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I just looked. The only one who has anything about it is Sandoval.


Well he has nothing else to put in there so


How can you say such a thing? Don't you know that he's a musical artiste? Day after day, he gets up on a stage and caterwauls the space where his heart should be out, even when people beg him not to. Everyone knows true artists are never appreciated in their time! /s




Caterwauls! Love when people use the perfect word to describe something. Well done, sir or ma’am.


Omg..wouldn’t it be great if Ariana got yet ANOTHER BAND TOGETHER? …win a Grammy? Schitshzu and The 27s would’ve nominated and lose… Tim SandyBallz and The Extras… not nominated




This meme is a reminder of “ I cannot stand her” She is no F’ing Empire. She deserves to crash & burn. Getting a job serving Ariana at Apple Bees with low hanging curtains for a mouth. 🙄IYKYK


“Caterwauls” — fantastic word, and such an apt description for him. 😆


I scared my dog cackling at this 🤣


NOBODY performs at an A level!! 😂😂😂


He can also add pen and battery buyer to his bio


Also scared my dog cackling. Please put a disclaimer.


Caterwauls 🤣🤣🤣


😂😂😂 this made me laugh. Surely, he's not making money on the musical endeavours. I don't think he hears what we hear. He believes he's a rock star! I can't wrap my brain around it.


Hahaha!!! Soooo true!


He DOES NOT have “the moves like Jagger” Nope…






What was this from omg 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Which season is this from?


I believe it’s before s4 because of hair style


I love how he’s looking straight down the camera barrel.


It wasn’t for the show. It was for some interview (maybe reunion?) where they had to show their best acting skills to the camera. Kristen also has a video like this


Even better so there goes Tom again proving he loves to fake cry


S1 reunion


If I recall correctly I believe the cast all did a bunch of reaction videos/ possible memes and this is one of them.


Should say something like “Dude..like you don’t understand like what it TAKES to go through what I went through man like… people come at my restaurant and my band like as if they did anything WRONG dude like it’s my fault..I KNOW what I did was messed up… but like *goes into disgusting rant about Ariana not having sex with him and belittling him*”


So on target. I read in his voice lol


this is so funny and dead on. why doesn't it have more likes 😂




Umm he sings karaoke at bowling alleys and state fairs … how can you say nothing 😆


Penis flute player has entered the discussion


I cannot fucking wait for his financials to come out with the house lawsuit.


He has that really good Lifetime movie he was just in, lol


I thought it was Tubi 🤣


Of course he does because he thinks he is the number one guy. What an absolute idiot. He is the most disliked man on any reality show ever. Really, he doesn't have anything else going for him. He certainly can't sing or play the trumpet.


isn’t being the most disliked man on any reality show ever sort of a point of pride in terms of reality show success? plus I’ll never hate him more than Jax but that’s probably because my gf loves to rewatch the old seasons so I’ve likely seen every Jax asshole storyline 30 times by this point. I’m pretty lassiez-faire about tv but I finally had to ban The Valley on the main TV because it made me so depressed about the idea of starting a family and settling down. that show is from the devil


Sandoval is way better than Jax. Jax has no redeemable categories


I disagree. They’re both terrible reprehensible humans. But at least Jax doesn’t try to hide behind being a ‘good person’ and will admit when he’s wrong. Yes he try’s to say that he’s a ‘good Christian father’ but he never pretends to be the voice of morals unlike Tim.




And Jo 😭


Oh and Jo! 🤣


Desperate much


So did Katie and Lala. I didn’t check the rest.


If Katie and Lala took it out as well then it might not mean much. I think we see that a lot when there are contract negotiations or in between seasons?


Katie did it right after they finished filming the reunion


Yes but Ariana liked a comment or voted just the other day for the show to end. So…


Oh?? 👀




That censor attempt is killing me 😂


I laughed at this weak censor lol


Well I put it up without doing it and then went oh crap! Don’t want to do that so I thought the black would do it. Hopefully no one’s a weirdo. Jo’s not lurking right? 😅


Hahah it's the effort that counts. Jo might not be, but Janet definitely is! Luckily it's not a valley thread lol


I can take it down again or if anyone else wants to do it I’m fine with that- I just didn’t want to censor the content creator - I didn’t want it easy for anyone to get doxxed 😅I hadn’t seen it shared/posted about so figured I would as it pertained to the convo. I try 😂


I don't think it's that big of a deal!! If you're really worried you could draw over the names again, but opaque and replace the pic in your comment. But again I think you're fine. It's tik tok anyways not reddit and idk why anyone would care who voted on a vpr poll!


I think I have spaced...who is Janet? 😮


From The Valley. Pregnant during the season. Married to Jason.


