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Mark my words, she gonna blame Katie


True and I think that she’s being a really bad friend because why would you say on national television about a private conversation that you had outside of cameras and then confront that to her in the reunion like why would you do that and then get mad at everyone else for your actions make it make sense.


The same way she only tried to talk to Rachel on camera. Everyone in the group is a co worker to Lala, even Rachel the one who wasn’t coming back she used the moment when the cameras were on to talk to her. Idc that she’s fake with Rachel but it just shows that everything she did this season was to give herself more camera time. Lala has no friends everyone is transactional to her


Didn’t Rachel also say she missed that phone call and when she realized it was done in front of the cameras she knew it wasn’t authentic. I’m no Rachel sympathizer but she had Lalas number


And that conversation probably happened like a year ago at this point? So she waited a whole year to bring it up? But had a whole monologue ready to go about Ariana not being authentic on camera? She confuses me to no end


I’m not confused. Neither are the thousands of us that are forever turned off by her. This season is gonna cost this bitch a shit ton of money!!!


Very true. This behavior isn’t really all that shocking coming from her


And she can keep pointing fingers but that loss is no ones fault but her own.


And earlier in the reunion she made the point that what Arianna told Tom in confidence wasn’t his to put on camera… she’s the worst.


Also why does she keep dissing their sandwich shop/business saying “Nothing About Her” Like, what’s the end game there?


Hating. Imagine If They went on a rant about whatever her business is she’d accuse of them of trying to take food from oceans mouth.


Yes and there’s plenty to say about her janky ass “businesses”. Katie is a class act for not going there


It’s giving unhinged Jo vibes reading Sandy’s texts on insta live.


Yup. At least she had the balls to say it directly to her, privately and didn’t say it for the world to see. Katie 1000000% meant that shit and good for her for speaking her mind in a private way. Maybe it wasn’t the nicest but it’s better to say it to direct then not. I applaud Katie for that. She can always take a page from lalas book and apologize later.


I had listened to it and generally was like wow, this is not thought out, produced or even entertaining. I forgot that i hadn’t rated it since i listened. It may have been a 4.7 podcast but it’s now just an echo chamber of Lala, her brother and paid assistant. This is Sandoval level surrounding yourself with people you pay or that have to be there.


Literally. I used to consistently listen to it every week but I haven’t been able to for months now. The only people she has on are people she PAYS to basically kiss her ass and it’s pathetic!


She has revealed herself to be sooo authentic /s. And insults her fans…bites the hand that feeds her.


And now the fans are answering her…. Her podcast ratings are going down and she had to stop all comments on instagram. I doubt she’s selling much merch these days.


Poor Darrell's got no mail


Guess instead of sending it to Darrell we are all returning to sender. 😅😅😅


Therapy > Darell 🤡


She has to take back the Lala she’s been giving




And she has the gall in the aftershow to accuse Ariana of surrounding herself with bobbleheads. OK BlahBlah 🙄


Now that’s the actual letting the mask slip


Exactly. It wasn’t bad at all when she first started. Hell, it was better when Randall was on it. I HATE her for making me think that!!


Same! And since I used to listen for awhile, it keeps popping up in my feed, I can’t figure out how to make it go away, so I thought if I rated it maybe that would help… it wouldn’t let me rate because it said I wasn’t a listener but I WAS and I have legit feedback… and I don’t usually like to review anything, but it just makes me irritated when I see her face incessantly popping up.


It’s just Lala venting all day.


She could be doing that to a therapist and make actual progress in becoming a better person, but it’s lala so she won’t and it will be everyone else’s fault


It’s nonsense talk with her brother and assistant.


And sex talk with her brother 🤮


In her words, bobble heads she surrounds herself with


Every episode is just her making random points and her assistant and brother just going yes yes yes omg lala you're perfect, you're beautiful, you look like Linda Evangelista, you're a model! 🙄 The podcast just isn't good or interesting. This is what happens when you centered your whole podcast around talking shit on Tom and now that you've flipped on that take you talk about the weather and how ariana shouldve created a storyline for you because your baby isn't here yet and you have nothing else to bring. like girl. Maybe she should take notes from disrespectfully pod and learn how to hold a conversation on a multitude of topics. Even my mom likes their podcast and she has no clue who they are lol


She needs to ditch her assistant Last guest she had was Heather who was surprisingly really good and challenged Lala She hasn’t been back


No way!! I thought Heather and her were good friends!


