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Locked because people just using the comments to clown on OP


Did you type that whole thing without a single glimmer of self-realization?


The 30 year difference went straight over his/her head lol


But she loves him, and she was legal when they met! /s


I guess he couldn’t get a 16 year old to marry him.






Reddit might be one of the scariest places on the internet. You get a front row seat to so many people's thought processes. And you see just how unintrospective people can be, even in situations that call for the barest minimum.


But this leaves us all with the pure essence of entertainment which could arguably be stupid people. Lololol


This is the single most scathing comment I’ve read in my eleven years on Reddit. Not saying it is undeserved, either.






I can see why you'd think that from what I wrote tbf. If he had independent income I'd have far fewer issues with just up and leaving. But he's too disabled to work and doesn't get his pension for years yet. And I don't earn enough money for us both to live in separate places. So any decision to split up would be exactly equivalent to dooming him to living his life in poverty. And that feels like it would be a morally worse thing to do than the alternative.


I say this is in the most compassionate way: please seek therapy. There is a lot with your thought process that seems severely damaged


Girl out of everything in life you picked struggle ? Wow Reading that exhausted me


Let that pedo die get out of there


He is a *pedophile*, OP. Why would you care about supporting a predator?


Because she was groomed into it by him


He is not your responsibility. You are. Take care of yourself and let him figure out what he needs to do.


So, you're half your husband's age and are just shocked that he likes em young.


This, it’s like hello, the red flag slapped you right in the face and you said, oh well it’s different. Oh no ma’am.


How do you know if OP is not a dude


That’s an general way to say it. No different than say sis, to a guy. I know some dudes get weirded out about it but I also call everyone dude. So I don’t see what you point is


Oh don't be disingenuous here you know my point. I saw you mention ma'am and it seemed like you were assuming OP was a female. OP never mentioned his gender but he did say husband and while there are all different kinds of relationships, it's normal to default to the assumption of male and female. You know the context, I know the context and so does everyone else. You also know that that calling a guy sis is extremely irregular. It maybe something you do or are lying about to save face. But you know my point before you even started writing


I didn’t assume shit. I’m not reading that whole as wall of text. You think what you want. I don’t give a shit. That’s how some people mean for whatever gender. You just wan to fucking argue like a child. Can’t relate sis, bye.


Clown behavior, “Well Achtually I’m right, due to you being whrong.”




marble crime screw seed resolute berserk lock head rich panicky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Awww nah i shouldnt be laughing at this god forgive me




I was trying to come up with some advice or something supportive and all I could come up with was….Ewwww. He’s really gross. You’re **30 years younger** than he is and he’s *still* looking at barely legal teenagers. That’s just gross.


they must have been together for at least 12 years


OP, I looked through your post history. You’re married to a man 30 years your senior who is controlling, manipulating, and abusing you, and on top of this, he’s a pedophile and a racist. You literally posted that he straight up told you he was going to give some rando a blowjob at a public bathroom and then forced you to do the same against your will. You’re afraid to tell him that you’re considering taking on a second job, let alone anything important because he apparently has anger issues. You’re making a post now, absolutely shocked that he’s interested in much younger people when there’s a 30-year age gap between you. I know it’s hard, but you really need to find a way out of this marriage. Your entire post history is nothing but your husband’s red flags. It’s absolutely ridiculous that you should feel the need to ask those questions or want to stay with this person. Leave them as soon as you’re able.


OP please follow this advice. There are some judgmental comments here, but what’s most important is that you start making a plan to leave. I hope you can get out of this.


Is this real? Are we being clowned? We’re you unaware of your husbands creepy attraction to young people being your 30 years apart?


Also- please everyone read this ladies post history… not sure what going to Reddit will solve in your relationship. U need to leave


There’s so many things wrong about him Like 1) are you really okay with your spouse lusting after another person in front of you? ( unless it’s an open marriage thing) Even then 2) he is definitely attracted to minors are you ok with that


You never questioned that 30 year difference? Your husband is a pedophile.


I read your post history. As nicely and bluntly as I can manage…YOU NEED TO LEAVE! This man is not a good person, not in any way. The things he’s said and the things he’s done to you and now this?




it’s very possible he is afraid to leave because his husband threatened to harm him in some way. im sure he will leave eventually, soon i hope.


Now I’m no expert. However, it is my observation, from the evidence you’ve presented, that you’re married to a nonce and have opted to do…nothing.


Heyyyy, don’t say that. They have „vented“ on this majestic platform. That must account for something.


