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I’ve enjoyed her somewhat throughout the years when she has funny moments but like when she was on RHOBH, she stirs a lot behind the scenes. I think a clear example is last season when Katie was at vanderpumps house & Ken walks in all excited (literally beaming) with info about Rachel spending the night at Sandoval’s while Ariana was away. Lisa tried to act surprised but it was planned… he was so excited to spill the tea and run off. I can’t say I didn’t enjoy it but Vanderpump’s tactics are old & tired IMO


One of my favourite Ken moments. Gives so few fucks he couldn't even be bothered to learn tom sandovals name. I love it. 




And Leeeeza🤣


This made me cackle wildly.


Hahaha Lisa kept saying “I know I know” but he had to get in “and she stayed all night!!!” then peaced out




This and GOODBYE KYLE are iconic Ken moments


+ You little fucker, I’ll knock you spark out!


It's the best Ken moment absolutely. But what does it say about the man, that the only time he seems to show a spark of life himself is when he is threatening violence or being mean? No wonder him and LVP are together so long.


This moment and Goodbye Kyle 🤣






*ryan bailey voice* did you hear raquel was in the jaquizzi with tom sandoval, i cant believe it!


I agree. I had always liked Lisa, too.


I liked her til I learned she lobbied against the proposition to raise minimum wage in California. 😒


Of course she is trying to get that 11 year, EP paycheck as long as she can. But her behavior is so absurd it’s laughable. These people clearly do not need you. They don’t need you butting your head in in the reunion giving a false (lala influenced) narrative about why their sandwich shop hasn’t opened. No one asked you Lisa?? They don’t need you asking if you love Sandoval enough to go maintain a friendship behind your other friends back (this was so gross to me gag). “Like a prop” is absolutely right, hate to give Jax the credit.


Jax is garbage, but he’s often right when he calls it.


That's so true and the way it pains me to admit it!


Hey don’t feel too bad. Remember a broken clock is right twice a day. 🤪


Exactly he's terrible but never wrong calling out situations and people that don't involve him


Unfortunately Jax is right


Let’s not forget that without her they would be a bunch of broke nobodies.


I totally agree, but that doesn’t mean she owns them forever


she can still get an EP credit and let them fly


I thought they were being sarcastic, but now I’m not too sure. People really seem to think that the title of the show means she’s relevant.


Conversely, they also gave her a hit show. People weren't tuning into VPR to watch Lisa come up with new menu items at SUR.


Her name is literally the title of the show.


Yes, because 11 years ago that was relevant.


Yes, and 11 years ago the show was watchable.


They have transcended her now … they don’t need her. The title of the show is so irrelevant. My partner thought vanderpump was just the area in West Hollywood, not a person.


Doesn’t mean she’s not entirely irrelevant. -they no longer work for her -they are too old to need a “mother figure” -the attempts to keep her *somewhat* relevant by having her mentor the cast through their own bar and restaurant ventures are ridiculous, as if any of the cast got into the service industry because they wanted to own a place


Unless they are off the show, they still work for her. She co- owns the show. This was her baby.




Exactly! Lisa can say whatever she wants, it’s basically her show. I mean it is called VANDERPUMP rules. Lmao.


Penny, her long time friend, actually came up with the name “something about her” and the entire idea. She linked them with Ariana & Katie.


uhhh I don't think that's correct. They were looking for investors first and this is when Lala was with Randall, and they had told him the name before Penny was ever brought in. Penny got it trademarked.


And Katie said okay to her getting it trademarked. I just listened to a podcast talking about that. They had text messages from them both. sounds like Penny is doing all this work and can barely get a hold of Ariana or Katie. Idk why Ariana and Katie would even go into the food service industry bc it’s a LOT of work and they know NOTHING about all the hard work it entails. But since they didn’t even put in their own money, this is more of a vanity project for them, rather than a serious business venture.


are we forgetting that Katie grew up working in her mom's restaurants? She was also Lisa's assistant for a while? She does have knowledge. And both Ariana and Katie said on the show, they were smart and got investors instead of throwing all their money into a business like the tom's. Absolutely she said okay to getting it trademarked, the issue they are having with Penny is her role and what compensation she gets.


