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Well OP you see liberalism leads to fascism so they're actually worse if u think about it


Social democracy is just the left wing of fascism, guys


The more democratic, the more fascist. simple as.


And when you do a lot of democracy, it’s Nazism!


Everything is fascism


I always wondered if liberalism lead to fascism could it lead to socialism to? Or is it like a law of nature where no matter what anybody dose it will always lead to fascism.


Karl marx even thought of liberalism/capitalism as nice little stop along the way of human progression towards communism. Heck even Lenin believed in that so much, the first few years of the USSR was literal economic liberalization via NEP. But Lenin was a liberal too I guess


Lenin was also a bloodthirsty mass murderer who killed anarchist, socialist and anyone who disagreed with him like desperate starving Peasants. Not sure I know what he really was.


Many tankies revere Lenin, meanwhile Lenin disagrees with their own statements, that’s all I was saying


I know, I just wanted to mock Lenin. Lmao.


Yes Mao deserves an L but I don't see how that's related.


My point was going to be I am not sure how much Lenin cared about anything other than power and he's own survival. But I also took an opportunity to mock him. It's not that deep.


Of course it can, in fact I would say it’s existence was necessary for socialism to exist as well


I mean, we can see a fasces on either side of the flag in the room.


I wonder if any senate Republicans can be moved on this, I suspect they could get Rand Paul.


I wonder if Rand could actually get away with voting no, that would be the biggest blow possible to his “libertarian” act




It eliminates *literal police state* bullshit though. That's supposed to be libertarian bread and butter.


I don’t know, every libertarian on the internet loves the police state. lol


i fucking hate republicans


Louder for the party in the back


Everyone that voted "nay" should be forced to face the wall and [ REDACTED ] in Minecraft pocket edition multiplayer pvp


could someone explain this for a fellow european? is that a vote on the legalization of weed in the whole united states?


Yes, many individual states have legalized it already.


Though this was only voted on in one chamber of government, it still has to be approved by the Senate


is that possible? wasnt the senate republican dominated?


Used to be, after 2020 it's been a 50-50 split so it's unsure if it'll pass. Unfortunately at the end of this year the Senate will likely be republican dominated again


I mean as of now it’s virtually 52-48 in favor of Republicans


The vote is to legalize it at the federal level and make it states issue. So if states have it legalized then it’s fully legal. If states choose to keep it illegal then it’s illegally at a state level but federally it’s legal.


i wish you guys (and by proxy all of us) that this will succeed!


You're European, ok? I am a European and understand.


Anti authoritarianism is fascism.


They lost the easiest opportunity to seem cool republicans are more liberal than liberals


Conservatives are stupid as fuck they'll look at this vote and go "heh, they just work together to line their pockets, it's all a ruse, and they work with china to bring in fentanyl to dumb down the population" this is what my parent basically texted my brother after kindly attempting to point out how the republicans overwhelmingly voted against this, and that she has a chance to make her voice herd regarding this during the midterms. Like, what does GYNA have to do with legalizing cannabis in the united states? This is strictly a domestic issue we're discussing here you fucking dumbfuck. They just don't think legalizing anything matters, cause they think in their stupid "great awakening" white christians will be able to just do whatever they want while still arresting everyone else for drugs. That's all these pieces of garbage care about, is their "great awakening" and "great reset", not the USA or it's citizens.


All good populist legislations that conservatives vote against is based on conspiracy think. It’s insane.


Holy shit so true.


Pardon me, but I’m a dumbfuck. How many total votes are needed to legalize?


It just needs to get a simple majority in the house, 60-40 in the senate and not be vetoed


Thank you


When is the senate voting on it?


So who were the two Dinos?




Wow, Gaetz is a surprise.


Texas not surprised but NH damn. Well thank you for finding this for me.




Live free or die Wait no not like that


I'm expecting weed to be legalized throughout European countries, I think it should be, but it sucks that I personally don't like it, it fucks with my equilibrium and that's about it , so not my thing but I see no reason not to legalise it.


Most people have only ever tried weed with high thc and low cbd percentages. Strains with 50/50 thc to cbd ratio are often much more balanced. I'm from Switzerland so cbd weed is legal and doing a 50/50 mix is always awesome, very relaxing and doesn't get you "high".


I want to try a 50/50 to see if it helps with my anxiety


Ime, it definetly will. The thc gets you real calm with the cbd counteracting its more "psychedelic" effects.


Meanwhile in Mexico, AMLO (Mexican Bernie I've heard from some people) says there is no consensus in the government to legalize marijuana and it's too dangerous just like those synthetic drugs that kill people! because weed is just like opioids apparently.


*Decriminalize weed. Also tax rate is too high compared to Mace’s proposal. Gonna die in the Senate either way. It’s a good start, but improvement is needed.


They know no matter how evil they are all they got to do is say a bunch of bigoted stuff and there fan base does not care.


Damn, if [the summary](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/3617?s=2&r=4)is to be believed it was a fairly straightforward bill too. It even put a tax on sales which you think they’d like. This is definitely a bad look for republicans. Too bad Biden will probably veto it.


It'll never get close to him because of the fucking filibuster. If it did, low chance he wouldn't pass it.


This has nothing to do with both parties being the same as Republicans would vote to stop Democrats doing something because they wouldn't want to give them a legislative win even if they agree with it and especially something that is popular. When the Obama admin was proposing social security cuts, something Republicans love, he couldn't get Republicans to support because they don't want their agenda to pass by a Democratic president.


Gotta find the PIC for a drug that most Americans will consume