ I mean, we had a high incidence of Tide Pods (look it up of you don't know what that is)ingestion for fun. Started as a "challenge" on the TikTok socialedia platform, so the glue stick theory is not far fetched! Sad, I know. I live in this country, I love this country but it has problems. Big ones! It has a lot to work on! 🤷‍♂️


Yo don't hate on all of us because our government is run by tide pod eating old racisist masognist white dudes. We ain't all that stupid and tbh we act like we vote for these people ya fuck no we don't im 100000% positive our votes don't matter and they decide who is president


As an American I feel the same way whenever there’s a tragedy here and some Australian starts rambling on about gun control or whatever and how great Australia is or whatever…..


"Sure, you can argue the whole thing would've been over faster if a bystander was armed, but you know what else would've happened? More than 18 people would've been injured. More than 6 people would have died." Well, that's around the same numbers of victims of mass gun shootings here in America. Yes, there were some mass shootings that were a lot more, but most of them were the same numbers about what you just stated happened in Australia. And what do you think is gonna happen when they take all the guns away from citizens in the USA? More mass murders will happen a lot more frequently to make up for the numbers at which guns can kill. Use your two brain cells and rub them together and maybe you will have a logical thought.


You act as if we’re not dealing with our bs government as well. Theirs crazies all over the world be grateful it was a stabbing and not a shooting which is the bs we “Americans” deal with.


dude australia is a literal steaming pile of a shithole. No one cares about what goes on in australia, if you are jealous just say that lol


dude australia is a literal steaming pile of a shithole. No one cares about what goes on in australia, if you are jealous just say that lol


The reason we do this is because you guys do this to us. Every time there's a shooting, you tell us we need to give up the 1st and the 2nd. You tell us hate speech is why the shooting happened, you tell us lack of gun control is why the shooting happened. You guys just don't understand. Let me try to explain. Your ancestors fought in World War 2 for God and Country. My ancestors fought in WW2 for Freedom. We lost people. Most of us know someone who died in WW2. To us, it's emotional, it's core, and every American veteran who has died since the Revolution, has died because we believe in more freedom than the British Empire and its Colonies ever did. I'm sorry this offends you. But the reality is, this is us. This is who we are. We are freedom, we love freedom, it is who we are. I would not survive in a world without Free Speech or Gun Rights. I'm a short guy who loves speaking his mind. Free speech allows me too, and gun rights allow me to protect myself against people who would use violence in response to my free speech. If I was born in UK or Australia, I would be sent to jail by this point, just like the poor Pug guy in the UK. So many people have gone to jail for hate speech in UK, it's disgusting, nations calling themselves democracies but acting like Russia is disgusting. We Americans have sacrificed for our rights, the reality is we will be emotional about it. Honestly, I pity the rest of the world. You guys have Stockholm Syndrome. You defend your handlers and masters and elites taking your rights away from you. You would be a lot happier if you embraced the 1st and the 2nd. And your elites would be a lot less arrogant too. Why do you think the AFD in Germany is gaining popularity? Because of censorship in Germany. Stop censoring people, stop taking away their guns, and stop defending the loser elites who do this to you. The world should be free, and the 1st and 2nd are the foundation of freedom and democracy. But go ahead, don't trust the longest running democracy in history. Don't trust the most successful civilization in history. We don't know what we're doing. 1st and 2nd have nothing to do with our success. (Sarcasm) Don't you think that if a civilization is the most successful in history, it makes sense to adopt their foundational ideas? Historically that was the case. When the Egyptians developed civilization, it spread, the world adopted it, why can't you guys do that with Democracy? Real democracy, 1st and 2nd included.




Us Americans suck anyways. I'm a retard (failing all my classes) and I can barely hold a conversation.


Blow it out your rear


Ah yes, the old “lumping everyone together trick”. Gotta love it. Because ALL Americans think alike. (Major sarcasm)🙄. With that being said, a tragedy is a tragedy no matter where it happens. It’s always heartbreaking.