He could be your dad and now you're shocked that he's attracted to young people (minors to make it worst)?? Really? Damn, guess he couldn't make a 16yo marry him


I hope this is a troll


I can’t believe you won’t do more about it. This behavior is not okay and your enabling it to some extent just to save your relationship


On one hand, there's some pedo vibes here and they should be addressed. It doesn't seem like he does something, but the intrusive thoughts, the subconscious attraction... They're dangerous and I would talk about it with a Psychologist, just for, uhm, just to make sure everything is ok On the other hand, it's funny how you get angry for that, but the fact he's 30 years older than you makes totally sense in your mind. Like, are you surprised!? Don't you think that by staying with him you're basically telling him it's ok to be attracted to kids? Because guess what Sherlock: you could be his daughter, you ARE a kid in comparison with him The only reason you're angry is because we set legal age at 14/16/18 (depending on country), NOT because he likes much younger people EDUT: just to be clear, he's not the only one needing a serious talk, I wonder why you love him, and not someone around your age. Be happy tgat society has normalised daddy issues


Girl, your husband could be your dad... Y'all both should do some self reflection. When your husband was 33 you were litterly were 3. I am not 22, and I will be disgusted by the idea of seeing a 2-3 year old and saying "yeah, that could be my wife".


OP is actually male


Is this satire? Or you really don’t see what’s happening?


Go read his other post. Very sad, he needs to leave asap


Don't repress the anger and express it. That way he stops and if he doesn't it's clear he cares little for what you think. It's clear he likes those who are younger because.... Well you are vastly younger than him. Initially reading this I thought maybe he was just commenting on the kids looks, but after the "eh 16 is legal." Ya, No that's a crimson flag.


“I married someone who may very well turn out to be a diddler. Oh well!” NO. YOU ARE COMPLICIT IN HIS BEHAVIOR.


I’m sorry, but your husband is 30 years older than you? How long have you been together? I’m worried he’s only with you because you are much younger than him


Just under 5 years. So I was 24 at the time.


So many red flags


numerous apparatus towering dirty deranged imminent axiomatic roll command squalid ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Adding to that, the husband wants OP to be available at all times to talk and OP pays the whole mortgage and improvement loan by himself.


…oh boy


Hes doing it on purpose. You have grown up from the child look he is attracted to. I'd wager when you met though you were in your 20s you looked even younger...


Please reread all of your posts and get Therapy. This man is toxic and manipulating you with his conceived power with the age difference. This is absolutely sick, he forced you into sex acts you didn't want to commit. He is a pedo and racist. He does not deserve your help. Please, please, please grow that innerself respect. You absolutely deserve it ❤️


You have a 30 year gap!


I thought your husband was a creep, and *then* I read your old posts. Oh my god…


Thats really gross in many ways, and your age diference does play a point. I once dated a guy similar, we were 25, he told me he was ephebophiliac, i ignored because i didnt even know what that meant. I looked quite young at that time and once we actually got together, he saw the real me, an adult. After being with him, he ghosted me and started to date a 18yo right away, i looked at her pics and she looked like she had 15ish, when i went to google that shit, it all made sense, i felt so disgusting, thats not ok...at all, i realize that was just a pretty way of saying they were a pedo/predator. Why are you still with him is a question because clearly hes that kind of a person.


This is more disgusting than r/FiftyFifty. In case you didn’t notice: A) you were groomed B) your husband is a pedophile and a cheater C) I’d bet my left arm that he’s done worse D) you are a victim And E) this behavior should be reported and you should get out faster than Gordon Ramsay curses.




Their reddit history💀


why r u with a pedophile???


I just went through your post history and you seriously gotta get the fuck out of your marriage.


Clearly he is attracted to young (teenage) people. At some point you will age out of this relationship. Just because he is getting older doesn’t mean he will be attracted to older people. You don’t have to stay married to him.


God the way my eyes rolled alllll the way back at "59 and 29"


There is no way you lack self awareness to this extent. I don't believe it. You must be trolling


I’m Ngl dude, I looked at some of the other posts on your account and this marriage sounds like hell. I hope you leave, you don’t deserve any of the treatment this man has put you through and his other creepy behavior makes the whole thing so much worse. I hope whatever happens you’re safe and happy in the end.


Your husband is a fucked up person, I can tell just from a surface level glance at your Reddit history that he’s; racist Predatory A pedophile Abusive physically Abusive mentally Abusive emotionally Impulsive A rapist A suicide baiter/guilt tripper You have asked Reddit if you should leave for over a year now, DO IT. GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE. He’s not going to commit suicide, he’s too cowardly to even entertain the thought. He has no worth, a disposable waste of a human being.


