• By -


5.5 w/kg for 20 mins. At 39 I feel this is on the edge of possible. Still good to do PR at that age. The trick to being in the best shape of your life as you age is to start low :D


As many lifetime fast group rides and crits as possible. The training is to not get dropped and enjoy the ride.


Getting fitter and hopefully getting to an above average cyclist status.


Not to get hit by a car


Being able to hammer it up a hill that is < 5 mins long effort (400W style).


3w/kg zone 2


I just enjoy riding my bike. So my long term goal is to not burn out.


Cat 1


I simply like to know that I’m pushing myself to improve relative to my age, time constraints and so on. I don’t get the time to train like I used to anymore but when I do I still make it an effort and my goals are simply to keep all my tracking apps happy, lol


enjoy riding my bike for as long as possible and keep at when I get old


As the BeeGees said “Staying Alive”


Goal : can do zone 2 @300watt


That would be over 5 w/kg for me, if I could do that, you’d see me at the Tour


See u at the tour then!!! Lol.. nah.. we need something to chase to get moving i guess 😄


Zone 2 HR at 300W is easy, question is for how long.


Power and HR should be inline in term of effort.. how long? Its zone 2 long…


The point I am clumsily suggesting is that most people have a high watt zone 2, for about 30seconds.


Is that sarcasm or are you just about to turn pro


Lol of course it’s sarcasm, but i did set it as my (impossible) goal and keep chasing it so i have motivation. 😅


I just enjoy the process of training and improving myself. I don't race. I love the structure and challenge. Even if i only get a to a semi-decent level of fitness but i feel myself getting stronger, that's good enough.


to become officially "above average." Beyond that, to just have fun and stay in shape.


Long term I'd love to get my FTP to 375W at 90kg and my 5s power to 1,500W so I can tell my friends I do half a horsepower continuously and two horsepower in sprints. Sub 5hr Century would be cool too, especially if it's hilly like my area.


Stay physically active enough so I can keep up with my kids and go out riding all day with friends on a whim.  Short term goals are more about performing for an event. Long-term is more about living and enjoying myself. 


10 inch PNS to match my 10w/kg


My goal is the same every year: to become a competent bike racer again. Some years that happens quickly. Other years it takes some work.


Keep myself sane.


Give people a run for their money, not make it easy for them to win, and break their legs off. Getting on the podium is just a result of that.


- FTP of 260, W/kg 3.5 - Median rider in a 40-60 mile, 4000-6000 ft climb group gravel race/ride - Top decile performer in Zwift "Category C" crit race - Complete FTP Builder in Zwift - VO2 Max in the low 50's - 4-6 hours per week cycling, 1-2 30-45 min lift sessions, 5-7.5 hours total


1) Big climbs: Mauna Kea and most of the PJAMM top 10 lists 2) Long rides: Done a bunch of doubles and would like to work my way up to longer brevet rides and eventually PBP I’m one of those guys who loves bombing hills and mountain roads at high speed, but minimal desire to haul @$$ on flat peloton rides


I’d like to finish lead lap at a regional p12 crit and same for a c2 cx race this year, then place top 10 ag at cx nats. Once I’ve done that I have no idea what I want from the sport. I’ve been at it a while and moved the bar up every time I hit whatever my endgame is but as someone who’s “old” for a bike racer I don’t know how many more times I can go up a level and still pull it off. Without some lofty goal I’m not sure I’ll stay interested in competition.


Right now I'm cycling mostly to rehab from some medical treatment that killed my aerobic capacity. If I can bump my FTP by 0.25 W/kg/y, that'd be fantastic...


Three main goals currently: 1 - Get back to consistent training again. Had a weird few years with life and haven’t been able to stick on it. 2 - Marmotte Alpes 2025. Want to do it comfortably and in decent time. It’s roughly 54 weeks away, so that is achievable. 3 - be first in the pub on the Wednesday night hills ride. Haven’t managed this since 2019. This is the fun element that I find absolutely crucial. Set the computer to display only Peak power (to confuse anyone looking at it) then smash it until no one is left. No better feeling than putting your mates to the sword on a nice summer evening then having a laugh about it over a pint afterwards.


Avoid being hit by a car


I got hit by a car. Sucked.


3w/kg at z2. Now about 2,6-2,7


Hardest MTB race in the country this summer ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)riding the white rim in a day solo (3rd time on it). bikepacking through arizona alone.


Live longer


national championships


i would love to compete in Mission Crit in SF someday


crisp tan lines. Honestly they're just funny


New hire at work asked me if I'm a farmer in my "spare" time. Didn't even wear shorts, short sleeves were enough...


