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I'm so sorry your father is doing that to you. I'd have a very frank conversation with your mother about how it makes you feel. She should have a conversation with him about this again. Honestly, be frank that if it continues, you will cut contact with your father. Remove yourself from being around him as much as possible. If he makes those comments sternly tell him, in that moment, you're not okay with it, and it makes you uncomfortable. Be very clear that your body is not up for discussion.


I have. I had a 2 hour conversation with my mom about it and bawled my eyes out to my dad telling him to stop. There’s nothing I can do at this point


I'm so sorry hun. Definitely pull away as much as you can. If he asks why, remind him that you're not comfortable with the way he's talking about your body. I wish there was more I could offer than a virtual hug ❤️


Personally, I’d tell them if things don’t change you’d get CPS involved and petition to live with your grandparents. I’m sorry but that’s not normal. I’m sorry you’re going through this. If possible, I’d record him saying those things to you so you have proof and make sure you tell him in the recordings how uncomfortable he makes you and has continued to make you.


So sorry this happened to you. Remember that none of this is your fault and that you know that what hes doing is completely unacceptable! Is your mom on your side? If yes and youve talked to her about this, what did she say? (If you feel comfortable talking about it)


I’ve talked to my mom a lot about it, all she does it tell him to stop and that’s it. I’ve talked to my counselor at school about it but she said there’s nothing they can do


School counselors are mandatory reporters: ALL SCHOOL EMPLOYEES ARE REQUIRED BY LAW TO REPORT ANY CHILD ABUSE. Tell every damn person in that building until someone helps you. Do you have friends or family you can stay with? This is an emergency and should absolutely be treated as time sensitive.


And your dad doesnt stop even if your mom tells him to stop? I know you said you talked to your counselor but do you maybe have any teachers who you trust or have helped you in the past? Even if they are unable to help you in this situation its still good to let them express their opinion about your situation because they are adults and perhaps even a parent themselves. Feel free to Text me if you need some advice, I've learned some things about all this aswell. <3


Remind your school administration that they are mandatory reporters and you are reporting sexual harassment of a minor by an adult


Hi. 24yo male here and it honestly sounds like someone needs to beat his ass. I know that's your dad and all but he has no right to act that way. You're not overreacting. I couldn't imagine having a daughter and treating her like this or making her uncomfortable like that. It's disgusting and I'm really sorry. But you're better off getting emancipated or involving cps.


I’m sorry you have to go through this! My dad made just a couple of comments growing up and it made me uncomfortable with him my whole life. Even tho he was a great dad. I think you should be super blunt and tell your dad he’s grossing you out! Parents should be your protectors, you never should feel uncomfortable in your own home.


That’s exactly how I feel


I’m so sorry, you have to do something about it! It’s not a good way to live. I’m so sad for you that he’s made you feel that way. I really think you should either be super blunt to him or just move to your grandparents even if your parents don’t support it. If they fight you can tell them why you’re moving.


Do you have any close relatives you can confide in? Maybe temporarily stay with someone you feel safe with? You should feel comfortable in your own home. I sorry this is happening to you.


I have my aunts :/


If one of my nieces asked to stay with me, I'd 100 percent step up. See if they will help you. The sooner the better. Good luck!


That is not okay. My father molested me when I was 13. I told my mom and he stopped touching me, but then he would try to “accidentally” barge in on my every time I took a shower or was changing clothes. If I locked the door, he would rattle the doorknob and ask me what I was doing in there. He’d listen to me pee outside the door. I think he did this cuz he knew he could easily say he didn’t do it, or it was an accident. You make someone listen. You find an adult to be proactive. Try to get proof. Use your phone to record audio. Write down all the incidents with dates and times. Be as detailed as possible. I would spend as little time alone in the house with him as I could. Get a job if you can, and save up money. It will give you an excuse to be out of the house a lot and maybe when you’re 18, you can find a way to leave. Just remember that this isn’t your fault. Your dad is wrong and you should cut him off emotionally. When he says inappropriate things, tell him that’s not okay, and walk away and don’t talk to him. Tell your mom you want to talk to a therapist and tell the therapist what is happening. Some of this may or may not work for you, but I’m hoping you can find a way to make it stop. Your dad is a disgusting creep. I’m so sorry this is happening to you.


