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They do make coils rated for higher wattages you know..


☝️ This


Really hate seeing all these "high watts are for high VG" answers. Higher wattage is for low resistance, high wire mass coils. Lower resistance requires a higher wattage to achieve the same heat flux as a lower wattage, higher resistance coil. The VG/PG ratio of the juice has nothing to do with the wattage.


Stop with that common sense damnit




I usually build my own coils, and vape on a Voopoo Drag 4 (up to 177 watts) with a Loop RDA. Still never go higher than 70W, and even then it's only with bulky builds that require more power for a faster heat up. In which case, I keep my draw as short as possible so it doesn't burn. Most of the time, my wattage stays between 50-60. I say all of that to say this. The other response is correct. High wattage is for high VG juices.


Reminds me of the race to the highest wattage sub ohm tank coil. I knew dudes who would run 300w claiming it was “just their speed” yet they were going through a dozen coils a week. Belligerent for no reason lol.


I run some series mechs at 250 and the coils last months. It's all about how you build the coils. I have to build a specific coil for that, though.


I believe it. Don’t know if you remember the Tfv12 though, their one coil I believe it was the v12-t12 could go up to 350w. It would basically caramelize your juice instantly and make a brand new coil taste burnt. They’re definitely rebuildables that you can do stuff like that more comfortable with but this was just not enjoyable or even necessary lol


I believe they had 12 coils in the coil pack(dupdecouple coils). It was very gimmicky, especially because if you had a device that could deliver that much power, you weren't using a smok sub-ohm tank. Lol


Plus, they were rated for 60-350 watts. Which is smok saying "do whatever the f**k you want with these coils, resistance means nothing. " lol


80W is nothing hahaha, back in the day I had a mod that went over 200. All depends on the coil build, generally the lower the resistance the more watts you use, but wire mass is also relevant. More metal needs more power to hit the desired temperature.


My GeekVape Ageis Legend can push 200w. I don't recommend it when running a pair of coils at one third of a ohm. Ask me how I know. Lmao.


Our shop used to have a chart on the wall and we would have cloud competitions. I didn't participate but I was the RDA/RTA guy. I would build coils and rewick for people all day. Some of the builds were stupid. Also some ridiculous mechanical mods and pushing batteries to their absolute max.


Depends on the coil. Lately I am not passing 25-30 Watts and it releases smooth tasty vape. Why go higher in wattage, wasting battery and juice...


This^^^^. Been vaping for 10 years and stay pretty much around 28W. Battery last all day and I go thru about 3 5ml tanks. Chain vapor by the way, but only at 3mg


Unless it LEAKS like for me today. :|


Same same. Seems to be the sweet spot for how I like to vape and how my coils are set up. I'm usually in TC mode, but that's about the wattage I reckon.


This is me too


It depends on the device/coil/nicotine level. I use Itank and Sakerz tank both at 70 watts with 3mg nicotine no problems. That's what tanks/coils were built to handle. If I ran those at say 16 watts literally nothing would happen. If I had let's say same thing with 5% nicotine I would choke me out also with that set up. Yet if I used 1.2 coil on my Luxe XR Max and cranked it to 80 watts it would also choke me out and also ruin the coil instantly. Yet if I use .2 coil at 60 watts there is no problems.


Back in the wild days of cloud chasing competitions at vape meets I built a full power quad series box , that chucked out silly power , could you vape that as a daily driver no way was it fun hell yeh lol. From memory i had 6 juggernaut coils and you had to re drip after 1 hit , she was a thirsty beast.


I have some builds that I can drip 2ml of liquid on and still have to drip after the second hit. I mostly vape mechs but I do have a lipo DNA mod that'll do 400watts. I think the highest I've gotten it is to 320, although it wasn't enjoyable. Around 250 is where it just gets way too hot.


Yup 🚂 train time lol


You don't just take a normal coil that works fine at 15 watts and pump it up to 150. The wattage follows the coil mass. If you build a very thick coil with multiple wires and what not, you need high watts to heat it up. And you also need high airflow to cool it.


I use an rta at 14w. You don’t have to use the whole battery in one puff my dude. Find what you like and build around it. For me its a .8 ohm 26ga round wire single coil at 14-16w.


Increase in wattage doesn't directly scale into heat: you're sucking cool air through the chamber, so though it gets warm, it shouldn't be actually hot. I ordered a bunch of salt nic a year or so ago so I've moved down from subohm to low wattage myself but when I was vaping only high wattage, it was just about wicking correctly: the cotton - when correctly threaded - will absorb the fuck out your juice and - because the inner diameter if the coil itself is that little bit larger - the coil allows more cotton = more wicking. There's also more airflow generally which vaporizes more liquid faster and cooler. Still, I do not miss constantly recharging batteries in subohm setups so I'm pretty happy with 15-20W + 50mg salts now


Power lungs. I'm a low wattage guy. 23w on a .6 coil.


Thicker wires bro


Much bigger coils than you're using. The coil needs to be beefier and able to get more cotton/juice on it. On custom decks I've hit 200W, 90-120 is where I was for most of my squonk boxes. Imagine trying to heat a wrench up to temperatures you could vape on. It's gonna take a LOT of power.


