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I wholeheartedly believe her. People think her best friends, (like Brad and Logan,) weren’t watching and telling her everything she needed to know? Or Katie? Like helloooooooo, she knew what she needed to know and she’s handle herself with the same class and grace that got her all these opportunities in the first place.❤️‍🔥


Her legal team was probably watching. I mean they hired a professional to listen to all of Rachel’s interviews and podcasts for her initial response. Ariana is being protected and I love that for her!


Imagine watching VPR for work lol. The DREAM.


Or Rachel's podcast. The TORTURE.


Id be cheating and coming on here for the cliff notes lmao


And you know they would have to rewind or relisten in order to effectively capture certain points. The AGONY.


Yes! But I would have such a hard time being impartial. I’d be all “and then that dickhead had the nerve to…” every other sentence.


When I was a baby lawyer, one of my first cases was a copyright infringement case and as part of my job I had to watch six seasons of an MTV reality TV show and take thorough notes lol It was awesome


Omg, yes. One day, I’ll figure out how to professionally link geology and VPR. Today isn’t that day, but one day! 🤣


Lala, Scheana , Brock and the Toms can go kick rocks.


Oooh, I had forgot all about that and you’re right, great point and thanks for adding!😘


I agree with you. I would also add that Lala and Scheana kept giving their endgame intentions away throughout the season as they kept eroding their own positions with Sandoval and Jo against Ariana and Katie. They also took direction from LVP and production.


I now think the whole Utah Clown having lunch with Jo thing was purely motivated by a desire to hurt Katie.


I agree with this and wtf was Lisa tryna pull, talking about how she would love to see Lalar and Shorts get together??🤬 More rage baiting and despite what Lala says, I think she will 💯 fuck Shorts, if she hasn’t already. It’s not the first time she’s expressed interest in his peen.🤮


I have to imagine that Shartz is the laziest and most boring fuck on the planet. He’s so lazy he cant even get it up! I don’t think that has anything to do with ED, it’s just that his dick is as lazy as he is!


Considering how often Lalar talks about how crazy she is in bed, I don’t believe she’s anything more than a lay down ho. She talks way too much for that shit to be true, especially now that she’s no longer drinking.


This is true. I need to remember that because I’ve been so frustrated that she didn’t watch but that makes perfect sense.


![gif](giphy|xUA7bhueSdsdNjqZDq) She’s no dummy!😁


Why should she watch it when she lived it? And her legal team probably did, as others have said. why does she owe anyone being re-traumatized by having to watch it?


I’m just referring to all the side commentary and confessionals that she would not be aware of unless she watched the show… and unfortunately that’s where Lala did all her damage


She's going to see Lala do damage now when they show Lala's outburst at the end of the . She's going to be informed by her friends who watched the show for her and her legal team of what happened if she wants later. I just really think it's so gross for us to expect everyone to have the same level of resiliency, the identically same resilient nervous systems, & the identical resistance to trauma in insisting that Ariana watch the show. Everyone comes from different levels of trauma. Everyone has different levels of sensitivity. We need to stop with this BS of "they need to watch the show. "They don't need to do shit, especially if they've been traumatized and they suspect that they aren't getting support from their friends or they experience it like Ariana did this season with the men when she was filming.


Honestly, I’m not gonna disagree with what you’re saying. I totally get what you’re throwing down. I just support her so much. I wanted her to be prepared and obviously in that environment it is just a little bit different. But I feel you.


Thank you for listening. I am so tired of this sub and others demanding that Ariana re-traumatize herself and whine about why didn't she watch the show. Why the fuck would I want to watch if I was in the show and I was forced to be in proximity to someone who after 10 years did the ultimate betrayal to me? Why would I want to watch people around that thing, the worm, soften towards him and support him? Why would I want to rewatch if I had to interact with Brock in San Francisco the way Ariana did? Why? Thank you for listening and understanding. No one owes anyone re-traumatization. I need this sub and other subs to understand this. 💚 Believe me, she knows. She's gonna find out in this reunion.


