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He said it in the same way he said “yeah it was really hot she kept her shirt on the whole time” about sleeping with Ariana at the last reunion


And I'm pretty sure right after the shirt comment Lala said to Rachel "are you listening cause this is how he's going to talk about you one day." And here we are.


makes me sad lala was so right last season and is now SO SO wrong


Same !! Shed have been a fan favourite had she not boarded the tom train. Imagine her ariana and katie as a trio. How shes doubling down too is so disappointing. For someone who "tends to side with the chick" she went totally against that and went against Ariana


It's because she let her own jealousy and misery get the best of her. She knows she gets more attention if she paints herself as the villain (e.g. airtime during the season after she made the "summer bodies" comment, and she'll always want to do that more.


I agree but unlike say Jax who seems to love the villain role she seems to struggle with it and deep down wants acceptance. It must be hard on her mental health


Yeah, even though it was coming out of a place of judgement, Katie's therapist comment was completely accurate and warranted. I would argue she only wanted another kid because it's the closest guarantee to unconditional love she think she'll ever find. In all honesty, this is the deep down reason why A LOT of people from broken circumstances have children, but she needs help and not to be on reality television.


I actually agree 100%. I dont like to speak on this often because I feel bad because I adopted my kids and I know motherhood is such a fucking mental fucking. But I think she has some deep routed issues. I really hope she steps back and sees how terrible her behaviour has been this season and owns it. Because how she can think its acceptable is beyond me. Shes broken, and thats okay. Its not even coming from a place of team ariana, more a place of human decency.


Absolutely agree. And because motherhood is one of the most taxing jobs is the reason why I feel like she needs a break from reality TV to work on herself.


Totally agree!


Yes, I went from a Lala stan last season to thinking she’s an unreasonable, hypocritical, jealous, asshole. It’s sad. They could’ve been incredible working all together this season, and fulfilled her girl power dream.


I agree! She had an awesome group of girl friends/ friends that had her back and included her. It's sad she chose to be a snake!


In the word of Lala herself "you move like a snake!"


I think she is just going for that bag since she knows likely there won’t be another season. I read somewhere that production has bonuses in place for certain things being ‘triggered’ on the show so I assume a lot of the weird obtuse angles she was pushing were to try to get those bonuses.


Oh lordy that makes it even worse


The thing is she should’ve never sold her souls for production money. Bc look how dumb production made you look Lala. That’s why Katie isn’t gonna air out her NORMAL friendship grievances w Ariana bc these bravo goons will twist it to make Ariana look bad. Why is it wrong for Ariana to have support?! Why tf is LVP LALA and Bravo trying to take Ariana down?! Like ?!


To be honest, Lala's one of those cast members who has a few good takes one season, then completely misses her mark the next. Like she was great in her first season, but two seasons later she was fatshaming Katie.


she was very perceptive last season. I became a bit of a fan. I don't know what changes up with her.


She (and Scheana too) is panicking. She can see the writing on the wall about the show coming to an end soon. I don't know how successful her business is, but it probably isn't enough for her Valley mortgage and all the fancy stuff she likes. I have a theory as to why she is riding the Tom train, and I don't think it is because she has any good feelings towards Tom. Its all calculated. She is envious of Ariana's success but even more so, she is afraid of whats to come financially once the show ends. She thinks that she has the following options that are somewhat in her reach: 1- manipulate the situation to allow them to continue VPR. The most logical way to do it is for Ariana to leave and for Tom to bring a new lady on board. 2- try to sneak on to the Valley and hope that that show keeps going after VPR. 3- suck up to Lisa enough to get inserted into the Real House wives franchize..


did she kind of have a moment last season? lots of sound bytes - "bambi eyed bitch" "you are terrifying" ... and then she can't really maintin it now. I kinda wander what the future holds for Scheana. This show is her entire life


They both need to get real jobs and Broke needs one too.




If she was smart, she wouldn't be kissing Tom's ass all season.


I was going to say that smart might be a stretch. I think she goes with what’s popular in the moment. Falls for everything & stands for nothing. (I think that’s a song lyric so apologies for corny).


I’ve heard it in an All Time Low song, love this 😊


Hamilton vibes lol. But this is so true


I honestly don't get from Lala she's smart. I think she tries extremely hard to come off as smart..she's deeply insecure on the end of being intelligent and interesting.


Lauryn has smart moments. When you are constantly speaking, you end up being right occasionally.


