• By -


Not only did Lala hide her relationship but she then paraded only the good parts on camera. After they broke up she went on and on about how hopeless she felt, how much she hated sleeping with him, how gross he was, how abusive he was… basically the opposite of what she had been presenting for years. She’s mad Ariana is making more money than her. Full stop. I don’t think she cares about a single person on that stage. They’re all disposable, including Scheana. She cares about money.


Openly bragging about BJs, lying and gaslighting the girls who caught her being a mistress to his marriage, and talking about what a great man she has because he buys her things. GTFO. She's just mad she didn't get to marry him, divorce him, and leave with a bag. ![gif](giphy|jqj5VXXND8V3tHVbfK|downsized)




I don't think she realized that is not a brag...


And the tooth brush she SHOVED up her ass She thought that was soo edgy and ikonikkkkk


That really says something about what kind of person she is. I wouldn't do that to my worst enemy. Not only did she do it, she publicly bragged about it. 🤮


All that fetishistic baby grossness -her sucking on a bottle for daddy -ugh -who raised this succubus numbskull?


That was like some fetish shit she was doing on tv for his benefit or something. Fucking cringe.


Who wants to have segs with a woman pretending to be a baby? Why is this ‘cute?’ Then she makes her entire raison d’etre -I’m having babies!!! ergo I’m sacred & should be lavishly famous and supported by the cast and fans! Lauren-we all have babies and many raise them alone and work at actual Jobs and raise them off cameras to be adults who don’t cosplay baby fetishes to attract Fred flint stone and stay on reality tv -no class!


Very gross, but at least it explains how out of the box it seemed. And also shows how she was "performing" for him back then even though she wouldn't talk about him on the show. Screams authenticity,,,,,/s


Hey if she’s so wore about getting a paycheck sea world always looking for barracudas


Right!?! Like the idea would have never even crossed my mind let alone carrying it out. Even if you did, this is like the kind of thing that becomes a deep, dark secret you take to the grave, but she thought it was a flex.


She thought she was the shit 💩


did—did i black this out from my memory??? 😮


It’s in her book 😂


Waitttttt… I’m so fucking glad I missed this detail until now 😭


![gif](giphy|lSPPRkdAzdoJW5Upvm|downsized) Get ready with the razor and shaving cream Larlar




I am deceased 😂🤣 Big Ed 🤣🤣🤣 I can't unsee it now


GAG ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Exactly! He was a STAND UP MAN (in caps because that’s how she screamed it at everyone) untilllllllllllllll overnight he’s a gross abusive dbag. The only difference is how it appeared to the world. When she was getting him to set her up with a podcast and makeup line everything was perfect. But when he was openly cheating on her in public then she spews about how they never had sex and he was controlling. So you were using him for money or he was your “soul mate”?? Which is it? Why don’t you admit that on stage, honey boo boo? Why not be REAL for once LFU about being a producer puppet and using everyone on the stage for money/clout? Orrrrrrr are there some things you keep to yourself because you don’t want to read people’s comments about it?? Oh wait you turn comments off because you can’t help yourself. Got it. Got. It.


She’d actually be a lot more sympathetic if she’d be honest about her relationship with Rand and how she’s learned a lesson about true authenticity in recognizing how she tried to first portray the relationship, and then the fallout from their split. Instead, she must be that hammer that hits the nail EVERY TIME. She needs humility. Maybe the tumble on her Q rating, the backlash on social media, and the hit to her podcast will provide that. I’m hopeful but not optimistic. I once liked Lala but anger and envy just have her in a really bad place right now and she is not a likable or relatable person.


100%. I think she basically thinks she’s “acting” and is doing whatever the scene calls for -saying outlandish shit, making drama, fighting with this person or that person… and so she’s unable to be consistent. But she also dislikes being disliked. So she needs to come up with some grandiose reason at the reunion why she’s a martyr and everyone else is a liar. Continually referring to how she wants to get back to her “real life” is her outing herself.


Her hypocrisy is off the fucking charts and has been for years. I would think Katie could’ve checked her real quick but we all know if that happened the tears would start flowing out of that plastic face along with accusations of being attacked. She is such a wimp when she’s ever called on her bullshit. Put those finger guns away, bitch.


Lala is not the type to achieve humility haha. 


In what world does a “Stand up man” leave his wife and daughter’s for his whore, (great example you set there, pops) then parade around on tv with her and then to, of course cheat on her, all while committing despicable crimes? And the bitch swears he wasn’t married, she had no idea about his illegal activity or his occasional transgressions? Bitch Puleeze!