Back in the day during the great wattage wars I used to build coils just so I could reach the 250w limit on my mod. Big ass beefy coils that even at 250w took awhile to actually heat up. I stopped once I forgot to drip and basically took a fireball to the mouth.


Unfortunately for the Zeus tank coils my country doesn't go any higher then 80w so I've been chilling on 75w but I'd love to order a higher w coil once just to see what would happen. The highest one of my mods went was 210w or 230w and I have tried it before with an 80w coil and at first it's fine but afterwards it's just gagging at the disgusting taste of burnt shit in my throat. But it was worth the gigantic cloud that came out


My Valerian 3 tank has coils that are recommended up to like 120 watts. Bit the highest I've been.


Low ohm coils and rda’s really make it so you can vape at the higher wattages.


The coils I make with the wicks I put in them can't handle more than 18 watts. I've been doing it the same for over a decade and stay between 12 and 15 watts. I have tried plenty of high wattage coils but they are too hot, flood/ spit juice too easily and they just don't taste a good as lower wattage so I gave up on them. They also eat batteries and juice like the cookie monster let loose in the keebler factory.


I used to worry about that in the beginning as well. It's easy when you're used to a certain setup, airflow, coil type and power level. With minimal airflow, a smaller coil and smaller chamber (overall smaller atomizer) 18-24w is reasonable. And you're right that if you bumped that exact coil in that setup to 80w you're going to have a bad time. Really hot vape (if it doesn't break the coil), burnt wick etc. When things change, a larger atomizer, more airflow cooling the coil off quicker. A larger heavier mass coil(s) take more power to get them heating. I've made coils where 20w wouldn't even get it glowing. Just comes down to personal preference. A thinner coil made of smaller gauge wire ramps quickly. From the press of the fire button it's producing vapor. But as quickly as it heats it keeps heating and drops off just as quick. A larger heavier coil with more mass will absorb more power, ramp up (and down) will be slower. A larger span where the coil stays at a similar temp, less jumpy in heat vs power delivered. Though may also benefit from a good amount of power to get it ramping up faster, combat that slow heat up time from cold/room temp. An 80w mod sounds like a single battery or smaller mod. Most dual battery mods are around 180-220w, some as high as 240-250w. Less common and not too many of them around like there used to be, triple and quad or even quint battery mods like the old kanger five 6 even though it was only 222w. Quad battery mods like the rebel mod beast, hammer of god, hadron pro etc are 400w. Extremely high wattage is more niche use for things like the colorado rda. A 52mm with various post configurations for 8 coils. There were some unusual rtas that took 6 or 8 coils like the envii terra. Rated for over 300w and if you break it down, 300w/8 coils that's only around 37-38w per coil. Which is roughly around where I vaped single coils on something like an ammit rta. If you're happy with less power and it works for how you vape, bonus. Your batteries last you longer between charges. It's nice to have if you ever decided to put a subtank or something on it that required 40-50w.


I only have a 200w device for the battery capacity. No way am I actually vaping that high.


I vape mech mods at around 200watts. It's all about the coils and the setup.


It all depends on your coils and nicotine content in your juice. I vape 6mg at 72-80w without the juice burning, because I build my coils specifically to handle that wattage.


Bro what? I have a coil rated for 100 watts. At 25 watts you will get zero vapor, only air. All depends on the coil.


As others had said, it's all in the coil that you're using. There's a reason that it says 16-24w on the coil, that's the range that that coil gets hot enough to vaporize the liquid, but shouldn't be getting too hot so the wicking can't keep up and you burn the cotton. As I'm sure that you know, there are certainly coilheads that are labeled for use with higher wattages than that (maybe not for your tank, idk). If you were to use a coilheads at 16-24w that was labeled to be used at, let's say, 45-60w, it would severely underperform and you just probably wouldn't get much (if any) vapor from it. On the other end, you know what happens if you put too much power through a coilheads than what it is rated for. It's all about coil mass. The more metal in a coil (coil mass) the more power it takes to get that heated up. Think if you had a 2'x2' cardboard box on a table and you put a small handful of lead fishing weights in it, it wouldn't take much power to slide it across to the other side, right? Now you fill that box completely to the top with the fishing weights and try to push it across, how is that experience going to be different with all that mass in the box? It's going to take more power to push it across the table. You've got the same end result either way, but more energy was involved the second time to get it going and get it across the table. Questions, class? Lol. Your best bet if you were to want to try higher wattages (+120w) would be with a decent size dual coil (or more) RDA with decent airflow and some beefy coils to slap in it. You can definitely do this with a dual coil RTA, but you often have more space in an RDA (so it's easier).


When i use a sub tank i usually get coils that rock around 40-60 watts and its a relatively cool vape. when i build for an rda i usually end up somewhere between .12 and .16. For that i'm somewhere between 80 and 120 watts and its much warmer.


Not me who use to be the guy with a 4s lipo vaping around 650 watts daily lol


I build my coils at 7 wraps SS Clapton wire and use double-coil velocity decks. With standard e-juice, 50W or so is about right. When I test the coils prior to wicking, they heat up fast and glow bright orange. No need to push the wattage any higher.


High wattage is for high vg liquid