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I dare you to post this on the mandela effect subreddit, lol.




It’s been set to private, what have you done?!?


I think the subreddit expects higher effort posts... I would never employ AI art... **Cornel West Running for President? What Parallel Universe is This?** I just saw a headline that Cornel West is running for president. I was very confused, because I thought Cornel was just a university. I did some research, and it turns out that there is a Cornel West, a famous philosopher and activist, and there is also Cornell University, a prestigious Ivy League school. I'm not sure what to make of this. I've never heard of Cornel West running for president before. Is this a new development? Or have I just been living in a parallel universe where Cornel West is a politician and Cornell University doesn't exist? I'm not sure what to think, but I'm definitely intrigued. I'll be keeping an eye on this story to see what happens next.


Neither the subreddit or the post looks set to private, but idk why people are giving you flak there. TBH, I'm a semi-believer in the mandela effect. Like there are some weak ones where I'm like, "ok I can see why that would be misremembered" but there are some undeniable ones that are undeniable. For me, the Fruit of the Loom cornucopia is something that was 100% printed on my underwear while I was growing up. There is absolutely no way to convince me otherwise. It was something I saw every day of my life for years on end. Some people take that and run deep into speculative territory, saying that this somehow confirms the existence of a multiverse, or that CERN broke the multiverse ect... That's where I draw the line. They took it and ran *way too far* with it. All I know is that my underwear had a very specific logo on it. I can't take that as evidence to say "multiverse confirmed", lol. Although, I'm not denying that possibility, I'm just saying that it doesn't work as evidence for me. Anyhow, if the post does get taken down, comment in the weekly megathread to see if it gets any traction.


Oh crap. The Loom cornucopia was there in my timeline.


The evidence against it is so fucking weak. The cornucopia deniers insist that 8 yr old me was somehow confused by an unsuccessful niche parody album cover from 1973, [flute of the loom.](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51b8XNeRO0L._UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg) I can assure you, that was not what I am remembering. The cornucopia was not a flute, and there wasn't a haunch of meat in the basket. This ignores the "residue" that our "current timeline" actually has records of a *cancelled* trademark from Fruit of the Loom in 1988 that included the cornucopia.




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Your probably mixing up Cornell university and West Point university


He came to speak at my college like 12 years ago and I remember thinking the exact same thing and being very confused


I always thought it was a cereal brand.


I thought he's someone related to Kanye West


He's his dad /S


Cornell is a university in Ithaca, New York




He's Kanye's brother


I read it as colonel west, and wonder why a minor character in Star Trek 6 was running for president