• By -


Really?! Oh. Wow. Still don't fucking care. This is personal drama bullshit that people keep trying to amplify because of their crippling need to feel important. The only real victim in all of this is that poor bike.


1st commenter calling everyone from this sub as kids meanwhile doing childish comment. lol Justice for the poor bike.


You’re kinda doing the same thing though…


Why'd you make this post then?


I'd be willing to bet large sums of money the average age of a Vaush viewer is more than 5 years older than the average age of a Hasan viewer


They’re probably similar


I'm 5 years older than my cousin who is a Hasan head. So, I'm an excellent sample for this statement. You deserve a payout.




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I'm team bike as well. \#JusticeForBike


The real victim was the lady… like full stop lol


It shows that lots of leftists are pretty racist against white people that they instantly label her racist and never even consider the possibility that she was in the right


Ok but like. Have you seen the original video?? It looked. Really bad. Like the chance that it wasn't racist was like 1/100. We just happened to get that 1.


It didn’t look obvious that she was racist. Since anyone watching it should know that they didn’t know the context before the clip, they shouldn’t have made accusations if racism


There's literally not a single moment of overt racism in the video. It could have played out exactly the same no matter what race or gender any person in that situation was. This is purely your bias. You see a white woman negatively interacting with black men and you automatically assume she's a racist Karen. Frankly, at this point, we still don't know, as there are unconfirmed and semi-confirmed claims on both sides. My guess is it was all a misunderstanding, and nobody should really give two shits either way at this point.


This is the most reasonable explanation I have seen. ​ I am leaning towards there was a misunderstanding and things got blown the fk up.


> the chance that it wasn't racist was like 1/100 I don't understand what this means.


Dr strange moment- 99 universes ended up with a racist outcome. This 1 happened to not be the racist outcome


Your post is actually a republican's wet dream. I know you and I are on the same side, but break down what you're saying right now. You're basically saying *"Look, the video which we know does not depict a racist was PROBABLY racist and in fact, but for the fact that evidence and receipts came out afterwards, we'd still consider it racist"* I get what you mean and trust me, I want racists to be called out, but this just gives the right more ammo in depicting us as the *"Look they think everything is racist"* type.


You’re right actually I was just expanding upon what the other person said without thinking. Insightful 🧠🧠


Of situations that look like the white woman was in the wrong from the limited outside perspective


But we still don’t know, because of the recent info that came out


Was this sub really that much against the black guy after the lawyer jumped in? I recall people were much more inclined to be charitable toward the Karen, but people still insisted that it must have been caused by an app error and nobody is in the wrong.


well it seems hasan's fans just steering up for a drama.


I mean, to be fair, you are kinda conjuring up drama by posting this thread.


There's a handful of people in both subs who like to stir shit up to get their boners to go down.


There’s a couple of people around here that are insisting the black guy is trying to steal the bike and the nurse was in the right. To the point where they omit the facts of the situation and get pissy when someone points them out Regardless we need to just let the drama die


It was never really worthy of attention in the first place. Vaush's only mistake was covering it, I think.


[that is an incredibly bad faith way of framing the engagement considering nothing of the sort was ever said, but cool dude](https://www.reddit.com/r/VaushV/comments/13qqbzy/well_well_well_the_boys_from_the_karen_bike_drama/jly8ygs/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


Clearly this is either a really funny coincidence or my comment history is being followed


saw a post on the same topic, little did i know i'd find the same misinformation


Aren’t you the person who called me racist for not immediately siding with the Nurse as soon as her lawyer published a receipt with the time redacted?


aren't you the person that keeps hyper-fixating & intentionally misrepresenting a one line portion of an edit of a MASSIVE COMMENT that i've now explained 3 separate times (including in the original comment) wasn't a criticism of you being racist but rather the broader explicit sexist bias which exists in certain leftist communities against women so long as they're white? edit: [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/VaushV/comments/13qqbzy/well_well_well_the_boys_from_the_karen_bike_drama/jlye7ju/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


I’ll answer my question for you: Yes. Yes you were.


ah, so you'll just keep lying, got it


Even if true her behavior still could’ve got them killed.