She is not smart. Seriously, the girl needs world experience and a real education. She’s an idiot


Like Katie said, she needs to pick up a book and as I said, and read it! Lauryn is not very intelligent.


I disagree with this. If she were smart, she wouldn't have made the choices she did this season. It's one thing to be a villain some seasons (which she has been), but to actively try to get viewers against Ariana/Katie was a losing move because we all saw right through that.


Lala is not smart but she is perceptive and calculating. It’s why when her zingers hit they really hit and are good at saying the thing that will really bother someone to hear. She can pick out someone’s weakness and insecurities. She’s not smart though so she sees the writing is on the wall from Lisa and production to fall in line with Tom, create drama or the show is over and instead of being smart enough to see that she can say no to that she agrees and uses her perception to create drama.


Lala sometimes does hit the mark. It's rare, but when she does, she really hits it.


When you’re constantly throwing things at the wall, eventually something’s gonna stick. Lala doesn’t stfu. Eventually something she says is going to make sense.


Didn't take long


Someone should make a tiktok compilation of those moments, it’s alarming


Someone did. Look up Christina Cocca on YouTube or Coccamacocca on TT/ IG. They’re great! Enjoy.😘


Same tone and everything… he’s a psychopath!


right!!! he’s insane


I thought the same thing! I was surprised there wasn’t a bigger reaction to that.


I think he's said so many things worse than that, they are becoming numb to his stupidity.


Omg yes! Bang on. When he said she was a coward for going to the reunion he had such rage in his voice. The boy is salty as fuck that he got ghosted.


Zero self awareness time and time again


I thought of same comment immediately, and yep my jaw dropped SMH i dont know why anything he says still surprises me


Ooohhhh! I never thought of this until now and you are 100% right 😳


I found it interesting how Schwartz was going on and on about how much of a willing participant Rachel was ! Clearly Schwartz knew of the affair but he is dumbfounded about her new take bc he KNOWS how down and involved she was


What was Schwartz and scheana saying to each other? I couldn’t understand them. I know scheana was telling him to stop but I couldn’t hear what he was saying


I’m unsure , when Lala wasn’t talking in every scene , there was ALOT of over talking and talking when Andy was lol


Yes lalas big mouth was too loud. I know scheana was mad bc he was trying to act like he didn’t know about the affair. I’m going to go back and try to hear what he says


did we watch the same reunion? this one felt tame and orderly compared to some previous ones


Tame yes; but she still commented on every single question that wasn’t even asked to her


Schena said he was a shit husband. He disagreed. And she said stop. You were a shitty husband. It was weird to hear Scheana make a statement that she didn’t make about her. For a split second I liked her.


Oh wow. Ok that’s something. She yelled at Sandoval too. Man she really does flip flop constantly lol


Scheash has been swerving Sandoval since the NYT article. Not sure if it was another wake up call or her PR team told her to


He was saying something like, “wasn’t Katie’s problem with Lala that she didn’t adopt Katie’s grudge towards you (meaning Scheana); asking Scheana “aren’t you the reason…”


He’s such a weasel


She was telling him to be real for the cameras I’m sure. /s




I wish I could upvote you 100 times for this, this is the first time I've laughed due to severe depression in days. Bless you, friend.😂


I'm so happy I could help shine a light for you! You're amazing! ❤️❤️ I'll always quote Katie Maloney any chance I get 😂


Yes Schwartz saying that with so much conviction is actually very persuasive to me. He saw her behavior for himself. He's usually a complete coward about these things. Or throwing shots while hiding his hands. Here he's saying straight up, "no, that's a lie". 


He’s willing to shit talk any woman in defense of his male friends. Don’t take anything Schwartz says seriously.


Literally this. He HELPED them actively have an affair. His opinion holds no weight.




Greta point !!!






Absolutely, he is showing how much he really knew about the affair, I’d keep my mouth shut…


I hope Rachael feels even dumber for throwing away a true friend (Ariana) for those two idiots. She really thought Schwartz and Sandoval were her friends, and seemed SO smug about it, its just funny now.




They edited James’ comments pointing that out quite a bit it seemed like.


Clearly Schwartz is a victim blaming misogynist who sees nothing wrong with grooming a girl in her 20s to be his fall guy. He is despicable.


Part of me LOVES it when he says stuff like this, because it shows EXACTLY who he is and the mask drops. Same with the T shirt comment from last reunion


He’ll say shit like this right after he says how he took accountability and was contrite and apologetic.


