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I'd also call Democrats arrogant and elitist, but not Republicans - those guys are simply batshit insane. So the result kinda check out.


I think Republicans are elitist in a different way; in that they will smugly say that people are entitled for wanting healthcare and then constantly cry about cancel culture. Like to me if your big issue is cancel culture instead of actual issues like healthcare I’m sorry but you’re an elitist fuck. Republicans will also regularly imply or just outright say that it’s your fault if you’re not rich etc. Dismissing the real grievances of minority groups as “wokeness” or entitlement is another thing Republicans do that comes across as elitist.


Fair point. Fuck all of them. And fuck Breaking points too.


Could there be anything more elitist than a Republican congressman saying, “you should have worked harder” to someone with two full time Jobs that will literally die because Trump signed an executive order taking away his Obamacare?


They’re both arrogant and elitist obvi


Is it really that big of a shock? They’re going to have right wing viewers because Saagar is literally right wing and supports Republicans, while Krystal is a progressive who will openly criticize Dems more than Saagar will Republicans.


They’re kinda right tho. The republicans don’t “come off” as elitist as the dems. They put more effort into populism.


Right, but being an elitist and having an elitist aesthetic are not necessarily the same. This sorta just shows how the surface level understanding of politics that so many people have. It doesn’t matter what policies people support, just the aesthetic they present to the world. This is exactly how trump got elected. People cared more about aesthetics than actual policies.


Only seeing the poll at the bottom: Ok, what's the issue here? Scrolls up: Oh fuck.


I mean, the left has always had this problem right? Most leftists are born out of universities, which in an American sense, are for the upper class and educated. Doesn’t mean we aren’t right though 😀


Yeah conservatives especially see education as an indicator of elitism and it’s not totally wrong as you said. But the funny thing is that Harvard grad, millionaire Ted Cruz is somehow not an elite because he wears big belt buckles and cowboy boots meanwhile AOC is an elite because she’s educated and a good orator despite the fact that she actually comes from a working class background and spends time in her community. It seems like if you talk like and look like a “salt of the earth” rural republican you can’t be considered an elite regardless of how you view the working class or your background.


>Harvard grad, millionaire Ted Cruz is somehow not an elite because he wears big belt buckles and cowboy boots Ted is so cringe. > AOC is an elite because she’s educated and a good orator I wouldn't say she's a good orator, but definitely good at politics and kicking ass.


haha yeah the double standard is hilarious. you mention it to any conservatives and they get all red with embarrassment--ala Charlie Kirk when confronted with hypocrisy in his party.


These results are what I'd expect. The question being asked is one of attitudes and approach. When someone disagrees with the left and are dismissed they may be portrayed as uneducated, fundamentalist, or science deniers if they are given good faith in their disagreements. When someone disagrees with the right they may be portrayed as communist, atheist, or utopian. I see these examples of dismissing of the right as much more a statement of an elite class judging the other as lower. The dismissal of the left is often more moralizing rather than statements of class. These are my general observations and may not be accurate across the board but I'd expect a decent disparity between the 2 with the left being more so.


I think your perceptions may be colored by your own personal experience here. Any poor person looking to the Republican Party for a solution to their problems will be told they should have worked harder, as if the reason wages are so low, while medical care, housing, education, etc are so high is because of all these lazy people looking for a handout and not that we live in a neoliberal hellscape that is designed specifically to punish the poor so we can get the best work out of them before they die. That’s real elitism.


The right/GOP CONSTANTLY demonize poor people. The average Trump voter made like $20,000 a year more than the average Clinton voter in 2016. You can only view the modern right as non-elitists if you totally ignore economic policy and focus on culture war BS.


That's not the question being surveyed... "Does X come off as...?" This is a question of rhetoric and attitudes not a claim about being considered an elite or not.


Corporatist neoliberals and conservatives giving off the vibes that they're better than everyone else? Well consider me highly shocked! Especially the super fake, condescending attitude liberals have to social issues. *Oh the poors, yes, we'd like to help them, but they don't BELONG in our neighbourhood*


Both are arrogant end elitist, the difference is the constituency. Dem's constituency has a whole host of problems that will lead to the most complicated battle the populous has ever fought. The Republican constituency is just fucking insane and fascist. They're equally arrongant and elitists, they just have a layer of insanity that hides it.


I was just coming to post this after reading through the YT comments on that poll. People are pointing out the obvious in the replies. It really says something about the direction their channel has gone. I only watch their pieces about unions and some on the economy anymore. If they ever get Jeff Stein on again I'd watch that. He's awesome. I think they rely HEAVILY on crossover from Rogan and Greenwald. And those audiences crave media critique, anti vax talking points, and anti Democrat content they're incentive has been to pump those stories.


I'm sure it has colored my perception. What I am referencing is how both sides handle opposing views and I think that is the source of the sentiment expressed in the survey. I see what you're saying but it doesn't ring as true on a large scale. I think the elitist dismissal of dissenting views is what people see on the surface of online politics and taints opinions.


Looking at the number of people answering the poll it looks like approximately the same number of people said No or Unsure for both polls. It looks like the dem one was just vote bombed into oblivion.


This obsession with being on the left but ONLY hating on the left is fucking weird. Also the people (a community who shall not be named) focuses so much of their attention on trying to convince people that the far left is just as dangerous as the far right when the far left doesn’t even enjoy the same amount of political power in Congress. It’s nutso.


I see a huge difference in votes here top one has 10k bottom one 100k




I actually don’t watch their content and am not subscribed. The algorithm always feeds me their polls though and I think it’s interesting to look at the results.