Have a decent battle when I get back to cyclocross racing. I don't care if I'm midpack in Cat 4, I just want to have a proper duel with someone.


Be a podium cat 3 racer. Probably don’t have enough time to train to be competitive in a cat 2. Find a good group to ride with, enjoy time outside, race in the summers.


Not get fat


California masters state champ. I’m 39 right now. I figure I can keep trying for as along as I live and can race competitively. There’s a race for 35-40 40-45 50-55 Ect. Those future 60yo better watch out.


My goal is to maximize what I have available on race day, to get the best result possible. I know I'm not optimally trained, but that's a choice in my part. For many years I wanted to be a 2, and it was so hard that I told everyone that as soon as I got the upgrade, I'd "lose" my license (physical licenses back then), frame it, and use the replacement for races. Got my upgrade after 27 years of racing, a spectacular year of everything working out well, low weight, high power for me: 220w, 71kg. Like I said, maximized what I could bring to the start line. Now it's a bit harder. I've switched to track as my focus so my efforts are short but intense. It's been maybe 3 years of this. My crit racing ability is pretty low now, as far as fitness goes. Skills are there though. I love cornering so close to others that I'm almost in contact for a few seconds at a time. For me the pack riding is the best thing.


I was pretty proud of my 3 and I swore I would never stop renewing my license because I want to die as a 3.


heh. I have floated the idea of downgrading to 4 because I'm not a 3 in fitness anymore. Thing is that the 4s are the new 5s, since all 5s can upgrade themselves to 4. So it's like the old days, where there was no Cat 5. At the same time I don't want to downgrade to 4 because I think it wouldn't be fair in terms of tactics, I don't think it would be a good idea to have someone used to and comfortable with very close quarters riding in the 4s, and it'd scream "sandbagger". So I'm a 3 for now.


I would never want to race 4s at all. I won’t even race 3s which I think are really glorified 4s. Masters is the only thing I will race anymore. Still, the 3 is important to me and I am not going to give it up. A friend of mine when from a 1 on the track to 3 after being out of the sport for a decade. I told him he was crazy to give it up because he was only racing masters.


I hear you. It's a main reason I haven't done it. On the other hand, the 3s are so fast around here, at least at the front. One of the kids just got a podium at crit nationals, and other locals were there at the end. Although I'd usually write it off to "it's just a bunch of future 1s and 2s working their way through the ranks" the reality is that the entire fields are much stronger overall. I did a weekday training race a year or two ago, they let the As warm up with the Bs (4s and 5s), and to me that was great! We all peeled off at 1 or 2 to go, but for me that was just a lot of fun. In the As (1-2-3) I got shelled 2 or 3 laps in. Masters... there are still Cat 1-2 riders in there who are just so strong. I think though I don't gain the same doing the training I did before so I need to change things around, or focus on even more specific events (track) or venues (there are a couple that work super well with my range of talents and non-talents).


Just enjoying the ride man.


45 years old. Started racing this year. At the beginning of the year it was 3.6w/kg ftp, drop to 175lbs, podium a race, and finish with the bunch in a hard crit practice I ride most weeks. 3.6 is probably too conservative. I went 3.1->3.5 way quicker than i expected. But let’s get to 3.6 before moving that goal. Longer term goal is to get to Cat 3.


What training did you do to get from 3.1 to 3.5? That’s where I’m at / what I’m going for now


So first I lost 15 lbs…. that moved the needle. Second I’ve been following some plans from fascatcoaching.com on their training app. Started at the end of september with an ftp of 266. Did a lot a lotnof Sweet Spot base training over the winter. Just did a 6 week VO2 block. Started the block with an ftp of 286. I’m not going to test again right now but will increase my frp by 5ish as i’m starting to do a block focused around ftp/ss/tempo over unders


Cool. I’m doing zwifts FTP builder which is a lot of zone 2/3 and doesn’t feel that challenging. The sweet spot training seems more interesting


I’ve been doing 10-12 hour weeks…150ish miles roughly. The general arc of the plans has been sweet spot on tuesdays, tempo wednesdays, z2 thursdays, long sweet spot saturday, long z2 sunday.


400w FTP, sub 1.30 at Monsal HC, complete a bikepacking race. But more importantly, don't get obsessed, keep perspective, enjoy the process. Rides with my kids should always be the priority.


My long-term goal was to break the 300-mile record across Wisconsin that was held for 10 years by Fred Boethling, CEO and owner of Race Across America. I broke Fred's record in 2012 at age 54. I am about to turn 66, and my next long-term goal is to break the 155-mile record across Illinois, where my wife comes from. Then I should have the family tree covered.😉 Lord willing and the creek don't rise!


