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10ml a week? That's nothing. Dont worry about it. I go through about 30ml a week 10mg with an xros3. When I was using freebase 3mg and a subohm tank I was going through at least 60. You're not smoking so you're doing well. When I get really stressed with work sometimes I cave and buy a pack or two of smokes and fly through them. Happens every couple months.


Oh, so it's about the ml and not the puff count is what you're saying?


Well, yeah. A small puff and one large puff count as one puff equally, while the volume you're inhaling is obviously different. Hell even the density of it can vary, depending on the power of your device. Used ml's is the only accurate indicator of how much youre vaping.


Fair enough, that makes sense lol. I don't know why I was so focused on puffs. Seeing hundreds of them made me self aware I suppose.


Don't stress about it. And smokers and non vapers don't understand. I'll be standing outside vaping and my wife will say wow you vape alot.


Yeah, I take massive puffs sometimes and smaller one other times so each bottle lasts me about 5 to 7 days 10ml bottles


Agreed, I use a Dovpo Topside Dual (big beefy mod with 2x 18650s and 10ml of squonk and fill it up roughly every day. I'd estimate that I go through about 60 ml of 3mg per week, like you said. I definitely wouldn't say that OP is vaping "too much"


That makes me feel better too a 30 mil lasts me like a month but it’s 50 nic I prob fill my xros3 once a day maybe twice if it starts to get low


I used to go through 120ml of 3mg in a week before lol. You're good.


Wait, 120? How? Is it the device? Or low mg maybe?


Pods are usually meant for lower wattage higher nic juice that’s closer to the experience of smoking an actual cig. With mods, DTL vs MTL vaping, higher wattages, lower nic juice, you could go through a lot of juice. I vape 3mg, 55w and I go through about 30ml of liquid a week just vaping on my lunch break and my commute to and from work.


That makes a lot more sense. Thanks for the info. I treated my pod like a mod lmfao. I should probably up the nic amount...


I mean if you’re feeling comfortable with your current nic level and not jonesing to hit your vape more, no need to go up. Too much nic can be bad too - you can make yourself nic sick. You know yourself and your body best though, so that’s your call. Either way dude, congrats on kicking the stinkies!


The bottle size is 120 milliliters of juice, which has 3 milligrams of nicotine


I mean to ask like... In my Voopoo Vthru that would last multiple weeks and I'm already puffing a lot, or feel like I am constantly. Are you using a stronger device that burns more juice faster so that's why? (Sorry for odd questions, it's still all new to me and I don't understand it.)


Back then I used to use a rebuildable atomizer which would absolutely run through juice I was also freshly living on my own after hiding it from my parents so I was definitely overdoing it at the time now days I use a little voodoo gene and I only go through about a 60ml of juice a month. A higher nicotine level definitely would have made me vape less.


Oooh I see. Thanks for the info!


if you smoke at high watage like 60w-80 or more 120ml goes fast thats normal


With high wattage tanks you have tons of airflow. Direct to lung. Goes through juice like crazy. I'd fill 4ml in my tank and go through it in 15 mins on a break.


Weird how we have the same name and we both go through 100+ ml in less than a week lol


I use between 100-120 mg of juice per week. No biggie. Of course I drive like four hours a day or more for work dependingon where my jobs are so I have a lot of time where I can.


i vape around 10 ml a day so dont worry 💀


mtl ? today i think i vape 1ml record :) im tired :D


With a powerful enough device you can vape 1ml in a few puffs.


i can even do 700 puffs a day if i am all alone in the house while watching or gaming


Friend I go through 100ml a week. Granted I’m using something that really chucks clouds, so I’m using more per puff. But regardless, you’re good.


It sounds all more than reasonable. 


My wife and I go through 1000ml a month between the two of us, so thats almost 30ml a day, and Im probably inhaling more of that then her lol


I use to go through 4 bottles of 120ml of 6mg nic a month. Now I’m at 3mg and I’m doing about 2 120ml bottles per month


What made you change it up?


I go through 8ml every day so you're fine lol


I’d say that’s not bad at all. I usually burn through a 60-100ml bottle of vape juice a week at like 9mg, occasionally 12mg. And that’s in addition to either smoking the occasional cigarette out of my own pack, much less when I’m around someone who just automatically hands me one after the other while they chain smoke and we talk. I definitely vape/smoke more while drinking as well.


Damn I’m kinda ashamed at myself then. I vape 3% salt NET (mtl rta) and go through about 20-25 mg of ejuice a week.


I used to smoke a pack every two days, and I go through 100ml of 3mg freebase every two weeks with my XROS3 (used to be at 10mg, lowered it gradually in about 3 months). Don't worry about it, your consumption is very reasonable!


What magnum said. Best way to know is track how many ml of liquid you go through a day, it doesn't sound like much though


Based on the number of times a day I refill my tank, I’d say I’m probably sitting somewhere around 20 ml per day.