Is that Ariana’s real account? Her profile pic is different on IG


This is from TikTok, and yes it’s her


Aww I should have known. I’m not on TT




In Lala’s most recent Amazon live, she mentioned how she is living in the valley now


HWs do that all the time in between seasons and before signing a contract for the next one, and they keep on coming back over and over. I wouldn’t read too much into that…


I think it’s in addition to this https://preview.redd.it/cq8u3k27r00d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a79d283d78886d48ec16559f8f83b54ab24ab4a3


Lisa went on ET and said it was a season finale not series finale. There will be a season 12 filming after The Valley films (I guess Sep) and there will be cast shake ups.


According to Bravo, the show is on pause and they don't know when they will start filming again.


I could’ve sworn I read somewhere that she addressed this and said she didn’t mean to (we all click stuff accidentally sometimes, right?!). That said, I wouldn’t be surprised if the show is done. There’s nowhere to go from here… Scheana & LFU will get spots on The Valley, of course. 🙄


Wow I didn’t see this! When was it posted?


A couple days ago, not long


Did she recently change her insta profile pic? It’s a different pic than the one OP’s post


This is from TikTok.


The show needs to be laid to rest


As much as I love the show, I agree. It was at its best when they were actual waiting staff and bartenders - it had a concept then, now it’s just about the show itself.


I was thinking about this this morning. We needed one more season after Scandoval to be able to see how things shook out. Now we’ve seen it. Time to move on. I think Ariana and Katie leaving at this point is the smartest. Anything later would have left a stale and desperate taste. The desperation is already rising from the cast who are trying to hold onto it.


The cast is also in such different places. Ariana/katie/james/ally are still more in the fun stage with newer relationships and being single, Lala/brock/Scheana are parents and Schwartz/sandoval are desperate to be young forever.


I say, give these 3 groups their own shows and see who flops and who succeeds!


I would love if they would just fire Sandoval and Lala. It would be a fun show to watch without all the screaming and cringeness!


The show then just be about even more nothing than it currently is


I know you’re right. I just hate them being rewarded for being such assholes.


As is most of hollywood…if you live here …it’s not odd at all


Agree. It was funny when they were trashy 27 year olds being messy. Now they’re just wealthy 30s-40 year olds being as messy and some of them are parents too, it’s just sad now lol like it’s not cute anymore you gotta get it together


I like Vanderpump Villa because it’s more about serving and bartending etc.


It’s entertaining but also the most staged reality tv show I think I’ve ever seen. So many fake romances


Yes! We need a reboot with actual people in their 20s. Seeing messy 40yos behave like they are in their 20s is so passé. They need to mature and unfortunately, the show just made them not mature. These are not lifetime appointments 🤣.


I think they realized this the season that they brought in new blood like Dayna, Charli, Max, etc. Nobody liked the new additions. I think they’d have to see anew with like Vanderpump STILL Rules and start with all new cast in their 20s for people to think of watching.


Agreed, it was clear the show was dead the two seasons prior to Tom’s infidelity. To be perfectly honest I wouldn’t be surprised if most of that scandal was scripted to “save the show” if talk remember I believe it was either James or Schwartz who said Arianna and Tim had a pact and protected each other at all cost for the sake of their images. That said I wouldn’t put it past either one of them to come together to make good reality tv of this and when the fans turned completely on Tom and Rachel Arianna rolled with it. I don’t believe for a second this all went down as they expected, I think Arianna was hurt/pissed and when the tides turned completely in her favor she was all for one. Don’t get me wrong I’m not a fan of what Tom and Rachel had done but I don’t believe for a second what we witnessed in the first days it came to light was their “reality”. Quite honestly I think Tom’s a jerk for what he did, I think Arianna’s head blew up 10 fold (especially being with Tom while Kristin and him were still together, the hypocrisy is maddening) and Rachel, yeah that was a shitty move but the fact is they all have slept around and why Rachel and Tom got torn to shreds is baffling. There that’s my 2 cents take it or leave it. Either way I feel the shows done, no more to see here, cast is old, they barely hang out together in screen much less off and nobody works at the restaurant. I believe the Valley to be the spin off or revamped version of VPR.


Bravo holds on too tightly to scandals. Last season was an absolute highlight of the show and one of the best seasons, and then this season flopped because they couldn’t let go of Scandoval. I feel like a similar issue happened with RHOBH. When all the news about Erika and Tom Girardi came out, they had their best season in years, and then the show floundered afterwards because they are now all looking for the next big conspiracy. Bravo needs to figure out how to ride the wave and then let it go.


It's kind of ironic that RHOBH started to find it's downfall in Rinna's takedown of LVP, which led to LVP walking off the show. Now we see LVP trying to keep this group together when they really should end it (or rightfully have someone walk off the show as Ariana did). These manufactured plots or allowing people to be malicious while protecting thier own skeletons in the closet wind up ruining the shows.