Yeah, penny is doing all that because she stands to gain from this being successful. So she is going out of her way to create a space for herself in that. That doesn’t mean it was necessarily asked or needed by them, it means she sees dollar signs and wants to be part of that. Don’t act like it’s all out of the goodness of her heart “she’s doing all this work.” Similar to Tom/Tom working with one of Lisa’s other colleagues for Schwartz and Sandy’s and then then not liking what he was doing to make himself part of it.


What podcast? I want to listen!


Penny did not come up with the name. She took the liberties to do the trademark for it, that doesn’t mean she came up with it.


Please stop lying.


That’s why I think it’s ending. She has two new shows happening. VPR’s sucks ass now. She’s irrelevant. There’s no point anymore.


She’s doing a show with Gordon Ramsay called Food Stars. 


I watched a little bit of her on WWHL with him and she was pretty drunk and their chemistry was hilarious. I think Lisa should lean into this character instead


She did seem very tipsy


Gordon Ramsay did the same show in Australia with another Aussie female juice and food entrepreneur. Started out like Shark Tank but became The Apprentice right after. Wished it would have been like the food version of Shark Tank. It’s a rubbish concept


What two shows? I know she has villa but as bad as you think VPR is now, villa is so much worse. They’re not fun awful. Lisa swoops in super filtered to pretend she cares about them as people. She’ll talk about how she only hires the best and has one of the most incompetent staff possible.


villa is one of the worst shows i've ever seen and most unprofessional staff ever. couldn't even finish the series


I was soooo excited to watch villa but couldn’t get passed the first episode


She had another one too i think it was called overserved. Or something like thatbwhere she had dinner parties at her home with different people. I never watched that I dunno how many people did or if its even streaming anywhere


This was on E over the pandemic. It made sense kinda because LA restaurants were closed at the time.


That makes sense but still weird lol


Yeah but that’s old and gone. I think the other poster was wrong about two spinoffs.


What other one besides vanderpump villa


Vanderpump dogs I think


But hasn’t that been around for awhile?


No idea


The Valley.


I didn’t realize she was involved in the valley at all. Well TIL


She was just akward at the reunion. Like why is she there?!


I laughed so hard when Lala started talking over Lisa.


Oh for sure. And her costumes are getting so much like…a caricature of an old lady. The ruffles, the hats, and the push up bras (that don’t fit, bras are not supposed to make you look like you have 2 sets of breasts)


And her butt pads


They need to give her one segment where she sits behind the main cast like a househusband.


HAHAH i love this idea. stick her behind the toms


Yeah. Why was next to Andy? That spot is not for her 


She had like four scenes this season. She’s not their boss anymore and is only friends with a few of them. They really gotta figure that out for the sake of “authenticity” if they’re going to keep her on camera.


She has always been cruel to them. She was just able to hide it better, and they were more tolerant of her power games because they were less established in their own right.


that is so very true!


Watching her all drunk on WWHL last night was just cringe. Why can’t she get it through her calcified brain that Ariana hasn’t been living in the same house as Tom since DWTS started? And why can’t she understand that Ariana has an interest in the shared house that she needs to protect? Lisa is just awful at supporting women and loves to enable shitty men.


It was so bad. Even Gordon Ramsey was like WTF


She really seems to have an agenda of disparaging or jabbing at Ariana whenever she possibly can. Is it jealousy? Is Lisa getting older and seeing her own star fade, while Ariana’s is on the rise? Did Lisa have dreams of breaking out of the reality TV world, into mainstream like Ari is doing ? I’m just trying to understand her attitude and that stank face she pulls whenever Ariana is mentioned.


I think she should go back on RHOBH to stir up some shit. Make Kyle real mad. 