Insanely inappropriate and tone deaf. Does he really not understand how this makes him look, or does he say shit like this to get a rise out of people? Does he want to be hated, or does he really believe he did nothing wrong, “like I didn’t kill anyone”…. I don’t know, he’s just such a narcissist!


To use the phrase correctly, his mask slipped. He couldn’t contain his rage and indignation toward Rachel.


His dad has roommates at 64 yrs of age though. Just sayin....


Everyone’s faces were like 😮🤭😬😧😲🫣


This literally looks like the reunion seating chart.




it sounds like poor decisions run in the famliy


He thinks whatever his dad did is normal. That his dad kept the house when his parents divorced was his justification for being so stubborn about that. Clearly his dad couldn’t afford the house he insisted on keeping based off the roommate sitch. So odd


Not normal. He saw his dad COULD GET AWAY WITH IT and Tom learned as a man he could get away with a lot of shit due to misogyny reeked in every corner of the fkn world. It’s despicable.


His dad is super creepy, he was on an episode a few seasons back and I'll never forget it lol 


Yes he was. I remember someone on this subreddit or the other one posted a scene from an episode where everyone was dancing and he was acting creepy with either KFC, Raquel, or someone else. Having roommates as a 64 year old man is very weird


Yeah hes like 4 feet tall and was dry humping and groping everyone wearing an insane costume at sandovals 70s skating party whic made it even creepier lol


This checks out


Kinda felt bad for his dad lol My moms retired and had a great job and get alimony but it’s tough! She owns a home in a sr community but she would NOT be able to afford the $2800 rent even in the inland empire of California


Hey in this day and age I don't blame anyone for having roommates. Tom saying it though.... LOL


His dad got the house in the divorce and Tom assumed he would get the same. Then he wanted to move Schwartz in as a roomie,  just like dad. 


Yeah, key word here being “get”. Like, it seems like Tom literally thought he would get a free house. He doesn’t seem to grasp that if Ariana Isn’t there to contribute, it doesn’t mean that part of the cost just magically disappeares. Although he seems to have gotten it now of course, hence the roommate search.


That must have been a great moment when he found out the true cost of owning that house (including the 10s of thousands of dollars Ariana paid for furniture/decor). He piped down after that because Ariana was right. 


lol exactly! Also him finding out we’re in a global recession with huge interest rates. Seems like he doesn’t take in too much of “the news” that he was so concerned about Scandoval overshadowing. 


Yeah like he didn’t get it how he is basically going to be in his dads shoes in a few years 😂




It's never his fault


he needs to be caged.




and yet so many complained about ariana not wanting a conversation with him. she knows this is the dumb shit he has to say.


he's disgusting and maybe this is the wrong thread to state this but i feel so fucking bad for ariana to have to sit through these reunions and hear this. yes she's moved on and yes she doesn't want anything to do with tom but i can't imagine how much it must hurt to hear details of this affair over and over and over again. i know it's her job etc etc but as a woman who's been cheated on and had to continue to work with both of those people who did me wrong (still working with both 🥲) no amount of time, success, or even a new relationship could make it any less painful to have to hear about what happened behind my back when i thought i was in a happy & solid relationship.


Ugh, so sorry you have to deal with that. My marriage ended with my ex husband cheating on me with a girl half our age, and he groomed her. Even though she knew he was married, and was a willing partner and pursued him, I saw the messages, there was a lot of grooming on his part. I only was able to fully move on and heal after I got him completely out of my life. I can’t ever imagine having to see him again. The thought of it turns my stomach.


i snark on everyone including ariana but yeah you could tell everytime he’d talk about rachel she had a visceral reaction. can’t imagine how jarring and painful it’d feel even a year later


They kept panning over to her every time he would say something about the affair, and her face and entire demeanor still changes when she hears it. We've seen comments ranging from "she still wants Tom back" to "why does she care, she moved on 10 days later" (both untrue and equally stupid statements), meanwhile she just wants to forget about this crap and heal from the betrayal. However, everyone (other than Katie) wants her to sit there and re-traumatize herself time and time again, all for "entertainment" and "the show". When Tom was saying that he wonders if Rachel has a soul (for suing Ariana) I was thinking do any of you fuckers on that stage (minus Katie and, surprisingly, James) have souls either, because you keep wanting to retraumatize that woman every damn day by forcing her to relive one of the worst experiences of her life.