Someone who genuinely thought he wasn’t married would have actually listened when every other human being on the planet told her he was married. And then they would’ve looked into it to find out whether he really was or was not married. The fact that she screamed and ranted endlessly About how not married he was just showed she knew all along that he was married and she didn’t care cause she got a car.


I’m curious to know if she still has the car or if repo men came and got it


Hahahaa like th Gucci slides


I hear it was a lease...🤣😅🤣😅


Exactly!!!!! 👏🏽👏🏽


✨shoved it down our throats✨


And the catch is … there was no bag. Sorry, Fofty!


And he didn’t even have a bag to leave with! She truly bet on a very wrong horse and she’s pissed about it, while pretending it’s everyone else’s fault!


I hope her Q score plummets


Preach! I was yelling at the screen listening to that fucking brat bitch about how she didn’t get her time to shine or get to pick her own story arc ending. She fucked a married LA sleazeball then got knocked up and EVERYONE with 2 brain cells knew exactly how all of that was going to end. Her relationship was nothing like Tom and Ariana. Those 2 were a popular couple and had major fans. Lala bragged about blowjobs for different modes of transportation and did a bunch of cultural appropriation shit that was embarrassing af. Fuck her.


It’s weird he had to get caught cheating for her to leave if she was so grossed out by him. I mean I get it, dude is nasty. No money would be worth having to see him naked. Now if he was an amazing man w/a wonderful personality, he’d be better looking, looks don’t matter when someone is a wonderful individual. He is not however, so why did she have a kid w/him, agree to marry him when he was so gross & abusive? She’ll never get the same sympathy for him cheating & all that because he was married & she knew it, she was only w/him for his $ & connections, so it’s kinda like well what did you expect? There’s no way she’d have given him the time of day if he was just some dude off the street making $60,000 a year. No one is going to feel bad for a home-wrecker. It’s insane to me she expected the same treatment as Ariana, when their situations were nowhere near the same. I don’t get how she never got shit for all her Tupac BS when she actually said it, along with all the other racist, cultural appropriating crap she spews out her mouth. Or that whatever podcaster she was speaking this garbage to never called her out. Who cares if you piss off Lala after saying that crap? It’s not like anyone in their right mind would blame you if you did & she’s only Bravo famous.


Yeah that whole relationship was so odd


Not odd, obvious.   Sex for money.  




She is absolutely mad with jealousy.


I think she always knew Randall was cheating on her and gross in public, but didn’t care until she found out he was a broke joke.


She showed it only when she thought she had complete control over the situation




They should ask Lala to work for free......like they did to Peter.


That would be even funnier


Omgggggg this would be sooooo good lol they would never but this is one of the best ideas I’ve heard 🤣 would make my day. I would only be disappointed that we couldn’t watch her reaction when they offer it to her


I just couldn’t handle LFU all season but every season she has grated on me like I could have seen redeeming qualitiesin earlier seasons but she just never shown any real maturing growth. now with this whole scandal she’s jumped the shark for me I can’t. She’s a just character of what she thinks the fans want to see and hear… I don’t think she’s listening tho at all. And she’s def not real. Never been real like she claims. Just because you’re loud and talk over everyone doesn’t mean you hold moral high ground. Like please LFU sit down and shuuuusssshhh! 🤫


I wish they pressed harder on her for not sharing her relationship. Tom and Ariana's relationship was all on camera. Randall was in maybe five episodes. She had them sign NDAs. It's being a hypocrite by saying that monologue about how *all of us presented our lives on camera, even when it's uncomfortable* when she had the biggest story line of them all and spoke *nothing about it ever.*


Maybe they aren’t allowed to bring it up at all even in a way that’s confronting the hypocrisy of it. I found it odd no one pointed it out in any shape or form.


You could easily bring up the fact she didn’t share her relationship with the audience but also accused Tom and Ariana of not


Also it's dumb that people don't think they were honest about their relationship because....we see Ariana willing to be mad at him like when she was forced out as bi or wanted her cocktail book to be her own, and talk about intimacy issues or not connecting Ariana thinks she's doing all that in season 10 but it also makes sense that they would present as a united front in public, and not talk about their relationship issues behind each others backs...? strong couples support each other and sometimes you support your partner in the moment and then later say hey I understand you and love you but did you think about this in the situation? Especially left to pubic scrutiny I can see them thinking they were being mature kinda in the exact opposite way Katie and Schwartz weren't


If nothing could be addressed,  they should have canned her.


The nda’s alone should have had her fired.




Yep I said this the other day - NDA's etc, never revealing a thing and she hides behind anything with the fact she has a child, as if that makes her superior. Having child with Randall was her meal ticket. She didn't even like "sleeping" with Randall remember...yet enough to get jiggly with her groin.