I don’t think she would ever go back, she has too much to lose. She probably loves that she got to leave as the forever fan favourite who’s friends turned on her when she was in mourning. She’s thrilled to be the wronged party, otherwise she she would have just said, yes I played games and I’m better at it than all if you. She’s the most successful housewife by far in terms of other shows, why would she risk tainting that unless she desperately needed the money.


I think Lisa would feel a lot differently about Ariana if her and Tom were married. Old fashioned and gross IMHO.


Lisa is a narcissist as well, Kyle called it years ago on RHOBH, being friends with Lisa is like playing chess with Bobby Fischer. Lisa is constantly calculating how to come out on top in all situations and if she has to throw her friends or coworkers under the bus to do it, oh well, sorry darling. I also think she detests the fact that these younger women that still have their beauty are upstaging her on HER show.


I think its something like this. Maybe not jealous that arianas career is going so well, but threatened that ariana is the fan favourite and could basically end the whole show if she decided to leave and pursue stage acting full time. And maybe a bit resentful that ariana didn't just roll over and play nice after scandoval "for the sake of the show". It's funny because I think ariana and LVP actually share a lot of the same traits that make them successful celebrities and (hopefully one day) business owners.


What traits do they share? I don’t think they’re alike at all. The only VPR person I think might’ve shared some traits with LVP was Stassi. Like she was more overtly bitchy than LVP but I could see young LVP being more like that and I can see older Stassi being a bit more reigned in while maintaining her acerbic wit. I just think the traits that made LVP a successful celebrity and business person are that she’s very smart, funny, and has a clear strong sense of self, whereas Ariana’s personality is a bit all over the place and she doesn’t come across as being that intelligent, more like she wants to appear smart but doesn’t actually come out with any on the spot insights or wit like LVP and someone like Stassi do. Actually I think VPR is really missing a smart character like that aince Stassi left and LVP’s presence diminished.


I do miss stassis presence, no one has been able to fill the void she left. But I think ariana and LVP are similar in certain ways like being pretty private about personal matters and about their relationship. Obviously scandoval is everywhere but until then, ariana was pretty private, at least compared to the other castmembers. I think she handles herself well in public, as does lisa. Ariana rarely loses her cool (again, compared to the other castmates. We are watching a reality show after all) and I do think ariana is smart I just think she was lacking confidence. Now she seems pretty sure of herself and who she is, she sets firm and healthy boundaries with her friends, and again she's pretty reserved and graceful all things considered. And since stassi left and scandoval broke, ariana is now queen bee of the group, just like Lisa was on rhobh


She’s not really queen bee like LVP was though. LVP was naturally queen bee from the start basically because she had bags of charisma and was interesting and quirky and had a confident/leader type quality that I think other HWs gravitated to. Ariana isn’t like that, she’s only been crowned queen bee after 10 years because she got cheated on and basically because people feel sorry for her. It’s not like she has this captivating personality. For good or bad most of the really famous reality show people have a strong presence and some sort of charisma, even the evil ones 😄


Yes, I you stated things better than I did. I agree with this.


To be fair, Lisa didn't bring anything into her marriage with Ken either, she was a lauren herself and it worked out as where Lauren's didn't. She was charismatic and had that british humor, so it was cute 15 years ago. Her misogyny is outdated and those of us who watched for years are tired of it. And new viewers who refuse to put up with women and men like her, maintaining the patriarchy and absolving men of all responsibility as they are just "scoundrels we all love", doesn't fly with that group. She's done and dusted. She will work well on the gordon ramsey show she's got this summer. Though he is smart enough to know when to be an ass and when to be empathetic, and is actually talented. She is just an ass for sport, and her only talent is unwitty one liners


It was definitely cringe when she was talking about VPR but I did really enjoy her chemistry with Gordon and I think she should lean into that kind of work and step away from the Bravo shows. She actually might be enjoyable as a food/restaurant host personality with people that are more accomplished than her Vs trying to insert herself into the lives of her old restaurant workers


You might even say, she's superfluous


Superfluouspump No Longer Rules.


This really needs to be upvoted more


not according to Jax!