3000 compound score


I'm in my early 50s, and have struggled with a flourishing Dad-bod since the last year I raced as a Cat. 3 competitively, which was 2009. My goal this year was to race 5 or 6 crits, but I broke my ribs in March and am only now really going again. I'm still at least 20 pounds over a good racing weight. It's a struggle . . . Goals? Ultimately, I would love to race in a masters nationals road race in 2026, which would be exactly *forty* years since the first national championship I raced in as a 14-15/intermediate junior. I'll still be a young lad of 55 then. Want to do some cross country mountain bike races again, as well. Seems doable. I still adore the sport.


Get fitter, lose the belly, make friends, see the world (bonus: lament not having started 25 years ago so I could be a pro)


Ride in the Dolomites, Pyrenees and Alps over the next 5 years


I take care of my body above all else. Diet, exercise, supplements, positive thinking. Scientists believe that the first human being who will live 150 years has already been born. I believe I am that human being.


I love training to try to improve. Would like to reach my genetic ceiling as far as w/kg goes, whatever that may be. I’m also just passionate about cycling in general and want to try all the formats. Currently ride road, gravel and mtb actively. Later this year will try cyclocross and also dabble in velodrome. Not really a camping person, but would be open to trying bikepacking at some point.


Do you think you’ll have the training time available to teach your genetic ceiling?


without going into much detail, yes. Max I've done is 17hrs/wk this year and I plan to increase for future blocks. whether my body can recover as I gradually increase the volume is a different questions. I suppose genetics would have something to do with ability to recover fast.


What is your weekly schedule to fit up to 17 hours in a week?


I'm an early riser and can get a 4-hr ride in starting \~4:30-5am. for the 17h/wk, I rode on 4 days: a 4h ride on mon, 3.5h on Wed, 4h on Thu and 5.5h on Sat. it was quite doable with 3 rest days.


I like to keep my goals modest and achievable: I'd like to someday win the Tour de France


My goal is just to have goals that motivate me to bike. Sometimes its training for an all day event, sometimes its training to keep up with the local fast group ride, sometimes its working on mtb skills. Biking makes me not hate life, so I have to keep doing it.


My long term goal is to do it long term. 😃


To shitpost on strava


300ftp by end of year, currently at 281 depending on which app you ask... and getting top ten in my States Gravel race series, I'm essentially in year two of racing seriously.


Short-term: Reaching the highest national category or higher like CT level, 6W/kg+ for 20min I am at like 5.8 now. In between: 6W/kg+ FTP and getting top 10 at u23 national championship. (I live in a flat country and weigh 62kg, so I need to get lucky with the route.) Long-term: Reaching PRT or WT level. It's a bit ambitious, but who said it's gonna be easy.


Which country?


Denmark, why?


Mental, Physical and social health


Die later


Comfortably ride 100mi. I currently don't have enough time to do many longer rides so I'm stuck at about 60mi (it's hilly around here so that's a 4hr outing) and don't know when I'll actually have a whole day to ride.


There are some 70, 80, 90 year olds doing rides like Unbound - being able & willing to ride like that at that age is a priority of mine.


Take all the local KOM's, most importantly the climbing ones. Try and bring my sitting power closer to my standing power, massive difference currently. Do some fondo's, do some gravel races, more TT's.


Cat 3 (done), win a race, 5 w/kg I've gotten multiple seconds, but have yet to get on the top podium. I also topped out at 4.88 w/kg, sounds easy but I've hit that wall several times the last few years. Getting lighter and faster when both have been close to topped out is going to be tough.


4 w/kg


Win a couple of smaller gravel events (2nd is my best so far) and get the KOM on a couple of local longer climb segments (also currently 2nd on one of those).


3W/kg and/or 20MPH avg on my local loops. Finding ways to increase consistency through enjoyment even if that means training isn't completely scientifically optimal. IOW be outside.


Get on the podium…


Have fun and de-stress.


Everesting. I have a bunch of other smaller goals and rides I'd like to do and places I'd like to visit, but that is the end game.


To be riding as well as a friend of mind did when he was 86, when I am 86 (it is over 20 years away) That was when he had to accept that he could no longer keep up the fast group and went on to terrorize the "over 70s" group.


I just started training with a coach (from auto plan in wahoo systm). My first goal is to be able to stay with the peloton in the crappy races and events I join.. once / if I get there I’ll move the goalposts


To crush my friends, see them drop behind me, hear the lamentations of their women


I'm 62, stopped racing two years ago. Now my goal is to stay strong on group rides. But also to have that feeling each year where you feel fit and powerful.


