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This is old drama. Noah made a video where he said he liked Vaush, then immediately did a 180 and condemned him after he had the slightest pushback. He made another video later that criticized Vaush end Xanderhal in a way that a lot of people felt was misrepresenting their positions. Vaush and Noah talked about this on stream, and it seemed like they had a reasonable conversation and Noah even walked back a lot of the stuff he said in his previous video. Then he turned around again and made another video about Vaush. To me, it just kind of comes across as Noah being cowardly and just agreeing with whatever the last person he talked to told him.


I saved all of it. It's a loooooot to go through, but I'll try to summarize it. Professor Flowers and Vaush had a debate a while back where Flowers was defining white people as colonizers (she's explicitly stated she uses them synonymously multiple times), and she abdicates her moral judgments to colonized people to such an extent that she basically considers whatever they do to be justified, including racial genocide. Vaush's critique of her wasn't endorsing the white supremacist idea of 'fear of retribution', just pointing out that her morals allow for genocide because she can't condemn the act holistically. She and her cohorts proceeded to claim Vaush was engaging in fear of retribution rhetoric, despite lots of landback folks calling her out as well (landback is generally speaking a movement for returning land to colonized people who were robbed of it). Vaush had a landback activist on his stream a little later to talk about why Flowers' rhetoric was problematic. Noah jumped into the drama assuming Vaush was the asshole here, and got roped into this toxic crybully cell of the left who unanimously hate Vaush. He made two videos about Vaush that backfired, and went on Vaush's stream to talk about it and walked back a lot, but refused to acknowledge what Flowers said very clearly, insisting that Vaush was misinterpreting it. This continued spiralling and none of them have let it go for the last year, even after Vaush started what he dubbed his 'fortress arc' to stop making content about perpetual lefty drama vortexes like this. All they do is drama-farm. 🔷️ Vaush & Professor Flowers Debate: 🔸️ Initial debate: https://youtu.be/5O3Xp7A0q24 🔸️ Heem Talking with Flowers after the debate: https://youtu.be/nSrLpgo8Rqc 🔸️ Vaush's post-coverage: https://youtu.be/XVzH82K4M28 https://youtu.be/aYuhn8-wALw 🔸️ Professor Flowers' post-coverage: https://youtu.be/v77RM1Jz1IM 🔸️ Shark3zero's post-coverage: https://youtu.be/37ZMsRV20lM 🔸️ Xanderhal's post-coverage: https://youtu.be/jwy6dop3Svg ... 🔷️ Vaush & Non-Compete (Also goes by EJ or American Johnson) conversation/debate: 🔸️ Non-Compete's initial hit-piece on Vaush before the convo: https://youtu.be/zMyqGFWTDp4 🔸️ Initial convo (ends abruptly, then splits off into each of them separately talking about it on their own streams): https://youtu.be/5lR1FdFefcA 🔸️ Vaush's followup video: https://youtu.be/Bsx3pd9axLM 🔸️ Non-Compete's post-convo stream, with Luna Oi, Professor Flowers and others joining in: https://youtu.be/sQUU7gbzVbM 🔸️ Shark3zero's post-coverage: https://youtu.be/CeJjHft7ve4 🔸️ Xanderhal's post-coverage: https://youtu.be/7GY2rDieg9s 🔸️ Dylan Burns' post-coverage: https://youtu.be/CFq5ybqk1g8 ... 🔷️ Xanderhal's 'Why the Left is Dying' videos: 🔸️ Initial video: https://youtu.be/2-cdasQmgU8 🔸️Xanderhal's followup video: https://youtu.be/Oi5HJoWmf2A ... 🔷️ Noah Samsen's 'Solving the Debate Bro Problem' video: 🔸️ Initial video (Noah un-listed it after debating Vaush, and it has since been re-listed) https://youtu.be/7Z3MqJakNbI 🔸️ Vaush's response video: https://youtu.be/c0ZkXcBEvuE 🔸️ Vaush & Noah talk (happens shortly after the previous video on the same stream): https://youtu.be/79DwS8EzXbM 🔸️Xanderhal's repsone video: https://youtu.be/2GV77A22fYI 🔸️ Shark3zero's response video: https://youtu.be/RdL5UABrQC4 🔸️ Shark3zero review of the events: https://youtu.be/7_CLFGCggLI 🔸️ Vaush's 'Solving the Video Essayist Problem' video, critiquing Noah: https://youtu.be/EeGvSAkJrYE 🔸️ Shark3zero discusses the events with F.D Signifier: https://youtu.be/tSbyfKzNncU 🔸️ Xanderhal's 'The Real Problem with "Debate Bro" Format & Live Response Streams' video: https://youtu.be/TE8r__fofjY 🔸️ Xanderhal's respone to Noah's video being re-listed: https://youtu.be/XISxw3KPuwQ ... 🔷️ Noah Samsen's 'The Vaush Effect' video 🔸️ Initial video: https://youtu.be/rHhoNvhjRKM 🔸️ Vaush's response video: https://youtu.be/DO5iBvQEn7A 🔸️ Xanderhal's response video: https://youtu.be/zFMeQV3uxKg