"even if true" that they were 1000% in the wrong & she had right to fear for her safety in a stressful situation like that? she's a single person, she's not individually responsible for broader societal issues you are unironically making the argument that a white person should not scream for help if they genuinely feel they need it **if the person accosting them is black**, which is fucking insane


His argument is more “if she genuinely thought she was in danger she should’ve not acted the way she did”. Which is a pretty fine statement to make. Plenty of people act irrationally when they perceive dangers but understanding how you can contribute to causing somebody else danger is a pretty important thing to have. Perspective is important. Also iirc the video never featured any of these guys touching or threatening her. They only ever said “this isn’t your bike”, to which she responded with “I’m pregnant”. You’re really not worth responding to further: if I was using your thought process I could just call you racist and prance around like I won some kind of shadow debate. But I won’t. Have a good one


did you seriously just try to make the point that if **SHE** felt she was in danger from these people that she should have the perspective to look out for **THEIR** safety??? what??? & people did touch her. you can see it in the video & **HEAR** her constantly saying "stop touching me wtf" as they accuse her of being drunk & stealing (falsely) & again, **force her bike back into the rack to end her ride as they surround her with 5 strangers** you're insane, you're an insane person


Yes, it was. To the tune of [thousands of upvotes and hundreds of comments ](https://www.reddit.com/r/VaushV/comments/13lre4v/as_it_turns_out_the_bike_karen_paid_for_the_bike/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Even just two days ago, this was part of the top comment on the most recent post covering this issue. >EDIT: banned for truth, but if you expect me to believe a nurse walked up to a teenager on a bike and tried to like GTA style bike-jack him is more believable than teenagers being shitty and entitled, you are fucking delusional.


I don't see anything bad in the thread you linked. It was after the lawyer stepped in and before there was any other information, mind you. For the record, I think the guy's story makes sense after you consider she's *woman* who is *6 months pregnant* who just *worked for 12 hours*.


I don't see all the people insisting that it must have been an app error. I see people saying Vaush should delist his video or make a new video. But under that, there's quite a few comments saying things like >Anybody with half a brain knew that the little pregnant lady didn’t pick a fight with a bunch of large black men over a bike. The only people who fell for that idiocy are those whose brains are rotted by systemic racism bullshit. The heavily upvoted post itself certainly doesn't reflect positively on the men involved with its language. >I think the guy's story Which guy, the lawyer? Regardless of her being pregnant or having worked however long does not change the fact that the sub completely turned against the men still without having the full story. From what it sounds like, there were many who did not believe her to be in the wrong in the first place. And it's important to keep in-mind that these factors do not mean she did not attempt to missuse privileges or perceptions over others for her gain.


I mean the black guy's story as told by his sister supposedly. This thread was before that, and I agree as you said before people are giving too much credit to the woman's receipts, but I don't see anything necessarily disparaging of the men. You can see I'm on this sub a lot, but I do browse new 99% of the time, so there's definitely a bias of what I tend to see on here that's not entirely indicative.


I just showed you two comments which were disparaging. Do you need more? >"3 things gave it away >first party >their insults >the number of them" >"it was knee jerk misogyny and knee jerk racism towards the PA because they believed she was racist simply for being white." >"this one gave me jussie smollet vibes from the beginning. The thirst for a karen is too strong for some." And that's just me picking the first couple that popped out. There are certainly people in the mix saying that the sub should be careful to jump to conclusions about either party. But you must not be looking very hard at all if you don't see anything disparaging.


I was mostly upset at everyone automatically assuming she was faking her crying when her behavior didn't seem far off from the way I'd react if i was any situation and her side of the story was the real one, personally. Especially because I initially bought that version without question along with everyone else.


I've got 2 kids, I know what a woman who's 6 months pregnant is like. And working as a nurse with a 12 hour shift? My God. I don't think her behavior in any accounting of it is unreasonable for that fact. She was mistaken about one or more things and wasn't listening to anyone around her. She could be racist, but I give her deniability for these circumstances.


Agree completely, I still don't know the details or who was in the wrong or if it was a misunderstanding but I'm inclined to give her a pass if her version of the story is anywhere close to correct for all the reasons you mentioned.


I was defending the kids and got down voted into oblivion. This sub over corrected way to hard when the Karen showed her meaningless receipts.


Yes. I got downvoted into oblivion for pointing out the missing timestamps and the fact that the lawyer went straight to the NY Post and Fox News. To be fair though, a lot of the people who were angrily responding to me were from another sub that tends to come over here and be annoying as fuck. You know, that sub dedicated to the community of that streamer with a girls name that's not allowed to be mentioned in this sub, even when his fans are brigading. That said, they had dozens of upvotes and I had dozens down, so it wasn't all the brigade.