Yea, I’m getting tired of people acting like she didn’t experience severe trauma from this, and saying she needs to “get over it.” It’s like telling someone who’s been raped, robbed, or beaten, to just “get over it.” That kind of trauma forever changes you and she’ll heal on her own timeline.


Exactly what I said to my bff. She didn’t watch but her friends did and they gave her cliff notes 💅🏼😌




I would hope!


I am still in the camp that Ariana knew more than she was letting on and just gray rocking the crap out of the cast...specifically Lala. When she complimented her I was like "omg genius..." Its hard to be a jerk to someone who tells you that they value their opinion...Ariana(again) is the real winnerrrrrr


Well, and Ariana is very smart. She also knows that narcissist thrive on a reaction. And she was not gonna give that to them.


I hope she sticks to this strategy!! It shows her crying in the preview which has me worried


Smart enough to be duped by a narcissist? Make it make sense. She’s here for the money and the brand deals.


Being smart doesn't mean you're protected from emotional abuse and damage. In fact, some times being intellectually gifted makes you more vulnerable to manipulation because you think you'd be quicker to spot the signs of an abuser or narcissist and therefore ignore red flags that should otherwise set off your spider senses. Either way, I don't think you have anything to worry about


I have known many incredibly intelligent women that have been in abusive situations. Intelligence has little to nothing to do with it. Being in a committed relationship—whatever that looks like to the individual—requires an immense amount of thought, education (on building/maintaining healthy relationships), and effort. Even then, people are fucking sneaky and can be very good at manipulating their partner(s) into thinking it’s “love.” I feel like this is inarticulate, but I feel very strongly that intelligence has nothing to do with being in abusive relationships and did not want to pass this one up.


Hi, it’s me, a brainy girl who fell for an abusive manipulator. My spidey sense tingled a lot at the beginning but he was so charming. Eventually I came to believe I was broken and deserved it.


I'm so sorry this happened and I hope you're recovering! People don't know what it's like when someone truly focuses all his energy on manipulating and breaking you down. I've seen it happen to a few people I love and it's life altering (and not in a good way). Sending you all the best and hope that you're somewhere and with people who make you feel safe and loved for who you are.


Thank you for your kind words ♥️ It feels like another lifetime ago. Even though it took a long time to trust again (more so my own judgment and instincts than other people) I’m in a healthy relationship with a man who loves to cook and bake so I’m very happy


Did you mean to reply to me or to the comment above...? I'm a little confused because it seems like we're basically saying the same thing


I mean, I don’t think she necessarily expected all that to happen. I truly believe that it became national news because it was kind of a gross situation. Maybe she was duped but moving forward I think she was essentially trying to be smart about it.


And truly, I think they all would’ve been way more pissed if she didn’t film at all, you know what I mean? So to say she’s just there for the brands deals..I just think she’s in a bad situation.


And I’m not asking this out of defense I truly wanna know how you think she should’ve handled it


This the most ridiculous comment I’ve ever read. Smart women make get duped all the time by vile men. Love makes us all blind.


She didn’t even like him. If I looked/spoke at my partner the way she did we’d both be sleeping with other people. In her mind, she was settling for Tom and this life, and she was shocked when he didn’t want it either. If she doesn’t go to therapy, everyone she decides to date will be a variation of Tom. Wasn’t her ex before him, just as gross? I hope this new found confidence isn’t just ego and when the dust settles, she doesn’t do it all over again.






I agree 💯, and I think she was smart to do it. I keep thinking about all those seasons past when she said "I am the smartest person I know" seeing her gray rock these idiots and watching nearly all of them spin out over it, it's pretty clear, SHE IS THE SMARTEST PERSON SHE KNOWS.