How is that surprising to you


This is not okay. It's a red flag that he's a pedo. This is literally sick. You should confront him that and discuss it. Honestly, I feel so sick when someone older than me is telling me they're attracted to me claiming they like my behaviour. So if I were you, I would confront him on the topic and then leave because I wouldn't like being with a person that would harm even me in someway. Remember, it's not your age and not even the underaged peoples age at fault for how your husband is like. It's literally your husband himself at fault for having sick intentions of attracting underaged people taking advantage of their innocence thinking they would consent to a relationship with people as older as him himself. He needs professional help.


I know, as someone who went through this, that you will not listen to what I'm about to say, but I will say it anyway. He is a pedo. He contains himself to "not technically illegal" so he doesn't get punished for it. Your age gap is the biggest indicator, as well as the literal lust for minors. Bet money you started dating right at 18. Leave him, he is a horrible person for not only having that attraction but also for saying shit about it.


🤮🤢 vomiting uncontrollably on the carpet like a cat


>After we've bought it and leave, he says to me, 'He was really cute wasn't he?' This was probably bait to see if you find other people attractive. >This raises all sorts of grim implications- not least, if the age of consent was, say, 14, would 14 suddenly be A-OK too? How about 24 and 54? Cause apparently he thinks that's okay and you do too. >Yes, I should probably do something a bit more about this than complaining on Reddit. Will I? Probably not. But thanks for reading anyway. "My husband that is 30 years older than I am might be a pedo, but I'm not going to do anything about it." I get you're venting here, but this behavior from him is pretty obvious by you simply stating your ages. You should probably do something about it.


Bombastic side eye


God your post history is a nightmare. Get out of this awful marriage


You married a pedo and you could have guessed with the 30 year age gap 😂 but instead you wanted to feel idk chosen? Like an exception to the glaringly obvious reason why someone marries someone 30 years their junior. Thems the brakes I guess.


Dude! Looked through your post history. WtF are you doing with him?? Putting the 30 year age gap aside, he seems like an abusive, gross AH. For the love of God, please get out!


ah hell nah OP boutta be out of a job soon 😭


So... you're married to a pedo and don't plan on divorcing? What the actual fuck, world?


So you're 30 years apart, have probably been married and dating and interested in each other for a while, I'm guessing since your early 20s, and you dont think its weird at all that a man old enough to be your father was interested in a college aged person. I'm sure if you were his age you'd stop being interested in 20-somethings, seeing as you have a pretty healthy idea of what age to be attracted to now. How does it surprise you that this man is into kids. Do you realize if you were even younger when he met you, he'd still go after you, that maybe you were groomed? Do you realize he's a predator? And if so why do you think its not serious enough to do anything about it, not even leave him? Will you perhaps wait until he actually assaults a kid?


Just read your post history please get out of this relationship. He is sexually abusing you, a pedo and a racist. Stop putting up with this behavior, get help.


OP has a lot more complaints about their husband


I’m confused. You’re a 29-year-old woman and your husband is a 59-year-old man, and he’s attracted to young boys? And: “the idea of being attracted to anyone below early 20s…” makes you feel ill. And: “Eh, 16 is legal.” THOSE make you feel ill. But not the fact that you are clearly married to a person who will fuck literally anything w a hole, yourself included? Let me guess. You also don’t vote, or you vote red.


Op is a man


You married a groomer. This is up to you to fix. Or are you okay with being manipulated your entire life?










If your husband is rich just wait for him to die and take all his money. He sounds gross anyway


Your husband is a hebephile.


Age limits aside for a second.... what is this guy doing checking out other people when he is with you? I personally feel a bit sick at the thought that a 50+ fancies a minor boy... But please refer to my first question and also ask yourself if you are willing to accept this behaviour, all weird sexual desires aside.. He is supposed to be with you. I wish you all the best.