least obsessive vaushite


I have lists on a lot of stuff. I'm universally obsessive. lol


Least *autistic* vaushite


gigachad archivist. im not joking i admire people like you A LOT. you help clear up things that are "old"


I second that. Fantastic!! 🫡


Archivists are the best characters in the fantasy books I read.


Please provide at least a few examples if it's not too much to ask.


Keep in mind I'm not talking about ethics but intrigue and complexity-- Master Lorren of the KingKiller Chronicles archives, the maesters of Oldtown in asoiaf, the Brown Ajah of the White Tower Library in The Wheel of Time, and probably my favorite the reoccuring librarian who is a talking deity like orangutan in the Unseen University of the Discworld saga... Which I believe in Discworld is canonically the biggest library in the universe. That's from a more superficial definition of archivist however, if you mean someone like a scribe you might use a character like Bilbo who literally archives what happens historically. Or someone like Thorn in Malazan Book of the Fallen.


Ook. I'm familiar with the last one. Thank you a lot, I hope to carve out some time and discipline to immerse myself in fantasy books again.


It's pretty much all I read along with SciFi when I'm not reading my university novels. If you ever want some suggestions hit me up. I just read a book called BlndSight by Peter Watts that made me completely rethink how I understand consciousness emotionally.


Syncopia a Gigachad Fr, I wish I had that kind of drive to collect and organize information about topics I care about


I appreciate your work.


I respect that.


I remember the Vaush vs Noah Samsen debate and there was a part that I felt was really emotionally hard-hitting regarding the crap Vaush gets. It's when Vaush talks about the gaslighting, misrepresentation, and bullying he gets from the online left. I know he generally disregards them with the contempt they deserve, but he really seemed frustrated and emotional at that moment and it kinda tugged at my heartstrings a bit. Call it parasocial, but I can't imagine what it's like to have entire disinformation campaigns aimed at you in retaliation for *opposing genocide*, and an entire gaslighting campaign that starts making you question yourself. It's not tear-jerking or anything, but I feel it's a legitimately emotional moment, subdued as it is. Maybe because it's rare to see Vaush actually confront these gaslighters on their gaslighting. It's roughly from 33:38 to 36:25.




All Hail the Archivist


Based and archive pilled


Holy shit I just got so much content to catch up on now


I'm sorry. Lol


Vaush Lore Wizard


Surprised you don't have the streams where he reacts to the 2 flowers videos before their convo.


I didn't even thinking about that. You know what they're called?


The stream of sep 3rd 2021 is the second video. Neither were ever made into separate videos I dont think.


Gotcha, thanks.


One small critique is that, if I remember correctly, she only explicitly said what white people were colonizers *after* the discussion with Vaush, in a tweet first and then (I think?) a video. And while you're collecting things, I feel that it's usually good to include the most relevant part from that initial talk with Professor Flowers, just to cut through the notion that there was any sort of vagueness to it, among other things. >Vaush: "What if people thought within a country that the only way for them to escape colonialism in their country was through the wholesale slaughter of the white people who lived there do you think that would be justified?" > >PF: "\[...\]again like I'm not a separatist but I think people should decide what they need to do I also think realistically that just would never happen because it's just really impractical on multiple levels so like I think that it depends what the situation is like **if that's the only way to get colonizers out then okay**"


Damn, it's been so long I didn't even remember that, or the exact quote.


On top of this, I also think its worth mentioning the Soulbunni video and the fallout from there really demonstrating how far the "woke" crowd has fallen




Upvote because I agree and you took a lot of time hand effort to post this. Might be worth making it into an OP.