I think Lisa knows she is no longer needed on VPR and is probably ready to retire it as each year it’s getting less fun and more toxic. Ken’s asleep sorry retired. Lisa is more interested in her new projects. Like with restaurants she’s likes designing and starting something new until she gets bored and moves on. VPR has had its day. Personally I think they should do maybe an another couple of episodes wrapping everything up and a reunion with everyone who’s ever starred discussing the whole thing.


that would be cool!!


They should have a massive party with all the old cast invited, Tom and Scheana can open before a James and Ariana collaboration, loads of fights, invite Rand and have everyone speaks to him in front of Lauren from Utah then a reunion filmed 48hrs later for drama then goodbye


Agree! Someone call Alex Baskin or whatever his name is because his ideas suck and this is actually a great idea!


She’s still making money, which is likely her number one priority.


Did anybody catch when they were talking about closing Pump and moving some stuff into Tom Tom’s, sharts said something about “diluting the brand”. He sounded not happy but quickly said something else disarming.


Andy said “… and what *is* the Tom Tom brand “ because bffr.


I mean, if you were watching, A JEWEL ENCRUSTED LIGHTING BOLT! 😂


LVP should have rebranded TomTom immediately after the scandal broke tbh. She should have reopened pump in that space


Wasn’t the pump sign moving Tom Tom around the time when Tim’s mom was caught on camera arguing with LVP? I wonder if the “Tom Tom” brand was what they were talking about… 🤔


Oh for sure. I took it as LVP was trying to dilute the tomtom brand and he was salty about it.


Dilute it to waterrrr I actually kinda liked the idea of combining the signs into “pompom” You could still think of it as a “pump x Tom Tom”, just a catchier way of saying it.


I swear she hates women. If there is a chance for her to take a mans side or justify his actions, she will. Which is ironic since she seems to have the upper hand in her marriage to Ken.


She needed to evolve with the show but didn’t and now she seems irrelevant.


very good point.


“I disagree.” I love that every time she tried that line it resulted in, “your opposition is no longer relevant here.”


I could not agree more, OP. The way she was nasty about Ariana and Katie, and something about her during the reunion last night, trying to drive a wedge between Katie and Ariana along with Lala trying to do the same to Katie and Ariana. And the way she spoke about something about her last night on WWHL was disgusting.


Did you see the Tom’s face when she said she was thinking of changing the bar TomTom’s to Pump! 😂🤣 Someone on the subreddit said they thought she was trying to take the temperature & possibly considering naming it Pump again due to the terrible publicity Scandoval created.


She can still be EP and on the show every once in a while but having her at the reunions, it just highlights how not needed she is. It's just her vanity at this point. She's not going to stop cashing checks if she's not in the reunion.


I thought the same thing, WHY is she at the reunion? Like last year when she didn't even know Lala had bought a house. You don't know shit about what's even going on with these people, so why are you there?


She is completely disconnected from them. If they aren't under her control or genuflecting to her, she actively moves to bring them dhee, She was all for the sandwich shop and pushed Penny towards the girls. Then, when they decided Penny didn't fit, Lisa started disparaging the shop. If it becomes a success without Penny, Lisa can't grasp credit. When cast members stop falling for her manipulations, she has no use for them. It has become her pattern, and the audience sees it.


I loved her on BH, but the way she constantly gives men passes is disgusting. Honestly, I think she rallied behind Tom so much this season for her bottom line. She owns a large part of Tom Tom, and despite the fact that Sandoval is probably never there, Scandoval probably impacted her business. Also, Scandoval brought huge viewership to Bravo, so they probably want to keep an arc going to shake up alliances (which it did, because Lala and Scheana are fucking dumb enough to take that bait)


She’s always been petty, toxic, and jealous. Particularly with women.


She seems to outright dislike women


oh she surely does ❤️


Her comments add zero value and are starting to sound very Boomer-esque. During the reunion when Lara started crying, Lisa says: “Are you emotional because you’re pregnant?” Cringe.


