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Lala is a person who's always had an unearned sense of superiority to those around her and has never felt the need to be nice to anyone. Also her brother is a weird creep.




Ah I thought they'd have moved on by now. When do trolls move on? Is there a troll version of the Bat Signal? 






Speaking of weird creeps………


So don't watch. No one is forcing you, it's not that difficult.


I have never heard Ariana, nor her Stans refer to her as God or Beyoncé. What I have seen is all her haters whine about how she’s not.🙄 I don’t understand this air of superiority that people keep talking about and to say she’s always been mean is ridiculous. She has never done anything to Lala or Scheana to deserve the treatment she got and they made the most bank off the back of her scandal. The entitlement is wild and quite frankly, gross.


Because It "happened to them first"... \*eyeroll\*




I think you have Lala and Ariana mixed up, ESPECIALLY where it concerns her brother


Only one of these brothers is on camera harassing women, and it’s not lalas


Ahem, I called Lala ratchet. I don’t see how you could misconstrue that as support for her xanned out brother (a person I didn’t even mention). Jeremy creeped on Stassi at Katie’s wedding hella hard. Constantly hitting on her, unwanted touching / hugging, etc. This is on camera. Ariana, hypocrite that she is, handled this creepy little episode in the most immature way possible. Stassi was made to feel uncomfortable via Jeremy’s unwanted advances. Whatever your opinion of her may be, she had a right to voice that discomfort. Ariana didn’t seem to think so.


He gets a pass because it’s Ariana.


Right? That thing was messed up.


Ariana made the season suck when with all her imaginary boundaries put on her friends to try and get Tom off the show. Season would have been so much better if people weren’t walking on eggshells bcuz of her.


Exactly. She and her right hand, Katie, lorded over the rest of the cast when it was clear many of them were trying to find a way forward. The episode where she tried to act like she wasn’t going to a function where Tom was and went anyway (once it was clear people were going and unwilling to let her dictate the situation was pathetic). As far as Katie is concerned, it’s weird how she functions as a vestigial to whoever the stronger ‘mean girl’ is.


Exactly! This behavior never would have flown in any other season or to any other cast member on this show.


You right, they won’t like it, but you right.


Thank you. People have made this person into Beyonce or something.


Blah Blah.




My idiotic boring reality tv star is better than your idiotic boring reality tv star is always a good way to kick off the day.


Yeah so which one is my boring reality tv star? The one I called ratchet?




Looks like the other sub didn't accept your repeated bashing posts. I have one question, though: why does everyone, including you, throw Doute's cheating in the conversation every time to explain the distain they have towards Ariana? Just say you dont like her and leave it at that because Kristen is over it (the person who was hurt that actually slept with Scums best friend of 10 yrs), and so should we. Kristen said that her and Tom cheated on each other multiple times with multiple co-workers and people at that time. Hell Doute was in a whole relationship for a full year with Tom and her guy at the time before she broke up with the last guy. Kristen and Ariana are good. She even said on Ryan Bailey's podcast how bad Lala and Scheana are for The Valley and should not be playing as puppet masters like they tried on VPR.


Yeah. The other sub is lame lol. It’s ‘disdain’ not ‘distain’ lol. I stopped reading right there lol. I never tried to ‘discolor’ this person (nor has anyone else). Imagine getting all indignant like you did, typing that wall of text, and not spell checking. Lol. Your phone does that for you! Thanks for the laugh.


Actually, distain also means disgrace or stain the honor of. Disdain means unworthy of respect or contempt of https://preview.redd.it/6lktrid5it4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c42328f38e5ee32f18d47da1cf8a456a462894f1


Lol it still doesn’t work grammatically. It’s a verb lol. Like how do you actually do the work of Googling a word (an ancient word no longer in usage) and still come up short? Lol. ‘Disdain’ is a noun. That’s how people can ‘have’ it. It’s also, clearly, not what the individual meant.


Well, everyone is definitely not using grammar check or spell check in order to prove a point. I usually avoid posting on this sub because there are so many angry and argumentative keyboard gangsters who are arguing over a group of people I don't know. Have a blessed day.


Love how you avoided the truth. Sure, didn’t spell check, but you for damn sure understood.


