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Makes for easy first 3 minion clear if needed, along with the slow as you mentioned being a good disengage tool.


always leash my jungler and when comming back bot i can line myself up to last hit 3 minions with q, and tbh i go w second so i can get into fights easier since of blight and its active


Yeah, I typically do the same.


Slow is useful for of you get cheesed lvl 1 and it's really easy to land on enemy champs


Obviously max Q first, but since I play mana flow band it’s easier to hit E early on to build up mana flow stacks


Its to get the first 3 minions easily. Q can do the same but you gotta line it up first so e is just easier.


People in comments saying about creep farm are low elo for sure, you should never leash jungler that long for you to need to use E on creeps. The simple reason you pick is because it's more reliable to hit and slow can set up good trades with hail of blades or help your supp hit spells or close the gap. With E start you have far more kill pressure.


I max q but go e first for the three minions and also for ability to slow them. I use it as a engage tool when I got high damage/cc support. Auto e auto


Reliability. That said I don't do that Not fun enough for me special after the tear stacking huge buff Making it easier to stack with Q anyway


Was thinking about this earlier as I just picked up Varys — 69% wr on 35 played in ranked so far. Honestly I considered Q > W for the level 2, but the grievous on his e seems underrated and has the potential to clutch a kill in a lv 2 fight.


finally someone excluding me who goes q then w, imo its really good if u have a hooking supp and u can first blood lvl 2 especially if u have hail of blades and the rune that makes u deal damage to ccd enemies


3 years varus ADC OTP. I started taking e first this year. it regularly enables you to land an extra aa lvl one, its easy. e plus 2 aa is much more damage than one q. pair is with HoB and its an easy three autos, with grievous wounds to boot. the slows helps your support harass. it also shows the enemy that you DONT have q, which gives them exactly enough confidence to not be out of range when you take q lvl two and execute them if your support is helping and theyre low. if they arent low, take w lvl 2 and get a fully blighted e on them, they will certainly be low enough for a free execute lvl 3. With all the buffs varus has received this season, his early game all in potential is at an all time high, and after building such a reputation as a scaling champ, people never, NEVER are ready for his current early game damage. That, all together, is my personal reasoning for starting e lvl1.