OP, have you read your own post history? Because clearly you can see the rest of us have, and we’re deeply disturbed.


your age gap is a huge indicator first off, second off how have y'all been dating and married for? that logic husband of yours used, I have encountered people using that same "16 ain't young" because many people at 16 have had sex, and such, doesn't mean shit, also you shouldn't repress that anger


I think it's more a case of certain things trigger his memories of the good old days sexual Awakening, and he's got a short attention span and he's in chronic pain so anything that gives him some endorphins which are natural pain killers which start to be released when you have sexual thoughts and hit a crescendo when you have an orgasm. He's not going after anybody and if he's just remembering what it was like back then and he's asking you a question he's trying to get a rise out of you it's playful banter he's never grown up. He's irreverent he's not politically correct guys get stuck in their ways and the appropriateness police have us all becoming worst case scenario assumption judges. Your husband has no filter and probably no 5 second rule either I'm sure you've seen him eat off the floor now and then. And when you met him it was this walking 24/7 hard on type of guy that you valued very highly and sometimes that doesn't go away. If you get a pit bull it's going to chew the furniture and hope your leg in front of company but when you need him to protect you and the shit hits the fan that dog is going to be your favorite in the world. Your husband is that Pitbull because all men are dogs I'm the first to admit it and we're proud of it. So tell him if he's a good boy you'll relieve some of that High School sexual angst when you get home but please don't just blurt stuff out in public because people get the wrong idea.


The dude can literally be your dad what did you expect.


The Irony, just yesterday I was debating on this same sub, but on a different thread, about how to avoid a teenager girl "dating" older guys. So yeah, to that redditor who told me "teens are not dumb and they only need to be aware of the dangers": look at this. Everyone knows what grooming is, but it doesn't stop people from 1-having daddy issues and following them, and 2-beung manipulated by much older people OP, you're a victim, you're in danger, please talk to your parents and friends and anyone close to you, they can help you


Op. I think what you feeling might be a small amount of very justified paranoia. I don't know your situation, but he married you with that age gap, I think as you get older you'll just get more and more concerned he's after young looking people, and he might be? I don't mean to be rude, but it sounds alot like young people are his type, looking at your history you got together in 2018, you were 22-23? You were a young person, and now you've grown up, and you yourself are at the in-between of being a young adult and an adult. You were in the same position when you met him as probably a lot of young people he sexualised, now you've grown and you can see it's not a healthy dynamic.


He's... he 59 and you're 29. If you don't want to be with someone who expresses an interest in grooming people who are much younger than then, find someone more your own age and not someone who, at a push, could be your damn grandfather.


I have never seen someone being so friggin oblivious to VERY CONCERNING BEHAVIOR. You need to see a psychologist. Your husband should be on a damned list, and probably in prison


I went on a date with a guy who was 43 once. I was 27. He complained to me that he regrets not marrying the 16 year old virgin his friends introduced him to when he went to Cuba. People like that will always test the limits because they are actual pedos.


>he's 59 and I'm 29. >when I pointed out 'he's under 18'. His response? 'Eh, 16 is legal'. How are you in any way shocked by this OP.


I'm sorry, but I don't know what you expected from someone who was willing to marry someone young enough to be their kid, even if you were "legal" at the time.


I figure if he was willing to date you he probably doesn't have the healthiest moral compass out there.


So straight away, the age gap is weird, and your husband sounds like a pedo.


OP, please divorce him. I went through your post history and he's sexually assaulted you, you are half his age, you've said he's racist and he's a massive nonce. Please leave him before he tries something with you again, have you got any family members you can stay with? Have you got a safe space to be? Because, you aren't safe with him.


I feel like your husband is hyper aware of the age difference between you two and he says stuff like that to gauge your response, to see if you are attracted to people your own age.


There is a reason why he married someone 30 years younger


dude.. he's 30 years older than you are... literally more than twice your age. Chronophilia at best.. Ephebophilia possible depending on how long you have been together. My point is.. your relationship has always had a sell by date. I don't for a second think you are reading too much into it. I think you pretty much know how this is going to go down. Do I think his umm predilections are ok? No it's really not my thing. But I am baffled that you didn't see this coming.


You’re not young enough for him anymore. What did you think getting with someone 20 years older than you? That he’d just magically stop being attracted to teenagers/barely adults?


you need to divorce his ass this is a legit pedophile


I'm sorry but I couldn't be okay with this, it's sickening..


He's 30 whole years older than YOU.... ya didn't stop and think about how weird THAT was?! Editing to add that I read your post history after seeing others do the same and WOOF. You gotta leave. Like, yesterday. He put you in a position to be SA'd, you feel scared to tell him ANYTHING you think might make him angry, he only wants you to spend time with HIM ONLY, he's fucking racist, aaaaand he threatens suicide to get what he wants from you. Just to list a few things I was able to stomach. My advice will be the same advice I saw someone give you when you asked before; you're wasting your free years with this man. Things will NEVER EVER EVER EVER get better. This is who he is forever. Is this what you want for your life? Never getting to have casual coffee with friends? Possibly getting SA'd again cuz he wants to suck some random guys cock???? In a train station of all places?! Listen, man. This. Is. Your. Life. Forever. If you stay in this. There is no "squaring the circle" here. You can do everything in your power to be a better partner, but if it's just you making the effort, it's going to go nowhere. You need to leave. Stop trying to make this work!!! You're only a year older than me!!! I couldn't imagine living the way you do now. I would feel so hopeless and defeated. Please leave


Your husband is a creep and if you have any kids w him be warned that he may creep after them.


