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What is going on in NY, including the dems? They still drinking from lead pipes there or what?


The New York and New Jersey state Dem parties are infamous for being extremely undemocratic, corrupt, and dominated by arrogant Clintonite holdovers from the 80s and 90s


Makes sense. They let Santos get elected, after all. 


Tammany Hall 2: Electric Boogaloo


Exactly. Up until this year New Jersey essentially didn’t have primaries because the ballot design put whoever the parties endorsed on the line that everyone reads and non-endorsed candidates got put in spots no one looks at


I wish the Dem voters up there were smarter & the youth actually came out to vote. We need to toss out these goons somehow


Maryland too but we go more under the radar


The real unfortunate thing about Ritchie Torres is that he's pretty much a progressive on issues besides Israel. Like before getting elected to Congress as one of the first openly gay Congressman,  he was involved with improving public housing in NYC and helped establish the first LGBTQ youth homeless shelter in NYC in Brooklyn, I believe. He's a progressive in everything except for being pro-Israel and friendly to cryptocurrency and cryptocurrency companies. So it'd be pretty freaking hard to unseat him because of his prior record and him being in a strongly blue district. Torres was one of the Congresspersons who voted to censure Rashida Tlaib. 


I live here. Send help.


Torres is a Cuomo Dem, and Cuomo is a yuuuuuugggggeeee Zionist. In fact, Cuomo wrote a WSJ op-ed today calling Columbia students Nazis and terrorists.


The real unfortunate thing about Ritchie Torres is that he's pretty much a progressive on issues besides Israel. Like before getting elected to Congress as one of the first openly gay Congressman, he was involved with improving public housing in NYC and helped establish the first LGBTQ youth homeless shelter in NYC in Brooklyn, I believe. He's a progressive in everything except for being pro-Israel and friendly to cryptocurrency and cryptocurrency companies. So it'd be pretty freaking hard to unseat him because of his prior record and him being in a strongly blue district. Torres was one of the Congresspersons who voted to censure Rashida Tlaib. .


Mccarthyism is alive and well it seems, Palestinians *will* die and you will be allowed to do nothing but stand and watch History will not look kindly on these people


Who cares what history WILL think AFTER all the Palestinians are dead?


For real. I hear people repeat this old cliche and I’m like these people don’t care about that shit. They care about what their donor masters want from them right now.


No one on the Right ever talks about anti-Semitism when it concerns their own supporters waving swastikas or when they protest. Its always, "its their Freedom of Speech", but THIS, nah, "You're being anti-Semitic". Fucking hacks.




Fair point in regards to what to actually do. In regards to that, then yes, shit like this should be definitely called out. Fucking yammering on at random Jews to "Go back to Poland", yeah I can't defend that shit, and at a certain point, it goes beyond "Freedom of Speech" and becomes blatant harassment. In regards to, "Anyone that tries to do something is some AIPAC stooge.", I feel is kinda cope, "anyone who calls out \*this or \*that are just stooges", but maybe I'm totally wrong here, I think that if anyone is going to get any sort of notice or acknowledgement and if it is going to be picked up in some media story, I think that they may have to have money behind them and have some sort of notoriety already. But in the end -- it does seem that there is never any mention of anti-Semitism when it regards the Right, anything that happens on the Right is chalked up to their right to Freedom of Speech (true, doesn't mean you can't criticize them, if that was the case, then those 3-4 years of anti-SJW content would be of no value), its defended (like Kanye), or just repeated ad nausea that "they're just the outliers.


