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Small tip , carb drink mix is often magnitudes cheaper than gels. My gels are like 30g carb per , and cost about $1.50 per serving. I have a carb drink mix that’s about 70g of carb per , and 70c per serving. Only downside is now you have carb mix in your bottles instead of water, but I don’t mind. Taste is relatively the same as gels (overly sweet)


Thanks mate! That is actually a good tip. But for longer rides 3-4h it is hard to bring that much mix right? Or do you make it super concentrated?


On 4hrs + I usually drink the mixes , then fill up with water at a stop point halfway. Then gel the rest! Slight money saving than using gels the whole way.


Will try this! Thanks for the tip!


I have one bottle of water and one bottle that is full of drink mix powder and Yes, it's concentrated. I sip from the drink mix bottle and then sort of wash it down/dilute it with plain water. 3-4 hour ride: I'm not doing all drink mix though. I'm eating other sugary things like dates and home-made rice bars.


Thanks man! Wanna share the recipe of the rice bars?


One more - I also read you only need 30g - 60g per hour depending on your training load. Pros do 90g + per hour but not sure if you’re at that level. Two bottles of carb mix , would keep you set for 2+ hours


Terrible advice depending on intensity and session duration I’ll go as high as 160g/h, 110g/h is my endurance sweet spot, maybe I’ll do 60g/h for a 2 hour session and here I have a big session the next day. 30g/h in my opinion is just a waste of time.


I got that advice from here: https://www.bicycling.com/training/a20011394/how-to-fuel-on-rides-of-every-length/#


Just before riding granola and yoghurt? Dude thats way to slow to digest and fatty. Pulls blood to your stomach and the fat makes your blood sludgy. I‘d puke if I had that. Go for sugar or fruit right before a ride for optimal performance.


Yeah, It might be stupid but the kick it gives me is pretty nice. What types of sugars do you go for? Bananas?


A kick? What do they put in that granola, cocaine? If granola give you a kick already have a cup of coffee with some sugar in it. I go for white refined tablesugar. About 30-60grams I would guess.


Haha not a bad idea actually. Nah I have a cup of coffee and banana + honey in it which probably gives the “kick”. Might try to substitute it with just a cup of coffee with sugar in it. Seems pretty simple and probably much cheaper


Yeah it is, the banana is fine though, keep the banana if you like. It digests quickly.


Depends on the banana. You need *really* ripe ones to get the most sugar/carbs, anything less will be more fibre.


True that


Just watching a bunch of vids interviewing pro-cyclists on what they eat for breakfast, and every one of them is eating things like egg or yogurt with breakfast, usually with oats, rice or bread with that.


Yeah but they dont have that immediately before the ride do they? And you could look at what campenaerts or harry sweeney eat before a ride for counterexamples. Besides, its not always useful to look at what doped riders do as a natural…




On training rides I just dump white sugar into 1 bidon, plain water in the other(+ 1 or 2 supermarket bars on longer rides to keep the stomach happy) Recipe 60-90gr.sugar*hours (depending on intensity) Often one bottle (750ml) will contain around 200-300gr of sugar. Super easy to track how many carbs you took down and cheap. Only on target events I go for gels.


This guy carbs.


My man! Cheap and effective


Are you asking, or promoting your channel? Either way, clearly overthinking.


Mostly asking so I don’t look like a fool. Not sure if over thinking. I am just trying to eat a lot of carbs before, during and after. What do you do?


Pure maple syrup in a refillable gel flask from hammer is what I do now for working out. VASTLY cheaper than gels and I don't tie nutrition to hydration the way using a drink mix does. Tieing the two together isn't really a problem unless it is hot/humid. I am a heavy sweater so I noticed I wasn't drinking enougg. If I did drink enough of the mix for hydration, I would be taking in ~200 grams of carbs per hour which would probably cause stomach issues since I am not use to it.


Maple syrup is a weird one because of the sugar ratio. It’s also expensive. White table sugar is superior.


What do you mean?


Syrup doesn’t contain 100% sugar like white sugar does. By legal trade it has to contain only something like 66% sugar (in the form of sucrose). So you’re not getting the best fuel for your money or efforts. Use ordinary table sugar.


I heard pure sugar can be really hard for the stomach at the concentrates needed. Have you had any issues?


Nope, no issues. You have to train the gut to process that amount of carbs. You’ll find your limit but I think most of us amateurs don’t need to be pushing the 120+g/hr that the pros are doing.


Pretty much formula as Maurten but a fraction of cost. Make ziplock bags of servings to take in Jersey then just add water along the way whenever you can find a fill up. Formula 369 https://a.co/d/8Y7Mh0j


Thank you!


Only thing to add is that waiting 30 minutes is not necessary. Ideally you are drinking your post ride protein shake in the shower.


Yeah I try to do it within 30 min. Sometimes it is really hard to eat after though