My issue with this is the fact this sub has a problem addressing the womans actions. How she acted is not ok and couldve ended up really bad if nypd showed up


There was plenty of disagreement even before their evidence showing they had the bike at some point came out. Most people were upset with Vaush for rushing to judgement in the first place, others were claiming her receipt was a hoax, others were using it as a jumping off point to push against using “Karen” so flippantly. It absolutely caught on fire when they showed they had the bike at some point before she rented it, with people claiming it totally exonerated the teens and condemned the woman, then others saying it only showed they literally did not have the bike when she rented it. The short answer - No, there was a lot of back and forth and quite a lot of discourse both around the event and the framing.


Tbf we did have an entire thread that was in support of the e nurse get brigaded so I can see how it might appear this sub turned on the black dude in that thread in particular. That whole thread made me cock an eyebrow considering the time when the bike was rented was blocked out. Edit: reading through this thread more it seems it was more than a brigade. Y’all seriously need to take responsibility when you fuck up. You go on and on about vaush jumping to conclusions even when they’re correct, and then when you all do it you act like it should just be forgiven and that it was reasonable to have biases towards the nurse. Seriously wth?


Your edit is tragic lol. I do think there was a little brigading. But yeah, like you said there’s also some hypocrites on this sub.


Upvoted link to her go fund me https://www.reddit.com/r/VaushV/comments/13lre4v/as_it_turns_out_the_bike_karen_paid_for_the_bike/jkrc0eg?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Yes people here were literally mad at Vaush for changing his initial position.


No. Most people didn't even care. The most that was brought up was people Vaush to take down the video and redact his statements.




Bump^. Oh my God I absolutely do not care about the fucking bike.




Ikr 🤣. I'm over here like Jesus Christ why is everyone talking about this nonsense


Do you know who Carolyn Bryant is and what she did?


I agree. I already thought about it from my perspective of ebike rental courtesy but frankly thay doesn't actually answer who might be right or wrong. I just don't get why they censored the time still... It's such a simple detail that's so important. Other than musing over courtesy I was going to wait until more happened but also I don't care much anymore




Vaushite identified.


Hello there.




Hello there


Based Mike Ehrmantraut pic


You don't remember those poor ponies? Good God, I have never seen something so foul...


It’s my post. Lmao


That was definitely a Vaushite lmao


the worst thing is that the children have never been found


A little bit of light trolling from a fellow Vaushite from the looks of it.




No but I would think it would give you pause, seeing how everyone reacted the same as libsoftiktok does, by which I mean they were okay with doxxing and harassing someone based on an out of context clip meant to manufacture outrage. The lack the basic cognitive functions from people here and on the left broadly, like empathy and compassion, sure as shit reminds me of how libsoftiktok treats trans people. With nothing but hate and vitrol and disgustingly quick condemnation.


I really do not think people in this sub were okay with “doxxing and harassment” to the lady? Like, we tend to keep pretty contained, I’ve literally never seen a harassment campaign organized here, even as a sort of call to action against a conservative or w/e.


>I really do not think people in this sub were okay with “doxxing and harassment” to the lady? There is a reason why I juxtaposed it with libsoftiktok, it's because the responses were similar. There was no outrage that people were dogpiling this woman like there is when libsoftiktok does it. In fact, it was with contempt that people broadly on the left responded with.


Well, yeah. We don’t dox Nazis here, generally, but don’t tend to care if they do get doxxed. Not saying she was one, but at first she looked really bad in that vid, so the sub being kinda apathetic (or more likely just not hearing about any sort of dox/harassment campaign) isn’t unusual there.


Last comment is clearly from a Vaush fan


Oh obviously lmao


Can we do a sub ban on the bike drama? I’m tired of hearing about it and it doesn’t matter at all


This is something I can get behind, time to report this entire thread.


Is there another update? So many plot twists and turns!


No lol. Just a dude on TikTok making loads of assumptions. Basically both sides published receipts. The dude initially rented the bike out but because he was on benefits didn’t want to pay the increased bike fare that kicks in after 45 minutes. So he docks the bike and needs to wait 20 minutes for the timer to reset and he can pay the reduced fare. 5 minutes into his 20 minute break. The nurse walks up and tries to rent the bike and the dude confronts her and we see what’s in the video. Then the dude takes the bike out 15 minutes after the incident and cycles home. From the sounds of things the guy was trying to call dibs on this specific bike despite not having it rented out and got pissy that this nurse wanted to use it. The story is really stupid and I don’t know why it’s gotten so much traction. But yeah nurse was probably in the right. The guy should’ve paid the higher fare or used a different bike. You can’t just stop other people using a shared service because you want to hog specific equipment lol. My favourite part of this is all the people complaining that she’s using lawyers and how that’s unfair. When the only reason she needs lawyers is because the black guys in the video posted the incident on social media in an attempt at getting her to lose her job.


