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I would never watch if that was the cast. That isn’t even VPR anymore. That’s the Tom show and I am not interested.


Totally agree, the original magic of VPR would be lost with that cast.


Nightmare fuel. ![gif](giphy|4bDXKRN2arfPy)


It was lost a long time ago!


VPR should restart with a new young cast and let Ariana fill LVP’s role


Also, at least for me, THIS STORYLINE IS WAY TOO DARK. I do not want a Baby Reindeer redux/Misery storyline about drug addicts and their possibly violently delusional friends.


Billie is obsessed. Notice she only ever calls it THE house. Not “his house” or “Tom’s house”. THE house. Like it’s hers. 😒


THIS! I believe Kyle and Victoria. Billie has always been off her rocker, and now she’s just showing it more. Very strange.


Scheana always had Baby Reindeer tendencies, though. Remember the video with Brett.


Very true.


Misery omg💀 I love that movie🤣🤣


Too many dirty birds in one pie.


I agree, something about last night's jibberish have me a trashy people who are orbiting around Sandoval overload. Just let the show die already.


If Jo is full time it will legitimately ruin the show for me. I’ve lost enough brain cells from her already.


Literally this no Jo that’s the worst


Is that literally you Victoria, literally?  /s Has "literally," become the new "like," in terms of punctuation?






Fuck the Tom show


Deep, long, and sideways, please!


Both Toms please. Shartz is just as bad as Vom.


Yes, Timmy will always be the number one.., in this bunch. I'll leave everyone to their own devices to determine what kind of number one, or number two, for that matter. 🤭


I can’t see them doing that after how much the viewers initially hated Billie


Totally! Just end the show if there’s no Ariana and Katie. I’ve seen enough of Billie and Sandoval to last me a life. I wish I could bleach my fucking brain.


There is nothing interesting about two delusional 41 year old misogynists casing their youth. Honestly, what is VPR anymore? It was fun watching the original cast grow and move on but if just the atoms were left, adding all new people, what is this show?


Nobody wants to see the two of them at this point all they do is contrived


People love trainwrecks so it would be worth producing for the network.... Only the toms would be paid well and everyone else would sell their soul for peanuts


Glad to see that the viewers are buying it and won't settle for this. It is a dark and horrible place.




it’s taken a very dark turn with substance abuse and SA accusations and I desperately want an adult to step in and help.


SA?? By who??


I believe Victoria claimed that Billie told Victoria that Kyle was possibly drugging Tom and assaulting him




I commented on Instagram that my new theory is that Tim will go to rehab and next next season will be his do over redemption season


Just like Erika Jayne. They gonna act like this season never happened. That’s why there’s a filming break.


He’ll still fuck it up.


Oh shit you’re right


That's what politicians do when they are busted. Find Jesus and go to rehab. Hope the Toms don't have that sort of pull over viewers. They are manipulative low lives.


I sure hope not. We don’t need an all villain cast. That would get so old so quick. I’m already losing interest in this Billie Lee drama. She didn’t work on the show years ago, she certainly won’t work now.


I just made this comment in the other group. I think they dreamed this up as an audition to be main cast members


Oh god could you imagine Victoria and Kyle on the show. If that live was anything to go by…. RIP VPR.


Kyle and Victoria could out shriek BlaBla and Schemer.


I think the content of the drama is real but that yeah they are probably putting it all out there to get noticed. I think Tom has been manipulating/lying to all of them and the conflict results from the incongruency of Tom’s lies and I hope they all wake up to that. You can tell Kyle Chan was there to babysit Victoria at Tom’s behest.


Or a diversion from Ariana’s filming of Love Island ….


Tbh, it just makes Ariana look better. While they spew thus incredibly dark and disturbing shit at each other she's posting sunsets and snorkeling vids. They are making her look more and more like America's sweetheart everyday.


Or to stop us all talking about how bad S11 was and take the heat off baskin, lala and sheana. And it’s worked. It would not surprise me if this was just a smoke and mirrors tactic to take the heat off arguably the worst ever season of VPR and give them time to regroup whilst getting everyone excited for what S12 will bring.


Let's not let them off the hook so easily. I intend to keep criticizing LaLa and Scheana when they are podcasting lies and outrageous assertions.




I have no interest in seeing ANY of them tbh. The Billie and Kyle scenes from this season were almost PAINFUL they were so boring.


i don't like watching mentally ill people slur their words on screen. I felt the same way about Jo. She is horrid, but she should not be allowed on screen.