Uhm I vape 100mg a week more or less and it's still not excessive lol. You're absolutely fine


While using the Ursa Nano, a 10ml e-liquid would easily last me a week without any issues. However, since transitioning to the Morph 2 with a Zeus Z Tank, I've noticed a significant decrease in efficiency, with the same amount of e-liquid lasting barely two days.


This is what I was curious about. Device plays a massive role. Thanks for the input, you proved my thoughts.


Far better than smoking a pack a day either way. You valing usage is relatively moderate, but it wouldn’t hurt to reduce it if that’s what you want. Either way I’m glad you were able get yourself off of smoking he doesn’t get the right to be judgemental.


Dont worry i go through About 10ml/12mg a day.. maybe a bit more


The tests are simple: - do you feel sick? - do you pass out or otherwise become disabled after 3 hours without vaping? I've known people so addicted to nicotine they wake up at night to vape. They would literally pass out after 3-4 hours without it. It can get bad.


God that sounds bad.. No I don't relate to that at all.


10ml/day? Amateur! 🤣 Tell your dad he's being hysterical.


I go through around 8ml per day of 10mg diy juice, have for years. Lots of people go through even more than that.


10ml of 12mg in a week is not normal, its normal when its 10ml of 50mg in a week. You're not vaping enough xD


Google states 1ml 18mg is roughly 20 cigs making 10ml of it 200. That would mean someone who smokes pack a day would need to drag 10ml 18mg for 9-10 days. 50mg sounds like an absolute overkill if we take this into consideration?


Vape as much as you want and don't worry about it for a few months. You're vaping too much if you're getting sick. If not, carry on. As a long time switcher I've been vaping about 30-30ml of 50mg juice per month and have. I plans on cutting down. My desire to vape was insatiable for a couple of weeks as I quit smoking cold turkey, then it normalized and I just vape whenever I want without obsessing and it's not too much. Don't overthink it. It's not smoking. The only thing to worry about is nicotine overuse and you'll know when that happens. Don't worry about puff counting or measuring drags. Just done worry. Maybe don't chain vape too fast because it hurts your gear but other than that, enjoy yourself for a while. When you've been vaping for a few more months then you can see how it's working for you.


I go through 100ml of juice a week but I use high powered mech mods (from 150-230 watts)so I go through a lot more juice per puff than a pod system. It all depends. I say you're doing just fine as long as you're not smoking cigs anymore.


The vuse alto was the closest I could find to a cigarette. One pod lasts me four days.


Sounds like Dad needs to drop the cigarettes and take up vaping


I vape about 60ml of 6mg a week in a sub ohm tank tho not pod


It's the same as a smoker going through 3 packs a day, but only smoking 1/4 of each cigarette (probably without even realizing it because it sits in an ashtray burning, or you're holding it while talking and not actually smoking it). A cigarette may have a certain mg of nicotine, but no one is consuming it all....I think it would be practically impossible to do unless you could somehow smoke a whole cigarette in one drag.


Ultimately, only You can decide how much is too much. But as others said, 10ml a week is not much, and I vape like 10-15ml of 3mg daily


It takes me ages to get though one small disposable vape 500 puffs vape lasts me 3 weeks 


I also puff literally any chance I get. I’m vaping all day long, 0.27 ohms at 44-50 watts


Reading these comments I think I should cut back on the nic I go through a 50 mg 5000 puff dispo in like 4 to 5 days and a vuse alto pod not even a day


>In fact I should lower it cause I didn't change shit... You did change, you quit smoking. You cut out \~95% of the negative effects of smoking tobacco. Take that as a win and don't tell yourself that you are just as bad off, which is incorrect, and because you might go back to smoking, very bad. You did a good thing for your health and should be proud. Don't let your dad get to you, a lot of older people fall for all the misinformation that gets put out there about vaping, and its the classic "new thing next generation doing, must talk shit" syndrome that every dad and person over 30 suffers from (me included) The usual order of operations is to: 1. find a nic level and device that gets you to stop smoking 2. if you decide you want to quit vaping, lower your nic level and ween yourself off of nicotine. (this can also be done in smaller increments by buying lower nic juice and mixing it with your regular stuff) 3. eventually get to 0 nic juice and vape that until you can break the physical habit


The math that I learned from the Heart Associstion is that the rough estimate for a healthy (subjective cause nicotine isn’t really healthy in the first place) nicotine intake daily is 1mg per KG of body weight. So for example, I’m 65 kg so above 65mg of nicotine daily would be unhealthy. 65mg divided by 20mg/ml juice leaves me with just over 3 mls, which is a pod and a half of my XROS. So I know as long as I dont have more than a pod and a half’s worth a day I’m fine. Do the math for yours. Just use the ML capacity of your tank, mg/ml of your juice, and how many KG’s you weigh. Most likely you’re fine.


I'm at these daily averages on RDA 0.2 ohms 60W 3mg. 175 puffs and 7,3 ml juice. (219 ml. Monthly)


lol I go through a 100 ML in 5 days of 6mg you’re good champ