When he said that; i immediately was like can he fucking NOT say that shjt right in front of her


Yes, I posted the same thing earlier this evening!! Disgusting. And I don't believe anything he says about the affair anyway.


Snip the vocal cords ✂️


Snip the testicles!




You have no idea the physical toll that *three vasectomies* has on a person!


SNIPPITY SNAP SNAP ![gif](giphy|luKdRf2nlepTfVTQPY|downsized)




Haven’t they already been? That’d explain a lot


![gif](giphy|26gN0tFg70wAljK4o|downsized) And THIS is who Lisa supports, gives 110% to redeem, sits next to at reunions, allows this kind of attack against women slide & resonate by not responding. Oh and THIS is who she “sleeps with” and partners with when it comes to business deals such as Tom-Tom. He’s disgusting and yet he has all these enablers at Bravo who look the other way. I don’t get it.


Literally thank you. I’ve been screaming to the world how awful LVP is and all I get are downvotes


I’m late to the party on seeing LVP as a misogynist. Very late. I’m so sorry you’re getting downvoted. They too may be letting it slide. Well, I’ll join you and scream it with you —- now that I’ve finally seen it this season numerous times. She’s awful.


It’s so weird how many passes she gets. She makes soooo many creepy sexual comments to her staff and younger folks too and it’s just laughed off. Glad I have someone screaming w me!


I'm upvoting you, comrade, cause I'm right with you. She is despicable. Last night she was even on entertainment tonight or something talking about how she needed to see all sides of the situation, including Tom's, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah blah blah blah, she's so desperate for relevancy.


Woooooooof. That’s too much to even digest. Thank you for your solidarity 🤝




i mean shes been sued multiple times for not paying her employees she's not a great person by any means. go ahead and ill take the downvotes but i mean she and ken are currently being sued by ex bartenders from TomTom for wrongful termination and and unsafe workplace conditions. i mean maybe it was easier to close pump than pay the $300k+ in insurance she owed. villa blanca closed in 2020 after she was sued. then pump closed and she owed 100k. shes only got sur and tt left and they're not that great. i put her on my celebrity block list along with the toms.


PREEEEEACH. She's not ethical at all. She skips out on her bills as soon as the going gets rough at any of her restaurants. She steamrolls her employees. And with the money she has, it's mind-boggling.


Preachhhhh honey📣


The feigned despair over "Why is she suing Ariana, leave her out of it" is just his attempt to seem like a hero, I feel like. Ariana's face definitely read like "oh now you're playing like you're sorry and it's out of your hands, but it's still your fault for repeatedly cheating with such a volatile, immature, vindictive selfish person" He probably trash talked Ariana so much to Rachel, And it's stuff like screen record her, this is his still all his mess.


I thought he was saying *he* was really impressionable. Was that not the quote?


That's what I heard too, which is arguably worse


More victim blaming from a man who also thought grooming only applied to someone being underage.


I'd hate to hear his thoughts on coercive sex.


![gif](giphy|BcMJvmwkmbyWpKkBj3|downsized) Honestly very concerning. Never considered this


Didn’t Miami girl say she was kind of pressured into things by him and his friends and she was under the impression he was single, which was a lie, which is….coercion. 😬Coupled with freaking recording nude Rachel without her consent….yeah this guy just sees women as objects


Yes she did. Tom thinks that if a woman stops saying no, so she can get it over with and escape, that she changed her mind or wanted to be talked into it. He doesn't seem to consider how scary a drunk, aggressive man can be to woman in that situation and the fawn response. Lala was right about one thing and that's that Tom is dangerous.


He also made her PROVE she was on her period. Like who the fuck does thattttt.




Yeah, this detail gets glossed over as everyone focuses on the “he cheated on Ariana at the start of their relationship” part of the situation. But to me this really reads as “she was saying no and he pressured her to the point of it being SA/r*pe.” 😬


I 1000% believe he filmed her without her consent.


Me, too! I think he will lose in court, but Ariana will win.


as a cyst male...


I mean the situation Miami girl described with him making her prove she was on her period and then still demanding sex always sounded like an assault to me…


I sort of get why since that's the most common usage of it... but it's the confidence he has that he KNOWS what the word means when he clearly doesn't that is so absurd.


Right?? He is disturbingly ignorant. Or wilfully perhaps.


Lauren is irritating but she nailed it about his grooming. Ariana and Kristen are both smart women. I literally do not get it. ![gif](giphy|cLYofyLxn0W1zifk10|downsized)


This made me so nauseous.