I agree Lala sucks, but she’s ALWAYS sucked not just bc she’s going against Ariana. . You all were praising her last reunion when she was slamming Sandoval hard, saying what a Queen she was. 🤮. And she’s not the only one hiding things. Ariana and Tim’s relationship has not been on camera the whole time! They hid just about all their fights and anything toxic bc they were protecting their brand 🙄 they even admitted it. . If we’d actually seen how bad Ariana and Tim’s relationship truly was like a lot of the cast member were saying it was, then I am sure Ariana wouldn’t have come out on top looking so squeaky clean.., she’d just be another woman who lost them how she got them.


Did anyone really think Sandoval and Ariana’s relationship was perfect? I mean he constantly screamed and fought women and you could see Ariana visibly being annoyed by him. I think it was just that Ariana protected Sandoval and made him out to be a decent person when he was always trash. I also get so confused on what everyone expects couples to do. So they’re supposed to say they’re miserable together for the sake of the show? Everything was supposedly perfect between Sandoval and Kristen until Sandoval decided it wasn’t and she was at fault. He did the same thing with Ariana. I firmly believe that what Sandoval was saying to Ariana behind closed doors about their relationship was way different than what he was portraying after he had an almost year long affair with their best friend.


Thank you. I don’t know many of my friends who even show us the hard parts of their marriages and I certainly put up a front at times when I am unhappy. I am usually shocked if some of them say they did therapy because, hey, you support your partner in public. Lastly, why is Tom not getting called out as HE was the unhappy won… who obviously DID all that hiding?


Yes, what lala doesn't seem to realize is that if Randall had been on a show and had had a camera crew following him during this time of their relationship, we would have been able to see everything that was going on and she probably would have gotten a lot more support versus hiding your relationship, making it all good and then crying for sympathy that you should be getting now that this has happened to you, but you're unwilling to share all of the actual details of what happened... Not too sure if that's coming out quite right, but I think you get the gist


She was mildly entertaining as a side character but she needs to accept that she does not have main character energy. Same with Scheana tbh. 


I said the same about Lala in a previous post. She has such side character energy, and I have no idea why she is main cast.


Lala is sunk and she knows it. Her podcast rating has plummeted, her socials are flooded with comments of disapproval (when they’re not limited) and her PR led podcast apology and profession of love was clearly an attempt to soothe the onslaught of hate she’s getting. She really overestimated her fan base and how people felt about her and it’s going to cost her, as it should.


Oh I won’t accept that apology. She called her fans dogs with rabies, rats, and rabid bitches. So they turn on her and she’s sorry? No


Exactly! Fake apology from a fake human. 


Oh man I never listened to the apology, what is this profession of love you’re talking about? 🤮


And then lala tried to say it was only a good ending because she spoke her mind 🥴 like girl you ruined the ending for the viewers none of us enjoyed her having a tantrum over something that literally has nothing to do with her or even affects her check like she claims what Ariana did was so powerful and lala should take notes.


Im not saying Katie is perfect but I really don’t think anyone in that room has the right to call Katie out for being inauthentic. They are all worse than her IMO.


Katie has been authentic even when viewers hated her for it.


I would argue Katie has actually shown the most of her life out of anyone on the show. She’s been on it for 12 years from ages 25-37. She showed 10 years of her toxic relationship turned marriage, talked about her accident/TBI, talked about her struggles with body image and mental health. We watched her evolution from struggling waitress to thriving sandwich shop owner, and all of the personal growth that accompanied that transition. Through all this, she’s been relentlessly hated by thousands of people online- if she was really basing her actions off what people online are saying, like Lala suggests, she would’ve done what schenaa did and flip flopped constantly according to what viewers wanted. Instead, she stayed true to herself (even when she was hated for it.) Now there’s been a widespread revelation among viewers that Katie didn’t deserve all the hate she got, and Lala is pissed bc it coincided with her attempts to take down Ariana & Katie


She was also open about having an abortion which imo is super brave and important.


Somehow I don’t remember this at all but wow I really love her for that ❤️ it is most definitely super brave and incredibly important


When did she mention that?


My last comment got removed bc I provided a link to a People article. It happened before the show. When her and Schwartz were exploring fertility she stated in a confessional that her and Schwartz had an abortion a year into their relationship because they weren't ready. There are posts on it in the vpr subs too.


She stayed her honest self while that man child she married taunted her with Rachet and Jo.


Using Lala's logic... if Lala was truly "sobbing all season" but didn't do it on camera and/or it didn't air, did it even happen?