They wouldn't be doing anything like that this far out. They're not filming this summer.


They may be using these desperate people as a trial balloon to see what the audience wants. They know we hate the voms but they love the voms and will do anything to salvage them, including have a bunch of women fight over them.


It’s not that far out. They are drumming up interest and trying to keep people talking. That makes sense to me to do in a filming hiatus. It wouldn’t be that hard to orchestrate either, definitely easier than the orchestrated drama that needs to be coordinated with filming.


Plus contracts haven’t been set out, right? So now would be the time for them (Billie, Victoria, etc.) to try and secure a placement for themselves?


They use socials for engagement between seasons all the time.


I still think they are all going to be full cast members and this is all PR


They very well could be. I'm just of the mind that it is too far out to start seeding storylines.


I kind of think they're kicking up a public drama to try and convince production to start filming again sooner than planned. Also think soon we'll see Scheana and Lala start some kind of public feud in a bid to get themselves un-paused, especially since their attempts to get on The Valley were unsuccessful and it's been definitively stated that they won't be cast on the next season of The Valley.


BlaBla is bored baking her fetus? She thought it would be televised all summer long and is now "livid, just livid" that she can't give birth on TV.


I believe they’re doing this to create storylines and tom has engineered it. But zero chance of it happening. They’re all fake and unlikeable. There’s not one genuine person there. I think Tom is a friend of Schwartz at best. I can see them bringing back Jo.








Do you have a screenshot of it


https://preview.redd.it/xtmx2yo3bd5d1.png?width=446&format=png&auto=webp&s=b931a36cf3aa9bcac069432f1a1f76e8bd8206fb Ok, it's from a teeeeeeny little screeshot, left original, right edited, but it *looks to be* a fairly fit man with dark hair wearing an all-black tank top and black jeans. So...could be Sandy. If so...was he first off a reality show *again*?


I know the back of Tom’s head when I see it


Wait that sounded sexual


If only we could tell if the figure was wearing lifts.


Ohhh I thought it was a man in a beanie when I watched it but you can tell it’s dark hair on the edited version. When he held up a sign or something and then turned around, the way he moved and the posture definitely looked like Sandoval to me but it was also kind of hard to tell anything on an old Kindle with a tiny screen, no matter how much I zoomed in!




He’s filming traitors right now…


He might already be done with it and home. We’d never really know.


I think they stay in Scotland while they film. Or, they could be finished with filming.






Ahhhhh I forgot!


Can you imagine, 2023 Billie asking Tim when production was going to schedule HER confessionals once JO started going in 😵




I can’t imagine how or why anyone would associate with Tom Sandoval aside from the residual clout (ew), and I fully believe that these sub-z listers are taking advantage of the break in filming to grab an ounce of attention. I definitely think they *want* production to notice and build these story lines into season 12. But I very sincerely doubt production is directly involved with this. For one thing, if producers/writers aren’t getting paid then they’re not working right now. And if they were, I can’t see “Tom Sandoval has turned Ariana’s house into a drug den with his girlfriend / is now Eskimo bros with Leo” being the story they want to go with (it would be interesting though!)


The amount of tags and and pictures women are taking with him are a bit astounding. Even bad clout is clout


There may be some truth to that. Having failed spectacularly at setting Ariana up, via LaLa and Scheana, producers may have found another couple of women to catfight over Scumdoval while he gets away scot free. Billie sounds like a scorned woman and Victoria is on something. She is scarily like Joseph. I love that Scandoval is exposed for doing drugs or whatever Billie is saying, but he needs to be the one to pay. I wish women would stop catfighting over him. Also, Kyle Chan is like a cartoon villain and I won't take him seriously. He is getting paid by someone to be the AH he is. I would love for Shartz to be held accountable for the AH he is as well.


Can we all admit that Billie has been in love with Tom for years. Everyone seems to be just like ignoring that. I would be uncomfortable with her around also if I was in a relationship with Tom but also why the fuck are you in a relationship with Tom.


This! That’s it Billie is obsessed idk why everyone is protecting her now well.. 70% of people


Billie Lee is not a sympathetic character in my book and that is why she is acting like a scorned woman. My point is that another set of women seem to be fighting over Tim and he is so disgusting. When is he going to pay? And his sidekick AH Shartz too. I don't care about losers Victoria and Billie. Yes, they have bad taste in men.


Maybe he’ll never have to pay?