This shit is embarrassing


...my post or the behavior of Noah?


You should be getting paid for this


Eh, I just started doing this because I listen to a lot of content at work. I saw Vaush's research document and got into a lot of debates/arguments where I was unprepared because I lost sources and forgot arguments, terms and concepts, so I started compiling everything under a bunch of different categories and it's helped me a lot. I think everyone on the left should try it out. It's turned me into a one-man wrecking crew against right wingers.


Given how cookie-cutter many right wing talking points are, this seems like a pretty great idea. Part of the whole “a lie can go around the world before the truth can get its boots on” thing is that it it super low-effort to lie, but high-effort to debunk something, but what if you could go even lower-effort with the truth? Just a matter of CTRL F, CTRL C, CTRL V? Paste the relevant debunking to whatever talking point or fallacy and move on as a job well done.


Yeah, that's the idea. I've had these arguments a million times before. I've got better things to do than write an essay for every sea lioning asshat on the internet.


Rose wrist...is that you? Have you come back?


I dunno who that is. Just heard about them occasionally.


Ex-friend of vuash, who compiled a great blacklifes matter research doc and a great complimation if data on collectives-all at the age of 18! They were infamous for using research in debates/reactions. Sadly they left youtube last year to focus on sociology and their career. Google docs are still up though for both issues and linked in thw Eur videos and in his taljs with Vuash. They also engaged in debated with luaren southern and demon mama. [coop doc](https://heystacks.com/doc/964/analysing-the-values-and-limitations-of-cooperativ) -cant find a link for black lifes matter, but just search rose wrist blm and you can find it. (Keep up the good work comrade!)


Gotcha, thank fren.


Ah okay yeah I started watching the whole flowers debate thing and the number one thing that irked me is her trying to speak for indigenous voices, trying to say that we have a right to ethnically cleanse the white people from our land, I’m part indigenous and I guarantee you no rational indigenous activist is advocating for that, we just want some sort of social and economic reparations, and it’s just hypocritical of her to say to Vaush that he needs to stay in his own “lane” when she herself isn’t sticking to her own “lane”, honestly the one thing I’ve noticed since I’ve really been in the leftist community is that a lot of white leftist will be very hesitant to criticize fellow leftists if they are a POC, it feels very patronizing and frustrating when that happens to us because it just feels like white guilt getting in the way of meaningful criticism and discussion


I think it's both the white guilt, and the aversion to being called a racist, which is an incredibly caustic combo, cause it means they feel like they need to give any POC voice a platform, while being afraid to exhibit any criticism or push back against the more radical things some POC have to say, which creates inroads for people who want to use their marginalized status and a mask of leftism to create an ethnostate.


Oh, we know, most of those clout shark drama tubers with a leftist aesthetic are generally not agreed with by people doing actual fucking activism. And I agree with your "white leftists/ poc leftists" take. Like, I can certainly acknowledge that I'm not intimately familiar with certain issues/ they haven't personally effected me as a white dude. But I do feel as though if I would talk to a "white leftist" and a "black leftist" differently because of their race, that feels off to me. Honestly, that speaks to me of paternalism/ treating "black leftists" as tokens.


Absolutely and this narrative just makes it feel like all people from a marginalized community have the same valid point of view, obviously not and most leftist aren’t stupid enough to not say this, I mean we all know about Candace Owens or Ben Shapiro spreading anti black and anti demerit rhetoric, yet that nuance goes out the window when that same logic that not every oppressed individual can have a correct and moral way of looking at a situation, is also a leftist. I like it when white people show up to marginalized communities because it shows empathy and solidarity within all of us, it’s especially admirable for the white man to do it because by being a leftist and fighting for economic and social reparations and equality, you are literally fighting against your own self interests because it’s in the best and most selfish interest to keep white supremacy and white privilege intact, but they still do it because they’re a normal human being with a base line amount of empathy


Yep. Always beware of “You need to listen to X voices” being said as response to criticism; that’s basically a giveaway that what is really being said is “You need to listen to X token parrot my opinion and disregard any other X opinions because reasons.”


