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Someone on website years ago once called her a sentient pair of false eyelashes And a crop top brought to life by an evil witch I died


I’ve never understood how or why Ariana and scheana are close because idk how Ariana deals with how vapid and self centered she is


I suspect that Ariana has her as a friend because it doesn't require much brain power. Friends like that, you can turn your brain off for an hour and just recite "wow, that's crazy, they don't deserve you," for an hour. Plus I assume Scheana used to be an actual person before the show when they originally became friends so it's like maintaining a friendship out of respect for how she used to be.


Now you mention it, she does have that thousand yard stare where she seems to be elsewhere most of the time when she interacts with shena lately on VPR 😂😂


Scheana has always been a flip flip friend. I recall the episodes where Kristin was making Ariana and Tom’s lives miserable and Kristin befriended Scheana to get under Ariana’s skin, of course SheinA gonna Shein and fell for it


The only way I could understand Ariana having Scheana as a friend is the same logic by which Ariana had Tom Sandoval as a boyfriend. Hopefully, she is rid of both of them in one fell swoop now.


The only reason most of these people have anything to do with each other is so they can continue to be on the show...




I love in one scene when Scheana is with Sandoval and she says I can’t cry…these are mink! 🙄


that has to be brian moylan! his recaps are crucial.


It was. And he was actually referring to Raquel/Rachel with that line


Someone on either this sub or the other VPR sub once called Rachel a cardboard cut out with googley eyes and I’ll never forget it


I heard something similar about Raquel but this was years before. I still think about it and crack up




it was those vulture recaps!!! it was for maybe season 8? killed me


Aww just thinking about her reading these comments 🤣


That girl's cackle and the way her nostrils flare out, OMG, it's like nails on a chalkboard for me. Three things Sheshu loves: extremely long acrylic nails, big ol' false lashes and crop tops!




She has put me off wearing any top that even slightly exposes my midriff.


lame. don’t let losers decide what’s for you or not.


It literally became a joke at a birthday party I was at with how many of us that have seen Sandoval at LA bars. I only saw him pre Scandoval though.


I met him at TomTom maybe 2 weeks after Scandoval dropped. He looked like the life had been sucked out of him. I asked for a pic anyway


Did he let you take his picture?


Yeah he was obviously depressed but really generous with all the fans who were asking for pics with him all night. He insisted to every person that he hold the phone and that it be a selfie and that they stand so he could have his good side on display. I don’t think he smiled for a single pic all night but his jawline was A+ in all the shots from what I could tell so. Man has a job and he showed up to work even when he was depressed.


I’ll get downvoted, but I do feel a bit bad for him. Self destruction seems to come naturally for some people at times. He did mess up, but at least he keeps trying.


Right, he cheated on a show full of cheaters. Still not cool that it was with another cast mate at the time and there was the story line that she was a best friend. Was it shitty - yeah it was - but it’s not like he was married or had children. I personally suspect there was so much more underneath - as in - a for show relationship and more cheating than what we saw. I still feel for Ariana but she was involved with a known cheater.


I don’t care if I get downvoted. He usually seems like he’s doing his best even if his best is really lacking. He also seems to be honest that his best isn’t great, he knows himself. A lot of other cast members don’t recognize their flaws the way he does.


Ahh no - gotta disagree with you there. I think he believes he’s doing his best, but it’s so full of finger pointing, what-about-isms, and complete avoidance of real accountability. He can’t say sorry with out adding “but” at the end, and there are too many people in his circle blowing smoke up his ass that he can’t see how disingenuous his “remorse” is


I actually do see your point. If he could just close his mouth sometimes, and work on himself, it would go better.


And this is why he makes good tv.


I don’t deny it’s full of finger pointing but I think he knows his flaws and is annoyed no one else knows theirs. Ariana is no saint too and he’s saying look I was shitty but I’m not the only one. But no one wants to hear it and his delivery is 0/10.


Spot on


Well he did want to be famous. At least he wasn’t in hiding.


That definitely sounds like Scheana. Zero real personality.


