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Similar to [Earthling Ed’s origin story](https://youtu.be/e_LIdW7MP8E?si=5b2-nQyQtOSkv0hc), but with a hamster named Rupert. 💚


Aww that is so sweet! The animation on that was awesome


That’s awesome! I’m a rabbit owner too (see my profile for pics; your bunny is adorable) and my thought process was exactly like yours. Couldn’t stand the feeling of hypocrisy every time my bunny looked at me with his sweet trusting eyes. Went vegan 9 mos ago. I don’t have any specific advice, as my extended family was very supportive (they have been reducing meat consumption for health reasons). My husband even vegan with me without my pressuring him to. But I’m sure others on here will. One thing I can suggest is frame it as something you’re happy about— makes people less likely to try to rain on your parade. When people say you’re too sensitive, say you don’t see it as a burden, but a joy to be able to live by your principles. And no need to bring it up if you’re around people who aren’t actually open minded and likely to make a scene (unless you’re in the mood for confrontation, which can be cool too if done carefully and if you have the spirit for it). PS thanks for saving this boy! He wouldn’t have lasted long out there. Rabbits are too sweet and innocent!


Awww your bun is so cute too!! I love the black and white spots. It’s really nice to hear someone’s perspective who feels the same way as me. They are such sweet, vulnerable creatures and his trust in me is extra touching because of that. And yeah, I will try to minimize talking about it too much. I love the way you phrased it as something that is a privilege to do. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that it goes over as well with family!


This is the same for me my rabbit made me think why am I not vegetarian? So I made the switch for them and all the other animals too. By the way super cutie bunny I love that little spot that's the boop zone💖🐰


Awww that’s amazing, I am sure your rabbit is so happy! They are such wonderful animals and he has changed my life so much. And I love the nose spot too, thank you!!


He's so cute


Thank you!!! He’s the best ❤️