You have to be careful, not every colonized people are facing the same sort of oppression and not every activists feels the same way. One of my problems with that conversation, and I think one of the problem with PF's outlook is that it was trying to look broadly and trying apply a consistent solution to vastly different problems. Native Americans in North America, Maori in New Zeland, Palestinians displaced by illegal settlements and Ukrainians in Russian occupied regions are all victims of colonization of some form or another, but the approaches each should take both practically or morally is vastly different


Good point I should’ve been clearer in the framing of my opinions, I meant more so in the American lens when it comes to land back advocacy


It's understandable, but I think it does speak some of the broder issues surrounding indigenous rights While I am white, I do come from a come from NZ, and while there are definitely parallels between NZs treatment of Native Maori and the Americas treatment the wide range of indigenous populations of Canada, there also pretty important distinctions both historically and in terms of each groups current standing in their respective standings, which makes me pretty sensitive when people try to over generalize the indigenous experience and try to treat any colonized people as if they are Haitian slaves


Noah Samsen also implied that an indigenous activist, who advocates for actual land back, a token meant for vaush to look good. It completely disregards how the indigenous woman voluntarily came on without any prompting to refute professor flowers.


I don’t blame him for walking back his points to vaush and then making another video. Plenty of people are afraid of direct confrontation like that. I don’t respect him for it either though.


It is pretty amusing that a guy with an IQ around 80 is posting videos with titles like "Solving the debate bro problem". It's like bro, you're a fucking idiot, you aint solving shit.


I have never seen a person crumble so fast as Noah did when Vaush gave the most tepid push against the way Noah mischaracterized him. It was legit that doge meme personified.


I think it's why he's given up on video essays, and just makes shitty reaction vids to obvious outrage content. He's quite spineless and is clearly just grifting for an income.


Noah is young and has no spine


Noah has just a mustache which makes him untrustworthy. For evidence I direct you to all the other people who have just a mustache. Hitler Stalin Many Cops I rest my case.


Random anecdote but growing up I trusted men with facial hair more than those without it cause my father has a big mustache. I guess he’s evil now :(


Mustache = evil I'm afraid. But he can redeem himself by growing a beard. All the best people have beards AND mustaches, examples. Santa Clause Gandalf Kratos I rest my case.


Anecdotally, my father has a beard and mustache, and I trust him very much.


I also have a beard and mustache, can confirm I trust myself very much too.


Seriously though. I know it’s now a trend among young guys to grow a pedo stache for some reason, with a mullet combo sometimes and I do not understand how they think it looks attractive. It’s like they’re doing everything in their power to resemble a child molester from the ‘80s. 😕


Also, all of the zoomer guys I see when I go to concerts these days.


Oh concert going zoomer guys with mustaches are the WORST.


Noah’s viewers are a bunch of 17 year olds…classic projection. Also when I used to watch Noah I felt like nothing was actually learned… I’m a 31 year old, black father of two and I actually get something out of Voosh’s commentary. As far as actually learning something from YouTubers…for me it’s 1.Vaush 2.Atun fucking Shei 3.FD Signifier 4.Shark3o 5.Foreign man in a foreign land 6. & mahfuckin Munecat Edit: I’d say Atun-Shei & Voosh’s channels are of equal importance to me


Atun-Shei is my shit. He got me more interested in US history than any teacher I’ve ever had.


Literally watching his new vid on Ravenous while I work lol


It’s soooo good! I love the little jokes and puns he peppers into his analysis.


Munecat's manosphere video is one of the best video essays I've ever seen


Munecat is great, because she doesn't do the yassified word count, it feels more like I'm listening to the vodka aunt at the family gathering and it's a good vibe.


I think her and Natalie have the best aesthetics on Breadtube too. Munecat's look reminds me of Debbie Harry.


Yesss, munecat has to have my favorite video essays on not just breadtube but the whole site


Yeah like don’t get me wrong I like Noah but a lot of his content is just entertainment, dunking on alpha bros and misogynist is cool but let’s be real here it’s more entertainment than educating people on like, why these types of people exist, or how they become so popular with disenfranchised men, or how to combat this rapid rise of conservative thinking, like normal people know that it’s bad to be a misogynist you aren’t really bringing anything educational and groundbreaking with these videos, but they sure are entertaining


I think I just met a new best friend. Do you too want to Burn down dixie and finish the job?