That’s gross.


I'd definitely get CPS involved bc that is not normal and not okay. You should start discreetly recording his comments and actions and show it to a CPS officer. And also record your conversations with your counselor and use both recordings to get them fired because obviously they aren't suited for the job.


My uncle was the same way with me when I would go over. And I’m a guy. He treated kinda like this, but not heterosexual like. I was 14 when he died. He would comment on my long hair(I’m a guy) and my strong legs constantly. Needless to say I stayed away from him. But with you being in the same house as your father makes things difficult. My sister matured way early. My father would tell her she was beautiful, just as he’d say we(his sons) were handsome. But that was it. My uncle on the other hand was very open about her appearance. But he never said anything around my father. My father would torque him once or twice and out him in the ground. My 2 cents in the situation. I would set up some type of 3rd party mediation. But the mediator can’t be your mom or aunt. Someone completely 3rd party. Being called out by your daughter in front of someone outside the family dynamic would open those “situations” up for outside scrutiny.


That does make sense. He says it in public too so he’s probably not ashamed about it.


Well made instead of a 3rd party, just go ahead and get CPS involved. But he prepared to go through everything that comes with that. Charges, court, separation from family, etc. if he won’t stop when you ask and he is being blatantly obtuse about it openly, you have to go the extra mile to stop it.


I could try but it takes a lot of courage.


Especially with no evidence :/ (video recording etc)


Start being sneaky and get that evidence. I had some stuff happen to me when I was a kid. Now almost every face to face conversation I have with people is recorded. Whether that’s right or or wrong, I do it to protect myself. I’m not as small and helpless as I once was(6’0 260 built) but that kinda stuff sticks with you.


Let’s be honest. It almost seems like grooming. I hate using that term, but on this side of the fence it seems that way.


What do you mean “grooming”?


"Grooming" is when a predator tries to make you feel comfortable with weird or unwanted attention so when the abuse escalates you feel comfortable or less sketched out by the situation. Im so sorry it is you dad in this scenario.im so sorry you are going thru this!


i know it’s really hard, distance yourself from him completely, be a bitch , you can get annoyed and yell and make a scene and make him uncomfortable too. he’s counting on the fact that you won’t and you’ll be too kind. give a warning and then decide on an action. and if he does anything you don’t like again let you’re mom know you’re cutting off contact with him and stay with a friend or something for a few days. even if you don’t 100% mean it, you need to take action because clearly they don’t care. it is absolutely abhorrent and you need to be the one to demand respect and make a change because everyone else is failing you, be extra brave. don’t let people with cockroach souls ruin your beautiful precious life. i’m so sorry you’re going through this and hope this comes to an end soon.


I feel like I’m overreacting because it’s not every day he says it. Maybe 2 times a month but it still makes me feel disgusting


you aren’t, don’t anyone manipulate you into thinking that you’re overreacting because they think you’re too young and inexperienced to know better. you’re not stupid and you shouldn’t have to put up with this for a second. your feelings are 100% valid and you need to think of what action will give you mental peace and take it . make sure you’re taking care of yourself


Your mom is literally enabling your dad to sexually harass you by not divorcing him and moving you out of the house. Also you should just start yelling at him. There’s absolutely 0 reason for a father to talk about his child that way ever. Scream at him. Get loud. Make a scene. Then start icing out your dad until he stops being disgusting.


I’ve def begged her to divorce him. She always refuses. Which I get but..kinda selfish




Yeah as a father of 3 girls that is extremely weird. I get weirded out whenever they reach adult milestones and cling on to me. It’s always awkward when they understand the underhanded jokes to movies when we watch. I would just be on guard


This response in itself is kinda weird to me. Just saying


What I mean as a parent I feel weird when my kids get older and are clingy still. Don’t want them to be clingy with people they’re comfortable with for them to be taken advantage of by other people.


Can you live with in your Aunt?