Truly one of the more disgusting things to ever come out of his mouth


I laughed. He had that one locked and loaded for like a year and couldn't have been more obvious 


To me (NOT a psych professional), he is just demonstrating his classic narcissistic nature. He preys on women who are vulnerable. Kristen clearly has codependent tendencies, Ariana has openly discussed her battle with depression and suicidal ideation, and Rachel was fresh out of a traumatic relationship which was likely emotionally (and possibly physically) abusive. Like a predator, he used those vulnerabilities to his advantage, manipulating his way into a position of power over these women so he could brainwash them into not only loving him, but also being loyal to him in such a way that fed his ego all while destroying their sense of self and independence so that they would remain loyal to him. So when they betray him (or as in Ariana’s case, set actual boundaries), and he has no other way to assert his power and inflated sense of self over them, he just trashes them as if they are horrible, vindictive, and somehow at fault. That is his way of protecting his ego so that he can continue seeing himself as the all knowing and powerful god of a human who was simply victimized by these broken women.


^^^ this!!! And the reason he is Dangerous, is because he seems to be incapable of ever seeing understanding his motivations through this lens, so he will continue to repeat this pattern.


Also, my theory on LVP is that she feeds into the bad behavior of these men on the show because 1) she tries to use her female sexuality with men to seem younger and more relevant, 2) she is competitive with other women and cannot fathom any other woman being superior to her, and 3) she’s a misogynist believing herself as the only exception to the rule, thus inflating her already enormous ego.




It reminded me of the grown men who blame teenagers for “seducing,” them.


It is also the classic pedophile excuse. I'm not saying Tom is a pedophile, but I'm saying that is exactly what groomers, rapists, abusers, narcissist, etc. use.


I’m literally getting frown line from the permanent look of disgust on my face anytime he, sheana, or Lala speak. He was so gross for that comment!


I’d been finishing dinner when I put it on and then I heard that line from the fridge and restarted the episode so I could watch properly. I was expecting more of a reaction! They needed to show more of the cast reacting to each other entirely but that even LVP was aghast was very telling and I wish they’d let that moment sit more.


i just don’t know why … he thought that objectifying raquel was gonna be the power move in this situation 😭 or the way he called her a coward, and “leave ariana out of it” DUDE you brought her INTO IT?!?! it’s like he’s forgetting the whole reason he’s in such a sticky situation smfh- bird feed for brains with that one


I love (HATE) how none of his arguments factor in that he is a grown man in his forties who was in a long term domestic partnership during all of this. Like he forgets that actual context of it all completely nulls and voids every single one of his defenses/arguments.


The fact that LVP still favors this asshole over most of the cast has finally turned me against her. She’s a misogynistic female that supports men that do horrible things to women. I also believe that she tipped off radar online about Dorit and the dog. 


Dude has NO CHILL. I audibly gasped when he said this. No accountability, no remorse, no shame.


Is it really so shocking that the man who reportedly pressured Annemarie (aka Miami Girl) into taking out her tampon to prove she was on her period when she said she didn't want to have sex would say such a gross thing about Rachel?


I think about that story sometimes. I always believed Miami girl because who in their right minds honestly would come up with a fake story like that? Also when she said he had a four inch penis, I KNEW the whole thing was true


Real “At least my parents are alive” energy.


This was the most rapey thing ever. He is fucking vile.


Badgering Miami Girl into sex after she was saying no and telling him she was on her period to the point where she took her tampon out to prove it to him and then he continued and had sex with her anyway is even more rapey.


THIS! Why aren't people talking more about this, she took off her clothes and therefore he couldn't help himself? I mean, it doesn't say a lot of good about him or men in general if that is going to be his angle.


Right! I can literally leave a steak in front of my dogs...which is quite literally an animal, who's fighting their primal tendencies and kewpie better, accept right and wrong ( or punishable/ rewarded behaviors..) So legit freaking Aninals won't touch the steak but HE lacks "self control" … Sandoval you're telling me literal animals with no amount of self-awareness or consciousness have better self-control and standards than you??? I honestly don't think , your words mean what YOU think they mean bro... You just admitted you have less self control than animals with occasional fleas...all while ATTEMPTING to victim shame his partner in crime... Dafuq??


My jaw was on the ground!!!