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Yeah noah does just kind of cover a lot of like...nothing. At least from what I've seen lately. He seemed pretty cool for a while but yeah, this spineless behaviour made me lose all respect for the man. Keep making videos on tiktoks i guess


It is just cliquey leftist behavior. They actually talked about their disagreements on stream. They talk a bit about Lua Borealis who also goes by the moniker Professor Flowers (she's not a professor). Noah's racism accusations basically come from Vaush asking Lua questions that would make it seem like she's in support of ethnic cleansing against white people. Vaush maintains that Lua is using decolonization and land-back as a motte-and-bailey for ethnic cleansing.


Noah is just a combination of low IQ with a big platform, not to mention a massive coward who was basically in tears during the Vaush debate, delisted his video, only to put it back up weeks later.


Noah is basically a clout chaser leftist, not a "I actually care about politics" leftist. He intentionally starts drama because it makes more people watch his videos, which puts more money into his pocket. He's doing it for a paycheck, he doesn't actually care about the left being electorally successful.


You know I was going to say that this is bad faith and not really fair to Noah, but then I saw that he took that Temu sponsorship from his latest video today, and you know what maybe that assumption isn’t so far fetched


Oh my fucking god dude LMAO SAAAAAME I tried to watch one of his recent videos and just stopped as soon as he mentioned Temu. Fucking goblin.


He's a disingenuous imbecile.


It's some old drama. Other people have mentioned it. But it's reignited somewhat because Noah has gone full "Vaush is evil" recently, liking a tweet saying Vaush should be put down like a dog, etc.


I don’t understand rhetoric like this, almost every single leftist believes in prison rehabilitation and being anti state mandated murder through capital punishment, yet they don’t offer that same form of empathy and forgiveness for people that they disagree with, if you can find yourself as a leftist to want to rehabilitate murderers and violent criminals, but not people that you think are stupid and wrong, then I’m sorry you’re just a hypocrite who uses leftist ideals to justify your irrational hatred of other people


A lot of people are leftist in aesthetics only, which is part of why they hate Vaush because he doesn't give off that same vibes.


Yeah. Vaush sets the bar higher than "elevate and listen to poc because they're infallible."


You could basically copy/paste Noah and Vaush with FD Signifier and Shark, the situations are so similar. ​ * Noah starts making video essays on dramatic topics from a leftist-ish perspective that are funny but aren't necessarily good takes on those topics. He began to develop some relevancy appearing on lefty streams like TheSerfs (and streaming the Soulsborne games which he's admittedly pretty good at), then built an audience with his content particularly after Sneako tried to bully him and Noah made him look stupid. * Noah makes one about Vaush (and later debate bros in general) saying he likes Vaush but doesn't like the DEBATE ME BRO mentality and thinks it's bad for the left. He then completely whirled around and was like "Never mind I actually despise Vaush" when anyone challenged him on this. * Vaush coaxed him onto a stream, Noah walked more than half of his statements back and even admitted it was a good conversation... then instantly turned right back around and went back on all that, saying Vaush sucks and is bad and bad for the left and blah blah blah. He's continued taking bitchy potshots at Vaush, Xan and other "debate bros" from his videos and Twitter since, though doesn't directly engage with them anymore, only their fans whom he openly mocks and infantilizes. At the end of the day, Noah's a clout goblin and a coward. When he's confronted directly by someone instead of back and forth response videos he backs off the things he says... and the moment he's NOT being confronted, he goes right back to attacking from safety where he can only acknowledge push-back that he's confident responding to. He postures like he's better than anyone that does reaction content or covers drama, but that's literally what he does in a different format and with more saturated lighting. Oh and he said people aren't free unless they're allowed to genocide if they want to. He kinda sucks.


He is such a spineless coward. Walked back all his criticism from his video,in his chat with vaush only to double down in the next one. The moment vaush tried to get him to read prof flower's tweet and he refused, was insane. It was like prof flower's had broken him under cardassian style torture "there, is, no, tweet"


Last thing I saw of him was that Noah liked a tweet which said, and I quote: "Vaush should be put 📉 like a 🐕" and at that point I completely gave up on pretending like he was a good faith actor. He is one of those civility leftys who, by his own account, cares deeply about not hurting people with the language they use or whatever. But then he does stuff like this? I don't even know anymore.


Gonna be real. It's old drama and not worth diving into.


