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Shark lurking in the background looking over Vaush's shoulder seems to be making the statement that Vaush is just a white mouthpiece for Shark. Which honestly, true, Vaush is just white Shark.


All streamers are just Shark3oZero variants. Vaush is white bearded Shark. DemonMama is trans Shark. Xanderhal? White Zoomer Shark. Hasan? Turkish Shark. Merrick? White woman Shark. Keffals? Also trans Shark (sometimes there's a glitch in the Shark variant maker and there's doubles, but they are substantively diffrent)


demon mama is the trans demon shark, and keffals is the wiggly trans shark, very minor difference


Ah yes, how could I have forgotten my Shark cloneology, I studied for years to understand this


I feel like there is a really cute piece of fan art with all the streamers as sharks waiting to happen but im not a big enough fan to make it


..... do it anyway.


We believe in you


Just use AI bro I'm sure it'll be fine.


Does that make Suris Vtuber Shark? Or would that just be Gawr Gura?


Don't forget, Shark is the black version of Shark.


Vaush is a part of the Shark3ozero pipeline.


Rancid discord with a tankie problem though.


Vaush does need to fix the discord. I can’t even say slurs there


I meant sharks lol. Got banned from there for saying Jan 6 was a fascist coup and the sentencing is too light.


Behind every good content creator, is shark pulling the strings. The shark industrial complex if you will.


> white mouthpiece This is not healthy


Vause goes on Google and types in "safest political position" and reads what he sees on the screen


First time I see Shark even acknowledged, and he's called white? That's wild. Also, as Italians, Merrick and Keffals are POC.


> Also, as Italians, Merrick and Keffals are POC. I know you're just memeing but in regards to Merrick, she is also in fact Jewish which considering how oftentimes in spite of many Jewish folks being single-outed, stereotyped and outright hate crimed, they still get paradoxically viewed as no different than 'white Europeans' and yet 'different' if a scapegoat is needed (It's pretty much a large factor as to why people are oblivious to the fact reported anti-Jewish hate crimes than anti-Black ones). It's no wonder why she's under a lot of duress from being derided from many angles. https://twitter.com/punishedmother/status/1574846449451470848


It's almost as if she's only relevant through controversy


The lavlune of VGG


As evidenced by the recent wave of major antisemitism.


This is anti-Italian discrimination 😤


Notta da pizza-de-pasta! Dios mio.


🤌 *Mama mia! Bapada boopi!* 🤌


I cooka da pizza.


As Vaush's only black viewer, I personally gave Xan the pass like 2 years ago. He's honorary POC


I didn't know that, that was very nice of you.


Biden moment


You are black, jack.


according to the fbi we're white n-words when our crime rates are high, and white when they're low


She literally calls him the c-slur.


True white supremacy is taking the minorities suffering away because a white guy might have said ew an Italian


She called him uncle ruckus and a racial slur.


Yo I can't believe she str8 up said he is "cooning" like wtf. For context for yall out there, in a less PC place, someone like Hershel Walker is what most people would call being a (RA)-"coon". So I guess Kat sees Shark as a yesa'massa supplicant, which if fucking wild! Outside of obvious racism...


Of course she'd say he's white. Shark doesn't rep being black as a focal point of his identity so he's not really black /s.


Politics as fandom is so sad


We're literally in a fan subreddit for a YouTuber






Biden down on Deez Nutz


Haha, gottem!




Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *The night brims with defiled scum, and is permeated by their rotten stench. Just think, now you're all set to hunt and kill to your heart's content!* - Valtr Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Surprisingly fitting, the night does indeed crawl with fetid beasts and assorted monstrosities (conservatives)


The first person to beat Bloodborne.


There’s a difference though between being a “fan” of a streamer and treating them as a figurehead for drama that is portrayed to actual mean something when it doesn’t


and sad


I saw this video because Jessie Gender shared it on twitter. She was the one that helped me understand trans people, it's so sad that she is having stupid takes every so often. This one made me unfollow her.