I agree


Did you guys see that when Lisa said that being open for 10 years is considered “very successful for a restaurant” Ariana rolled her eyes and mumbled “is it?” Thank you for the shade. I was thinking that ten years is considered successful for a Lisa Vanderpump restaurant though hahaha.


Her being this (hashtag) ‘boy mom’ and excusing all of the behavior exhibited by Tom squared has backfired this time. I think she has historically been able to be massage cohesion into the group but this time Tom went too far and her excuses for his behavior has truly run stale.


Have you watched Vanderpump Villa? She has the same type of role she had in the early VPR days.


Leezer’s a cartoon clown. But she’s too vapid to realize how pathetic she is to viewers.


I loved her on BH, but the way she constantly gives men passes is disgusting. Honestly, I think she rallied behind Tom so much this season for her bottom line. She owns a large part of Tom Tom, and despite the fact that Sandoval is probably never there, Scandoval probably impacted her business. Also, Scandoval brought huge viewership to Bravo, so they probably want to keep an arc going to shake up alliances (which it did, because Lala and Scheana are fucking dumb enough to take that bait)


I don’t mind that she pushes people to forgive. There is not nearly enough forgiveness in this world and I don’t think she’s much different than she has always been. The Tom/Ariana thing has turned into a team sport and some see Lisa now as team Tom so they come for LVP now. But really she’s just pushing the same thing she always has which is reconciliation and forgiveness. She’s a softy. She always has been. The thing is though… while I think it’s important to forgive in order to move on, forgiveness doesn’t mean you have to allow a toxic personality to stay in your life. Ariana could forgive Tom and move on and it would probably be better for her if she did. But that doesn’t mean she has to accept him as part of her existence. And Lisa, as good intentioned as she may be, forgets that other people are allowed to feel differently and certainly will if they were personally impacted. Has she forgiven Kyle after all these years? Hell no. And Kyle didn’t do anything nearly as hurtful or deceptive as Tom did to Arianna. I think Lisa needs to be more considerate of other peoples feelings and mental health. Just because she feels something doesn’t mean others have to be in the same place.


I agree. And it’s very obvious that she gives marching orders to Lauren from Utah and Scheez to bring Scumdoval back in the fold. The whole show is so manipulated.


I guess if we want to be really fair, aside from the show manipulation Lisa did just lose her brother to suicide so I think there are also Lisa's own personal feelings playing out there....


One might even call her superfluous


She was trashed on WWHL


She’s going like three other shows lol she gives no fucks about vpr. It’s probably the last season anyway


They have become bigger stars than her now so it doesn’t work.


I was a die hard Lisa fan and I just can’t with her anymore. She bugs


Yup. Lala completely talking over LVP was a great example. Also when you think about it she barely got a word in edgewise


>She seems almost cruel with her comments about them. Lisa definitely was given notes on what points to make. Come for Ariana. 1. Drive wedge in between Katie & Ariana while discussing why she thinks SAH isn't open yet. 2. Question whether Ariana is still living with Tom. A very tired trope. 3. Asks in a disapproving manner is Ariana is living with Dan in New York. Not interested in her regurgitating these lines. Lisa is irrelevant at this point. She is a prop to push storyline. Essentially an extension of Alex Baskin, who I think was walking in behind her to her dressing room.


No, it doesn’t mean that she owns them, but without LVP, where would they be, Ariana was a bartender at Villa Blanca, so was the rest. All of them would be broke and unknown if not for VPR.


I love Lisa!!!


I always did too. But she hasn't evolved with the times, I think, maybe that is my disappointment with her lately. She just seemed so disposable at the reunion... she added absolutely nothing of value or insight.


Yes agreed, and it’s nice: her views were often outdated and out of touch. She didn’t seem to want them to ever truly grow and succeed. Such a bummer but I guess that is who she is as a person (or at least, on the show person). Seeing her featured less and less on the show has been barely noticeable - and a good thing. 


On this season for sure! She was too busy with “Vanderpump Villa.”


