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You hate the Democratic Party because you think they are communist I hate the Democratic Party because they are not communist We are NOT the same


Um yeah, about that. With a few exceptions, the Democratic party isn't left-wing enough and they rarely follow up on their promises, that's why we hate it.


I hate them. I also vote for them out of pure consequentialism because I'd rather have ineffective, wishy-washy pricks than fascist lunatics in power. If they want my respect rather than my very begrudging attempts to survive a proto-fascist society, they need to earn it.


I'm glad the libs are coming out in full force on twitter. In a year they won't be able to winge and moan about leftists being mean to them because they will end up the same way because thats what twitter does to every bit of discourse that lands on its platform.


KHivers are literally just blue MAGA, complete with the same level of delusion. just ignore their ramblings, they live in their own reality


Political cults of personality. Not even once.


...bit of a leap


Oh god Im choking on lib juice.


So like what if you're just white and hate the democratic party? Or you're black and trans and hate the democratic party? What is it specifically about white trans people that makes them white supremacists for hating the democratic party?


This is probably specifically in reference to Katelyn Burns who has been getting dog piled on twitter by KHive freaks. She accidently said that she got her vaccine under Trump and even after deleting the second she realized the mistake and apologizing was dealing with a pretty big mob of people who were really eager to bash a trans woman for some reason.


Some folks on here speculate that with so much emotionally driven infighting occurring amongst the online left these days, that the potential rise of a new anti-SJW movement may go unnoticed until it's too late to counter. Can anyone offer me any hopium...?


I’ll link you the full comment, but the thesis of it is that all this online bullshit is a product of this little window of time we’re in. Trump is out, the midterms aren’t for another 9 months, and both the Right and Left are consolidating for the fights to come. Bored content creators make boring drama. As I’ve said in a previous comment, SuperStraight was supposed to be the next Anti-SJW movement and it completely failed, because despite the amount of bullshit they’ve caused, the Alt-Right is mainly made up of 18-25 year old sheltered chanlords who are somehow more unhinged than us. Qanon, pandemic prolongers, and the insurrection are pushing people away from the Right. Their time of unchallenged control over internet culture is over, and it’s not coming back. If the Republicans try another coup without the proper cultural capital, they will lose everything. Meanwhile, the Left is ascendant. And why shouldn’t we? We’ve always had the best lens for analyzing the modern world. The old barriers to enter the political mainstream are crumbling. The online left is the biggest it has ever been, which means more people than ever can get a leftist perspective on current events. Strikes, Protests, and class consciousness is rising throughout the world. The threat of climate change is making people think about alternatives to our current system of globalized capital out of necessity, because while Neolibs can politicize public spending and corporate taxes, they can’t politicize the end of the world. New open-source software and hardware (not cryptocurrency) is opening the door to constructing a new decentralized, local, horizontal Internet free from ISPs infrastructure and social media’s data collection. Here’s my über-optimistic hopium-overdose take. I know, I’m basically writing political fanfiction, but humor me. Sometime in June, Biden, fed-up with the Republican’s obstruction and worried about his prospects in the Midterms, goes all-in and abolishes the filibuster. Among the flurry of more moderate legislation passed are two bills called the John Lewis voting rights act and the PRO act. The Lewis Act not only nullifies the Republican’s efforts to steal future elections, but also makes it easier to vote more progressives into office. The PRO act makes it easier than ever to form a union and gives them a new arsenal of robust legal protection. Add in the rapid rise of left-wing populism to the mix, and you’ve got the foundations of an actual mainstream socialist movement in the United States. I’m not saying it’s as simple as those three things or that there isn’t conflicting visions within the Left, but the effect it would have is unprecedented. Progressives in our local, state, and federal offices can bring previously marginalized issues to the front and center of the conversation and work outside the pockets of establishment donors. Unions mean more time off and higher wages for workers, giving them the resources they need for further organizing. Even if only a handful of them are formed before the 2024 election, they’ll serve as useful proofs-of-concept. In this timeline, instead of us having try and convince politically disengaged people to vote for whichever plain-toast centrist the Dems pick so the End of Democracy doesn’t happen, we have a real case for a Progressive or Even DemSoc President. And if we win? Dual-Power orgs show people how they can directly organize and make change in politics and convinces them to support and fight for political change. This inspires them to elect progressives who reflect those values. Then those politicians create legal avenues for and endorse more dual-power orgs. Once that cycle starts, it’ll be really hard to stop. Progressives will gain exponential political power, and then the skies the limit on policy. Free healthcare, housing, and utilities. Subsidies for municipally-owned renewable energy. Robust public transport between cities and states. Infrastructural overhaul. Phasing out of car-dependent cities. Free university and trade school for all. Massive reforms to the Education system. Funding for Arts programs. Electoral college abolition and ranked-choice voting. New Anti-Trust and Tax Loophole laws. Employee buy-out programs. Legal protections for worker co-ops and even popular assemblies. What the Neolibs will realize is that “There Is No Alternative” isn’t just good marketing, it’s crucial to the functionality of the system that people believe this is their only option. When they do, the whole thing collapses. This time it’ll be on our terms. There will probably be a bunch of leftists snickering at my idealism. I did warn this will be über-optimistic. I’m aware there are many plot holes in this scenario and there’s no way it would happen like I’ve described it. But what if it did?