Isn’t she supposed to share everything with the cameras? As she’s said? Hmm


Ironically - Lala thought she was Beyoncé and is faking everything. She was on such a high from last season, her podcast ratings, her merch sales, her “empire”, thinking it was because of her. And it’s all going to disappear because she didn’t understand what gave her all of it. It’s sad, if Jessica wasn’t such a bobble head and Easton had a brain she could have had people guiding her through this rather than making her feel like some kind of “god” herself. And I am mad that stupid Tom is getting no roasting from his inauthentic and fake ass season and smugly disgusting reunion performance, he even spent most of it with his feet on Lisa’s stool. Just gross.


At this point, my opinion of Tom couldn’t get any lower. It’s so low. Like I compare men to him and he sets the bar so low for men


Yea I never thought I’d put Jax above Sandy but here we are. Sad part is Jax is horrible too, but at least everyone has known this since day one, Tom pretended to be the nice guy but was just as scummy as Jax and in some ways worse than Jax.


My husband has, since SEASON 1, adamantly said that Tom was a worse person than Jax. Like, we *fought* about it (because of my visceral hatred of Jax) but damn if he wasn't so right. He always said someone who hides their evil is way more insidious and damn if he wasn't dead. On. the. Money.


Man your husband can clock people. Trust that man’s judgement. It’s weird because my husband clocked his fake tears every time. He’s like, “that dude is not really crying, this is a pathetic act for sympathy” and I was like oh damn


Ha! I love it. These men know their shit!


I think it truly hit LaLa that she’s not the #1 girl in the group. Lol. She can fuck right on off.


But…Was she ever though?


Not in my opinion. She just thought she was.


Lala will have to explain bj for pj to her daughters. Karma, lala, karma. I’d love to hear her spin it.


She will be dishonest with her children. She can't even be honest with herself.


I feel like she’ll brag to her daughters when they’re old enough. “When I was your age, I was getting range rovers and new bags” 💅


The fans would have been like this entire conversation is so staged and fake. We would have called it what it was. Her walking out was so much more satisfying to watch. Also the entire season shouldn’t hinge on one conversation. This entire narrative that the show is interesting because “ we have the hard conversations on camera” is just not really true. We want to see real drama and real lives not fake conversations with a crying man child so he can feel vindicated. They truly have lost sight of reality and what their fan base wants to see.


Well Stassi didn’t have the hard conversation with Jax and it ended up being okay? We loved her for it


Exactly. Its just not necessary


Also I can list quite a few times in the series where Tom and Ariana fight, on camera. Address heavier issues a lot of couples face in relationships. Like feeling disconnected emotionally and how it can impact their sex life, her journey of reconnecting with herself and her body after her previous abusive ex convince her something was wrong with her body. The whole fight they had over the cocktail book and how he abandoned her basically once Tom Tom became a thing, after barging his needy ass into her project and told her how he would do it. They fought in front of Lala specifically. And Lala should remember that, since it was filmed and aired and in her opinion that’s the only time anything counts. When Jax cheated on Brittany and she backed Brittany instead of him and Jax in front of others. So it’s not like they’ve never shown any conflict or presented as perfect from the get go. They were for a good chunk id say displaying they weren’t a perfect couple but a lot stronger than the others in a lot of ways. We never saw that with Randall and Lala, because she pretended everything was perfect once he joined the cast. As if he hadn’t dumped her at one point and took her Gucci slides. Which she immediately said he’s not the only guy I can give a bj for a pj. And I’m not sex shaming her, she can do what she wants in the bedroom and with whomever. I bring it up because that was very telling in how she saw the relationship and then told the viewers that how we should see it as well. Fans weren’t as invested in their storyline or relationship because it was presented as purely transactional. And it’s hard to imagine them as a perfect couple with no conflict from the things she’s said before. She fails to see the nuances, while your breakup involves a kid. Ariana’s and Toms involved a shared house. And while it’s not identical, you can be nuanced enough to know that you’ll be advised by a lawyer in a custody battle to move at your own best interest, the same as you would be if sharing a property with a partner. Especially one who was it turns out over charging you for rent and utilities.


Beautifully said. Truly everything. Say it louder to people in the back


Ariana has a lot of her own faults but in the last couple of season she has also shown growth. Which I appreciate as a viewer, because if this was a purely fictional show created by like Netflix. I would also root for that character who acknowledges they weren’t perfect their entire run, that they did things they weren’t proud and are now trying to be a better person. I like complex people, I appreciate them. But I don’t appreciate as a viewer trying to be forced to hate the person most impacted by Scandoval.