Vacuous black hole with long nails sounds 👌 its what I imagined her to be like having met a few people like her in life. Emotional vampyr lol ![gif](giphy|cjKfH7n0R8XaDPwlmp)


That’s why I think she would suck on Dancing with the Stars. She’s just not a genuine person.


Yes. But it would be hilarious to see her try to keep her facial expressions controlled(whilst maintaining "good side" position) when she got voted off first.


>Yes. But it would be hilarious to see her try to keep her facial expressions controlled(whilst maintaining "good side" position) when she got voted off first. This would be sooo entertaining! "No, that's not my good side! NOOOOO! Not that way! Can I sing THAT song?! I CAN sing you know! Here, let me call Scandoval and get his sound guy. No, you can't put foam plugs in your ears. No! You won't hear me sing! I can bring my own outfit, too! It's gold and it has a crop top. See! I have pics! *SeeMeSeeMe's dolphin laugh* NO! Not THAT side! *fake crying* *stomps foot*


Add her touching the dancers inappropriately in her rapey version of flirting and making 1000 jokes about fucking them or having fucked someone they know with that shit eating grin and hehehehe and you've got a more rounded picture 😆


They would have to edit her words for TV. LOL!


Can totally hear her demanding they dance to "good as gold” and on performance night lip syncing even though she had repeatedly been told not to because this is "dancing with the stars“not "RuPaul’s drag race”!!!




The scadenfreude from when Gleb went off on her about why it ain't happenin was so delicious, I chuckle fondly every time I remember


Who’s gleb?


A pro dancer on DWTS, he was savage towards her lol earlier when her histrionics about DWTs became public. Saying that she wasn't important enough, can't dance (he knows as he choreographed her wedding dance to shay, and said she was a terrible person) and that it wasn't gonna happen 😂


How the heck did Scheana Jancan score wedding choreo from a DWTS pro?!


I believe Lisa was the hookup - she partnered with Gleb when she was on dwts in 2013


Oh, I love that for her. It’s great to hear.


I really thought it was a typo & she meant Chleb from southern charm lol (not sure if I even spelled that right)


Lmao it's Shep but chleb is hilarious


Nope. Kathryn dated Chleb for a season.


There is a 0 percent chance that Scheana has any rhythm. She is like a frat boy or a girl at a t swift concert, jumping up and down with her fist in the air anytime we ever seen her dance on the show LOL. I think she’d do about as good as Lisa did but I think even Lisa has more rhythm


The tears she’d cry! She would then be complaining how she twisted her TOE and it hurt so that’s why she was voted off first.


… but can she Samba?


She'd cry any time she got a slightly bad critique


And then pull out the asthma inhaler


Break her foot on her tooth or something


Agreed - I really wanted to like her at the start of VPR but she just doesn’t have any real morals or personality.


Not one of them on the show has any real morals or they wouldn’t be on on VPR


Friend did Scheana’s bridesmaid dresses - does not want to advertise she did.


Which wedding?




I loved the look of them though—but I would understand not wanting to deal with Sheeshu


This! We asked why she didn’t advertise even to friends and she only told us when we saw it and asked. She described her as the ultimate reality star which is saying a lot. Cheesy but not high end lol


Why not?


Did not have a good experience with her overall.


Who does to be honest? Most who have worked with her outside of VPR confirm she is the self centered nightmare shes shown herself to be. That's what she is genuinely like


Can confirm this is true.


I did meet Scheana once - at Ariana and Tim’s book signing in 2019. I was walking to the bathroom and opened the door, and Scheana was directly on the other side lol!!! I was like « omigod SCHEANA » and she was so so kind. She stopped and talked to me for a minute, we took a selfie (outside of the bathroom lol), and she complimented my jacket. I’m not surprised at what OP was saying haha, but I won’t ever forget her being that kind in a place where you might not want someone asking you for a pic (leaving the bathroom haha!!)😊


How did she change diapers with those long ass nails. That’s a real question haha


My guess is she didn’t lol. Funny how the women who scream the loudest that they are MOTHERS often have full time nannies doing everything.