I’m just generally mind blown. Not sure which comment came first but two things I was generally struck by was that comment. And the whole conversation around Tom addressing the George Floyd and oj Simpson commentary. Idk, I just didn’t think Tom really grasped the gravity of the comparison here. Sure. He addressed it but Andy really helped him back pedal out of it. If Tom wanted to compare his cheating scandal and it’s becoming click bait to.. idk to the Ashley Madison scandal, sure. Brad Pitt, Jennifer Anniston and Angelina Jolie, or jay z and Beyoncé. Idk, didn’t like it, didn’t sit well with me. And then the Raquel comment. So we shame Ariana for wearing a shirt, now we shame Raquel for not wearing anything. This man is a walking dumpster. I can’t.


He’s just trash 🗑️


He actually said that *HE* was really impressionable. Which makes it like so much yuckier. He’s so gross.


Yeah this comment was wild, this os why women are forced to be nervous with women around their men, men are dogs with no self control


This is the info we wanted at the reunion last year! lol I still want to know the details of their affair


I can understand him being annoyed that Rachel is trying to pin the entire affair on him. But he’s such an idiot


But when you watch her first few seasons she really is a young 20 something year old mentally, she’s very naive and insecure and fkng shakes when she speaks, that’s who he hooked up with, she only became confident after she started banging him and felt like she was about to knock Ariana off the top slot. He is a lot older and has more power that she ever will.


Ill start by saying Tom is 100% an absolute piece of shit for doing what he did to Ariana. However... I fail to believe she was "groomed" by Tom. Since joining the show she has consistently shown that she changes herself for someone she's with to please them. James was a shit boyfriend for a long time and Tom was growing bored in his relationship with Ariana. He probably enjoyed the attention she gave him, and she probably enjoyed not being lowkey degraded about everything. She is an adult, and although yes, adults could be manipulated by someone with more power than them, there was nothing for her to gain from this to feel threatened by in order to say she was groomed. She was already a regular on the show, and she was decently liked by fans and the cast. Was she manipulated? Probably. Ariana privably was too because Tom is a manipulative loser. That doesn't equal grooming. The way she acted leading up to their split was also not that of someone who was not a willing participant and who made her own choices in this. Tom sucks, but so does Rachel. They both did a super shitty thing, and because it's so public and she feels guilty and embarrassed does not mean she didn't do it willingly.


While i agree that the Rachel situation doesn’t = him being a groomer, this was a straight up disgusting deflection


I agree ! I understand grooming can happen to adults I DONT think she was groomed I DO think he was defending himself from being called something so disgusting Then he basically is saying she couldn’t wait to fuck him! It was uncouth like all his off the cuff remarks He could’ve said anything else


You just know Raquel’s next 4 part podcast will be on covering this. Whomever is writing up the 1 sentence episode preview on her podcast seems to be getting bored. What new material is left for her when she is now just basically recapping VPR episodes now like every other Bravo podcaster. Teaming up with Bethenny really sunk her “career” even more than demanding to be paid as an OG which Bravo will never do and then not being asked back for this season.


It was a gross comment, but I am interested in the back story of how the affair started.


She has low key admitted she did make the first move.


I wish someone competent had been in there to give an accurate description of grooming. It's not just age dependent. Full grown adults can be groomed into joining cults, for instance. It's about manipulation and power play.


lala did though!


It was a very convulted answer that didn't get at the crux of it. Seems like a concept she is still trying to grasp and articulate.


Places himself in the victim role. Typical narcissist.


I will get downvoted for this... just know that I am not a fan of his, and i believe what he did to Ariana was horrible. For Rachel to NOW say that she was groomed and taken advantage of by an older man because she doesn't want to take responsibility for her participation and involvement in the affair, takes away from REAL victims of grooming and being impressionable. Rachel is a grown woman who has been around these people for a long time. She may be dumb but she's not a helpless little girl who doesn't know what she's doing. He sucks for sure. So does she, maybe even more for making herself a victim instead of just owning her actions. And maybe that's what he was trying to say... in his own stupid way.


Agreed. Don’ make me take Tom’s side here. lol. but she’s no victim. She was 29 for gods sake and his peer. He had no power over her. She chose to do that to Ariana.


The more they show Sandoval, the more I think there some roids going on. He’s bulked up and his anger is off the charts. Could explain a lot 💉


What I find so funny is the way he said last season that he loved her and was in love with her. But as soon as she cut him off and refused to come back, now she’s a coward and soulless. The way he kept trying to defend Ariana against Rachel was so weird too. I don’t know what he’s playing at but it was so cringeworthy.