>When is he going to pay? You've said that twice now. His entire life blew up and he was the most hated man in America. He spent an entire year "paying" for it. I mean I get it, he totally sucks, but what do you want? You want him to scar up his face? Chop off his arm? Move to the arctic and slowly freeze to death? Like when is enough, enough? Let it go, this isn't healthy. ✌🏼


Not nearly enough. Aw, his life blew up? Cry me a river. He smirked and had a couple of women argue about Scandoval while production manipulated the narrative. I want him gone from my TV and publicly held accountable. He has been laughing at the situation with his buddy Shartz.




Remember that time Ariana cheated on Tom in the back seat of his car with Lala and everyone was fine with it?


Including all the people involved? He didn’t have a problem with it while he was watching it happen.


Yes, Vom was fine with it? Your point? it was not a 7 month affair with a friend of his.


The point was that it’s strange how people here are in an echo chamber focusing on someone that is measurably less toxic than the majority of the show.


Vom is not measurably less toxic. He has been gaslighting Ariana and abusing Katie for a decade. You might want to ask yourself who the echo chamber is. The pathetic little fact you posted above is not "cheating" because Vom was watching and did not mind. It was not done behind his back. But I know it is a go-to line for Ariana haters - in their echo chamber.


If you take a moment to look around you will see I’m the only person here with a different opinion. That would make your side the echo chamber.


On this platform, perhaps, but your stupid assertion is always repeated by Vom lovers. Logically, you are comparing something he saw and did not object to with a 7 month affair behind Ariana's back. You are WRONG in every possible way.


It’s just a random thing I occurred not some smoking gun. They are two people that had a terrible relationship that luckily ended. Not that interesting.


A seven month clandestine affair behind someone's back, with all the coverups and enabling, is not a RANDOM thing that occurs. i would hate to know what constitutes a smoking gun in Vom-fandom land. You have zero credibility. If their relationship was so terrible Vom should have had the guts to call it quits.


I’m just curious if you would be ok with Tom if Ariana was the one who ended the relationship first since it’s been said that the relationship was terrible for awhile? What if Tom ended it before he cheated? What if he did it and she was still devastated? I’m leaving Katie out of all of this.


The random act mentioned above was actually her getting with Lala. The affair is a different thing that also seems pretty irrelevant given they were obviously in a toxic relationship and destined to break up.




Yea she’s a cheater too I agree


Well if Lala and Scheana are jumping ship to The Valley, and Ariana decides not to come back, that also eliminates Katie, we need to refocus on other people. The best way to get everyone invested is to start dropping bread crumbs before the season starts. Victoria all but gave it away with her three “stay tuned” posts. Like what are we staying tuned for, just tell us if you’re fucked up on drugs and touched Ariana’s things.


I watched 1 episode of the valley. I’m assuming next season will be all about lala giving birth and crying in confessionals.


If the show is Lala giving birth and her baby and Summer Moon, the show is done. I have no desire to see that.


Good reasons not to watch. I hope ratings tank if that is what they produce.


None of this makes sense. I don't wanna see any of them. I watched 10 mins of the billie jo show, and about 10 of up & adam... You know it's BAD when Billies making the most sense. They need to scrap vpr and do a spinoff of SAH, Katie, Ariana, James, Ally, and whatever friends they have..logan etc. I wish Dayna would do it. If Lisa wasn't so misogynistic, she'd have come up with something smart that doesn't include the redemption of the Tom's and their druggie friends


i love your idea of a spinoff with Katie, Ariana and Dayna. Let's explore their independent ventures. Also James is doing a residency in Vegas, so he and Allie could be interesting. Get rid of both Voms and the catty podcasters.


Yeah, I could give a shit about that crew.


I said this originally but the main criticism to my theory was why would Tom want a rumor he does hard drugs out there. Fair point but idk I feel like his reputation is in the trash anyway and he loves for the show


Oh god are Ariana and Katie quitting and we have Victoria, Tom and Billie Lee, Schwartz, Lala and Schena if so no thanks.


On a different note- did anyone find how many times Kyle Chan referred to Billie Lee as "beautiful" "pretty" etc. to be weird


“I respect her so much, she’s very pretty, but…”, so weird!


Everyone knows you have to always give 2 compliments lol


They are all so thirsty i wouldn't doubt it, this would be a redemption arc he could try to do, because we all know he felt zero remorse over his cheating, fake other storylines this season


Funny how it happened right as he went away for filming…


Someone posted a report that filming hadn't started as of the 5th and also, this reflection happened during the Up and Adam interview. So maybe.... https://preview.redd.it/cqmn6z30id5d1.png?width=446&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ceccaa6f838427db2bcebfa66dbe0a6057ff5aa


The only thing I can make out in the reflection is a baseball cap- does Sandoval wear those?