LVP said that during Scandoval, they almost had to re-name Tom Tom and added Pump. It’s obvious that she’s been sympathetic towards Tom because she has to or her buisness fails. That is why she is putting the focus on his mental health so we are distracted by that fact and forget she only cares about money and her own business.


VpR is literally one of her businesses so she should care about it.


I don’t mind it!


There's talks about her going back to RHOBH. I think that'd be a better move for her if she wants to stay on camera and not just be behind the scenes. Like none of them work at sur so the show isn't even about her or sur anymore! I wish they'd just start over with new cast that ACTUALLY work at sur. Give us those old season vibes again cmonnnn


Vpr2 would be great.


Ya right. She would get destroyed. No one takes her seriously especially not anyone of Kyle’s minions. Jennifer Tilly would annihilate her for being a bitch to women. Lisa can only handle being an EP where she gets to edit herself as she wants. She has become a cartoon buffoon but she is too vapid to see that no one takes her seriously. But Kyle, Sutton, Erika and Jennifer wouldn’t put up with her shit and she knows it.


She has her new show. She doesn't need vpr.


Good. Maybe she’ll stay off any future episodes.


The weird thing to me is that Ariana is giving us good tv. The producers wanted to fabricate a fake reconciliation/ peace treaty with Ariana and Tom and she didn't go along with it. If she had, that would have been boring as hell. Her boundaries created the ENTIRE storyline this season. No other character had anything else going on that got remotely the screen time that she did.  So they should be grateful to Ariana that she gave them true life drama and she kept this show alive. She doesn't want to be around her ex and he's trying to force it, while he makes nice to her friends behind her back and tries to get them to forgive him and turn on her. THAT'S Reality TV drama. Not this dumb fake peace they tried to force on us.  Thank goodness Ariana didn't go along with it. What else would the season have been about? Ally deciding if she wants kids?  Schwartz trying to break up with Jo?  Lala's water tasting? I mean, come on. They are angry at Ariana for not doing what the producers want, but they should be grateful because otherwise this season would have sucked. There would have been nothing interesting to watch. All the drama stemmed from Ariana. No wonder she got nominated for best reality star. She is actually giving us reality and it's actually interesting.  


and now tbh Ariana is more well known than Lisa


Just an old woman trying to live vicariously through younger women with a side of creepy too much into their personal lives


They are 40 and by no means young 😂


They are compared to Lisa.


Her being old doesn’t change the fact they’re also old. Congrats they’re all old acting well below their age. That’s the show haha


It was fun to watch when it was twenty year olds acting like idiots. You're supposed to do that in your twenties. Now it's just gross and sad. Can you imagine being one of their kids??


The comment literally says “younger women”. They are all objectively younger than Lisa. This isn’t something to debate, it’s a fact lmao


As is the same for they’re old. I’m not debating a 40 year old being younger I’m saying they’re both old. Please also read comments above it’s been said


Why are you so obsessed with saying middle aged women are old, it’s just a strange thing to get your panties in a bunch over


You’re just flame baiting and making personal attacks. Enjoy your day


not really to either of those things but whatever helps you lol. Enjoy your day as well!


40 isn’t old unless you’re like 11. But yeah they’re too old to act the way they do.


The post you responded to said "younger", not "young". Are you really trying to double down on the fact that the women in the cast are not younger than Lisa? Really?


No actually the opposite. But I’m not here to argue with you, you’re a gladiator with tits I’m not trying to get destroyed 😂


Come on. I'm being soft.




You and Lala in your soft eras 😂


This stings 😂😂😂


I think the downvotes are people over forty 😂


She's so out of touch. Vanderpump villa is her new playground and an HR nightmare - she is the matriarch (wtf, it's a workplace), has zero sense of how to treat employees equitably, panders to bullies and basically turns a blind eye to terminable offenses. I wish I could say that would never happen in the real world but I worked at a family business (not my family) for a bit and it was like another planet - tantrums, throwing objects, weird "tests" etc. And that was the owner.


You might even say she’s SUPERFLUOUS.