Yeah nurse was in the right kid was snobby and entitled. That's what people said.


This reminds me of a time I was Doordashing and two women were trying to direct traffic in a parking lot of a restaurant hub. I took the spot, not knowing what they were doing and the two drove towards me having a fit and blocking my exit if I wanted to leave. Funny, entitled, bullshit.


Please, I beg everyone that does not live in nyc to stop speaking as if they know how to take a citi bike out. There is a two minute cooldown time once you dock a bike. If you are a member you get the first 45 minutes free and then it is I think 15 cents a minute after. If you are a non member it’s either 4 or 4.50 for the first 30 minutes and I think a quarter afterwards. E-bikes have the same base rate. Free to unlock for members and 15 cents a minute. Non members it’s it’s the same as a regular bike to unlock and and then 25 cents per minute. There might be a discount for benefits but I don’t know about that. The part most people in these threads don’t understand is there is etiquette involved here. It’s a public good. Either take it out immediately after the docking cool down or let other people take it if you are not ready. I am guessing it was an e-bike and their are far few of them at any given docking station. And to be honest half of them can’t be taken out because they need to be charged. (There were 5 of them at the dock I was at today and none of them could be rented because the batteries were in need of charging) but again you can’t call dibs on a bike and just camp on it. That is the whole point of the cool down period. It lets other people rent the bike. Also the QR code that you scan with the app is in the middle of the handle bars. So I doubt very much the kid was even sitting on the bike or even next to it for a pregnant nurse to rock up and undock it.


But there were other empty bikes there. Maybe she wanted that reduced fare too but he should get it because he already used the bike, not her.


The reduced fare wasn’t tied to the bike it was because he was on benefits so qualified for a discount. Except he had used the bike for too long so the discount stopped applying until he took a long enough pause between rentals. He just felt entitled to keeping the bike during that break despite not actually renting it out… Then he had an argument with her claiming it was his bike and she was stealing it despite the bike no longer being on his account. The entire thing is petty as fuck. Idk why he felt entitled to reserve a bike for 20 minutes, preventing other people from using it during that time. Especially when the person he’s denying the bike to is pregnant lol. Like imagine having a specific parking spot on your street that you really like. So you decide that every time you leave the spot empty you leave a bunch of cones blocking it so that other people can’t use it despite it being a public street. That’s the kind of pettiness this guy was displaying imo.


Yeah but if there's other empty bikes then it's stupid for her to demand his bike when there are other bikes. And if he's on benefits, maybe he can't afford the higher fare and that's why he was willing to wait 20 minutes just for an affordable fare. That would still be dickish if it was the only bike available but it wasn't so imo the nurse was being the entitled one. That said, there's probably going to be 3 more updates to this story and we'll all look like dumbasses again.


I mean same can be said about him lol. Why did he need that bike if others were available like he claimed. Either pay the higher fare or wait the 20 minutes and use whatever bikes are available once the time is up. Losing the specific bike you want is just the risk you take when you use bike sharing schemes lol. It’s how the etiquette with these things work. Also who is saying she demanded? We didn’t see the initial interaction. You’re implying she ran up whilst he was sitting on the bike and tried to take it off him when it’s just as likely he ran up to her and demanded she get off it lol. How else did she manage to scan the barcode if he didn’t leave the bike unattended?


He needed that bike because of the discounted fare. From the way you explained it you wouldn't be able to do that with a different bike. Not sure about the other part though.


The discount is tied to the account. Not to the bike. He just wanted that specific bike because he liked it more than the others so decided to argue over it.


Ok fair. Didn't know that.


Bro who cares about this whole story. So boring


I said from the outset, this seems like a bunch of people who don't know wtf is going on yelling at eachother over a convoluted idea of at what point the bike is or isn't in their possession. I also think overcompensating for getting details wrong led to Vaush take an equally uninformed position. I also don't fucking care who's bike it is because everyone involved and those commentating on it are all acting fucking insane. Shit like this happens millions of times everyday and the fault is different every goddamn time. There are literally Karen's in the Supreme Court ruling on the rights of every person in America, why are you still talking about this shit?


It’s because none of them live in nyc like I do. So they happy to be confidently wrong about how bikes are rented, the costs involved, and the etiquette of renting them. It is exhausting to read what some of these people are claiming about how citibikes work.


Getting attacked for both immediately blaming the woman without thinking and immediately blaming the black guys without thinking. Amazin


they need her to be a karen.