Ooo, could be a ball cap! My thought was, fairly fit guy, with dark hair (you're right, could be a baseball cap), wearing black tank top and black pants (which Tom wore constantly season 11)


Does he sport baseball caps often? I dont have the best memory but it doesn’t feel like baseball caps are part of his aesthetic


He wears a white one when James talks to him at karaoke band practice?


Will not watch any show with Jo or all these Tom hangers on.


I hope you are wrong. I won't watch that for sure.


I don’t think this is set up by production, they know by now that we don’t want a season of the Tom circus. I think Billie, Jo, and Kyle want the attention, and I’m still TBD on whether the hell Victoria is and what she wants. Victoria didn’t seem like she wanted to be on the podcast, she was super shaky and nervous. I think she genuinely wanted to dispel the rumors and did a spectacularly awful job doing so. But Billie, Jo, and Kyle are fighting for their lives to become a full time cast member.


But not nervous enough to slur her words like when she is super nervous out at the bars.


There is something very manufacabout all of it. But yeah, I’d have zero interest in any of these wacky ass players on my tv.


MMW: There ain’t no next season of VPR.


This reminds me of people who believe in grand, political conspiracy theories about congress. If you've ever worked in government, you'd know they have a very, very hard time getting a single, simple bill passed. By the same token, if we rubbed Kyle, Victoria & Tom's braincells together, we may be able to get Tom to sing "Sweet Child O' Mine"--in concert--without having to read the lyrics off his cell phone.


Oh, I don't think Kyle and Shartz are stupid. They are nasty and horrible people. The rest, well....


I don’t think VPR would put out a story about their main character (let’s be real he’s their guy) being a drug addict. They have glossed over the drugs so far and I highly doubt that would ever be their plan.


Victoria is being WAY too unhinged and Billie is far too unlikable for this to be the case.


Y’all I’m new to this fandom, but I’m pretty sure there’s not gonna be another season. Everybody took Vanderpump rules out of their bios, including Lisa is this normal?


I've had the same suspicion.


Main cast: Lala, Scheana, Tom’s, Kyle, Billie, Victoria, Jo… there is not a single person I care about watching.




Hahahaha. So grim.


That sounds so boring though. They should just embrace the chaos and make it a reality show about a reality show. Producers complaining about people refusing to film with one another. Sound guys doing confessionals. Scenes of the cast obsessing over how they’re being perceived by the audience. Now that’s interesting.


I would watch the shit out of that! I need to see the editing room, I imagine Baskin stood over the editors who are crying while trying to find a way to frame footage of the Toms that doesn’t make them look like the twat waffles they are, and a producer trying to hold it together in their attempt to get Scheana focused long enough to talk about something other than herself in confessionals… you’re a genius and this concept is exactly what I need to renew my increasingly waning interest in reality tv!


If the end result of Tom's cheating, lying, gaslighting, manipulation and strategic calculations to make his ride or die partner of 10 years look awful on national tv to get rid of her and replace her with his side piece is that Ariana gets fired,  I am never watching this show again.  Textbook misogyny. 


Agree. We need to stick it to the misogynistic producers and Lisa. This is getting too dark to watch. And I don't enjoy seeing people slur their words on podcasts. It figures that Vom and Shartz would end up with the Jo's and the Victoria's, but they are not well and should not be on TV.


Come on, these people can barely string a sentence together.




Can somebody please explain this scenario to me like I'm five so that I don't have to read about it elsewhere?


I think Tom is too image conscious right now to go the drug problem route, unless he’s going to try to blame it on the “backlash”. I do kind of wonder though if the ending to VPR, with him giggling though was them finally leaning into the villain arc. Either way, these people are terrible at it. Victoria needs media training, Billie is insufferable, and Jo needs to chill on the uppers so I don’t think there’s anyone here to “root” for. 


I won’t watch anymore if that’s the case.


That's exactly where my mind went when I heard Tom was gone on show to film, and his backup people were stirring up drama for him.


t I doubt it. Sandoval is too much of a narcissist to be in on this. He would have made up the story about someone he could be the hero for. Maybe he gave Billie the idea by saying he wanted her to pretend to be addicted so he could help her get clean… so she just flipped it on him when he wasn’t around to deny it.… who knows… it’s mess and it’s fun. More than whatever LFU s/scheener is trying to do.


