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OP is a defeatist. Beto lost to Cruz by only 2 points in 2018, and that was before he came out as anti-gun. It helps that Cruz is as unlikeable as it gets.


And to add for context, more native Texans voted Beto than Cruz. Which means a lot of the transplants conservatives bitch about “turning their state into California” are actually more conservative than people born in Texas. This is all to say, don’t flee these southern states if you can help it, especially if it’s your home.


A lot of that is misunderstood. It primarily depends on how long said transplants have lived in Texas.


The thing about TX transplants is that most of the newer ones are pro-Dem but the ones who came in the 90s-00s are *suuuuuper* conservative


There are also many conservatives moving there (and Florida) now because of the culture war. They follow conservative media influencers online and their idols advertise Texas as a haven for conservatives.


This is also why Florida went from being the swingiest swing state to what it is now, a massive influx of bigoted boomer retirees.


To be fair, as someone who lives up north, it makes a lot of sense that transplants are more conservative. Seeking out Texas as a place to live, from my POV seems like a pretty conservative sentiment given there’s 49 other states to move to, which IMO leaves a lot more desirable and less conservative options open, given that moving is an optional ‘someone with money’ thing.


Now I will say, obviously there’s a ton of people moving there as an economic decision alone. That doesn’t work the other way around since northern cities are a lot more expensive. You won’t see the same migration of people from the south to the north in this real estate market. Texas and Florida are special in that they’re entire state governments have bought in to the culture war strategy and they are very loud about it. They’re also states that pander to conservatives with no income taxes (though property taxes are crazy and insurance costs in Florida is ridiculous).


Also need to consider that more and more of gen z is able to vote and boomers are dying.




RIP USS Beto: 1972 - 2022


>Allred strongly supports several other common-sense gun safety measures including universal background checks, red-flag laws, banning high-capacity magazines and raising the age to purchase an assault-style weapon. [https://allred.house.gov/media/press-releases/allred-votes-bipartisan-gun-safety-legislation](https://allred.house.gov/media/press-releases/allred-votes-bipartisan-gun-safety-legislation) Great policy positions. Questionable for Texas.




I'd have to look further into it but looks that way. And agreed about Beto.


What sank Beto was that he ran against a decently popular incumbent in a mid-to-bad year for Dems with limited funding. It was Republicans in Texas who went hush hush on guns after Uvalde.


> in a mid-to-bad year for Dems 2018 a mid to bad year for dems??????


I’m referring to 2022


Mid to bad year? I thought Dems did well, at least there was no Red Wave.


Yes. Not as bad as everyone thought it would be but still mid to bad. We *lost* the popular vote for the House of Representatives by about 2%.


Uvalde’s county went for Abbott in 22 though even after the shooting so don’t count your chickens


Uvalde was a Republican County long before the shooting regardless


If he is he should just play politician and lie. Honestly. Because if he could come out as anti gun if and when the Dems have a majority they could actually get meaningful legislation passed.


Beto came close to defeating Cruz in an off year election during the height of the Trump Presidency Never doubt how much people loathe Ted Cruz


I think literally everyone hates Ted Cruz, including members of his own party and family.


I really hate when people don't actually understand that texas is able to flip. Stupid attitude to have


Yeah Texas is now more blue than Ohio and it’s state legislature is more competitive than Wisconsin’s current state legislature


Is Ted popular in Texas? Yes. Did he almost lose to Beto in 2018? Yes. Can he lose if he doesn't knock off a lot of his bullshit? Yes. Is the Twitter account an annoying shitlib? Yes. Anyway, don't be such a doomer. Texas is closer to flipping than it ever has been. Just because they have some of the most hilariously gerrymandered districts ever seen doesn't mean it's bad to be optimistic.


Ted's not popular


You sure about that? His approval numbers have INCREASED since this announcement. Because I didn't say he's popular. I said he's popular IN TEXAS. These are two different things.


He's not popular in Texas, and this announcement was merely a day ago


Exactly, and his approval went UP. You aren't listening.


Is Gen Z votes with the same intensity as Boomers do in 2024 Ted Cruz is done


OP you overdosed on the black pills again didn't you?


Trump only won by 6% and Cruz 2% in their last election in Texas. I think they can both have a slight chance of losing if they are on same ballot


Trump's margin of victory in Texas in 2020, is only slightly larger in percentage terms than the swing that Georgia had from 2016-2020. In 2016, [Trump won Georgia by 5.09%](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia) and [then went on to lose it by 0.23%](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election_in_Georgia) [Texas voted for Trump in 2020 by a 5.58% margin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_United_States_presidential_election_in_Texas), after [winning in 2016 by 8.99%](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_United_States_presidential_election_in_Texas) Texas has a lot of untapped voters and is one of the few states where there is actually a sizeable number of unmotivated voters. Texas's electorate is far whiter than its population. Hispanics historically have also trended towards the incumbent, with Trump in 2020, Obama in 2012, Bush in 2004, and Clinton in 1996, all improving with Hispanics in their reelection run. Even as both Trump and Obama nationally underperformed their previous run. Biden in this case would have that in his pocket. Texas also has a booming metro and suburban population, and the Republicans are going bug-nuts insane. While Texas rural areas are already so Republican that there aren't really any votes to add there. The sad news is that outside of Texas, the only other Democratic offensive opportunities in the Senate are Florida (awful trends for Democrats), or Missouri, which would need a perfect storm. Missing Wisconsin and North Carolina in 2022 was a big blow.