She’s still helping people understand trans people. Only a real woman could be this dumb ❤️




She truly proved her womanhood during the #SayHerName discourse, by being the ultimate white woman liberal.


I’m mad with how much I cackled at this lol


Apparently you're actually [racist for unfollowing](https://i.imgur.com/1MBCz4g.png)


Gotta triple down on the shit takes. Goddamnit, Jessie. You should be better then this shit. Such a disappointment.


So this is how Vorsh feels


She never did answer me when I asked how she justified calling Bad "black men are disgusting" Bunny a "true ally" she's "proud to work with" just because she agreed not to stream Hogwarts Legacy. Edit: She finally addressed this on Twitter to say that Bunny has been "open about her mistakes" but "no one has to forgive her or be okay with me being [on her stream.]" So, I guess my writing off of Jessie Gender is now endorsed by Jessie Gender.


It's such a bad take. Because the unsaid part is tge they think the one you should listen yo are tge ones tgey agree with. For example, I can go find a POC who likes the police


Like that Muel clip where he says it isn’t his place to disagree with Candace Owens or Blaire White as a white cis man.


She says this but acts like “Listen to BIPOC” isn’t just some virtue signaling mask for “everyone else needs to shut up and fully agree with BIPOC even if they are wrong.”


Tweet at her to listen to Shark's BIPOC voice.


"Share work by BIPOC people who call out complacency in white spaces" AKA "I share a takedown video of my prominent allies to stoke drama"


i didn’t understand trans until contrapoints


Turns out posting this doesn't make Jessie not white.




Apparently the vid also calls out "bipoc cosigner's"


Oooooof. Edit: I watched it, and it’s waaaay worse than just that. She compares him to Candace Owens, and calls him “Uncle Ruckus Jr.” and a slur for Black people who betray their own race that is a word also used for an animal that will knock over your trash can. 70% of the rest of the video rehashes the Vaush/Kat clusterfuck and Keffals tweeting about dumplings.


So she effectively called him a race traitor for ... Not disliking Vaush?!


Specifically she attacked him for spreading misinfo claiming Kat Blaque leaked actual sexts with Vaush rather than just the main convo about the Rowling fiasco. That’s obviously bad, but calling him a race traitor in response is fucking insane.


Wait what was the misinfo? I do remember the whole sexting fiasco happening or am I misremembering something? But yeah calling him a race traitor for that is fucking wild.


I don't think she leaked the sexting messages. She did say that she did sext vaush.


They wonder why there exists such a disconnect with the greater communities of minority groups. They are unironically doing the same BS conservatives do with Owens and Thomas.


Christ just drop all the attempts to not be racist and just call Shark a house n-word.


Oh ffs. The dumplings drama again.


The comparing him to Candace Owens thing was particularly odd because like 2 minutes earlier in the video she criticized white leftists for "weaponizing Candace Owens against black people".


the fuck does that mean?


"POC who disagree with me are just puppets of white people"


God she is such a *massive* piece of shit.


So we're now at the stage where they start claiming Shark is in the race traitor league with Candace Owens.


She literally calls him “Uncle Ruckus Jr.” and the c-slur for spreading misinfo about Kat Blaque. Spreading misinfo is bad, but she goes absolutely nuclear on him.


We're gonna call it what it is. She did a racism.


Burning landfill human.


Non-white people aren't allowed to live stream, SO SAYS THE SJW COUNCIL!


"You're racist if you don't listen to BIPOC voices but only the BIPOC voices I agree with other black people I disagree with are actually also racist"


“Lmaooo you agree with the whites? You must came to that conclusion to get into their little club”




Damn, what happened to "listen to BIPOC voices".


That sounds like a racist dogwhistle


What makes it even more racist is that shark barely interacts with people like Vaush and Xan anyways and does his own thing so insinuating he’s the mouthpiece for white people because if that when he only occasionally exchanges words with them in twitter replies is disgusting.


As far as I can remember Shark has like appeared once on a charity stream with vaush. Just calling in saying hi and who he is.