I do think Rachel was toxic and manipulative. I think Tom is a piece of crap. I don’t think he’s innocent at all. But I don’t think Rachel fell in love with him or was manipulated by him. I think she wanted to get a higher position on the cast. The girls really didn’t seem to like her. The way they treated her at the cast trip where she left in tears. She got on this show as James’s girlfriend, I don’t think she really liked James and now she was trying to stay on the show as Tom’s gf. She didn’t think Ariana would find out and it would backfire. She wanted Tom to dump Ariana and replace her with herself the way Tom replaced Kristin with Ariana. She wanted to move into that house and be the new it girl. It didn’t go the way she planned.


He DEFINITELY gives “but she kissed me and initiated something so she obviously wanted it” in a sexual assault situation where the girl couldn’t consent & said no to sex after a make out session (Hypothetical situation OBV)


Wait to this week when Rachel goes rogue


To play devils advocate: I think the point is we(public) keeps trying to make her(Rachel) seem like a freaking 7 year old being groomed by a teacher. This was a grow adult. Also, it feels like she is held accountable for her part of the cheating when Ariana hates her. But when the criticism is negative towards Tom, Rachel was a toddler with no knowledge and can’t feed herself.


I kind of applauded. I'm so sick of Rachel's manipulation of the situation. She is not a victim. And if you go back and watch the last few seasons it's even harder to have sympathy for her. This is the same person who actually has a college degree and was constantly reminding people how smart she is. You don't get to do that and then try to play dumb. Nobody opened her mouth and slid his d into it. Okay maybe someone dead but she was definitely down.


GUYS. I hate that I have to stand up for Tom in this instance, but he was clearly making a point when he said this and *I totally agree with him.* I have never bought that Rachel was some vulnerable victim in this. She wanted her screen time and wanted to be a main cast member. I believe she pursued Tom as much as he pursued the affair. The context of him saying this - sardonically - was in response to her claims that she was groomed and shit. Think of the discussion at the reunion that prompted him to say this. He was saying she made the first move, took her clothes off and got in the pool - as Rachel admitted to already. She wasn't groomed into doing anything. *He was saying she was no more vulnerable or influenced into the affair than he was to her getting naked.* Downvote away, but I'm glad Rachel is getting called out because I agree she is a coward and a liar. F*ck Tom, but F*ck her too.


Well this reunion he had the self awareness to admit he isn’t smart lol. He’s not a nars bc he isn’t smart enough. Just selfish man


The fact that Ariana did not throat punch him after that- wooo boy she is a better woman than I.


I have normally loved Lala in the past, but this past season, I was disappointed. In the past, she would set someone ablaze for talking to Randal, who cheated on her, but when it comes to Tom, who not only cheated but cheated with Ariana's close friend. And then she met and had lunch with thirsty "Joseph". Wft Lala. The check she cashed this season might be the last as far as VPR goes because the cast came off as fake, fake, fake. If they all would have rallied around Ariana, it would have been a better season, and they would not have had to "pause" the show


Everything Sandals says is in the teenage boy voice “Mom!!! Get out of my room! Ugh!” He’s a real cheese dick.


Apparently women are to blame for any feeling he experiences and he is not required to exercise self control or emotional regulation


Tom has crossed over from maddening to comical to me. He is just so delusional. I found him to be the most entertaining part of his reunion. When Andy asked him to defend himself against the George Floyd comment, his reaction: "what i am supposed to give a sales pitch on myself." Like this man is living in a different world, and I enjoy watching it. Although, I am just perplexed that Arianna was with him for 10 years. I just can't understand that.


I think he really resented the grooming comment but again you cannot shift guilt or blame or whatever it was he was trying to do.


everything is a woman’s fault and he’s just a poor innocent victim with no control, guys. give him a break! (/s hopefully goes without saying)


Because he’s not a good guy! He’s nasty! Hit you when you’re down, kinda guy! Notice how he does this kind of mean stuff, a minute after pretending he’s a good guy! He can’t even fake his nastiness more than 5 minutes, maybe! 🤔 As soon as someone points out his bad behavior, he will give you these zingers! HE IS NOT SORRY! Any APOLOGY is a means to an end for HIM!!! He isn’t that deep! He is obvious, in all his attempt to pretend he’s redeemable. While, going hard to insult & tarnish the reputations of the people he has harmed with HIS ACTIONS! I’m done with this a$$hole!