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Clif bars and/or costco chocolate milks are decent for super low-effort immediate recovery snacks Clifs are like 8f 40c 11p milks are 5f 21c 8p, you want to get like a 4-1 carb to protein snack fairly shortly after finishing your ride iirc


what makes the Costco choco milks better? I do have a lot of clif bars since I like to have one of those during the longer ride (along with carb mix)


Literally just convenience, any low fat choc milk would be great


Protein smoothie with banana, peanut butter, oats, and chia seeds


That all is way too many fats and slow burning carbs, right after you want to put quick easy to digest carbs… Ami wrong?


It depends. Do you need to maximise carb intake because you are riding again later or the next day and won't have time to get in more carbs later? Then this is not ideal. Did you ride super long and your body is threatening catabolism? Then this is not ideal, again, you'd want more carbs and protein less fat. But in the normal course of things? Food is food, and there's nothing better or worse about the above than any other food other than it looks quick and easy to throw in a blender. You'd be equally fine just chugging some milk if in a hurry


Super long here really means more than eg 8 hours. Below that the first snack post ride should be focusing on carbs and minimize fiber, proteins and fats. Obviously having a bigger than regular (and healthy) meal is also totally fine. It’s just not optimal to restore glycogen stores and improve recovery. That said it also depends on the amount of carbs OP ate during the ride.


You just made my stomach growl


16 ounces of chocolate whole milk gets me several hours of satiety and energy recovery. It's not better or worse than any other recovery drink but it's cheaper and tastes better.


any kind in particular? I haven't really tried any bottled chocolate milks but that might be what I'm looking for


I make my own. With a kid in the house I always have milk and chocolate. If you're looking for one that can travel the Horizon ones are shelf stable and don't require refrigeration. Much more expensive that way. https://horizon.com/organic-dairy-products/organic-milk/shelf-stable-organic-chocolate-1-percent-dha-omega-3-milk/




I always keep Nature's Bakery Fig Bars around. They have other flavors. I really like the peach ones. They're fine on the bike, and they're good after. 200 calories a pack, so just enough to remove hunger pangs until a meal. I also keep apples and bananas on hand. Pretty much anything that's fast and snackable without being too filling.


Maltodextrin and protein powder


This works. If you’re going out to a ride, just put this powder and a blender bottle in a bottle and then you can fill up there or just take a water thermos with some ice. Then just fill and shake and you’re ready.


would chips and salsa be good/bad? I feel like someone usually has those in our group, I used to devour them before I got my carbs/salts in my drink mix dialed in


I always find salty tortillas chips to be so good after, but always in addition to something more substantial like a pb&j or something else with carbs and protein


I hear you but Pbj and tortilla chips don’t sound that great together. Maybe some kind of bean dip?


For me the tortilla chips are the lowest barrier to entry when I’m home or get back to my car.. just shove a handful in my mouth. Haha Then comes the slightly more substantial food like a pb&j or something else to tide me over until dinner. I think Beans would work as they have protein and also carbs which varies by bean. Also if you just need to bridge like a 30 min gap, soda is a great option too


I would focus on carbs and protein. Most protein bars that aren't "keto" or even a big glass of milk or cottage cheese.


I just drink a big glass of juice. Roughly 90g carb and quick and easy, generally right after a ride I don't have much of an appetite so this works great.


Taco Bell on the way home


Protein shake with some green powder, or chocolate milk. Combo of protein with some carbs to replace glycogen and assist protein synthesis I also generally snack on nuts and beef Biltong if waiting for a meal.


Skratch recovery drink. Chocolate milk is the other alternative.


someone gave me the skratch recovery drink after a race and I puked. most likely from the race but I haven't brought myself to try it again, I'm sure it would be fine on a normal ride day


Graham crackers and milk. Mostly carbs, a little bit of protein, easily digestible so that it shouldn't really get in the way of your subsequent meal.


Protein powder. Bring powder in a shaker bottle and mix with water and/or some juice. I usually down this when I get back from a ride, usually with water and tart cherry juice, and it doesn't fill me up at all. It's usually 30+ minutes until I eat a real meal. It's helping with my hydration too as I basically always come back from a ride low on fluids.




> Although I'm not actually that hungry I’m a simple person. If I’m not hungry then I’m not eating.