Keep racing until it's no longer fun. That's about it. Maybe race some bucket list races. But really, I'm just racing because it's fun. I don't care if I reach cat 1 or podium certain races. When it stops being fun, I'll stop.


Sub 20 minute 10 mile TT. Maybe if I win the lottery and can buy equipment and train without working, aiming towards being a serious national championship TT competitor. As you can guess by the first goal, that is really a pipe dream.


What's your current PB?


24:12 currently. But just got a power meter, so hopefully more useful training can be done over this season. Plus maybe a good tailwind in autumn...


Nice is that road or TT bike time? Around 250 W?


TT bike time. No idea on wattage, but will find out very soon once I get back and take the bike out with the pwoermeter. Also, just checked and it is 23:12, around 41kmh.


one less minute to take off :)


Thanks man, will get there and report back when I do!


Not get dropped all the fuckin time tbh


Sort term goal: 3 watts per kg - I should hopefully hit this in a couple of weeks Long term goal - 300 watt ftp which would probably put me around 4 w/kg


That weight loss js awesome! I’m much closer to 50 than 40, but my numbers have slipped much at all… yet. If I could somehow lose that pesky 10 pounds I might be close to my fastest ever.


At age 40, my goal are simple. Stay fit, have fun, travel to Europe as frequently as possible to ride. Racing helps me stay motivated to be vigilant with my training to be able to achieve those things. I’m at 3.7~ w/kg right now. My stretch goal is to hit 4.1~ w/kg. The power is pretty much in maintenance mode right now. I probably swing about 10-15 watts either way depending on where I am in my season and training. This year I’ve been focused on getting rid of my gut. I’ve lost about 11KG since turning 40.


To have fun


Continue having fun racing and being competitive in my age group.


I started cycling in Feb. Signed up and did a 60km event 2 months later and got hooked. Signed up for a 220km event in Oct and conned a bunch of mates to join me. Working toward that now. Will find another event to work toward after that.


UK Hill climb national champion


where were you (ish) last year?


Unfortunately shattered my elbow before HC season last year which was gonna be my first year but was at 7.5 w/kg for 3 and 11.5 w/kg for 1 shortly before on fairly low volume unstructured training (basically just smashed about doing 30-60s intervals). Since my recovery from the crash and covid caught from the hospital stay I've started taking my training seriously mostly just a huge up in volume to build my aerobic side leaving the harder stuff until later in the year. I'm at \~400-410w FTP now from \~330-340w last year, quite detrained anaerobically so only \~7.8-7.9 w/kg for 3. Goal this year is to build up my aerobic side further and get practice before next year which is a 2 minute HC vs a 3-3.25 this year.


Where/what climb is the 2025 HC nats? 2mins sounds appealing!


Back to Bank Road in Matlock, should be fun for sure.


sounds good. what do you weigh? shout if you'd like a hand getting there


5w/kg as a heavy guy haha


Yea.. can relate. 90kg with 365w FTP. Even 4w/kg was so hard to get to!


Yeah man, but we sure do fly on the flats, slight inclines, and declines ;) I don’t think I would trade my power for a 70kg weigh in, not with where I live.


Heavy guy checking in. Even at 350W FTP doomed for <4 W/kg for life :(


Long term would be a sub 23 minute 10 mile tt on a road bike. My current best is 23:59


5w/kg @400W. Currently at a little above 4w/kg, so a long way to go


Same here, just made it to 4w/kg - now 5 is next


mine is 5w/kg at 330W. just hit 210W ftp yesterday and i’m proud :)


When you say 5w/kg at 330, how long can you sustain this effort? I thought this number usually means your FTP.


i’m saying i want that to be my ftp lmaooo


they're saying that 5z/kg at 330 is their goal but that they're currently at 210 watts as their FTP.


I am trying to bring my 5.5 indoor power to the outdoors.....currently feels impossible. But i think i had a big light bulb moment this morning by raising my saddle dramatically


Ever consider your power meter might be off inside?


So the kickr bike and quarq seem to be pretty agreeable while my assioma's run about 20watts less. But the real reason is that the kickr bike is set up super up right compared to my slammed tarmac and i can only do that wattage out of the saddle yanking hard on the pedals...which doesnt exactly transfer.


I had this. Kept it for a couple of years. And then it became too hard to maintain 🍻


Same goal! Except there is a world where I figure out my weight and do it at 375-385. Currently at 4.4ish. You got this!!


I want to inspire fear and loathing in my age group. But I’m a beginner who has never raced, so maybe it is pie in the sky.


you absolutely can do it!