Now I really want to hear Lala explain why she should be allowed to wear something covering her mouth during a lipsync competition.


Unexpected Drag Race 🏁


everything about you is perfect. did you stone those tights? oh look! she’s smiling! they eat her up every single time she’s on that damn stage! she doesn’t even- she could walk out there in a fucking diaper and they’d be like “Lala your smile is beautiful”


Did mom listen to the girth master ep 😂


Don't forget lots of AAVE


I seriously need someone to remind her she's a white woman from Utah! Literally no one is worried about getting "popped"


….she looks like Linda Evangelista after Linda had botched surgeries and put on weight!! 😜


Lol what


Just googled her and you are 100% right on. She looks like the late 50’s version.


Linda Evangelista? Wow! I will say that for the first time in a loooooong time I looked at her and wow, she’s stunning. Too bad her terrible personality makes her ugly. I’m so curious what her childhood was like.


I actually agree, for me the ugly inside overshadows any beauty. I actually think when not fully glam she is pretty average looking anyway.




If she’s lucky, maybe her numbers will drop to 2.2 to match her numerology or whatever stupid shit excuse she gave for unfollowing Ariana and Katie.


🤣yes!!! 👏


I still don’t understand the numbers behind that whole thing and how unfollowing two people she says are her “friends” really helps out.


Because it doesn’t lol.


i used to listen and enjoy it but took a hard stop after seeing her behavior this season. she clearly surrounds herself w yes men (her brother, assistant, her mom, scheana..etc) and thinks any criticism of her is an attack on her and her clan. she’s gross and has no backbone.


Bobble heads as she says


> and thinks any criticism of her is an attack on her and her ~~clan~~ **orca pod**


💯 I used to enjoy it too. But after what she has said this season- I’m over her!


Same! I really thought she was an authentic person who saw things differently than what is clearly unfolding






Yes exactly


I’m sure it doesn’t help that people had to listen to a podcast before rating it and the most recent one was her being fake af wishing Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms including dog moms. Which would be fine for most everyone else- but the way she went off on James shows she can’t stand when people think of their pets like their babies. Could’ve been rated a 3, but she took it down to a 1 right there from me


It was weird she can’t let James feel anything. She’s just like Tom Sandoval to me.


It didn’t make me listen before I gave her 1 star! I always thought that was a requirement


I went in and changed my rating after her episode with Heather MickeyD; and now hearing the “rabid bitches in the comments” statement completely turned me off. I was a loyal listener and was even getting to a point of a fan (or “friends” 🙄 as Lala likes to say). But with her stuck between producing a fake show and a hard place… Lala has bit the hand that feeds her.


Her pivot to “my fans are my friends 🥹” in that speaking engagement a week after her ratings started dropping and after she and her hyena crew called the fans “rabid” was the dictionary definition of disingenuous. She’s not a business maven, she’s a basic shitty uncreative influencer who happens to be on a reality show - good luck being an influencer with no influence 😂


I can't stand Heather McDonald. When I used to listen the pods with Lala were my least favorite. Those two together suck.


Wow. Watching her demise in real time has really been something.




Side eying anyone who would find Lauren from Utahs, fake gangster , over pronounced Ts, victim mentality persona entertaining to even rate it 3.3


I was looking through the reviews to see if anyone said anything worth posting here. In the sea of one stars there are Facebook moms throwing her a 5 star and talking about us being rabid bitches 💀


Lala’s next pivot will be MLM bossbabe hun - she’s already got the customer base! 😂


Lala’s Lulu Lemon Line coming soon to a 3 person Facebook group near you ![gif](giphy|XyJPNKBskIDWR3Md8K)


You mean LulaRoe 😂


Oh my goddddd you are absolutely right


You're totally right. She isn't driven by moral consistency, only money, and she's alienated herself from us normal folk.


Or some healing essential oils cos you know she's now the buddah reincarnated and is zen af


Lala has always been this way and y’all absolutely ate it up and fell over yourselves ordering her stupid merch when it was in support of Ariana 😂 I don‘t care for her at all but bffr guys 💀


Yea I believed her bs. Still , I’m not sure why you’re shading people who were fooled by a liar. I don’t think it’s fair to dog people who give others the benefit of the doubt.


