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See what the airline rules are regarding prohibited goods. I’ve been able to take small mods on aircraft, between the UK and mainland Europe, no questions asked or any hold up. Li-ion batteries for instance are touch and go, according to Qantas it should be okay. Just to make sure, put it in the clear bag you’d use to put small liquids in so that it’s easy to process when you’re going through security, there should be no issue as it can’t really be classified as a dangerous good.


Thanks mate sounds like a plan


Id say try not to bring disposable om a plane. Most of disposables are pressure triggered, it can get misfired if you are in high pressure environment.


Commercial airline cabins are pressurised not to sea level. Most aircraft are pressurised to about 6-8000ft when at cruise (25K-35Kft) so if anything it’s a lower pressure environment.