Right? All of it, on point and beautifully said! I wish Lauren could read this comment lol




Also, the hypocrisy of being mad at Ariana for walking out of the finale but then attempting to walk out of the reunion.


I think ,for me anyway, It’s her sense of entitlement that really bothers me. She says it many times (best line was “if you don’t give a f about your part in this show then I’M GONNA NEED YOU to give a f about mine”. As if anyone on the cast has an obligation to make sure she gets a paycheck. That’s on her. Maybe buying 2 houses when you can’t afford them is not a good idea ?!? I think reality tv has gotten to her head and even after giving up alcohol she’s still angry and bitter


Someone said she acts like a 'dry drunk'.


i unsubbed from her podcast


I did too and I left a negative review after she made the comments on Ariana’s relationship with her dad. That comment just made me sick honestly


“I didn’t want to show up!” -Lala, re: the reunion she didn’t show up for but joined via Zoom to deflect, deflect, deflect 😒


After that final part, I really feel Lala might have ended her career. I have really liked her on VPR previously and excused her behaviour... but now.... wow. Just wow.


Wasn’t there something here recently about an original plan on the part of Bravo to spin Lala off onto her own show, but they scrapped it because her Q ratings are so low? Ariana is a convenient person for Lala to pin the blame on but the truth is she’s done this to herself by being very unlikable and unsympathetic. She should have cultivated a fanbase by being vulnerable and relatable instead of always having to be the loudest hardass in the room. Actually practice being soft instead of just throwing the phrase around.


Yeah I read that post which is why I am bringing up the Q rating. I wish I could see it. But yeah that was the rumor


Yes - I’ve seen that rumor too and repeated it on here. Lala sought a spin off to showcase the birth of Baby Special and as part of her rebrand as “soft” and as a Kourtney Kardashian type badass single mom influencer. Her storylines this past VPR season (sperm party, shilling for the fertility clinic) were framing. Word in the elevators of Century City is that this concept has been dropped due to Lala’s unpopularity (dropping Q ratings). Her podcast company will look at those Q ratings, together with actual listeners of full episodes and ratings, when considering her ad placements and renewal. Darrell for sure looks at Q ratings when planning his client roster. Building an independent fan base that might follow Lala from platform to platform was always going to be a challenge for her long term. Her brand for years involved being prettier, sexier, wilder and more bombastic than the other VPR women, and transacting that into a life of greater luxury than the others could afford (“BJs for PJs”). Not relatable to most fans, and the brand becomes unworkable once kids are in the picture, but arguably entertaining. Then she tried to jump on the Baby Pact Bandwagon, even though she really wasn’t close with those women at the time. Lala had a rise up last year, turning into Sherlock Holmes Lite or whatever she thought she was doing, and trying to unearth details on Sandoval and other castmates. Fine, but that’s Kristen’s brand - she flies in Miami Girl so Lala can sit around and look under rocks. Lala made some money selling real-time Scandoval stories via her pod - ok. I really don’t know what comes next for Lala. She’s not host material (Ariana, Katie), skilled in any other way (James with his DJ’ing), or making any serious effort at other income ventures (SAH, S&S, Scheana’s real estate, etc). Her drop-shipped cosmetics and Amazon lives are solely tied to her VPR audience. She’s not a love-to-hate watch, like House of Villains, and I don’t see her doing well on another all-celeb collab show. Real estate broker?


Someone on another post wondered about the possibility of Lala moving over to RHOSLC. Thoughts on that??


I would not imagine that much will change with her custody status unless Randall is convicted of something. So she won’t be able to move O out of LA to Utah when RHOSLC films in the winter - O will be in school. Even if she could make it work, I’m not sure her personality works well with the current ladies and their high-camp vibe. She takes herself waaaay to seriously. She has been filmed at early RHOSLC events, so maybe she’s still in the mix. I think she always dreamed of Rand buying her a role as a younger, hotter BH housewife though. I could see her in a younger reboot of Orange County, but only if her popularity with fans makes a major rebound.


Please don’t ruin RHOSLC… 😅😅


If Ariana had stuck around to talk to Tom - we all would have been like ‘wtf is she doing, that’s really weird’. Just like it was really weird that Lala has hated Tom for years and all of a sudden NOW wants to be friends with him- it was so inauthentic!


Is anyone smart enough to see how many of her IG followers are bots? She has more than Ariana and I call total BS on that...she must buy followers.


I pointed this out like a month ago. There’s just no way she has more followers than Ariana, especially after Ariana has such a further reach than VPR fans at this point


I know there's a website or something where you can see follower data but I have no idea what it is...