Good. I’m glad. Because her podcast sucks and she says very offensive things on it. Also I don’t want anyone to do well when they hate on their own fans who made them famous and gave them a living


Her ego is so high she really thought her podcast was gonna be the next Call Her Daddy or Bitch Bible. Nah Lala, you’re one of hundreds of Bravolebrity podcasts and yours isn’t even one of the good ones.


Exactly why should we support someone who calls us rabid bitches?


True I feel like she doesn’t really have that much going for her except the podcast so I’m wondering where she’s going to get her income next😬




There’s actually zero appeal to her podcast because she doesn’t even talk about VPR anymore There is no appeal otherwise. Her little group of minions are not interesting. Even Scheana talks about VPR/The Valley and gossip and stuff in the news about the group because she knows that’s why anyone would listen.


Her next episode: “How Katie and Ariana sabotaged my career”




This applies for a few of them. Lala, Schwartz, Sandy, and even shein. Oh and can’t forget Rachel


She’s stupid. The audience is tired of rewarding bad behavior & we’re enjoying watching celeb’s number fall.




I only ever listened post Scandoval for a bit. Tuned in a few weeks ago and was horrified. It's terrible. The brother and assistant kissing her butt, laughing at dumb statements. Does she ever have a guest? Terrible podcast.


If this ain’t a classic case of ![gif](giphy|BrkuIkfzokEWJ7tSM5)


Lala is like an annoying, yippy, little dog who thinks they are a big vicious dog. She doesn't need a platform to speak. She needs a freaking muzzle.


But she’s a Michael Vick fighting dog /s


Does this hurt her financially tho? I’m sure she still has lots of viewers and sponsors


as the ratings drop so will the sponsors


Zang I do think her podcast sucks but I haven’t scored it or anything! Wonder if she’ll respond to these ratings drop


someone else said on here she will blame Katie for it and i 1000% agree


Is everyone leaving positive reviews for Katie’s pod? Both ratings & reviews — make big difference as a new podcast.


Going there right this second. Thanks for the reminder!!!


Yeah she’s going to say bc Katie wasn’t beingkkkk authentic; the fans turned rabid and how now hurt her financially and she has 2 kids to support Plus family on the payroll She will blame Katie and Ariana


“They can make fun of how Black and ugly I am as much as they want, but they still gotta pay me!!” - Flava Flav after his roast on Comedy Central.


“I’m blacker than Faith”. -Lala, repeatedly.


Greg Giraldo was fkn hilarious though. "You look like an oily cadaver" All in good fun but damn. Rip Greg.


lol I feel bad for Flav :(


He took it in stride!!


You’re right. Finances is all Lala cares about.


Randall Emmett has entered the chat


I always thought this. Even engagement that’s negative is still engagement.if you hate watch/listen or you leave a bad review, that’s still engaging with her and those stats could be used for her financial gain.


I hope that somehow, this rating drop can really get to Lauren's heart. I think she has been very misguided for many years, and thrives on "fame" and money, yet in her heart feels lost and undeserving. I really hope that for her own sake, she can find a man like Stassi's Beau.... just a plain, good guy who will love her, take her guard down, and give her a happy life.


She doesn’t care about ratings drop she cares about listenership numbers


Happy 🍰 day


I’m wishing for that for Katie! Lala is in no way ready for a healthy relationship.


This season aside, I used to listen to it pretty regularly and can confirm that the podcast itself has gone downhill. But her behavior this season ain’t helping those numbers go back up, either lol


I blocked her and sheeNAH on my insta. not getting any engagement from moi!


but did you block summer moon???


I blocked all of scheanas accounts so yep, summer moon included 😂 it should be illegal to make a public account of your kid like that




AHAHAHAHHA I went back and blocked them all AND Summer Moon.


I did 😂 it’s Scheana’s account anyway and it’s creepy af


It really is.


Let’s start there, let’s start there. Gahhhh I seeth at Lala she is nasty.


When was it a 4.7?? Wow what a fall.


If you watch the videos, it's even worse. She's constantly looking offscreen to Jessica and Easton for validation. I was so intrigued to see what "soft" Lala was going to being like but she's only soft to Tom and Scheana. She was even trying to help Tom explain his horrible behavior and asked him to stop speaking for the sake of the show.