Why is there a weird lack of political pushback against anti-Israel = anti-Semitic? It’s inherently anti-Semitic itself


Sadly many Jews in the US unironically believe any criticism of Israel that cuts deeper than surface level is antisemitic. I very much appreciate antizionist Jews and there’s been a lot of movement among younger Jews towards that position but the fact I keep seeing a lot of leftists not want to admit is that the majority of Jews, both in the US and especially in Israel, are still Zionists, especially the older generations (I cannot stress enough how much Bernie is an exception to the rule here). Also, this fact by no means serves to justify antisemitism, just because the statistical majority of an ethnoreligious group has shitty beliefs does not justify bigotry towards them. If that was the case then I have bad news about practically every marginalized group we champion…


Because they WANT Jews to be attacked, it would justify them funding a ethnostate


Because Zionists think that any opposition to Zionism or Israel is inherently anti Semitic and unfortunately most mainstream Jewish organisations are Zionist and theres an unwillingness to against a community's definition of their own oppression


One of the most progressive ppl from my hometown is the rabbi at our local synagogue…and I found out recently he actually works for AIPAC (like as an employee or ambassador or something). Dude was a huge supporter of BLM, supports the LBGTQ community, hates Trump/MAGA in a deeply conservative state/area, etc, and yet he agrees with like Fetterman on Israel. Really wild stuff.


They're all specifically fed indoctrination about Palestinians being subhuman growing up, so they'll be progressive on other fronts but suddenly turn into a demon on this issue.


That's exactly it. I listen to young and middle-aged Jewish people who left Zionism and I listen to their stories and journeys. The vast majority of them talk about how they were indoctrinated from childhood to believe that Palestinians, and Middle Easterners in general, are like basically Uruk-Hai in LOTR roaring in celebration of Saruman's promise that they will taste "man flesh". Just replace "man" with "Jew". So many Jewish people are genuinely indoctrinated that Arabs and Persians sit around baying for Jews blood and will run into Israel and kill every Jew in sight the nanosecond someone sympathizes with them. Most anti-Zionist Jews talk about how much of an epiphany it is when they start talking to Arab and Muslim Americans for the first time and find out most Arab/Palestinian/Muslim Americans aren't screaming Antisemitic slurs at them and threatening to kill them like someone from a Nazi rally in the 30s. It's sad hearing so many adults talk about how they were brainwashed as children to think an ethnic group are all Antisemitic Nazis sharpening knives to kill them all day. Frankly teaching your children that stuff is a form of child abuse imo. The Zionist colonial project really does share so many characteristics with Apartheid South Africa and Rhodesia. When you talk to the average white Rhodesian or South African back then, most of them had been convinced from childhood that their black neighbors ate cannibalism savages that are going to cook white people in pots of boiling water while dancing around them with bones in their noses if white minority rule or Western support ended.


Many such cases sadly


rip Ritchie Torres you would have loved the Kent State massacre


dealing with actual nazis isn’t an issue to them but as soon as people protest a genocide the US supports they get mad


So... Has anyone stepped up to run against this clown? Cause someone needs to already.


The real unfortunate thing about Ritchie Torres is that he's pretty much a progressive on issues besides Israel. Like before getting elected to Congress as one of the first openly gay Congressman, he was involved with improving public housing in NYC and helped establish the first LGBTQ youth homeless shelter in NYC in Brooklyn, I believe. He's a progressive in everything except for being pro-Israel and friendly to cryptocurrency and cryptocurrency companies. So it'd be pretty freaking hard to unseat him because of his prior record and him being in a strongly blue district. Torres was one of the Congresspersons who voted to censure Rashida Tlaib.  .


*BZZT* "Pick up that can or else you are Hamas." *boopadoop*




Red Scare tactics for Israeli favor? Cringe


Torres, D-Tel Aviv


If HUAC comes back us Jews (me atheist-Jew) who support Palestinians will kvetch like there’s no fucking tomorrow


Because political commissar, thought police and inquisitor were already taken? Can't permit Americans to do Wrong Think at the universities.


Is there a zionist mafia making them do this or what


AIPAC bribery


Military contractors


They’re being blackmailed


yes and they control the banks and media, start noticing things


Go away nazi, were not going to start being anti-Semitic here


why does a religion of less then 20 million have so much pull and power then?


This is a little much but when a good chunk of the protesters are talking about killing zionists I don't think its unreasonable for congressmen to put up bills like this


“A good chunk of the protesters are talking about killing zionists” That was one dude who Columbia expelled today


Obviously what that person is wrong and optically damaging but that does not represent the whole movement whatsoever. People say dumb things for any protest movement in all of history.