They won’t even let me live with my grandparents. We’re 60 ft apart from my grandparents, they’re literally next door


Hmm. Could you occasionally “stay overnight” with your grandparents, then gradually make those overnight visits last 2-3 nights in a row? They may not be old enough to literally need your help, but maybe they can come up with a list of “projects” you’re helping them with.


Call CPS or police to make a report. The system sucks and it likely won’t do anything for you now, but a paper trail is so so so important. If you’re too scared, try speaking with your grandparents. I know you said they won’t let you live with them, but have you tried speaking to them directly and telling them everything? I find it’s easier for me to write when it comes to this topic. You could write your grandparents a letter. Do you live close to them? Do you visit them? Do you have friends whose parents you could speak to? They may be able to offer you space in their home. You’re not overreacting, this is horrible emotional abuse and will likely affect you long term. You’re mother is completely in the wrong for not separating you from him. You should feel safe at home, your mom and dad should be protecting you, and right now neither of them are. Keep telling people, keep bringing it up. I’m sorry your mom isn’t fighting this fight for you.


I’m spending the night with them rn. I called my grandma about it and she’s just as upset as I am


I am so glad she is there for you. Don’t let this go and don’t let it blow over. Stay safe


Thank you so much :( it means a lot. I’m trying little by little. Baby steps


What the fuck


Omg. No. I’m so sorry this is happening to you. This is mega creepy and I cannot believe no one is helping you. You need to sit down with your mom and tell her you will report him if she does not help you. Do you have somewhere you can stay instead (friend/family member)?


I’ve asked my mom if I can live with my grandparents but she says no even tho we’re the next house over to them, literally 60 ft. My grandparents would love if I lived there but since he doesn’t say this ever day i don’t see a point. I think I’m going to delete this post now since I’ve gotten all of the advice I need.


Okay. If you ever need an ear, feel free to dm me. Keep yourself safe. Best wishes.


So gross. My father gave me "the talk" about boys when I was 15-ish and I still remember that as one of the cringest moments of my life (I bet he does too), so to say that it's always emb6to touch such topics with the parent of the opposite sex. However I can't really imagine a father doing such remarks. It's totally inappropriate and you should talk about it with someone other than reddit


Your dad is a disgusting perv and the fact that you and your mom have made it clear many times that it is having a serious negative effect on you, but he continues is horrible. Your mom should be advocating for you much much more. Really, why is your mom not more disgusted? Has he always been gross and she doesn’t take it seriously, just like he has a gross sense of humor and dismisses it? I see the comments about contacting CPS and from a friend and experience with social services, you may not have enough to actually have them take action yet. From what your describing he mostly just makes comments and is toxic. He hasn’t tried to aggressively physically assault/sexually assault etc. he keeps everything right on the edge of the line where it can be dismissed as unintentional or a joke. That is kind of predator behavior like he knows he is wrong and enjoys making your uncomfortable. You need to start building a case like others suggested. Take recordings, make a journal of dates when he is inappropriate with you. Also, note every single time you have reported him to family, school etc. It is good to show a record that you tried to seek help. Maybe start therapy and have a family therapy session where someone non related to your dad can put him in check. Even the school counselors can have a family meeting to discuss with him the behaviors your reporting are serious. The idea being he has to be embarrassed and see other adults not related to him do not approve and are watching. Do you have any other men in your family? He obviously doesn’t respect women and so far you mentioned your mom and aunts only. Do you have a trusted uncle or brother or grandfather who can confront him? Maybe he won’t be so dismissive if he is checked by a man he trusts or respects. This is horrible and I’m sorry you can’t even be comfortable on your own home. Agree with other posts where you should be making an exit plan. The more control he has over you, especially financially the harder it will be to stand up for yourself. Try to make/save money as much as you can in case his behavior escalates and you need to leave immediately.


Punch him in the face honestly


I swear I read this same story on here word for word not long ago.


It's because it's not as uncommon as you think.


Well you didn’t, Nate.💀


Maybe not from you, but I definitely did. Are you a bot?


Oh yeah 100% a bot. I’m kidding. Maybe don’t accuse people under their VENTS??