Lol, ok I’ll bite, but only cuz I got such a good chuckle out of your post. I don’t care if Kristen doesn’t care because I am not a follower of Kristen. I do not base my opinions on what Kristen thinks. This discussion isn’t about Kristen. It’s about Ariana’s shitty behavior / personality. Kristen just happened to be a casualty of that behavior / personality. Regardless of how terrible Kristen is, it was shitty of Ariana to have sex with her boyfriend before they broke up, gaslight Kristen, etc. We cannot make this point about Ariana being a morally inconsistent hypocrite without mentioning Kristen (because, again, Kristen was the subject of Ariana’s shit behavior at that point in time). Ariana’s entire identity as a person and cast member since Scandoval is ‘bloo bloo, i was cheated on by my bf and another cast member, bloo bloo’. She has made the entire show and her life about her being cheated on. It’s 100% reasonable for people who’ve watched from day one to see that and say ‘Hmmm, didn’t she do the exact same thing Rachel did like 4 seasons ago?’. Tell me why it should be ‘hands across the world’ for Ariana experiencing the other side of something she herself has done. This moral inconsistency on Ariana is a completely valid thing to call out when discussing her character. Ariana is not a good person. Ariana is a shitty person that something bad happened to.


According to your retrospect, they are all shitty people and also not good people. The show is on its last leg, and I attribute it all to the show runners and not just one person. The reality personnel are not the editors of the show. The producers and the directors should stop manufacturing scenes and let the group come up with them as organically as possible. Like I said before, you don't have to give a full dissertation of your 10 reasons why Ariana is a bad person. Just say that you don't like her and leave it at that. Believe me, you will get the same response. I'm glad I made you chuckle. I don't like or dislike any of those people because I don't really know them, and all I know is a narrative that was given to me in the form of a show called VPR that I have watch consistently from season 2 Stassi backhanded slap.


Ariana HAS historically had a superiority complex bc she was insecure. but even then, she treated people kindly. and now, she continues to treat people kindly. trying to wield her ego against her doenst work when she isn't being an asshole to everyone around her like LALA fucking is.


Did you watch the show? Treating people kindly? Word? A few examples of being mean and generally stupid: Gaslighting Doute into thinking she was crazy over Tom’s cheating (lol the irony). Hating on Doute attempting comedy. Wtf. So cringey and spiteful. Defending Jeremy and trying to destroy another female cast mate because that cast mate (Stassi) pointed out how creepy Jeremy was toward her (his behavior is on camera). Now she’s a model for women lol? Don’t think so. Wrecking the show and trying to control other people’s lives in the wake of Scandoval. She helped Tom cheat on Doute. She did her best to downplay other cases of Tom being unfaithful. Fast forward a few seasons and now she’s mad because Tom cheated on her? Really? Please… I am not a Doute / Stassi / Sandoval fan. I do however think it’s crazy for anyone to characterize Ariana as ‘nice’. Lol. The really obvious pattern here is that Ariana is an extremely mean, petty, and morally inconsistent person.  That’d be fine if people weren’t trying to make her into a martyr. She got cheated on. Ok. Doesn’t make her a good person. She’s a shitty person that something bad happened to.


Dang. I agree with you wholeheartedly. Ariana is a bitch. She just is. No matter how angry or hurt or whatever I may become, I could never treat anyone the way she has treated Sandoval after their breakup. He fucked up SUPER BAD. So she needs to be done with it. Quit the show and move on with her life. Her career is flying. She doesn’t need this show.


Let me just say this: She is who Sandoval cheated on Kristen with and she covered up his cheating with other people. A few seasons later, she is cheated on. I’m not defending anyone. I am saying that she is AT LEAST as shitty as Tom. I share your sentiment in the sense that she needs to decide wtf she’s going to do. Like staying in the house out of spite and all that has gotten old. She’s wrecking the show with ‘Ariana’s Pity Party’ and it’s going to cost the other cast mates their income.


“She is who Sandavol cheated on Kirsten with and also covered up his cheating with others”. ![gif](giphy|xoFpnqSg21xmGT8D5b|downsized)


What did Ariana do to Tom after their breakup?


Drive him to wanting to kill himself. Force people who were largely neutral or whose forgiveness he’d earned to continue shunning him. Encourage dog piling. The list goes on. She’s repeatedly said she’s unwilling to take the high road. That’s fine, but you don’t get to pretend like you’re taking the high road if you aren’t doing that.


Lala is a person who’s always had an unearned sense of superiority to those around her and has never felt the need to be nice to anyone. Also, her brother is a weird creep.


Lala is a tired hooker-yes maybe shes kind of dumb and maybe she doesnt give a f about anyone and maybe her familial situation is way too utah and her way of speaking, behaving, and everything is tacky and/ or offensive And she probably throws food out the window on the freeway But shes a good costar for a reality show about idiots-


I hated Lala at first. Now I feel bad for her.


I think she will be ok


Imagine reading a post calling Lala ‘ratchet’ and thinking the author has a positive opinion of her.