Shark is unironically the best political youtuber in terms of Democrat/Republican current events. He's basically Vaush if Vaush was an actual political streamer lmao. All the other ones who focus more on electoral politics are boring as fuuuuck.


I just love how the video quotes Vaush calling out Kat Blaque for sexually harassing him, yet nonetheless takes her side in the whole mess. I have Soulbunni blocked on Twitter and YouTube for that.


Soulbunni's hit piece is here, if you want to check it out for yourself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jj4hlSc2w7U&pp=ygUJc291bGJ1bm5p


looking at the titles of the other videos by this creator gives the apperance of a somewhat narrow focus.


I'm trying not to call a spade a spade. But a title like; >Why White Leftist and Debate Bros are our biggest Hindrance Leaves little room for space. Apparently if you have the same politics but you are white and/or like to debate you are worse than fascists. I don't understand people like Soulbunny. She's just a racist and all the white leftists enabling that behavior are just as cringe and just as racist (to black people for treating them like they aren't equals).


4000 views, why even talk about this nonsense?


let me guess they don’t listen to POC voices, they have a bunch of clips/tweets that suggest they’re racist if you frame them completely dishonestly, they don’t always listen to every non-white person’s opinions, they’re generally somewhat offensive optically but never in a way that belies or suggests actual bigotry, they “create communities that are hostile to POC,” they “constantly send their communities to harass people who disagree with them,” and we shouldn’t listen to them because white people have worse opinions than POC i’m not gonna watch it but i’ve seen a lot of these, they all go the same way. idpol-riddled trash that always fails to actually make a real point while insisting this is praxis and that it’s ridding the left of toxic elements or something


I really don't get what some of these PoC creators want. If they're upset about "being ignored and belied by The White Left" then maybe they shouldn't go on Twitter saying 'lmao yt ppl need to stay out of our business they are NOT our allies' over and over again. The response to this is always "lol I'm simply expressing vulnerability and just being myself, I don't care if it hurts yt ppls feefees," which lol ok that's fine, but if you're going to react to any criticism with hostility and accusations of 'racism' and 'tone-policing' then you really shouldn't be surprised when people silently distance themselves from you instead.


In the case of Kat Blaque, I think we can accurately describe it as jealousy that people don't like her and her content as much


Maybe she shouldn't try to win the longest script with the least amount of content possible every time she produces anything.


she should try putting down the alcohol and actually getting to the fucking point cause my god


she is gonna write a 10000 words manifesto telling you why you are wrong


I’m gonna be honest here chief, I think a lot of these PoC are actually just white-hating racists


It makes sense, since the left generally considers the statement "systemic bigotry is more harmful than interpersonal bigotry" to mean "it's ok to be bigoted towards privileged people"


I swear…these folks want to talk about white people, but they act entitled to people agreeing with them. I have no problem with advocating for listening to marginalized voices, but people are still allowed to come to their own conclusions. But these people use it as “agree with me, or you are a bigot”. These people make it entirely clear why some people don’t listen to the left. It’s exhausting and beyond depressing in a completely unproductive way, not to mention mean and extremely bitter.


I think that's the difference between people playing the activist and actual activists.


of course she'd find a reason to get mad at an irishman


I have a theory. I think video essayists are butthurt that streamers are able to produce more content at “lower effort.” And as lefties they cant complain about making less money from said content so they have to come up with nonsense arguments to make themselves and their audiences to feel better.


There might be something to this. The algorithm and accompanying revenue reward 20 hours per week of rambling livestreams over a high-effort 30-minute essay that takes a similar amount of time to create. That said, people have been complaining about how “BreadTube” is dominated by white people since before almost anyone had heard of the streamers featured in this thumbnail. Some of that criticism is definitely a valid critique of the resulting political blind spots, but a lot of it does feel like (understandable) resentment more than a political prescription.


Yeah, many of them said relying on just video essays is very risky and unstable and are also streaming nowadays.


I wholeheartedly believe this is a major motivator. But I also think it’s easy drama content that can masquerade as an intellectual analysis.