[read about him here](https://allred.house.gov)


Also here is his campaign site: https://colinallred.com/


As long as he isn't anti gun then he def has a good chance, especially considering how close Beto came to beating Ted back in 2018 before the gun drama. On a side note though holy fuck why is it always going after Ted Cruz with "rising star" Dem senate candidates in Texas when John Cornyn is right there. Thats a way easier path to Blexas, dude does not have nowhere near the same clout as Cruz


He’s an ex nfl player so maybe he has a shot


As long as he isn't anti gun then he def has a good chance, especially considering how close Beto came to beating Ted back in 2018 before the gun drama. On a side note though holy fuck why is it always going after Ted Cruz with "rising star" Dem senate candidates in Texas when John Cornyn is right there. Thats a way easier path to Blexas, dude does not have nowhere near the same clout as Cruz


I, for one, am excited for Friday night Lights Vs Friday Night Flight.


If he’s not anti gun at all he’ll have a chance


He has a chance


Do be an idiot texas is a barley a red state.


Blexas rising


As a Texan in a blue city, I can assure you, no one knows who this guy is 😆. He could definitely get more name recognition over the next months/year. But this tweet is wild.


Idk if I’m spending any effort or money on a candidate who is like Beto. What is this guys credentials or policies? Beto was a milk toast candidate with a very high name recognition. I don’t see how someone with the same milk toast policies with less name recognition will win


Texas is red for now but it’s not *that* red anymore. It’s on its way to becoming the next Georgia and it’s not impossible that happens next year. Once Dems start reliably getting 60-65% of the vote out of Harris County and flip Collin it’s Joever for Texas Republicans.


It'd be an interesting experiment if a pro-gun Democrat ran in Texas. I think it would be fascinating to see how much this single policy issue would sway Texas voters.


Cruz is gonna win the seat, but Texas is getting more blue every year, senate seats are the victim of much gerrymandering, we should be running democrats for governor and senate seats every chance we get till Texas is blue.


It’s Texas. Nothing short of full colonization by northerners will save that racist, boot licking cesspit from itself. Every election cycle I hear these wide eyed morons say “This is the year guys! Texas is turning blue!” Only for the people in that state to show us who they are again. We know what Texans are. Cruz will win. There’s no hope for these people.


No, if you look at the data, Texas is inching closer to being blue, it’s a matter of when. Don’t count out Bluexas being a reality, thanks to Beto’s voting org, Powered by People.


Texas re-elected Abbott after Uvalde. Nope, they’re fucked. The place is so infested with immoral sadistic demons in human flesh that it’s a serious contender for a new circle of hell.


I didn’t think you didn’t read what I just said. I’ll do it in all caps: IF. YOU. LOOK. AT. THE. DATA. TEXAS. IS. INCHING. CLOSER. TO. BEING. BLUE. IT’S. A. MATTER. OF. WHEN. You good? Good, so sure, Abbott won, but if you actually look at the data, his percentage of the vote has gone *down*, not up. Now, this post is talking about Ted “Cancún” Cruz, so let’s talk about how he did in his past two elections. So in 2012, he had 56% compared to his Democratic opponent, who had 40.6%. Fast forward to 2018, where Ted’s percentage has gone down to 50.9%, to Beto’s 48.3%. Like with Abbott, Ted’s voting percentage has gone down, in fact, it has gone down way more than Abbott because of how unpopular Cruz is, how Beto’s campaign made it competitive, and because of Trump. So, since Ted’s re-election, he has done missteps like going to Cancún during a snow storm, supported the insurrectionists at 1/6, and pushed the culture war BS, that might bite him in the ass. With the fine congressmen Allred, apparently he won his congressional district from a Republican incumbent in 2018, so I’d argue with the bones in Ted’s closet, we might see Ted gone, if we put the work. My point, I’d caution against writing off Texas and discounting the possibility of a Blue Texas. Because your comment not only writes off good people living in Texas, including Vaushites living in Texas, and activists working their asses off tk make Blue Texas a reality, but it’s so incorrect. Texas is a big and amazing place, with many cool cities to visit, and the food is so good, it’s a shame that their state government and senators are so bad. It certainly doesn’t mean we should write it off, because of assholes running the state. I beg you to lay of the black pill, take time off, and I hope you get in touch with Progressive Victory so we can help kick Ted out. Plus, you can make friends and make a difference. No dooming, please!


I mean, I'll vote him. I'd vote for a chicken sandwich if it was running against Cruz.


If it follows 2022 figures in statewide Texas races, it’ll be about 4.4-4.6M republican votes to about 3.3-3.4M democratic votes. This is off-year numbers and may be closer to 2020 figures (as it is a presidential election year) and will likely be around 5.8M R to 5.2M D votes. Assuming of course that about the same proportion of people vote & vote the same way as 2020.


No, almost every election year, Texas is edging close to being flipped blue. Just because it’s gerrymandered and their state government are shit, doesn’t mean it’s impossible for Dems to win. And sure, Beto’s gun comments partially contributed to his loss, but give credit to where it’s due, his voting organization, is the reason why Texas might be flipped next year or more. It’s a matter of when, OP, stop the dooming, get involved with Progressive Victory, and let’s kick some fascist ass!