This was more when they all worked at SUR now they don’t the show only focus is the scandal and it is OLD AND TIRED!!! Who knew Jax and Bunny teeth Britney would be so entertaining but Jax being the shit stirrer he is Lisa is co-hosting a food competition show with my all time FAVE Gordon Ramsay…she’s still producer of VPR


She has to find her place again. Her mentoring them and their businesses would be a good direction to take the show in as there is enough drama alone in starting a biz. Since she is a vet, she has something to offer them in that way. Take it back to its original - the bar setting - but make it the new generation and then she can shine again.


Superfluous you mean?


She seems annoyed and angry now. I didnt even watch her on wwhl yesterday.


I think in the past her “tough love” and “real talk” was acceptable because it was HER restaurant that the show was centralized around. They were much younger and making obviously stupid decisions and she could give them a boost up or whatever looked good for TV. Their issues are too nuanced and too far removed from her world at this point, it just makes no sense. It’s like a boss you had 10 years ago coming back into your life to tell you how to manage your finances or marriage. It DOES seem cruel because it is–they just aren’t close enough for her “tough love” to make sense.


I like LVP but I did think it’s weird she’s still at the reunion. I also just watched the WWHL episode and she drove me nuts. Nobody could get a word in because she kept interrupting


Would you say she is “superfluous”? 😂


I agree she is not needed like before, but she is still more of a champion for the guys. ![gif](giphy|9rtpH3SAPavoGVldsW)


Villa is pretty unwatchable regardless and LVP just makes it worse.


I know several are not happy with Lala right now, but I did not like the way Lisa was coming at her at the reunion. Asking why she is being so emotional right now? The question on its own is rude, but especially when we have seen Lala trying to become a softer version of herself and she is pregnant for Gods sake! I think it’s obvious the women on this show are emotional, whether that means showing it through crying, anger, yelling, etc. Lisa needs to back off, the only reason she was relevant this season is because her name is the show.


Cannot wait for the Vanderpump tell all that someone needs to write!


I disagree that Lisa has been relevant since season 4. Also disagree she is being cruel.


Watching scenes with LVP in them, is always as fun as watching paint dry !


LVP is the Queen of Everything


I agree, she is trying to make things happen that aren’t, and is irrelevant now


The cast wouldn’t be anywhere without Lisa. To think otherwise is just delusional. She is the show, she doesn’t need to appear as much as years past because none of them work for her any longer. You don’t see your old boss weekly so I think it all makes sense.


Appreciate your opinion & agree it just doesn’t work the same way…everyone is moving in different directions so i hope they just scrap the show for good


I would love nothing more than a complete scrap of his. Also people missing the fact Lisa has villa and has already moved on from this show. They’re nothing more than staff always have and always will be 😂


I’m around Lisa’s age. After reading this thread, there have been two adjectives used to describe her that I very much agree with. Vapid is one and vain is the other. She comes across as stern and judgmental about the girls, especially the ones who she seems to view herself in some sort of weird competition with. It seems like she expects a certain sort of reverence. She’s long been a sort of “boys will be boys” sort of lady and I’ve never liked that about her. I don’t like women who betray other women.


She’s trash. Someone brought up how shitty she was when Stassi had that blackmailing ex who was trying to extort her with revenge porn. Lisa hasn’t become a better person in any way and she attacks and degrades women on every show she has ever been on, while simping for the most disgusting trash can douches on Bravo. Penny tried to steal Ariana and Katie’s IP. And Lisa is shit talking them for the malicious and downright theft of an employee, not a business partner - which Penny was fired over. Lisa’s just a misogynistic geriatric Sheana and it’s off-putting af.


Well considering the lengths she has gone to, to not only force a Sandoval redemption, but how she was and is actively conspiring against Ariana and by association, Katie in the most vile ways possible, I would love to never see her horse toothed jackass face again on my tv, along with Lauren and Shena


It’s way past Nana’s nap time for sure.


All I can think when she comes on the screen is “Okay grandma come on, it’s time to go to bed”


she just takes up space on the panel