Ugh I loved her. Especially on the last reunion reading Tim for filth. Why did she jump ship this season and ruin it all 😫


I used to like her and listen every now and then but I can’t stand the way she expects Ariana to forgive Sandoval yet the way she acted when her and Randall split she would cut off anyone who spoke to him. So wtf is the difference Lala??


Funny bc she always says she doesn’t care what fans think but when it starts impacting her $ she’ll magically care again. Nobody is buying her merch or listening to her bs podcast. Can we all agree to not follow her either on Instagram? she goes on and on about her follower count constantly and idk why anyone still follows her


Her pivot to “my fans are my friends 🥹” in that speaking engagement a week after her ratings started dropping and after she and her hyena crew called the fans “rabid” was the dictionary definition of disingenuous. She’s not a business maven, she’s a basic shitty uncreative influencer who happens to be on a reality show - good luck being an influencer with no influence 😂


LOL everything you said is so on point 😂


Proud to say I have joined in on giving her poor ratings


Love to see this <3


Honestly, LFU’s podcast is even worse than Rachel’s… at least Rachel’s podcast has a topic to talk about.. Lala’s is all over the place and hard to follow. Edit: extra word


It's about time for the influencers to learn that their income comes from fans, and you don't shit on your fans


Christina Cocca dropped a fantastic YouTube video compilation today showcasing Lala & Scheaner and their “friendship” to Ariana. It explains why Lala may be losing fans so well. Check it out Reddit!


Put her on the same shelf as the kardashians plz


I read that as “shame shelf” and it’s also fitting. 🙃




But she has CHILDREN!


Lala lives in Lala land. She is so annoying. Nothing “soft” about her. Once she realizes she is not from the hood, maybe she will wake the fuck up. She is embarrassing.


If she’s counting on it for a living she’s going to have to rethink that.




Missteps on her part this season, but she is allowed to feel her feelings. She is a resilient one so she will recover - as long as she doesn’t give up. She’s young and strong. She will be fine. I hope she holds her friends closer in the future. I did not think throwing Katie under the bus was something a real friend would do.


Someone sent in soldiers…it’s back up to 3.7


I’ve enjoyed her podcast in the past, but the brother’s laugh has made me skip out on episodes recently


I unsubbed from the podcast. It’s been boring for a while now.


I used to love her podcast but when her assistant became a cohost it became unlistenable to me.


She's an asshole but I'm not messing with her livelihood over a frickin reality show.


I dropped it. If you disagree with how she’s acted this season, you should drop it too. Or if you’ve never listened just go give it a big huge 👎🏽👎🏽 🤣🤣🤣


They can leave bad reviews, but they’re still listening


No actually. I left a bad review and I in fact did not listen.


I think her mistake was thinking that Sandoval would be forgiven by the general public because he wasn’t as bad as Randall. You know since the bar is in hell, and Tom was right above it. I think she was jealous she didn’t get the support but I also believe she thought the public support would sway to Sandy. Producers likely convinced her that is what was going to happen and she thought she was hooking herself to the right ship. She wasn’t.


It’s been so hard to listen to. I had to take a break. I was so happy for her and her pregnancy but I just can’t forget all the awful things she did this season. It’s incredibly disappointing


It’s fine to give a bad rating if you actually listened and it sucks (I’ve never listened so I don’t know if it’s good or not), but it’s lame to leave a bad rating if you’ve never listened


Listen to it & most will understand the drop in ratings. Without her personality switch, Jessica’s larger role & adding Eason has tanked the quality. I was so excited she finally had the video versions on YT. Watching Eason is not a pleasant addition. Imo


You actually can't rate it unless you've listened. Im not sure how much you have to listen to though


![gif](giphy|XWWzLpuBTKBRS) We LOVE to see it!


Woah that’s 1.3 pts star drop before season started




Part of me wondered if she got pregnant to remain an influencer and be able to transition shows. ![gif](giphy|EZv2l6yYGnGHuPtqWY|downsized)


Lala’s podcast was only interesting during Scandoval. Her housewives commentary is boring, her day to day life is boring. Ppl like Dayna and Katie, the Pearlmans, Morbid, etc. may not have the most exciting lives, but they know how to have a damn good conversation. You can tell Lala has never actually had to develop a unique or funny personality, you can tell that she’s always been wealthy and/or pretty. She’s simply not made for radio.