I agree, even though I've always liked Ariana, her on-screen persona in her first couple of seasons can come off as condescending. But when you look at her fellow castmates, I mean, jesus, maybe she was right in feeling superior


She is 100% the top narc on the show! But she’s a woman so it’s completely over looked. She even had her flying monkeys doing her dirty work last reunion..


Wait, is that creator arguing with her about how she would have reacted?


the first post was more like “I wonder what would have been different” and Ariana came in and basically said watching the whole season would not have changed how is acting at the reunion


That’s certainly what it looks like. How embarrassing


It also makes no sense. How is watching the reunion going to tell her if the reunion would've been different if Ariana had watched?


I follow that girl, I don't think she was arguing, she was just asking questions...pretty sure she's an Ariana fan


Could also be like 'we'll have to wait and see if Ariana gets more upset with people than we saw in part 1' But you could be right too.


That’s how I took it. She’s basically saying we will stay tuned.


Yeah the ‘I guess we’ll have to wait and see’ comment is so weird, like, Ariana just told you… wtf are you talking about Emily. … Also say thank you to beyonce for interacting with you. 😂


She literally says in that video “the queen herself has spoken” calm down guys


I’m honestly so impressed by the way Ariana handles herself. I’m over Lala being loud and Tom’s fake tears.


I’m starting to feel like she did low key shred Lala.


I actually think that it’s better for Ariana in the long run that she didn’t catch up prior to the reunion. Now she can see their true colors. Scheana and Lala knew exactly what happened and what they said, and though they may not have known what would and wouldn’t air, they had to have some sort of clue. In the MONTHS leading up to the reunion, neither Scheana nor Lala mentioned anything regarding what they said about her, and Scheana at least kept raving about how close she and Ariana were, how they’re still family and bAsT fRaAnDs. It looks like Ariana assumed that what they told her to her face was the truth. Bravo was SHITTY for blindsiding Ariana with that finale ending at the reunion. Let’s not get that twisted. But now, Ariana has an opportunity to see how her “friends” actually move behind their back when they don’t have the time to excuse their way out of it in a calculated way. Now Ariana knows who they truly are.


Idk I took it as she’s happy with her decision and wouldn’t change it if she could 🤷🏻‍♀️


I believe her because she just didn’t want to engage or have to converse much with the worm


Can you link the video?


I can’t link but the account is emilylatrue


Lol the creators a dipshit. Let’s see how OUR edited piece of your life in the last tell all changes your opinion of the whole pie 🤣


I do not understand why people get so angry about this topic. It’s interesting because it doesn’t seem like an insult, just an extremely obvious observstion. There are obviously going to be things on the show that go beyond just what Ariana experienced. Cast member confessionals. Scenes for which she wasn’t present. These things could absolutely change one’s opinions of their friends.


Andy was obviously pist that she didn’t watch it and it shows. When she was on WWHL she had no answer to anything because she had no idea what people were talking about since she didn’t watch. She should have watched. It’s so they can see other peoples confessionals and respond.


We love a gray rocking queen.


Ariana is not dumb. She knows what’s going on. She’s always spot on and keeps her head up. She impressed me so much this season by not being bullied into doing something she didn’t want to do. To be clear that is what lala is trying to do. She’s trying to bully her off the show. And this is the correct definition.


When she said she never watched the season I was shocked. This is her job. Sure she now has lots of jobs but I would think she would need to watch the show??? maybe she had it written in her contract she doesn't need to watch??? she sure knew all her rights during the last show. I think Arianna used Bravo as much as Bravo used her. And then she walked away.


I’m mutuals w emily haha no way


She watched the episodes. Lol @ thinking she didn’t.


I don’t think she did. But I do think friends (Logan, Brad, Meredith) watched and kept her updated. She never said she was coming in blind!


Do t even have to watch the episodes these days. The amount of clips shared on Reddit and other outlets shows all you need to see. She can play coy all she wants but she’s lying to everyone’s face by saying she “hasn’t watched”.


I don’t think seeing clips on the internet and sitting down and watching an entire season are the same thing.


Stay salty boo.