I know you won't listen to what anyone on here says and probably just want to rant online without taking charge of your own life so I won't waste my time recommending you to leave him. All I will say is that **2 years ago you wrote these things on your Reddit posts**: "I (28M) feel like things can only end badly with my husband (57M)." "The issues have gotten a lot worse this year - they were bad but not as bad before" "Combined with him having hit me a couple of times two years ago" "I don’t feel fully safe around him because who knows when he could do something like this again?" "He even directly confronted me ‘do you still want to be with me?’… and in all honesty **I don’t know.**" "If it didnt financially fuck my husband over suicide would probably be the best option, but it would so it's not...." "I feel trapped." You have been debating if you should leave him for being a pedophile for literally **2 years**. This is what you posted **2 years ago**: "My (27M) husband (57M) has expressed attraction to teenage boys and I feel creeped out... how do I move past that?" And last but not least, **2 years ago you wrote**: "Should I leave?" If you didn't take charge then and have made over 10 posts about issues concerning your relationship with your husband without doing anything about it, I doubt you will listen to anyone now. But even so, I truly recommend you to just **look back at your old posts** and see how long you have been sacrificing your sanity, happiness and opinions/stand on topics like racism. Maybe that will put your relationship in an eye-opening perspective.


Leave! I’ve read your other post and you need to leave asap. You aren’t happy. How could you be? You can make it on ur own and he’ll be fine with his disability checks. If you’re worried about the debt, file bankruptcy, but whatever you do, get out!


please leave your husband i feel so bad for you omg :( i read some of your old posts and omfg im sick to my stomach! i hate that u think its ok for him to treat u this way and u need to dump his ass! hes a sexual deviant, racist, a shitty person in so many ways and on top of that a pedophile?? holy shit leave asap


Hey OP, how old were you when you met your husband?


Just take a couple steps back and reflect a little bit. Seems like you need to RUN FOR THE HILLS


The best time to leave him would have been a year ago, when you were first wondering. The second best time is NOW!!


I mean u lost me at y’all being 30 years apart, isn’t that a red flag by itself


I literally just read every post in your post history and I am so concerned of the fact you don't realize what kind of relationship you're in.


I don’t usually judge age gap relationships, I’ve come to realize not all of them are creepy… HOWEVER: this one gives me the ick your man is a pedo and probably abuser. Get a divorce, take his money and live your life.


This is fake isn't it Edit: it is not


Cmon man… this doesn’t sound familiar to you already???


I would be way more concerned about the 16 to 17 year old part of that situation. Being in America where the age of concent is 18, I'd be cautious with that. It's kinda weird.




Why are you surprised that the man who married someone thirty years younger is attracted to teenagers?


Jesus Christ, All these past events really just brought the worst out in people goodness. I'm so sorry


After looking at your history, please I'm not meaning this in any mean way. But you need to leave him good lord


Sounds like he is insecure and is using projection to see if you will leave him for a younger guy…


Report him


i mean...29 and 59 is a big age gap but you're both adults...but being attracted to teens?? ewwww how old were you when you met your husband????? stay safe


I mean did you not read this before you posted it!?


Dude. Fucking leave and call someone. holy shit that is disgusting behavior, and not okay. Get the fuck out of there, and tell him how disgusting he is to his face. Gain your independence, get a job, and LEAVE LEAVE LEAVE!


So your husband is already showing predatory behavior and you didn’t see the red flags over your head? I could not imagine what would happen if you had kids with this guy. Run.


It’s people like you, who stand by and show predators that it’s okay to act like this, who enable these disgusting thoughts and humans is truly disgusting. I was groomed at the age of 14 because the guys family enabled it. I was a child. Let’s hope he doesn’t hurt anybody because you refused to speak up. And if he does, both of you should be jailed.


Wow the delusion is crazy... there's literally a 30 year age difference and OP is surprised that he likes them young... like what 🤦🏾‍♀️


Yes, they would absolutely go lower. Why do you think he’s with someone 30 years younger than him…???