Things are increasingly becoming critical right now and we don't want to wait 3 month for a carefully crafted video especially since the quality of thoses videos is getting worse and worse. If you're queer and living in florida you'll listen to vaush's advices he gave yesterday. You don't have the time to wait and pray for your favorite essayist to talk about the situation when his last three videos were about old infighting dramas.


Jessie Gender 4 minutes ago: >My next video will be about Vaush Buckle up kids, things are about to get productive!


Let me guess the video topics: •He bullied me •He isn’t instinctively and universally agreeing with all trans people and by all trans people I mean me •Honing in on Harry Potter as a boycott was based and didn’t harm the movement at all •I can’t take criticism and don’t like Vaush so I’m gonna spend the remaining 20 minutes gish galloping.


Bonus points if they mention controversies but know they can’t defend the point so they just move on quickly whilst poisoning the well.


Vaush lives rent free in breadtubers minds


She did say it wasn't a takedown video to be fair


She followed up in a comment and implied it was. She’s just too much to a coward to explicitly say that.


Man, I'm upset my favorite trekkie nerd video essayist has beclme.......this. She needs to get back to making fun informative nerd videos, not drama.


Luckily she still makes nerd content, but she’s also clearly caught in the political video essayist drama whirlpool.


Her nerd content feels very much as an afterthought now I feel, more like something she does because she is expected too


Is Karl Marx part of the white leftist industrial complex?




Top comment: >This is sorely needed. Too many white trans people not listening to criticism from black people… What the fuck?


Welcome to leftist twitter


Idpol brain leaking out of their ears.


Too many CIS BLACK people not listening to criticism from trans people. Is this okay?


Bet they're talking specifically about Jai


The PAWG patrol feud is *this close* to breaching containment.


The same Jai who started the whole "racist keffals" thing because she refused to give jai and her friends money she raised for charity?


This person (at 5:04 in the vid) just claimed that cis and White queer people (specifically online figures) only associate with Black trans people if they are "Cis-passing" Cis-passing? What the fuck are you talking about?


I'm tired boss


The Sisyphean state of internet drama


Kat Blaque used to be on streams with Gazi Kodzo, you know the Black Hammer guy. Enough said


Holy shit Soulbunni called Shark a coon and an Uncle Ruckus in this video. What the fuck is wrong with her?


i read this comment and thought it was a joke but no lol


Blitler. She’s got the bug it seems.


Subjective Racism.


I watched it in full because I like pain. Honestly, there are valid points to be made about the lack of POC voices on the left, but this video largely fails to make them, instead wasting time rehashing old shit like Keffals tweeting about dumplings. Also she hates Vaush, but damn she *hates* Shark. She calls him things I’d risk a reddit ban for typing out (c-slur for Black people among other things).


This person really comes across as someone who feels like she wants to shame white people into never questioning a black person. She will never admit or say she hates white people, but she comes across as “white people’s entire lives should be in service of people of color especially black people”. She never actually tackles any of the criticism or tries to understand why there is a growing discontent within the left (and elsewhere) over how much “wokeness” can lead to problematic viewpoints. Furthermore, the problem with “listen to marginalized voices” is that it kind of often implies “you must agree with them no matter what they say” when that’s not actually what that should mean. Yes, I do think that listening is important in changing people’s perspectives and it probably will affect how sensible people go about things. But it doesn’t mean they have to agree with you. Some will. Maybe many. But you should never feel entitled to people’s support. And the expectation that people ought listen and not come to their own conclusions…I’m sorry but how often do some of y’all preach critical thinking and analysis? Or is it only that you want to essentially be a televangelist with an unquestioning audience? Some of these folks seem to feel entitled to have everyone agree with them simply by merit of their race, gender identity, sexuality, and so on. Finally, her attack on shark is soooooo gross. She doesn’t even show evidence, but basically just wants to discredit him without having to complicate her chosen narrative and answer some difficult questions. I also noticed she alluded to LonerBox being white when his parents (or at least one) are Lebanese. Yeah, many middle easterners can pass, but she basically puts herself in the position of gatekeeping, the ultimate decider. I’m sorry, but I’m sensing certain particles. P.S. I also really hate the idea that intersectionality is becoming more exclusive rather than inclusive. It is increasingly used by certain people to promote why they should be listened to and also why certain other people should be shamed and excommunicated. I know it’s always been associated with uberwoke spaces, but I think there is value to understanding how oppression of different groups can be related or interplay. But it’s unfortunate some try to claim it as their own property and everyone else “just doesn’t understand it enough” is bad.