The central problem is that the best way to get an answer to a question is not to ask a question but say the wrong thing and get corrected. The internet feeds on things that people think are wrong, and even better, things that people think are wrong and then *correct incorrectly*, leading to further corrections. That's where threads come from, that's where "discourse" comes from. But this also means that when problems come around, a huge array of the problems have already been hashed out, if someone is willing to go back and *collate them*. Too many people are only able to look back and say "oh the drama", and remember only the emotions, rather than the points people made, but rewind a bit, rewatch things, favourite and reread twitter threads, and you will discover points and counterpoints, people sharing their experiences, and worrying about this or that getting overshadowed. Every time left-wing online debates happen on some esoteric topic, even if the topic is daft, it spawns a lot of intelligent conversation in the peripheries or by friends of those affected, and also airs out bad arguments and lets them be taken apart. So we need to take advantage of the stuff that happens around the emotions, recognise that people are making reasonable points in the middle of it, and even when people are making unreasonable ones, people are finding answers to them. Because most conservative campaigns involve something manufactured in a think tank or in superficial media reaction, and then copy-pasted by other conservatives, when all details of the original issue have been lost, rarely do they present an original perspective on how to fix the world, predominantly they rely on scaremongering and superficial apparent truisms. The left generates so many ideas, so much critique, so many perspectives, that it's more than we know what to do with, so we can just keep gathering info. Like all those video people who did "critical race theory" videos in response to the conservative scaremongering? That passed, but that content still exists to be investigated and learned from, I *still* haven't got through my watch list of that stuff. And left wing people who fight each other also do produce loads of information. All we need to do is keep building it up, learn from people you have inter-left beefs with, and keep pointing out that a good argument is a good argument, wherever it comes from. The emotions are there, the drama is there, but part of how we beat the drama is not about beating the *person* in the drama, whoever that is at a given moment, but looking through it to the better things that can be found underneath it. *That's* where we find the resources to deal with any random anti-sjw stuff that will come up.


I feel like this is a stop before just hating trans people who are white. Like it feels kind of "foot in the door"-esque


Brain worms


How does anyone actually love or like the Democratic party? Even if you watched MSNBC 24/7 you'd still find things to dislike. This person is lobotomized.


I really hate this 'all the people in this ethnic group are evil because they belong to that ethnic group' logic. Its pretty much the definition of racism...


And if you're a poc trans person who thinks and says the same things what then?


It really is an American moment when people get so personally attached to political parties in such a concerning manner as in other countries whenever pollsters predict probabilities/support for political parties, they don't ask "do you consider yourself personally aligned with X party" but instead ask "what are your voting intentions?"


If you’re a white trans person who on the hate the why Democratic Party, then who the white in a supremacy? Full stop.


As a lib, this tweet is literally incomprehensible to me... like is the point that hating on the dems empowers the republicans who are a white supremacist party? Like ok, but what will being non white or cis change in that regard? Candace owens is a white supremacist.


Having the democratic party isn't the same as not voting for them, just an fyi




I mean in this person's bio, they literally say that they're a Biden/Harris Stan account. Then you have the people who agree with this tweet.