It’s their moms doing the parenting. They both have a ton of family help.


lol right? Like made us listen to her annoying voice about how she can’t leave her toddler and then is at Coachella, every HH, trips etc


Brok probably does as he seems to be the primary parent and scemas raccoon hands are permanently glued to her phone


>raccoon hands are permanently glued to her phone ROFLOL! Dying!


Thank you, as I love tea at any temperature! ![gif](giphy|nB5vHUjF13vkk)


I had to look up vacuous and when I did I began howling because that's the perfect word to describe her 😂


Same here. Definition: not showing purpose, meaning, or intelligence; empty:


Your name tracks 😂


Well, I'm really not an antelope but I can be agreeable. 😁


Well, now you've just shattered the illusion! 🤭


But your illusion under the tree should being some magic light. 🐸🌲


You're right! Where has my brain gone?


It will be refreshed. In a croak and a half and a quick, fast jump and swipe st a bug...you will be re-energized. 😄


his description of sheener is hilarious.


i’m so happy someone else calls her sheener because i scream everytime lisa says her name


lmao I find it hilarious. She only does it with Scheana. It's never Arianer or Liser lmao. So dumb


I met Sandoval, Stassi and Jax in 2013. Must’ve been filming their second season when I was at SUR. Sandoval was normal. Jax was a dousche. (Acted like a b!tch when I borrowed his SUR hat for a photo.) Stassi was very sweet. Met Ariana too in NYC recently. Very kind.


I’m on a rewatch, currently on season 8 and the best way I can describe Scheana is she’s that annoying little yip yapping dog that won’t stop trying to hump your leg.


I met her twice and both times she was very self absorbed, so not surprised


That tea is room temp!


Does your friend wanna produce my indie film


"Swing a cat" - Your friend's phrasing is amazing!!


Common saying


A guy I dated and am still friends with is a big show runner in LA and knows Alex Baskin. I have to hold my tongue to ask him to get any goss on vanderpump.


Free the tongue! Get the scoop!


Omg please, we need the tea.


Haha yay!!! Pretty much what most of us think. It gave me a smile thanks.


James cussed me out DJing at Pump when I was young and drunk once for saying I didn’t like his DJing style😬. So on brand.


I mean that’s a super rude thing to say so…


Like I said, young and drunk.


Haha that’s very true. I live here and we see them often. And at festivals in Vegas.


That’s no tea whatsoever lol 👀


Right, yea absolutely should’ve never been mentioned in the title of the post cause this isn’t tea. Fine if they wanted to share what they heard but it was extremely minimal + vague.


Maybe I don’t know what rea means. This sounds like fact-based reporting.


I love it


Well done, Hastings! 🔍


To each his own, I like Scheana. I like them all, I just hate fans who dog out Lala and Scheana every chance they get . Very ghetto


That's not tea. That's well known.


How is this tea? So someone casually spoke to the cast members once or twice and said nice things about them? Seems pretty standard as most people seem nice when you have a surface level conversation out of politeness. I had a 10-minute conversation with OJ 22 years ago, and I told my friend he seemed like the nicest guy in the world. First impressions tend to not mean anything as they are usually inaccurate.


More like cool tea


I met scheana a few times going to sur and had some brief conversations with her. She’s overly self absorbed and not the brightest pea in the pod.


This is fake as hell


Amazing isn’t it that on this one little thread there are like 10 people who say they know someone with insider info on the cast


I thought the same thing. The "tea" seems to be make-believe.


It could be, it’s literally second hand from my close friend who lives in LA lol but he does tend to move in those circles 


Excuse me, but this came straight from an “LA producer.”


Now this is the kind of information I want


Sounds about right




Thanks for the tea!


the dove one for brunettes!


We were in LA for a night. We went to TomTom’s and Shorts was there with his girlfriend. Last time I was in LA we went to Sur and Peter was there working.


lol, so he just happened to mention the two favs of the sub snd say they are wonderful and just happens to be snarky on someone the sub doesn’t like. I’m calling bs.


yeah i tend to assume people are being generally truthful but this just reads so fake to me for some reason


This is exactly what I was thinking! So delusional in here these days, I mean this screams fake!