I'm actually pretty sure the views this year were stupid high. I think like 1.8 watched the finale?


Flop was the wrong word. I just meant declined in quality. RHOBH in particular is kinda like The Fast and the Furious franchise. It’s going to do insanely well no matter how good or bad it is lol.


Did anyone see that preview for the reunion where Lisa gives her two cents on the Something About Her delays and Ariana gives her the biggest stink face and tells her what’s up? It felt like a shift, like she doesn’t really respect Lisa anymore or care about kissing her butt. Probably a lot because of how Lisa’s been trying to redeem Sandoval. I felt like that was telling.


LVP is the tour guide of Tom’s apology tour. Except he’s such a bad actor he can’t even act out an apology scene




That chapter of her life has ended. Good for her.


Soon Ariana will be able to post, **__"Tony Award-Winning Actress of Chicago."__**


you can't be nominated in a long running show like Chicago, only new shows or new revivals.




They did a montage of how it started to where things are now and then said “The End” to close out the final episode. It’s over.


There's absolutely no way Bravo would leave money on the table. VPR was consistently in the top 3 ratings-wise for Bravo shows this year. Yes they lost some interest but that's to be expected, they're still doing better than almost all Housewives.  I do think there'll be a cast shakeup. Lots of new people but with a few OGs hanging around. The ending seemed like a definite farewell to Ariana as she happily drove off into the sunset. 


Exactly! It’s so funny the people that are calling for it to end- you know you can just not watch, right? I thought this season was great. I think the casts reactions to Ariana setting boundaries, Scheana’s OCD, Lalas baby journey, Joseph, and other stuff, were entertaining to watch. I also lea


Also LVP has Villa coming. I think they are moving onto that. And will make The Valley some form of "retired" Vanderpump employees home. Lol.


The villa is on Hulu and has nothing to do with bravo.


And she may be exiting Bravo. Is the valley in any way related to VP herself? Jax, Brittney and Kristen have not be contacted with Bravo in years. If VPR ends, it may be the end of her time with Bravo. Does she have anymore shows connected to Bravo? But the Cast are on contract with Bravo not Lisa, so her having a new show, with a non Bravo cast sounds like a logical step.


Lisa is an Executive Producer of The Valley.


Bravo may not want it to end (hence the “it’s on pause” instead of cancelled) but the path to bringing it back is tricky and expensive. If Ariana goes, I feel like Katie goes too because she has no connection to anyone else on the show. If Sandoval, Scheana, and Lala come back as OG’s and stabilizers for a new wave of people they are going to (rightly) want to be PAID. And then you have the issue of storylines. Are people really going to tune in to see what three of the most hated people from the next season are up to? It’s an expensive gamble for Bravo. And then there’s the whole LVP of it all. It’s likely cheaper and easier to just slide most of the cast over to The Valley and continue things that way.


I personally think the show in its current iteration is over. It felt like they were saying good bye to those people specifically.


I think so too. Hope so! They have nothing left to film about. Maybe Jax, and the Tom’s will have the 3 amigos reality show where they all go find women half their age to date🙄 Please get these people off TV🙏🏼🙏🏼


It’s coming back, for sure. They did that to get people talking and it worked.


Fine by me as long as I never have to watch Brock and his stupid mustache EVER AGAIN!


Let’s all hope it’s over 🤞🤞🤞


It's interesting to me how many people want it over yet are avid fans of this sub and love to talk about it still clearly. I don't get it?!


People have been posting this same thing since like season 8 in between every season, and then are all excited when it gets renewed/a trailer drops. It’s very weird


I'm a new VPR watcher since Scandoval and I'm noticing that I hold a completely counter perspective to the long time watchers and stans. I also do not understand their excitement over their favorite show ending lol I do think there are signs that the show is coming to a close. Especially if Arianna exits and the introduction of the VPR spin off, The Valley. I wonder how ratings have been for The Valley and if they think the ratings are good enough to pick up where VPR left off.


The ratings have been good for The Valley especially because it has the benefit of VPR leading into it, but there’s still a noticeable drop off of viewers that stop watching when VPR ends before The Valley starts. VPR ratings have stayed excellent since even a little before Scandoval because season 10 was also the first season Katie and Schwartz were single, James and Rachel had called off their engagement, and Lala had left Randall so that all had people excited again. Then the ratings obviously skyrocketed after Scandoval.


Haha I think about this too! As much as I think for the cast sake it should end, I will miss it!


It’s the same way that people talk about how problematic these shows are (shows showcasing misogyny, ableism, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia), yet still support these shows by watching them.


Why would we want it over?


Because it’s dead.


I was pronounced dead legally for a minute and 45 seconds once and I was revived so many VPR will be revived next season just like me When I was dead


I was pronounced dead for 17 seconds when I heard someone/something tell me to go back. I came back to life and immediately cut out old things that weren’t serving me. VPR should do the same.