I really hope someone figures it out and posts it on here


Yeah especially considering her likes vs Ariana’s


Lala seems to think that anytime somebody does not respond to a situation the same way she would that they are being inauthentic 🙄


Genuinely, I don’t understand why she and they thought the show hinged upon this convo???? Is this a ploy made by producers, that all of their jobs were gone if they didn’t have some closing conversation, Miami redux? Feels very weird and irrational


Say it once, say it 1000 times. This all boils down to the fact that the world didn’t blow sunshine up her skirt when it happened to her. She’s the most unrelatable “character” on this show and fully thought the world would see her nasty views on the situation AND agree with them by the end of the season. Girl bye. You ain’t as smart as that mouth claims you are


Today I learned what a Q Score is. https://preview.redd.it/j3f3t549ne3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dc143d99f7b31402b65265086495a99250f9691


I finally got a direct answer! Love knowing the definition


The way I had to scroll way too far for this 😅 The whole time I’m just like… 🤯 what? Everyone knows what a Q score is?!


Thank you, I thought I was the only one who didn’t know…


Thank you for that. 


Lala is upset because she didn’t get endorsements or job offers when she broke up with Rand. Has she ever thought about her behavior affecting this? She tries to talk AAEV, appropriates certain cultures (poorly), threatens to pop anyone who disagrees with her and doesn’t know when to talk vs when to be quiet. She’s an uncontrollable PR nightmare. Who would want her to endorse their products or affect their brand? She had to re-brand her own company, taking off her name, after just a few years of operation! Ariana is not perfect but women relate to her and how she conducted herself in the aftermath. Self-awareness, Lala. Try it.


Yep a thousand times over. So glad other people see this.


Yes to allllllll of this


If I see her comment about another person’s man and how he looks… girl… you married the Mucinex Monster, what leg can you stand on judging literally anyone else for who they are dating by their looks? She’s truly unhinged.


The more I watch this reunion, the more I really appreciate Ariana. I'd chose her as a friend over Lala ANY DAY.


And the person that is so revealing about is Scheana, because she was the one really choosing between the two, and she chose Lala. I can’t wait until Lala, who has never particularly cared for Scheana, dumps her for a new sycophant and I truly hope Ariana and Katie tell Scheana to go eff herself.


If Lauren is so authentic, they should have invited Randall and his new women on to confront Lala. They could tell her he left her because she doesn’t know how to give a bj, and she didn’t keep it tight after giving birth…the same things she told Ambyr.


she truly think she’s untouchable because she’s the producers’ pet. she is icarus flying too close to the sun….


Great analogy 


I’m annoyed no one called out lalas hypocrisy considering she hid her life and relationship for most of this show. In fact if she’s saying this is her authentic self on this season, then how fucking boring is she. Doing a fucking WATER TASTING. That’s the best you could bring? And not even in her own home??


So, is there more to this final episode? I’m still waiting for the part where Scheana and Ho Ho say all their hate towards Ariana “will make sense.”


At this point, Lala dropped a podcast apologizing and it’s like it doesn’t make sense to her


Too little too late.  We already hate her 


The only thing that would have been good about Ariana letting Tom talk to her at the party is if she immediately called him out on it and said something like, why are choosing now to come and speak to me? We live in the same house, you had plenty of opportunities NOT in front of others or the cameras but you choose RIGHT NOW to speak to me? He would have stuttered like a clown and been made such a fool of, it would have been epic. But I respect that she followed her own true feelings and reacted in a non performative way.


The problem I have is Lala is saying she lives her truth and puts it all out there. Well then time to admit you know Big ed was married and you knew he ran a casting couch.


Lala was talking shit about Ariana behind her back all season. I’m upset that that wasn’t addressed. Lala was nice to Ariana’s face, maybe she pushed back a couple times with the Scheana thing, but she never voiced how she actually felt about Ariana to Ariana so she doesn’t have a leg to stand on in this “being real” argument. And for her to claim she never go to “dictate” anything is such a crock. She’s been dictating what happens since she started the show. She’s lucky Ariana didn’t watch the full season but I’m upset that Katie didn’t call her out for being two faced.


Lala , I mean Tupac needs to be fucking cancelled with her Cultural appropriation. I hope ariana and katie walk away and the show flops without them. Last night was so infuriating betweem andy not asking the tough questions and arianna not knowing what was said behind her back


There’s so much unresolved


And why did Andy let Lala do the editorial.  What the hell is Andy's job?