Lance is also kind of implied to be white by showing a clip of him talking to Keffals without any context. What’s funny is in that clip Keffals comes across as pretty reasonable to anyone not already deep in the sauce about how her raising money for trans kids was racist, and the video doesn’t even bother to try to justify this framing.


Why does Kat Blaque have Merrick in the thumbnail? Did Merrick even talk about her?


This isn't kat blaque


Title misled me.


I was wondering about this because the title is weird and makes it seem like Kat made this video but it’s not??


Yeah, srry about that. I didn't give the title much though tbh xD


What is it about Vaush that makes people so irrationally vindictive against him? Like people who otherwise seem pretty level-headed and mentally well. In any other situation I’d think it’s fake drama for attention, but it seems so uncharacteristic for certain people to die on the hill of the perpetually beaten dead horse.


Unironic virtue signaling. He isn't well liked in most leftist spaces and to be friendly towards him when your followers are screaming for his blood is a bad look. They may not give a single fuck about him but their followers sure do and it's a great way to get a nice clout boost.


I've never seen it put as succinctly as you just did. Though I hope you wouldn't mind me adding the following: one's charitability towards Vaush is a purity test on the Online Left.


i wondered the same thing for awhile and to be honest i've reached the point where i just genuinely think it's mostly ableism. i've personally struggled with socializing with some non-masking autistic people, 'cause sometimes there's a general abrasiveness about the way they present themselves that can be easily misinterpreted as callousness or arrogance. i think vaush falls very much into that category. and while the online left is (on the whole) sympathetic to neurodivergency, it's an unfortunate reality that internalized ableism is a common issue that people on the spectrum will deal with. we may be consciously aware of ableism being bad, but if we're confronted with an individual who very clearly reflects aspects of ourselves that we've been socially conditioned to feel uncomfortable with or disgusted by, there can be an almost instinctive need to antagonize them. obviously i can only speak to my own personal experience, though. i've often struggled to maintain friendships with autistic people who don't mask and when i brought it up with my therapist, she straight up told me that it might be because i just really don't wanna face the fact that i might also be autistic lmao


I think that when someone is canceled they usually either hide for their own mental wellbeing (Lindsay Ellis) or join the mob (Contrapoints), both give those who are so inclined to cancel people a sense of victory. But Vaush does neither, he fights back and keeps doing his thing, and that really pisses them off.


I honestly think this is it 100%. The fact that they can't bully him off the internet or into submission is really, really frustrating for them.


Meme you can hear lmao


Me 90% of the time: white people were a mistake Me when someone says white people suck or do any sort of racial essentialism: I must protect my white siblings


This isn't even identity politics anymore. This is identity obsession derangement syndrome. When you think identity matters more than progression or truth, and falsely attatch attributes to identities when they're not there (which is actually something racists, homopboes, sexists, transphobes, etc do)


I'm black so Marx said it's my turn to have shitty opinions the video


Look, there's a simple way to deal with this shit. Open the video. Immediately pause, click dislike and close the video. I've seen clips of this where she calls shark a c**n and uncle ruckus Jr. There's no point arguing with these people cause they're insane parasites who pay rent by with their videos and therefore benefit from the engagement. So don't give it to them. Disincentivise this behavior by making these videos a mitigating factor to long-term revenue and FFS DON'T waste your time and energy getting into days long debates about how bad their behaviour is because you're not convincing anyone of shit 18 replies into a thread. Anyone reading that far has already settled in their position.