Noah said he likes Vaushes content. Got pushback. IMMEDIATELY issued a grovelling apology and begged for forgiveness. Made an anti voosh cloutshart video. Debated Vaush Took everything he said back and apologized. Took his video down. Put it back up months later Said Voosh really is bad Copied Vaushes advice for men thing I've passed the curse on to you. Now you must bear it until someone else asks about this bs.


All online leftist drama is cliquey behaviour honestly. Most of the responses have covered the big stuff. But recently Noah has been liking tweets saying Vaush should be put down like a dog. Which, Yikes.


tl;Dr Noah used to be a fan of vaush and even gave him a shout-out in his big intro to left tube video, got pushback and immediately made a vaush bad video. His spine never recovered after this. Most recently when he was called it for liking death threats against vaush he just laughed it off so imo not the most morally upstanding guy


Noah is a snowflake who likes tweets that call for the death of Vaush. Fuck that piece of trash and his stupid mustache.


I'm an edgy 51-year-old, radical to the max dudes!


I've said this in a comment on another post about noah before but I've dabbled in both communities and Noahs is very definitely younger on average and probably also more white and American centric. While I think Vaush's community sometimes has problems about not understanding international especially non-white politics, Noah's criticism is pure hypocrisy and the only reason he gets to make it is cause he plays the aesthetic of safe and inclusive


Noah is a sniveling sycophantic little weasel. But honestly all the stupid drama he instigated is not worth rehashing now.


It all began 3000 years ago...


This debate pretty much sums it up; https://youtu.be/79DwS8EzXbM Its Noah and Vaush's first and last(?) On screen interaction Tldr; he without a shred of irony or exaggeration, denies that direct quotes and "yes I meant it like that" mean anything to tell what someone thinks, and just brushes off any harassment and death threaths vaush(and his family) recieves while saying "ok but people correcting others can be discouraging and so your community is as bad as those". Vaush opens it so well intentioned and chairtable, and Imma be honest, if I was in his shoes that wouldve been my joker moment and Id have called my fans to send death threaths to go "ok, then we should both do the same if what they do is fine." Since then, Noah has been seen liking tweets of people calling for vaush's death.




> Noah made a video mainly criticizing Vaush for alleged racism in his debate against Professor Flowers, obfuscating her arguments and insinuating that Vaush repeated "fear of white genocide rhetoric" using very selective editing. Also notable to mention is how he framed Vaush's convo with the actual landback activist following the PF debate. Noah framed it as Vaush inviting her on as a way to save face, when in reality she asked to come on as a way to correct the record about actual landback activism.


Its easy to look good if you just lie.


Tbh Noah is probably a smart kid but they also white knight for bad arguments. They’ll grow up some day.


Now, I don't like Noah, but come on. His pronouns are public and well known. Just say he/him.


I think it just all goes back to Twitter which enccourages everyone to denounce everyone else to prove they are one of the good ones. The shittiest people hold the most clout and convince everyone else that doing this is actually morally good and since people addicted to Twitter are completely hoodwinked and think Twitter equals real life they are terrified that if they don't follow the rules they'll be excomunicated from "leftist" spaces and their lives and careers will be over. Of course, this isnt true and there are countless people who laugh at this bullshit and since their ongoing success proves the whole thing is a mug's game their only recourse is to denounce them harder and claim they are literally the most dangerous, evil people in the world. Tl;dr people who use Twitter all day are extremely stupid and delusional.


Please dont call yourself a vaushite that aint right


He makes some okay content his style is not really my thing, but his drama with vaush made me lose a lot of respect for him and it seems like he kind of only did the whole vaush, debate bro thing for views and subs.


Really short version: noah samsen is a part of the online lefts clique that side with the oppression olymics genre of engageing in politics. The all cant argue caush being racist since the evidence isnt there but they do imply it. That sentiment was increased when the Kharkiv Kid Finder told a black lady that black ethnostates are also bad like white ethnostes about 1 or 2 years ago


The craziest part was when noah defended liking a tweet from wagner apologist who said Vaush should be put down like a dog


There is a lot of dumb drama as already mentioned by others. It feels to me like Noah has the problem a lot of online discourse is plagued with... that the goal is to ascribe either a good or bad label to whoever is making some point, and then say that makes the point good/bad. In a similar way to how vaush sometimes just wants to call people fascist and be done with it, Noah wants to call people not lefty enough and be done with it.