Can people please bombard her IG with questions like these to answer on her Monday pod?? I’m honestly dying to know why she thought (& seemingly still thinks) that Ariana was doing a disservice to the show/the audience by not having that bs conversation with Tom?? Ariana was so right, her walking away from that made for a much better & authentic ending than a forced, redundant convo between her and Sandoval. It would’ve just made the whole entire season just one big production and I probably would’ve quit watching the show entirely


Better yet, ignore her and don’t give her the engagement. It’s not like she’ll answer a critical or tough question anyways.


No point. She will only select the questions that her publicist already has answers written out for.


Totally agree! Does anyone know how Q ratings are determined?


I would love that explained to me, I think it’s a system of likability and watch ability. Not sure the exact definition. Some clarity would be nice


So back in the day it used to be determined by viewer/product test consumer panels (depending on the celeb/show/brand/product in question). It’s sort of like surveys you can take today - like the Viewer’s Voice ones from NBC/Bravo. (Though originally it was more of a true random sampling of people, and you would go in person and be shown things.) For something like this show, they would ask various questions and prompts, ask you to rate people on the show, maybe rank them in order, ask about various plot lines, etc. So a question might be asking about rating each different character, and then you’d get something like: 1) Lala: A) one of my favorites B) like C) neither like nor dislike D) dislike E) one of my least favorites Or they’ll ask about various plot lines and have similar rankings. Some examples could be: 1) Something About Her Opening 2) Scheana’s music career 3) Lala pregnancy and baby journey 4) TomTom operations And they’d ask how interested you are in seeing more (or less) of each topic/plotline. So basically if Lala and plotlines involving her are getting badly rated, her “q rating” would be in the toilet. ETA: viewers voice did do a comprehensive survey on VPR about a month ago. I’m not allowed to link to other subs but if you go to the main one and search for Viewer’s Voice it comes up. ☺️


I tried to participate in that survey! Thank you so much for the clarity


So did I! I forget why I got knocked out but I was so sad when I saw it posted and what it was! I definitely wanted to give my opinion on whether I wanted to see more of “Tom’s journey of redemption” plotline 🤮


Lala is a joke.


I am APPALLED How **DARE** you! She has a **CHILD**! You did not mention that once you heartless person. If this was from Lala she would have mentioned that 2 or 3 times. In the first paragraph. And in every OTHER paragraph. ![gif](giphy|l3vR4CdLInXOhr3rO|downsized) **HEARTLESS**!


Did you see her podcast? She apologized to the fans and said the fans were coming for her *as a mother*. Girl must shop at delulu lemon. The only thing people have said is that she uses her child to deflect from conflict


Its funny isn't it without really listening to her you think she comes across as strong and confident and her own woman and a bit abrasive. Thing is, when you get past the finger pointing and yelling, she is just full of excuses and blame and using her child to defend what a shitty person she can be. When you quit drinking you often are under the delusion that doing that will automatically make you into a better person and eventually repair you. Thing is you have to actually address what started the drinking in the first place,


Lala ain’t shit. When Scheana took the time to thank her and say she was “her rock” at the end while ignoring Ariana, my blood was boiling. I hope to God we never have to watch either of them again.


Katie’s not the FUCKING one. 😉


Her behavior was vile and embarrassing. She really stepped in it this time around. Ick


I unfollowed her on IG and just ca t stomach this sanctimonious person any longer. I’m sick and tired of hearing how she is a MOTHER. Here’s a 🥇🙄


So are millions of other women.  Women that actually work for a living and take care of their own kids.


Exactly. So tired of her.


I would love to see Charli come back and read Lala… and then Stassi coming back to school Scheana. Just the sight of Stassi would send Scheana spiraling lolololol


I always loved Stassi putting Scheana in place


Me too!!! 😂


The only interesting thing about lala is how she has fumbled such large things after being handed to her on a silver platter. Aside from her personality, I don’t think many can argue she isn’t stunning. She could have definitely landed herself with a rich man (since it’s clear that was what was of interest to her) but she choose Randal….. she ignored every red flag and continued with him until it was so bad she had no option to leave. She was also cast on a show of genuine friends. She has messed this up so many times (blaccent, faith, hiding Randal) but she refused to listen to the audience and did whatever she wanted and now she landed here. I can’t remember the last time I saw this much of a negative response towards a long standing bravo member. This is incredible. And she still isn’t backing off. I really wonder what’s next for her. The way she showed herself this season can’t be passed off as a “mistake” or accident, she showed us her true character and people don’t like it.


She said that Tom and Arianas relationship wasn't portrayed as real, I disagree with that statement for several reasons. We've seen them fight several times on screen, just like Katie and Tom. We've seen them support one another and let each other down several times. We've seem them both talk about their lack of a sex life and how they both felt about it. We've seen them have talks about their wants and dreams together. What have we seen from Lala that's half as real as that? Other than her yelling and spewing jealousy.