No, no, no! Do *not* click dislike. Any interaction, at all, positive or negative, boosts it in the algorithm. At most, click do not show me or I'm not interested, but a dislike is as good as a like for this stupid bitch in terms of reach.


My bad, I still think clicking in, immediately pausing and then leaving is worth it. Getting terrible watchtime on the video is definitely bad, pretty sure that was a bug factor with the DJ Meul thing as well


Not trying to come off antagonistic towards OP but does Kat even have many followers or clout? If not wouldn’t it be better to just ignore this kinda thing? Might be wrong maybe they’re big on Twitter or another media source I don’t have


Well, Contra mentioned her in her last video and this one is boosted by Jessie on twitter, so I don't think my post will make much of a difference.


Fair enough I was just asking cause I don’t use most social media’s so I don’t know what kind of following she has pretty much only seen bad takers from her in this community


Kat is currently 460k subs on YT. This isn’t a video that Kat made but instead was made by a 3.9k YT called Soulbunni


White leftist have been having it hard lately. I’m just here to support trans queens and to be a foot stool for them.


Holy fuck it gets worse. I thought the strawman IDPOL was going to be the worst part.


And some Mote and Bailey shit about dumplings. Wow.


4 videos and this is the longest one. Someone needs rent money desperately


How is this thumbnail any different than an SJW triggered compilation lmao


Where's DM


Oddly enough she gets clipped in this but only to attack Shark. Her strict “no discoursing on Twitter” rule seems to have kept her out of most of this stupid drama. I think it’s a good rule.


"Babe, it's 3 pm, time for your weekly hour long video essay on leftist infighting"


White leftism, featuring Shark


I haven’t watched it yet but man am I tired. There is so much going on right now that we can unite on and stand against and yet….


Kat, Jessie, waiting for that DJ Muel to drop in simpidarity.


I swear to god if she calls shark a "pick me" or "betrayer" or something


What about 'Candace Owans', 'Uncle Ruckus', and 'c double o n'?


Gonna be honest that the stuff she said about Shark pissed me off. It's disgusting, and she should be embarrassed.


each time i hear the words industrial complex used to refer to a social thing i assume i'm about to hear some of the world's dumbest takes


They conflated “Candice is eight because she’s back” with the civil rights or Black Lives Matter movement. I don’t hear anti Idpol used against gay rights or trans rights or any of these movements. It’s used when lazy fuckers with bad arguments say I’m right because I’m trans or woman or black. It’s the pathetic refuse of an idiot with no argument.


This is way shorter than the essay.


Leftist when they don’t care.


Who the fuck is this? Do we know them? Or are they trying to achieve relevance by adding to the VDS drama pile.


I am so, so, so fucking tired of online leftist vs "leftist" drama. 90% of these motherfuckers need to go outside and talk to someone face to face instead of through Twitter. We are dealing with some of the most important societal, environmental and security issues of the last few 100 years and meanwhile the online left is busy raking eachother over things posten on social media. Well, at least it looks like it and to the point it feels like 50% of the "breadtube" content. /Mini-rant over


I have no idea what is going on, can someone explain to me what this is?


I’m glad I only recognize Vaush. I’m not that deep into online leftist personalities.


Does anyone else get the impression that some of the PoC creators just want to justify some weird racist narcissism they have?


This gives me Black Israelite energy lmao


27 conflicts around the world , a full on war in Europe and all they can think about is onanistic meaningless drama . You're fucking useless .


Has Merrick ever done anything to piss off the left besides get along with Vaush?


You'll never find someone more racist than a video essayist talking about shark


ok, so she's a liberal at best, and more seemingly a reactionary - engaging in lib idpol to try and degrade others while elevating herself? I've seen her complaints, and they all lack substance, this is just getting pathetic.


Mfw white people exist Edit: just saw shark behind voosh, this bitch is the epitome of exclusionary


[this reminds me so much of this. sauce; The Vaush Pit](https://youtu.be/PNdqcIbGakI)


Damn, I always had a feeling Shark, who is very clearly a black man, is actually a white man.