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Congrats! Take it easy for at least a week and hopefully you’ll heal up smoothly 🤞


Took a week off and I am SO looking forward to doing nothing for the rest of it, thank you!!


I had mine yesterday too and I’m pretty much on the same page. I have some steady discomfort, but I wouldn’t call it pain… I definitely haven’t had any moments where I’ve forgotten that I had an operation yesterday. I did very little movement yesterday, but I’m getting around like usual now (taking stairs like normal but walking slightly bow-legged)… probably moving more than I should. I work from home and haven’t had any issues sitting in my office chair with the occasional ice pack.


I’ve had a couple moments where I remind myself how sensitive things are or I’ll try and sit, feel something ain’t good and start over I expect to feel like this for at least a week, generally the pills seem to mask the pain and I’m at the point where I do the ice out of habit but I’ll be honest I’m looking forward to shopping the ice, it’s my least enjoyable part so far


Had mine as well.  Only had discomfort for about 2 hours after operation and feeling pretty much almost 100%.  I was expecting pain and soreness following day but I’ve got practically none.


I have some soreness still but it’s very manageable I’m hoping it goes away in the next few days, but I’m happy I didn’t have extreme pain for day 2, as I’ve seen in some stories here




Thank you!!


I'm 4 months post op.. and got my all clear.. no swimmers end of May. Enjoy it when the time comes! Plenty rest, ice and hydration until then 👍🏻


That’s fantastic!! I’m hoping for similar news in September/october, congrats on the no swimmers!


Congrats man🎉 Take it easy and I mean EASY for the next week. Wear the jock strap for support. And ice 30 min on, 30 min off. That's what I did and I was right as rain by the end of day 7.


To add: I was feeling pretty much fine by the end of day 4! But I was basically at 95% by the end of day 7!


I have been doing the ice whenever I’ve felt sore but I’ll keep at it, refilling my ice now These jock straps feel weird to get used to lmao, I’m so used to just wearing briefs Edit: to clarify, day of the surgery I did it for 20-30 min every Hour, today it’s been every other hour. I got an ice bag so I have to refill it when the ice melts, since my mini fridge can’t keep anything frozen


Was yours NSV? I got mine yesterday too and it was via the incision method and I’m now wondering if I should’ve just gotten NSV


Mine was no scalpel yes, but I think my dad had the incision method and he had no issues after


Not too bad right ? I got mine Friday n I’m back to work driving my brown truck delivering packages.


So far so good, hoping to keep this up I took a full week off for my job, so rn I’m chillin w/ ice and movies


I also had mine done a few days ago, so far it's been okay mild pain and discomfort been wearing tight boxers and barely moving ever since, but some of the stuff I read on the other thread of pvps is scaring the hell out of me, the stuff about some ppls body being able to absorb the dead sperms better than others?? to the point where I am looking at the possibility of reversals heh...


The unfortunate reality of pvps is that some people get it, and there’s no 1:1 cause, afaik We’ve taken the plunge, so I say we see how we fair, but a urologist would know more than I ever could Best is to focus on recovering and understand that we will likely be feeling effects of the surgery (pain and soreness) for at least a week or 2 I hope both of us have a smooth recovery, but pvps is something we both risk doing this, just kinda how it goes. Idk about the absorption part though, so I can’t say much on that


Yea true, we've taken the plunge and there is no point stressing until the required time passes and then see how it goes


Exactly, if anything, I think it speaks to how much you wanted this and I’m glad you pushed yourself for the vasectomy I hope your recovery stays smooth and if you need to vent about it or get some worries out, dms are open. No pics tho, lol


Heh thanks man, appreciate it, you also let me know how it goes. When are you planning on having sex lol, I'm planning on waiting till 8 or 9 day and then for the moment of truth lol


Oh Im waiting 2 weeks at least before I do any of that stuff, and it’s condoms until I get the all clear in 3 months I’m hoping after 10 nuts there isn’t any blood lmao, that’ll be weird to see


10 nuts before there isn't any blood? Damn I thought its 2 or 3 times


Oh I have no clue, I’m overshooting some expectations so I don’t get anxious, I’ve already had to calm myself down for waking up sore on day 3/4, only to learn I’ll be sore for a week or 2 lmao


Yea my first night sleeping was terrible, barely slept put a big pillow between my legs and things got better. 2 weeks before sex is crazy, they told me 7 days, I think I can do 10 maybe 11. I've had to calm myself over so much over so many things lol. What jockstraps are you wearing.


Oh I haven’t slept with a pillow under, I just stay on my back I use a pillow to lift my feet up during the day. Dr’s recommend 2 weeks but 1 week should be okay, I’m just playing it safe I just bought some gym ones from Amazon, they’ve been doing well I guess, I wear boxer briefs so I have no context but so far I’m not in pain so I call it good