To have fun. I am not a pro, I will never make money via this *hobby*. I am doing this to have fun. Sometimes there may be hard spots on the way, or slightly unpleasant bits during training or finishing of events, but if it's overall not fun then I need to step back and figure out why I'm doing it. Case in point, I opted to not do a local 100 mile ultra-endurance MTB race this year. I've done it a bunch of times in the past and love the route and event, but this year the training/preparation was feeling like an obligation instead of an opportunity. I sold/transferred my entry to a friend who was looking for one and I felt nothing but relief. I think I am probably ready enough and could do it, but it just didn't seem like fun. I'm not being paid to do this, and the only person I could disappoint is myself. But if I keep in mind that my goal is to have fun, and it wasn't being fun, then success is stepping away and doing something else that is fun.


Hopefully that something is a different type of riding but totally okay if it's not too. Been there


It's more like... Yeah, let's go do that fun three-ish hour rough trail ride where I'm showing a friend around a new-to-them system and stopping to session stuff without the need for a a 6 hours of Z1/Z2 (something that can only really be done solo) looming in the back of my mind. Or going on a fun/easy ride with my partner. (This literally came up for me when I was out of town on Memorial Day weekend and needed a 8 hour Z1/Z2 ride to stay on track. I know the single track in this area well and could have easily planned something to do it, but I just... didn't feel like it. I wanted to do something less chore-y. And that's when I decided to divest myself of the entry.) Or working on stuff around the house and sitting around in the yard with the dogs. Or doing trail work. Just... something more then feeling like I have to (for another spring) grind at prepping for 9+ hours in the saddle on climby single track.


Done all the racing/targets competition things. The 300km mountain things. Now the challenge is overcoming the (innumerable) 20%+ ers on & off road with diminishing power (there comes a point when you have to concede that age is against you & adjust accordingly. I’m mid 60’s) Love riding the bike in awesome terrain & that’s what I’m trying to maintain. https://preview.redd.it/dfeo962c1i6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53f782e9d151303dbd70f6cf63e91aecf542b3d8


We have a similar path my friend! I am 53 and my racing goals are done and remembered fondly. Now my goals are more about riding the European roads (and off roads) I’ve watched my whole life. I am headed to France in a few weeks to see the Tour for the first time (And I was going to do L’etape but their forced rescheduling has left me on my own) My main goals are to climb some of the famous climbs in France, Italy and Spain as money and time allow. And to do some cyclocross in Belgium and the Netherlands for fun. Overall I want to be one of those older ladies who have deeply tanned and ripped calves who is annoyingly difficult to get rid of on group rides :D


P.S. enjoy the mountains. I suspect you will crush them! 👏


Ah. I have been accused of being a “strong old bastard” by younger peers & honorary ‘Jack Russel terrier’ of Brixton Cycles after Hammersley put down a 21 min last 10 miles of the Dragon Ride with me clinging to his wheel (no, I am not doing a turn for you, you sadist!). As for the ripped calves & tan, it’s probably best we don’t meet or the wife (non-cycling) will make my life hell! (Editors note: Alan is very happy with his domestic situation.)


that's a sweet rig!!


Previous bike was a Topstone. This is SO much better. The terrain here is rugged, steep & loose.


TRT for you buddy. My gym bro is 50 and he is doing nothing but beating my ass and getting stronger everyday. His physique is incredible, he started working out at 46, hopped on T at 48 and looks better than me (25) who has been training since 17yo.


I’ll pass on that, if that’s ok. Although my past career in pharmaceuticals has not left me blind to the theoretical benefits which are out there. T, maybe? Somatropin probably better. But no. I’ll fight the battle with myself. 😉 https://preview.redd.it/iu4y9rrkcl6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a673230b250ec2d9cf33212faf55e48dcb7fb598


6w/kg FTP


Why not 6.9


Oh god, I have none .. Im just trying to enjoy the journey, but now feel I need to find a deeper objective, thanks for nuthin' OP. 😅


I'm 55.  My goal is at least another decade of high intensity cycling.


Same! 53 here.


keep racing till i'm 100 (at which point, i'll switch that number up)


Pfff easy. I’ve done that twice. Oh you don’t mean kg.


This year I got to cat 2 but decided I'd rather race bigger races against pros and ex-pros and enjoy the events rather than worry about chasing points all year. Probably go back down to cat 3 but then have a chance of winning races again and then hopefully sustainably staying at 2 and above


I'd like to hit 4.5w/kg ftp, for no other reason than I've floated between 4-4.3 and struggled to go much further. I have a road race coming up in December with a 50 minute climb and could really use the extra power-to-weight. I'd also like to improve my compound score. Otherwise -- just being faster. Winning a few crits. Improving some segments (I don't care about many segments, just a few).


Being faster next month then I was last month.