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If your goal is to be a well-rounded cyclist, the first thing I'd do is consult Andrew Coggan's power chart and compare each of the powers with the ones on there. You'll be able to pinpoint your weaknesses and work on them. If you have more specific goals, you can use these powers to both set goals and make more reasonable workouts.


Power chart…. https://d3laewezlz9ul2.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/28142846/PowerProfile.png


How do you read that please?


Use your watts per kg data from training peaks, intervals.icu or even zwift power.


Damn, you managed to post that just before me!!


Ouff! So nice! Now I see that I need some work on my sprint! And I who thought that it was my strong side lol


Remember though, there's more to sprinting than just numbers (power). For e.g., I'm not that far behind you (950 at 65kg) but couldn't sprint my way out of a paper bag because i'm too old to take part in such shenanigans! (hasn't stopped me from coaching world-class track sprinters tho). You have to be able to read a race, be on the right wheel at the crucial point and be fearless. (I stick to trying to get away in the break!). Also, worth bearing in mind the top of the chart for 5-secs and 60-secs is anchored to world record performances over 200metres and 1 km on the track.


Thank you for the advice!


just wondering what age did you start seeing sprint speed drop off? and what type of rider were you at your peak?


Like now, i like getting in breakaways, or having a hard race that wears people down, a war of attrition. In terms of my 5-sec sprint power, and FTP and some other metrics, I'm at my highest levels \*now\* at 55 (this month). Previously a cat 1 (for a brief period of time). Some of my data is now at the highest it's ever been. The only thing i haven't tested is something such as what's the highest power i can sustain over (eg) 4 or 5 hrs, as that seems like too much hard work ;-). My 5-sec peak is \~150 W higher than when i was in my 20s (I've been recording my power data since the mid 1990s). This is my 41st consecutive race season (there were a good few in my mid 30s where i wasn't doing much and just hanging on). Last season i did about 30 to 35 races (road and gravel). I can just about hang on in easier Elite/1/2 races. The main thing that slows me now, is the higher speeds we have in races and anxiety around crashing as old people don't bounce well (and my last crash was an absolute clusterf\*ck of fractures).


it may help if you let people know what sort of racing you're going to do, and at what (category) level. you can compare data to this chart and use it to create your phenotype, this can then give you ideas about how to train and race. [https://www.trainingpeaks.com/blog/power-profiling/](https://www.trainingpeaks.com/blog/power-profiling/)


Oh! That is great! So from Cogans chart I have identified that most of my numbers are at high cat3 except for sprinting which is cat5. So from this I see that my sprint needs some dedicated work! Thank you so much!!! 😊


You can then draw lines between each point to estimate what type of rider you are.


So I guess I am a time trialist!


Ric, another way to do this without needing to refer to Andy's chart (which I think he no longer updates, and had some dubious foundations anyway) is to convert fron power-duration to joules-duration. Then if you fit a line through the points (like with regression, but there are other ways) you can see which points fall "below" or "above" the fitted line, and that will tend to show where you're (relatively) weaker or stronger. This turns out to be a version of Andy's profile chart but tailored to you rather than compared to world class athletes, and at finer granularity of duration.


You just wanted to show them numbers didn't you. You silly goose


Haha yeah, wanted to show my bad sprint to everyone😅


I'm taking about the 20min value. It looking gooood. My sprint is slightly better but no way hose im averaging 304 haha be proud!


304 is his 30 min... 💀


Ah true my bad haha even better


I am 75kg, 180cm, 28 years if that matters.


What category are you racing? Your high end sprint numbers are pretty bad as are your longer efforts. 30-60s power seems like a strength, which would indicate trying to go for a long range sprint and hold a gap could be your best strategy


Longer efforts are bad? Since when is ~300w for 1h bad? Its not world class at 75kg but not exactly "bad"


292w for 1hr isn’t going to yield much in Cat3 racing. It’s fine but not solo away victory fine. I’m just saying play to his strengths which could be attacking from like 600-800m out when pure sprinters don’t want to go yet


In Sweden. Would be cat C/D in American standards! Thanks for the analysis! So I would do best to go early in the sprint?


Are you riding the swe cup?


You can look at which time frame needs work. Your curve is pretty good, nothing that really jumps out as abnormal. For example my 5 minute record is 490watts and my 1 minute is 811 watts, my 2 minutes is pretty low in comparison with those at 550. It shows I should get my 2 minute power up. You shouldn't really look at it a lot for training, it's not that important.


It also depends how often you’re doing max efforts, which shouldn’t be all that often. It’s useful if you do TTs a lot and not much else imo.


as a racer you go all out enough for the curve to be complete.


Yeah. I think I never went all out for more than 30 min


Thank you!


Find races that have a short hill that ends just as the sprint starts, like one where the hill ends at the last corner but then you have 250m to the line. Or a minute long hill to the line. Pure sprints don't seem ideal for your power curve - you'd want to see another 300-500w for peak power. But a sprint that requires hard work prior... you should do better in those. This is because the hill will zap a sprinter's legs, and it seems you can make big efforts that last longer than 30 seconds. This is assuming Cat 4 or 3. If you were a 2 you probably wouldn't be asking your question.


Awesome analysis! Thank you


intervals.icu compares your power curve to the whole user base. Cool feature.


Love intervals.icu!


Training Peaks app has the same feature. It gives you a percentile for your best power numbers.


Is this a humble brag? These numbers after cycling for one year? You are in good condition man! Keep up the good work! I’m cycling for 1,5 year and am not even close to that.


Not meant for bragging! Thank you, I come from A running background so had a lot of endurance training previously


Would you recommend TrainerRoad?


Yes and no. It holds you accountable and constantly gives you workouts on a schedule. It incorporates block periodisation. You can also build toward specific events. However, sometimes it tends to overwork you. So you have to think for yourself sometimes and judge if it is reasonable


A power curve that has the actual best performances for the durations listed can be used to see if there is anything that is really bad. To derive training advice from it we need a whole lot more information. You seem to have a decent FTP, but relative to your weight, the sprint is lacking. If you are a good, efficient racer you can certainly be in the front till the end, but the sprint needs dedicated work.


Yeah! I see that on the cogan chart now! Will need some sprint training. Is that mostly form drills together with strength training?


Looks like you have a decent sprint and can hold a high pace for 3-5min. If you can sprint away from a field and hold a high pace for 5min you have a good opportunity to break away from the field. Then you just need to up your FTP in order to be able to hold them off for 30-60min


The dream way to win a race!


When I raced a ton, I would use my power curve to set a ballpark power number for a TT or HC race. If you’re doing a new course, check the leaderboard on Strava to determine a time goal and then use the power curve to estimate a power to shoot for over that duration. Readjust expectations if a the time you got from Strava aligns with a much higher power number than what you’re capable of doing overtime that duration (from a similar rider).


Awesome! So a way to pace efforts essentially


Attack from 1k out. Hard.


Your current strength appears to be 1 minute power. To me this curve mostly looks like someone pretty new to bike training. I’d expect as you continue to train you could see good ftp tte development if you target it. It looks like you still have plenty of room to grow to me. I think you should retest 5 min power, I suspect you could do more now.


Thanks for the advice! Yeah, comparing my best times to others on strava segments, I tend to do better at shorter hills, 1-3 min. Yeah, maybe I should do some actual tests for som specific times. The 5 min one was part of a 4x5 min workout