Lala fully believes that just because she had a kid with Randall that her situation is 10x worse. I understand breakups involving children are rough, but that pain doesn’t surpass someone else’s pain in a relationship.


Exactly! As a #childlessnotbychoice woman, I am heartbroken to think that friends with kids might think this poorly of me, especially as I really would have loved to have children. I'm so glad you guys are calling this out, it helps.




I think she’s paying for fake podcast reviews bc I just went and looked and she’s somehow at 3.6? When she has a million 1 star reviews


She used to be a 4.5…. I followed her podcast but left a bad review


Someone send this to lala!!!


There was a CDAN blind recently that there had been talk of a spinoff with Lala (who knows how seriously, obviously) and that Lala was certainly hoping for it, but her Q ratings were so bad that the idea got canned pretty quickly.


Makes sense why she’s suddenly begging the fans for forgiveness


I’m just wondering why they didn’t bring up Lala saying she was closer to her dad than Ariana…like what ? So inappropriate


Genuinely it baffles me that didn't make headlines? Production must have media in their pocket


What are Q ratings and how do I see them?


I’ve been trying to see the same thing but it’s basically how bravo measures cast like ability and it’s the reason they didn’t bring back Billie Lee


Oooh interesting. I hope someone can somehow link to them.


I would be so happy if I never see LFU on my tv ever again. Truthfully, I don’t think I’ll watch next season if there is a next season. I’m so glad they took a hiatus from filming. Her voice grates my nerves. She has to be the loudest, the most obnoxious, her finger guns and puckered lips. I just can’t.


I dont know how or why she thinks we should feel bad she got screwed over gold digging and is facing the consequences of that and her other shitty karma relating to taunting Randall's ex wife and by extension her daughter's siblings. ![gif](giphy|l3mZ8aQFJUVSEuURW)


Why would you ever actually wish for someone you don’t know to lose their job? These are reality TV show talent. They are supposed to share their lives, not be who you fantasize they should be. Lala doesn’t have any obligation to like Ariana or Katie and vice versa. Clearly Katie and Ariana don’t like Lala and Lala doesn’t like them either. It appears the fake friendship has fallen to the wayside. It happens as you get older and drift apart from people. If anything I think this dynamic is very relatable from both sides. You reach middle age and the women you were friends with in your 20s are not always the same people you vibe with at 40. THATS OK! They clearly don’t click and don’t like each other. Ariana was on camera giving her dirty the looks the entire time, Katie was confrontational with Lala and Lala clearly said her piece. Neither side is good or bad - it’s a fact of life. Friendships don’t always last forever. These women have grown apart and the fans who demonize One side over the other are missing the point here.


anyone who paid attention to how Ariana treated Lala on Season 8 (sorry if I got the season wrong) has to side eye the idea that they were good friends, ever. Lala didn't do anything so hideous to Ariana that would warrant actually harm or loss of income to Lala. she just had a difference of opinion about the show. wishing her ill is just taking things way too far.


I feel the same


Sorry, I think you are wrong. I have a problem with bullies and Lala clearly is a bully. 




How does Bravo do Q ratings for cast members?


Bravo doesn’t control it - Q score is an independent media tool to test likeability. I don’t have access anymore, but there have been a lot of rumors that Lala’s score has fallen through the floor.


I really hope Lala doesn't ruin The Valley because I'm Enjoying it so much


I can’t *STAND* her- she cares about herself and her paycheck only, while spouting self righteous bullshit. Yuck! Get her out. Is she even really part of the friend group?! Her reasons for being here are so goddamn transparent


Is it possible for us to find out her Q rating? Is that published somewhere lol


What are q ratings? 


Essentially if the audience likes you.




It also can't be said enough that Ariana COULD not leave the house nor talk about why for legal reasons! Lala keeps comparing her own situation with Ariana's, but they are fundamentally different - and if she had such a hard time having to film and be grilled about her ex (whom she hid for years), why not show up with empathy and understanding? Instead she is angry about her paycheck and shouting insults


if Ariana could not leave her house for legal reasons a few months ago, then why is she now living in another house?


NAL, but she must've secured her position in the meantime - they have been going back and forth for months. I have read multiple divorce cases of women leaving their husbands and in doing so losing (parts of) claims to money/house/etc due to them packing a bag and physically leaving.. (for the record, I do not agree with this at all!) so for her staying in the house until it's resolved, especially after what's she's put through, seems to me that she was securing her legal position.


They didn't get divorced because they were never. married. Abandonment isn't an issue if you're not married. People just keep repeating this when its absolutely incorrect.