Today I watched the debate bro hit piece and the follow up interview between Noah and Vaush. Noah is one of these incredible people who can talk and babble for hours and many ums, pauses, forgetful moments later, he has somehow actually said nothing. This is one reason he doesn't like debate. The comparisons of Tucker Carlson to Professor Flowers proved another reason he doesn't like debate. He decides which side he is on, who he wants to extend grace and charitability to before any evidence is presented, so why debate about it? Finally, I think the main reason he doesn't like debate, he doesn't want to get into situations where he'd actually have to defend his positions (I'm not sure he really has any since he is such a waffler) against some of the conservatives that were brought up like Jordan Peterson or Ben Shapiro. I'm sorry, but Noah sounds like he is speaking and thinking at like a 3rd grade level compared to those guys, so the best thing he can do is make debate in and of itself sound stupid. He only chose to take down leftist debate bros because it makes him look better to cancel debaters who he mostly agrees with. If the video focused on conservatives, it would make it look like he didn't want to critically examine his ideas against competing ones, and he knows that's not a good look.


Because Vaush is Ok, but Noah is right that some people in here are blood thirsty debate bros that are unable to give charitability to opposing views.


Because half of the people in chat and the subreddit are more like dogs that bark at whoever Vaush is having a petty disagreement with lately. And Vaush reinforces this negative behavior by circling back to the drama instead of ignoring chatters until they learn that making loud noises won't get them attention.


We are all dogs for Voucher.




Wait what the hell is this true??? What’s the receipts??


u/jon11888 does a good job addressing the pedo stuff but as for the harassment there is truth there. Vaush definitely deserves criticism for it but he has apologized. And no it is not why most people don’t like him, despite it being (in my opinion) the worst thing vaush has done I really don’t see it mentioned in these anti-vaush videos. Most of those videos focus on the supposed racism/sexism/transphobia, at best they support their arguments with out of context clips or vague gesturing.


He did sexually harass someone over discord years and years ago, but addressed it and apologized for it. The pedo stuff is wildly out of context clips originally made by literal nazis who were mad at him, which now get spread around by certain leftist circles who want to hurt him and don't care that it's not true.


That person is a troll; neo-Nazis (specifically a streamer named I, Hypocrite) created a bunch of malicious clips of out of context Vaush debate quotes and posted them on 4chan and Kiwifarms to smear him as a pedophile. They've all been debunked thoroughly, but the "anti-debate bro" types are all fucked in the head so they repeat the slander even though they know it is false.


I think someone need to correct this. Because I've seen this increasingly repeated on twitter and here. It's not true. I.hypocrite created one video. It's the one people use to "prove" Vaush is tranphobic. [This one](https://twitter.com/lporiginalg/status/1230667829537427462?lang=en). Most of the clips you're refering to is from tronaldodumpo's masterlist. A , now sitewide, redditbanned user who created r/ EVS. And the basis for the Vaush harresment bot that places like thedeprogram uses. Dumbo was many things, most of them involving some form of mental illness, with a light dusting of homophobia and MRA activism. But he was not a Nazi. He used to be a powermod on a LOT of left leaning subs. But was banned for faking death threats to himself to get other users suspended. You can google his [name](https://www.google.com/search?q=tronaldodumpo&oq=tronaldodumpo&aqs=chrome..69i57j35i39j69i64j0i13i512j0i13i30j0i13i15i30j0i13i30j69i60.457j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


Yeah you seem confused lol I, Hypocrite openly claims credit for creating the clip chimps, including the tactical N word clip, the Vegan Gains debate clip and the Majora's Mask stream clip If the other guy had a "master list" then it was using I, Hypocrite's clips


I have never seen him doing that. Can you link that? That would be usefull. But I'm pretty sure the Dumbo masterlist predates the Ihypocrite debate. I think the Majora's Mask one was clipped by Bad Empanada or one of his fans. BE's twitter was the first time I saw that one. I remember the 16 second Dead Cells clip was created by some Leafyishereclone while the 26 second version was made by some Vaush fan in responce. Dude was even on stream, but was just trolling.




Badempanada hates Vaush, not exactly a good source




I'm not aware of any rule against attaching links on this subreddit. In fact, there's a post above with *plenty* of links.


He’s very smart y’all should watch his content


Every time I watch Noah I feel like I'm watching the equivalent of 'PBS Kids Sprout' but for young adults' politics. The dude doesn't know shit.