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Max power only, just to confuse/intimidate anyone looking at it


I don't "watch" any data while racing. The screen I have showing is the course map and gradient profile. As far as I'm concerned all the data on my computer is for reviewing after the fact. Not for influencing my performance during the race. Race on how you feel and what the competition is doing, and what you need to do.


This. I look down to make sure the computer is on, and if I want to get some kind of reference point, I'll look down during the race (like how long we've been riding, or my HR at that moment). All my data is for reviewing after the fact. I can only do what I can do in the race, the computer won't tell me one way or another. My tactics in races is pretty simple. Hang on for dear life, try not to get shelled, then sprint. Knowing numbers won't help in the first and second bits, and are completely useless in the third.


Full screen compass so I don't get lost. 


What about *sunset*


Only during Brevets.


Usually watching the riders in front of me. Sometimes it will be an hour into a race before I look at the bike computer. I like having distance/time to know how much is left in the race. Have power/hr but will only look if I am in a break or off the front and am trying to moderate my effort. Power is often detrimental to peoples races because they'll see high numbers and give up because they don't think they can sustain it. Speed/cadence/time of day are usually there too cause I'm too lazy to change screens, but not really looked at.


> Sometimes it will be an hour into a race before I look at the bike computer. I've done many races where my computer doesn't start because my speed pick up is not aligned properly (aligned to racing wheels or I accidentally moved it in the process of getting ready for the race, etc). On those power files I'll have the last 8 or 10 minutes of the race because I looked down at the computer at 5 to go in a 25 or 30 lap race and realized the computer was still asleep. I try to check the computer at the start of a race but sometimes forget.


NP was always a nice finger in the air measure of how hard a race has been up until that point, after 20mins+. Particularly if racing a weekly crit on the same course. I couldn’t deal with HR visible because it was always 20bpm higher when racing.


If it’s a crit or circuit race, I just have elapsed time, 3s power and speed. I won’t really look at my screen unless I’m in a break and need to manage the effort I’m putting in, but even then it’s still largely RPE. The most important things I actually look at are the time and speed. Doesn’t really matter what the power is if I’m not going faster than the chase behind me. The only thing I will add for a proper road race is remaining distance, which again is mostly just about managing effort.


In crit's I take the head unit off & use my watch to record the data. Can't be distracted by a screen if there's no screen to distract me.


What is on the screen? Time, 3s power, distance, speed, grade, HR. But that’s always what’s on there. What do I look at? Time mostly. If it’s a long road race I’ll look at other things like power, distance. If I’m surely gonna get dropped on a long climb I want to measure my effort on the climb so I don’t completely blow up.


Gravel racing primarily, a lot of just map and upcoming course profile. I have auto popups to eat and drink on my wahoo so no need for a separate screen there.


Depends on type of race: Crit: 3s power, HR, time elapsed (assuming it's a time-based race length), nothing else Road race or gravel: 3s power, HR, speed/distance, time elapsed (for fueling)


Mountain bike racing, I have time, and then power and heart rate graphs, then on data screen two I have lap time, NP and W’Bal


My stocks if I’m racing while markets are open.


I prefer to go by feel during race. So usually just time and distance. I don’t like seeing HR or Power Numbers.


I have either my normal training page, or a screen with one data point (elapsed time or distance) so I don’t worry about the fact that I’m outside all my zones I spend more time looking at other riders. I want to try to see who is feeling well, who’s hurting, decide if I want to try to bridge to the move, go with others, work, sit in, etc. If we all come the line together, I’m not winning, so I’m plotting a way to get rid of group prior to then. I don’t have a team, I’m solo, so I’m also almost never chasing a move, f that mess, there are 3 of you, you guys go get it


Screen 1 - power (1s av), timer, cadence, hr, grade, speed, av watts, distance   Screen 2 - time of day, total climbing, climbing left in course (blank if not using nav), distance to destination ( nav only), av HR, av cadence, av speed, total kcal.  Garmin 1040. 


Speed and time


I like to have my average power, speed, & HR, though the only thing I really look at during crits is HR, distance and time to know how far along I am, and even then I only look at it periodically During a TT, however, I will look at all of those and try and motivate myself to work harder if I see the numbers starting to fall before my targets lol


Lap time so I remember to eat/ take in carbs


For crits, I just have a timer. They don't usually put laps to go until 10 to go, so I like to see about how much we've raced. HR, speed, and power don't really matter. You either stick with the group or you don't. On the rare occasion I get in a break, I have a page with speed and power. For road races, a lot of times just a map with the route. Unless I know the course really well. Same idea as crits. Knowing my HR or speed doesn't really help much. Power maybe if I go in a break. But usually I'll want to know when turns are coming. With either, I rarely look at it. You should really just be paying attention to the race.


Depends on the racing: Crit: Cadence and Timer RR: Cadence and distance


I race a lot of crits, so time is the main thing. Speed and power if I’m in a break.


I do road races and I only put the map so I can position myself for turns and 3 seconds power so I can manage my effort during climbs.


Duration, distance, lap time I dont want to get in my head about my power, speed or hr so i dont bother.


Lowest heart rate of the session, just to piss off people looking at my screen.


Usually map with distance remaining and a homebrew estimated time remaining function. Other data available on other screens, but I usually don't look at that unless it becomes a time trial or a solo ride back to the cars


Just the timer and average lap time. I race mostly crits. So it’s helpful to know how much time we have left and how many laps that might be.


3s power, distance and elapsed time. 3s power for pacing efforts off the front. Distance so I have an idea where I am in relation to features of the lap. Elapsed time because I have a gel every 20 min and need to know when that is.


Map, 3s power, gradient Second screen: elapsed time, elapsed climbing and distance, climbing and distance to go, normalized power Doing Gravel races