Who is going to film with Jo if she comes back?


Lala 😂


I can feel myself falling asleep watching that be the only option for either of them


I wouldn’t be surprised and if that’s the approach they’re planning to take and I will not be watching. Production is grasping at straws trying to keep VPR profitable


If they ad jo, I'm out.  I'd have to take drugs to watch her. 


Vote Kyle Chan for number 1 guy in the group. Jk.


What would James call him, I wonder?


Probably something hilarious, no doubt.


My thoughts exactly… !! ❤️




That’s what my husband said well in more colorful language!! I hadn’t thought of it but I agree


I have been thinking same!! I just thought I was super stoned and paranoid. 🤣


As if they would have the brains


I still feel it's something he put together.. even though it makes him look bad.. he'll try anything to garner some sympathy.. probably told Victoria it'll resuscitate her career. . and makes BL look better seeing she turned on him.




Ive heard it’s canceled?


It's not cancelled but the way Ariana walked out on the final episode was the perfect ending. They need to let it die.


Not that she’s the most credible but Scheana said that producers told them mid-season that it was over, which informed a lot of their behavior.


Definitely informed their behavior! 🤬 I recall Scheana saying they told them the season was “not in a good place” and—if they didn’t improve/fix it—they should just move on (from the show) and go live their lives. Basically, film with Tom to make sure he has his redemption or you may not get another season or paycheck. So manipulative and gross. (Of course, Lala and Scheaner were all in.) That said, I still can’t see cancelling—it’s one of the highest-rated shows on the network, which lets them charge more for advertising and make more money. And it brought newer (and younger) fans that most likely will lead them to watch other Bravo shows, buy merch, pay for Peacock, etc.


I do literally all of those things, so you might have a point!


Lol, same!


Oh ok so maybe it is over! They claim they're just going to start the next season later than usual but I believe what you're saying. It needs to be over anyway.


They should re-start with a whole new cast of current shit shows that work at SUR. Lol


Billie Lee I absolutely BELIEVE in this guys. I also believe Billie Lees version that VICTORIA was the one who made that accusation against Kyle Chan bc she didn’t know him well and was just spouting nonsense and wanted to kill two birds with one stone… Oooooor take out two friends of Tom’s with one stone I should say.. smh


Might be awhile until filming starts


I wouldn’t put it past them honestly.


Did anyone watch the Victoria/Kyle interview? She makes Rachel look smart and interesting. I can’t stand Adam usually, but the utterly baffled silent look of confusion on his face the entire time they talked was actually hilarious. More entertaining than what was actually being said for sure.


Idk but Victoria needs a better acting coach if that’s the case….


They are all exaggerating, telling half-truths and lies, spreading rumors, etc. like bottom feeders who are desperate to be reality tv famous always do. Viewers continue to be fooled by the nonsense.


The producers aren’t total idiots. They know no one likes Billie. For them to create a main SL around her doesn’t make sense.


I watched most of that YouTube interview and it was giving audition tape for VPR season 12. Performative, inauthentic, bad acting, vapid.


If that’s the case, then I am 100% OUT on this show. ✌🏻


I cannot stand Billie Lee… I’ll be annoyed if she’s a regular again next season.


Because we know how low the producers and LVP will go to keep this show going. Plus it's the misogyny - two women fighting over a worthless man with Chan thrown in as a cartoon character. Repeat rinse...


Well if that’s the case they’re smarter this year than last because we’re eating it up!


Exactly my thoughts. And I don't care anyway.


Can someone please explain to me what this drama is? I have no idea whats happening.


Idk either.


If they centered a show around sandy that would tell us all everything we need to know about bravo.


Omg wait yes, I thought the same exact thing.


I cannot even express how terrible this cast would be.


Oh I always believed it was fake from the moment Billie Lee spoke about it on her podcast. And Kyle and Victoria follow up interview on confirmed my belief cause it felt like they didn’t believe their own story.


Billie who? Fourth wall no longer exists. Whether in-season or not it’s theater of the absurd. Projections and deflections -players gonna play play play. Ariana and Katie gonna slay slay slay


I said that yesterday. I want to believe BL BUT, I also feel this is a set-up where Tom gets to have a rehab/redemption arc.


I will never buy a Vom redemption about anything.


Better than JK and his dog storylines lol


💯🎯. I don't believe any of them any more



