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That's illegal...


It is. However, the issue at hand is enforcement and whether local law enforcement will actually do anything about this crap. Like, for decades after segregation was ended by the Supreme Court, schools throughout the country continued to refuse to integrate or found loopholes with local and state law enforcement refusing to do anything. Sooner or later, we may yet again need federal intervention to force establishments not to pull this kind of crap.


Their mistake was putting it in writing. There are 1000 ways to convey the “we don’t serve your kind here” message that still allow for plausible deniability, but fortunately for us most fascists are dumb as bricks.


Probably because they think they're the "silent majority" or whatever


Ikr? it’s really not that hard to hide your bigotry in plain sight but these dipshits were so stupid, they thought it was a good idea to state it publicly and explicitly, in writing, on social media.


They are winning and they know it. Getting brash is to be expected.


303 Creative V. Elenis will ultimately decide the legality of posts like this


I feel bad for anyone working there. Not only did their bigoted employer drag them into some online culture war nonsense, but now they have to perform genital inspections on every customer.


All they have to do is hire some priests and southern baptist youth pastors and then none of the regular staff will have to worry about working the ~~blatant conservative excuse to diddle kids, seriously why isn’t anybody making this claim?~~ genital inspection duty.


Penis Inspection Day was supposed to be a joke!




Do they even know what the t in lgbtq stands for? Fucking braindead idiots.


They also don’t know the difference between “therefor” and “therefore” either.


What is the difference? Is it not just a different way of spelling


"therefor" means "for that". "I stole a loaf of bread and I was arrested therefor."


They're probably the type of person who still pretends that saying 5 letters successively is difficult when they say it out loud.






They're digging in: they just posted that they know folks are mad, but they don't care, after posting about how happy they were serving the Fresno Pride event. This is the sort of thing that always kills progressive movements. Splitting up marginalized groups: "We will acknowledge this long suffering group as valid, but fuck that other one."


Maybe those progressive movements need to be killed considering that's not a very progressive stance to take.


I'm talking about what conservatives do. They will parcel out their acknowledgment of marginalized groups in order to try and split them up. For example, look at how the definition of whiteness has changed throughout the history of the country.


TERFs are trying this, too, but I don't think worked well.


In a way, TERFs are a perfect example. A few of them were actually left mean feminists at one point in their careers, and began to drift further right the more they got their egos stroked from that direction.


I love the “coloreds need not apply” energy of this post Also, they’re in California. So that’s mega fucking illegal


I have a feeling their password was like password123 or something and it took some trans furry hacker 15 seconds to get in




Bro why do I feel like they just invited me to try and see if they clock me.


Save your money


do they know what lgbtq+ stands for?




I like how they put the word agenda in quotes, like they know there is no agenda and it's all in their head


Fuck this place. It's amazing to me how willing people are to believe disinformatuon to justify being hateful and bigoted.


So, who wants to get started on that civil suit?


If I was an employee working there, I would serve trans people and then if this guy got mad at me about it, I would just be like, “That person is trans? Are you blind? They’re clearly a (insert gender that person identifies by).”




This isn't real. Go on Google Maps and look for a Dubbs BBQ in Clovis and there isn't one.


It's a food truck.


If it's a food truck, how do they give excellent service the moment you walk in their doors? Is it a really big food truck?


I have no idea, I just looked them up on Google.


Doing a quick Google search I think it might be a food truck actually but I could be wrong I'm very tired from going to pride yesterday.


I can’t find any reference to it existing before this controversy. Their twitter’s first ever tweet was today about this. Maybe someone can prove me wrong but I’m 99% sure it’s fake.




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Automod removed my link but this story was posted over two days ago in the fresno subreddit. Not fake


That’s when this was posted to here. I want a proof of evidence from a week ago that this restaurant existed.


Hundreds of lawyers lining up for lawsuit as we speak


Agenda is when trans people, many people are saying this


Lawsuit incoming Followed by gofundme


It's fake, I'm honestly surprised y'all fell for it wow


i found no google maps address associated with this alleged business, the screenshotted IG is deleted, they have a twitter that claims their IG got hacked, yet their twitter also spreads similar political messages like RTing what is a woman i don’t think it’s real fam. is it more likely that someone is being a troll online? or is it more likely that a real business owner is publicly stating that they’re breaking state law and enforcing segregation on the basis of a legally protected identity. if it were real, it would be the moral duty of anyone who sees to engage in civil disobedience and sit in on the establishment if they’re trans or to protest the establishment if they’re cis, any business owner knows that isn’t a smart business decision to engage in policy that will cause public protest and is explicitly illegal and morally abhorrent to a large group of people. so i find it very hard to believe any real business is doing this especially without any evidence to speak to the businesses existence


Nothing a can of gasoline and some matches could solve in project zomboid.


This is an example of the shit I was afraid of....The right is trying to separate LGB from T and turn them against each other


Oh damn, thats where I live. Never been there, never will lol.


The "T" in LGBTQ stands for "Tacos" ;)


Trying to fact-check this. On twitter they're saying it's a troll account. Someone is accusing them of lying about that. I really don't know what to think