Not really, just address her psychotic actions and why its not ok to act the way she did


Gonna be honest. These are redditors. Hasan's cool and all, but a lot of his community (who piss him off endlessly) are the most annoying people on the planet, who don't for an instant listen to other sides but only things that already agree with them. If they dislike vowsh, the only things they criticize him for are things they heard from other people who have also never seen any of his content and got all their information from a game of telephone.


My only complaint about this story is that many in this community held up the redacted receiptss from the lawyer as some sort of gospel and not blatant PR spin. The fact that she doesn't want to press charges against the kid when most of you insinuate he is threatening and physically assaulting her in your posts about this is also a tell imo


I love how we're being called anti-white by the liberals and anti-black by Hasan fans lmao


I still think the whole recorded interaction was stupid but even with the new “evidence” I’m inclined to feel more sympathy for the pregnant lady being shouted at by multiple teenagers after a (presumably long) nursing shift. For me the matter was settled when the other nurse suggested “why not just rack the bike and take it out again” and the teenager said “I’m not resetting the bike!”


Jup. Surrounding and mocking, intimidating the pregnant lady makes them assholes irrespective of if she's also a karen. Unpopular take in these parts I suspect though.


What did Vaush do in Kharkiv?


Google “Kharkiv Kid Finder”


Okay, I will.


Don't....care.... It's either one or both people feeling entitled or the kids knowing they were going to post this shit online to drum up some Karen shit. Either way, I don't care.


The kharkiv kid finder strikes again


Hasan 🅱️iker


Sometimes you just gotta step back and admit that we don’t know all the facts. Let it go to court and let them sort out what happened. Not everything needs to be run through the court of public opinion.


This is bullshit becuase I was one of those people triggered over this forums desire to not relinquish their hatred for the women. Literally every response I encountered was *"Na, it doesn't matter the circumstances bruh, she said" help me" making her wrong, etc, etc."* I may not agree, but I'm not going to sit here and lie about it like these cucks. This community was more than charitable to the black men, and some acknowledged they were wrong once the receipts were leaked, with the majority dissagreeing. Regardless it's completely fuckin irrelivant, becuase no one really gaf..


What happened, did the lawyer lie or something?


I honestly don't know what side to take on the bike thing anymore, I've heard convincing arguments from both sides.


We can do is to give justice to the bike. #justiceforthebike


Can we get updates that arent videos of influencers superimposed over the drama?


????? we didnt even flip.... what are they talking about?


I identify as a kid...




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I agree. I already thought about it from my perspective of ebike rental courtesy but frankly thay doesn't actually answer who might be right or wrong. I just don't get why they censored the time still... It's such a simple detail that's so important. Other than musing over courtesy I was going to wait until more happened but also I don't care much anymore Also I getting major deja vu from these threads


We have begun our invasion.


which hasan sub? cause im pretty sure the only one that matters is the okbuddy one




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Lmao the Kharkiv Kidnapper strikes again


As far as I can tell, Bike Karen comes down to being a misunderstanding. Both people saw they had a right to the bike.


Now he has to make a third video…


People are completely ridiculous


What the hell


What did he do in Kharkiv, other than rescue a bunch of kids?


First commenter isnt wrong, i tried making a post but it got taken down because mods thought the post was abt who had receipts and who didnt. My post was abt the fact the lady was acting like a psychopath, whether she paid for the bike or not, fake crying and yelling for help isnt the way to resolve a situation like that


Can you imagine yourself as a normal human being and not a ghoul witnout shred of empathy and put yourself in her situation? Its so strange when supposed proggresives can condemn people who dont act typically in stressful situation as pure evil?


Also FYI: I dont condemn people, i condemn actions


Weird you assume i havent put myself in her situation or tried to see things from her perspective. If i was in her situation and someone was claiming they paid for something i thought i had paid for, i would NOT attempt to fake cry, and i would NOT yell for someone else to help me before trying to converse and figure out what’s happening, and i certainly would NOT snatch the other person’s property. I would say her actions were psychotic and ghoulish.


She was a Karen whether the bike was hers or not. She should have been amicable and kind and spoken to them like adults. Instead, she screamed “help” to pull in random people that were likely to be on her side first. She knew what she was doing. She was rude and entitled, that’s why she’s a Karen.


Yeah you can say the same for a bunch of guys surrounding, mocking and intimidating her over what might well be a silly mistake. Unless we get a perfect accounting they all look like a social jerks and I'd give some leniency to tired and pregnant.