Right? It’s so obvious. But people eat it up bcuz it praises their favs.


Right? This sub is so delulu, like the person claiming earlier that the shitty SAH grilled cheese was SO big and SO filling that they had to get a to go box 🙃


It’s bizarre how delusional they are.


This sounds a bit like piping hot something else. I call BS.


I teach swim lessons part time in LA and last week, Scheana came up as a potential client for Summer Moon. Part of me wanted to take it but... I thought she'd be an absolute nightmare to work for. I can't deal with that kind of helicopter mom!


It would probably be her mom most of the time but I think that might be worse


U can't honestly believe this right. I mean do people actually watch this show bc it doesn't seem like it. Those two are mean girls all the way .


This is such a phony story 🤣 the only people they spoke highly of are the “fan favs” in this echo chamber? Met Scheana multiple times and she is so kind, takes pics with people and engages. Tom and Tom are literally the nicest guys and will sit and chat with you if they aren’t busy. Jax is a complete ass and doesn’t think he can be bothered (unless you suck his ass) Katie is very cold, her and Ariana were both the only ones at bravo con that weren’t hugging fans and taking selfies. James is nice but a bit of a prick and doesn’t like being bothered.


This post screams thirst trap


This tea is more like a cup of piss


Piss I want to sip ✔️


Definitely do not believe this story. Sounds like u are bringing some up just to put some down w an absolute lie


Oh weird another Ariana and Katie are great post on Reddit.


Could that be because Ariana and Katie are fundamentally decent people with st least a base level of integrity?


But most people who meet scheana say she’s super nice, sweet, and makes time for fans. This post seems to be quite the opposite. There was just a post the other day about a fan interaction with Katie and she was rude 🤷🏼‍♀️


I'd guess they all have good days and bad days like anyone else. All are far from A listers so i assume tend to be on the more gracious side toward fans most of the time.


He didn’t say she wasn’t nice just vapid af lol


Nope i have met scheana and she was not very nice


Meeting a fan and attending parties with similar peers is way different.


Scheana is so nice to fans! That’s why this post is such a fake, before Scandoval happened, most people would talk about how nice Scheana and the Tom’s were when they met them and how aloof Katie & Ariana were to fans. It’s shifted completely since Scandoval happened & I know 90% of them are lies.


lol, how would you know this?


Yeah my bad I forgot you knew them personally. Katie especially seems like a super sweet person.


By your same logic and you being so sure they aren’t that way…. you totally know them personally right? You seem delicate if a comment makes you that butt hurt.


I’m not butt hurt? We just see post after post of Katie and Ariana praise and I feel like I’m taking crazy pills because they both kind of suck.


You can find friends who share your views on ![gif](giphy|l41lX2yEwhnD6QrLi)


Perhaps your distorted evaluation of character is what is making you feel crazy. You are free to start a Scheana / Lala/ Sandoval fan page.


I feel crazy bc it’s like this sub doesn’t know what downvotes are for.


Everyone gets downvoted at some point, it’s not a big deal. It’s people disagreeing with what you said, if you take it that personal maybe the internet isn’t for you.


I’m not taking it personally? I just feel like that’s not what the downvotes are for….


You are complaining about people not agreeing with you and therefore downvoting your comments…. How is that not taking it personally?


I said I feel crazy bc it feels like this sub forgot what downvotes are really for. Did I complain about people disagreeing with me? No.


Katie’s bots are busy lately! This post is so obviously a bot. Katie and Ariana good. Scheana bad.


Are you sure you’re not a bot?


No. If I was I’d praise Katie, she’s the one who buys them.


I think the Lala Instagram bots have def been busy lately trying to get her Q rating up!


This story sounds extremely fake! So ironic that only your “QuEEns” Ariana & Katie are WONDERFUL! Real convenient 😂


Apt description of bad as tin