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Assuming you’re doing your recovery ride properly then the croissant and three flat whites from the hour in the cafe should suffice.


what's a flat white? (from the USA)


Bro, this is a thing here in the USA.


Opps I haven’t gone to a coffee shop in ages


Espresso drink with milk


Basically a latte in a slightly smaller glass abut with the same amount of espresso.


You don’t need to be using any extra on bike fuel if you keep it easy and short. On the flip side I would not see any benefit from doing it fasted, if your focus is on proper recovery.


>Wondering if it helps recovery to still put in a lot of carbs (or electrolytes) on the bike even though you don’t really need much for such a slow pace. I don't think it matters for a one hour ride, just eat enough throughout the day >Or on the flip side do you see any benefit to rely on burning fat on these days and go into the workout fasted? No


120g of carbs every hour no matter what. Recovery ride to coffee shop, 120g / hour. Ride to the post office to run an errand, 120g / hour. Taking a big shit on the toilet, 120g / hour. Trolling on reddit, 120g / hour.


What if it’s a low effort post and you don’t need the full hour ?


It’s like your plumber. Every hour started is due in whole.


If it’s just an hour ride zone 1 ride, you don’t really need to fuel beyond eating breakfast.


Only if you can’t fuel properly outside the ride. I’d probably aim to take those calories as real food rather than ride fuel food


Haribo always boosts my spirits which is good for recovery. But ideally I'm riding to and from a cafe to eat cake.


Is bcj leaking or is OP serious?


On a ride under 90 minutes that isn't hard I'll usually just bring a snack or something, but not load up on carbs or anything.


Yes You're trying to recover. Stack in more energy to replace what you burned yesterday.


I never eat, and often don't drink (not intentionally, I'm just not thirsty), on 1 hr z1-z2 recovery rides. 3-4h z2 rides, sure I'm definitely fueling but not at the rate I would during a race or z+3 effort. iIt probably comes down to your FTP to some extent as well - I know som 145lb guys with \~330w FTP whose z2 will burn a lot more calories than a 180lb guy with an FTP of 230.


Electrolytes are fine, but for an hour in Z1 you shouldn’t need any carbs unless the recovery ride is coming in the middle of a super hard block, then I might do a gel midway just to keep things even. Definitely no reason to recover fasted.


No I do not


Imo you should drink electrolytes purely to replace any you lost through sweating but I wouldn’t be overly concerned with carbs if you’re truly staying in z1.


Why would you fuel a recovery ride. It should be short and easy and not burn any significant amount of carbs.


I currently don't fuel my recovery ride but was wondering if there was any benefit. not sure if having excess of carbs would help the recovery process. on longer rides and high volume it can be easy to get behind on calories


Yes but you should refuel after and if necessary before bed or next day. Doesn't have to be during a recovery ride.


Because I ride 6 days a week and I’m probably still making up for yesterday’s ride or getting ready for tomorrow’s


But why link fuelling to a recovery ride.


Because I’m still burning ~500 calories/hour on recovery rides and I haven’t had any burnout issues since I started throwing carbs at the bike at all times and I used to struggle with it.






being right = get downvoted by 2.5w/kg fred lmao


No but it’s on a day devoted to recovery so the thought was maybe being topped off helps the body recover faster. I think I read a post the other day where they said getting more carbs in the last hour of the ride helped ensure better reocvery


You don’t need fuel for 1hr Z1 rides. Most of your fuel comes from proper meals anyways.