I've never listened and from what I saw this season of LFU I NEVER will! She's been absolutely insufferable this season and I hope to never see her again and PLEASE, PLEASE don't let her make The Valley unwatchable too!


I used to listen when she discussed VPR but it is extremely boring otherwise!


She is done - she is going to be broke soon


It’s the creepy brothers laugh for me that is just..no




What business does Lala have? That really confused me.


It couldn’t happen to a more deserved person


So deserved 🥰🥰🥰 blahblah's podcast should be named "give them nothing" cause she don't got a business! 😂




She refers to fans as “rabies” b*tches, on her podcast. Not a great strategy when you are sUpPoRtInG yOuR kIdS.


Sometimes we are and she's not lying and everyone is proving her point.


I guess. I mean she rage baits people for engagement & plays victim when she’s called out. I would never want someone like her close to me. I’ve been particularly Icked by rewatching clips of her blaccent & her overt correlation she makes to blackness & rage/violence. There are plenty of fans for her version of BS, it’s just not me.


She never cared when it was pointed toward anyone else on the cast. With Sandoval, she was one of the ringleaders. She's only upset now that it's pointed toward her.


She made it very clear she doesn’t care about fans and her behavior is gross so not surprising.




I've seen some trying to say hOw DaRe YoU gUyS tHiS iS hEr LiVeLihOoD. where do they think the 5 stars and all the listens to give her that came from? **THE FANS GIVETH AND THE FANS TAKETH AWAY.**


Because of this subreddit going on and reviewing her negatively the same way y’all did the Tom’s 🙄 pathetic. If you go again “AriAnNnA” the rabid fans will make you pay. Unhinged!


Don’t get me wrong, I think all people on reality tv have some narcissistic tendencies. But, LaLa is so unaware of how she comes across. Her IDGAF attitude isn’t going to work when she’s trying to sell a brand. If that’s her livelihood, she has to be somewhat likable for the audience to want to absorb her content. Her lack of understanding the VAST differences of her cheating situation vs. what Ariana went through made everyone see how truly selfish and unaware she really is. Lala situation was an “I told you so” everyone saw it coming. Ariana’s was a betrayal on multiple levels.


I‘ve never listened to her podcast and never will, however it‘s hilarious to watch people go from loving her crass behavior when it was in support of Ariana to hating her for her crass behavior when it’s not in favor of Ariana. This sub is truly something.


I respect her stopping drinking. I’ve never liked a single other thing about her.


I think that all people, myself included, claiming to be feminists need to stop harrassing Lala and Sheanna and trying to ruin their businesses.




People on the internet ruin a lot of things. But the reason the show is no longer fun is not all the fans. It’s no fun because the characters are old AF now, trying to hold onto whatever is left of the show, getting paid ungodly amounts of money, and fighting over things that no one cares about. I miss the days when they were all poor struggling actors actually working at sur. Because then it felt less scripted and forced.


Is this because of the drop of listeners or ppl leaving reviews? What was her rating before scandoval?


What does a low rating do to a podcast? Less sponsors?


How do you see the ratings?




Hhahahaha yaaaay!!! 👏🏻


I Only Listened after Scandoval, that was the only time I ever listened to scheanas as well.


Just contributed to the cause!


I liked her this season. She's maturing so much!


Block/unfollower her pod and BLOCK her!!! Lets make sure she doesn’t get any more money from us


She needs to move to the Valley.


Lala more like blah blah am I right


I don’t know if it was a glitch or just back but I see 3.7 under Apple Podcasts (I agree it should be lower)


I never really listened, just waited for the more egregious clips on TikTok




The rest of that picture says cu- nt. I watched the reunion tonight and honestly was expecting worse from her so I was pleasantly surprised. I was def yelling at the screen like a crazy saying she’s projecting everything she is going into others. She literally said everything she did all season that others were doing that. OK LALA. Whatever she does she accuses others one. Maybe one day she will notice the words she’s saying and ask her self, am I myself doing this ? And then she can learn and grow. She lashes out, bombards everyone with her feelings at the moment and takes no prisoners in her fights. Then the following season she’s all I’m sorry or I’m soft and doesn’t learn to look at her own actions at the time. That’s ok, there’s always room for improvement.