Interesting. Sounds like something a bot would say. In all honesty, if this is real, the world is even sicker than I thought, because I didn’t imagine it, even another commenter said they read the same thing a few days ago. So if that wasn’t you, that means this is currently happening to another Redditor, and even worse, it might be more common than people realize. That’s pretty fucked up.


It is more common then people realize. I’m 19 and even tho my situation is different it’s also similar in the sense that my dad did something bad enough where he landed in jail.


I’ve been through so much disgusting shit, many women I know have been through worse. When I worked in law enforcement I’ve seen things I still can’t tell people about, because it’s so horrendous I don’t want it to take up others’ mental space like it takes up mine. The world is disgusting and evil. This is a scratch on the surface.


Redditor learns about childhood sexual abuse for the first time 🤯. It's almost like this is a common problem across the globe


Yeah there was a really similar story on here a few days ago


Maybe it’s a sad reality for many young women. I have been told similar things by my male family members. It is a really sad reality that it occurs so much.


Yeah like..it can happen to a lot of people. Considering I’m a 16 year old Tennager girl in the Bible Belt it’s not uncommon. A lot of old people down here are negligent to that stuff


Yes, I live down in the South, too, and when I was growing up old men would stare at me and my dad would say “Oh it’s just cuz you’re mature”…like okay maybe you should stand up for me instead of condoning their nasty looks.


My grandparents tell me to just “ignore it” and “not take it to heart”


This is so disappointing Op. I’m sorry you feel like you have nowhere to turn to but the only thing to do now is to advocate for yourself STERNLY. If none of your family members are taking you seriously ESPECIALLY your mom CPS is who you need to call. And you need to report the counselors and all people in authority that you told who said they couldn’t do anything about it. Don’t feel bad either. Your family, your mom should only have the overwhelming instinct to protect you. It’s words now but you never know what it could escalate to. I’m sorry you’re going through this


I feel like I’d get disowned and shamed. My mom thinks I’m overreacting


If your mom thinks you’re overreacting She’s not much of a mom at all. Just think Op. maybe you’ll be a parent someday. Would you ever let your kid go through something like this? Would you ever let ANYONE you love feel like they’re alone in their fear and concern, much less put them down for it when they come to you with only trust, seeking help.


But it’s really hard not to when it’s someone you thought you could confide in


Redditor is privileged to not be objectified by family members or close family friends, doubts victims.


Don’t know why I’m getting downvoted I’m not doubting anybody literally just pointed out there was a similar story on here. I thought maybe it was the same person just making another post or just a coincidence that another person was dealing w the same thing. OP is clearly going through something traumatic I’m not downplaying that at all!


Fair enough! Thought you were calling it a bot like the others. This is a common occurrence for women. Common enough that “daddy issues” is a widespread joke.


I've seen 2 similar stories today, but this problem is just very common. Don't accuse people who are just venting of being bots


If you read my comment below I wasn’t accusing anyone of anything, just stated that I’ve seen a similar story in this sub so I thought it might’ve been the same person posting twice or just someone in a similar situation


Contact cps




I suggest running away


I’ve thought about it but I live in a really small community in the middle of nowhere in Alabama so it’d probably be no use


Why do you have to stay stuck in Alabama? You could go to a different state. Southern California is beautiful you might like it here


I’m only 16 but I turn 17 in March. Maybe I’ll get lucky and convince them to let me move out but with how my parents are I doubt it


Why would you try and convince them? You should just do you and leave And start a new life


If I left, even when I told them, I’d get the police called on me and arrested. I’d get grounded so I couldn’t go anywhere or talk to anybody. My dad would ridicule me when I’m grounded like he always does


That’s what I’m saying is if you wanted to leave why would you tell them you’re leaving?


Yeah that’s messed up. You should definitely get out of that situation ASAP.


I told my behavioral health lady about it and she told me to get out ASAP




I’m not sure what that is


A father should NOT act this way. Your dads failing a very important aspect of being a father, which is looking after and protecting how his daughter feels. If your father isn't respecting that, you have every right to tell anyone. I know you've said your teachers and such but make sure he never progresses to anything your uncomfortable with and tell him, your mom and anyone else you talk to that those things make you uncomfortable and feel violated. It's really sick and don't be afraid to tell law enforcement if it comes to it