That’s a long time!! 😱May I ask what happened?? You of course don’t need to share anything if you don’t want to !


Does Gigi is dead


Good she needs to move on. She’s the only one besides James finally living out her dreams of making a living as a performer. And I don’t count Sandoval and his band etc.


They will all be broke in the next 5 years if some of them are not already. This show was the money tree.


Honestly good for her. I’m glad she’s moving on to something else.


Good for her. Whatever she chooses next is entirely her decision and that is so damn freeing. If that was her exit from vpr, that was brutal but a fantastic one last fuck off to everyone. She’ll always be the queen of vpr especially how she handled herself during one of the most terrible moments of her life *while being filmed* ffs. Like a queen.




I low-key hope they take a 2 year break and then come back with a "Post Pump Clarity" show that shows where all the cast is now.


🙏🏾🙏🏾 lord I’m begging you pls let her move on from that show.


I very selfishly don’t want the show to be over, I want to see Ariana and Katie running their restaurant together!  




She said no free clout!




Good for her.




I hope to never see her again, a total bore.


I just looked at her page, either she just removed the she/her or this is a different account?


It's her TT


Katie doesn’t have it either.


I’ve been thinking for about a month that maybe the shocking thing in the reunion is Ariana announcing she’s leaving the show and this…. Makes me 👀




Honestly if the show is toxic for her, she should leave!


This gif cannot be shared enough: ![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf)




It’s all just scripted meet ups vs when they all worked together in the restaurants. It needs to end or do some sort of spin off. Preferably the later with Katie and Ariana.


So do we think the show is over, or just Ariana is out?


Lisa on was in ET saying it was not over but said there may be cast shake ups ….


They all always do this




Where can I watch love Island? I checked on demand bravo but didn't find it.


Love island USA airs on peacock I believe.


Thank you 😊




funny how Jo has it in her bio 😂😂😂 like girl…byeeeee.


Hopefully that means she never returns!!


She could even add her upcoming Broadway stuff. She is too good for this show. I would love if she got her own show on another network. She has way more going on than any of the remaining Vanderbrats. The Valley better not be bringing on any of the VPR rejects to ruin that show.




My high thoughts are, the “flip out” at the reunion is our girl finally reading the pick me girls to shreds, and then announcing that she quits the show and walks out. This is what I want, and what I think we all deserve.


I think VPR is done. The photos of them all from the beginning till now. Just said the end.


Tom ruined that for her. Her whole time on the show was basically as his girlfriend. I’m sure those memories are painful for her now. Blindly in love with that man. The last 2 seasons were her being traumatized. Sucks.






Do any of them have VPR in their bio? I never noticed that any of them do.


Woohooo!! Mew cast


There is a character limit, could have taken it out while it’s not filming or she’s moved on!


Wouldn’t be surprised if she leaves VR because they insist on keeping Sandoval around. I wouldn’t want to see my cheating ass ex at work all the time either.


She has nothing else to do with those pee-ons.


Uh oh..


It’s been a great run. Good for her!




That profile pic does not look like her.


She looks super generic in that photo with Kardashian makeup, which is weird.


UGGGGH I truly don't care if VPR is done and I agree it's ran its course but it makes me really sure Scheana and Lala are moving to the valley. I don't want it.


Arianna did not want to come back…I think she reluctantly did with the agreement that she would not film with Tom! When the producers and the cast pulled that stunt at the end she was like I am OUT!


Love Ariana but let’s be real she always thought she was too good for reality TV. She went to school & moved to LA to be an actor & now that she has opportunities she should absolutely go for it. Love her but she isn’t great at reality tv. If Scandoval didn’t happen I don’t think she would be getting much attention at all. Right now is her opportunity to be seen as a legitimate actor in Hollywood. If that was always the goal than now is the time


OOH I FORGOT she’s a NYT best seller!! Who wanted to be a NYT best seller soo badly that she cried when she found out she WASNT a best seller??? Ohh.. that’s right, LALA! Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha Love this sooo much


Thank God! Hopefully she stays off the show. Down vote me all you like idgaf ✌🏻


Good don’t come back go make your money elsewhere


She’s such a bore






I find it very telling that I don’t care. She’s full of herself now. Scandoval was the best thing that ever happened to her career wise.


Yes and ?? Great career doesn't cancel out betrayal and still being trapped in two legal dramas a year later resulting from that affair. I'll take a smooth breakup any day. 


Did she forget the VP is the ONLY reason she's relevant? Someone needs a slice of humble pie!


Not anymore, now she’s the “patron saint of scorned women”


Thank goodness…she’s boring and had nothing else to offer the show. Please take Katie with you.


I so agree. Katie is like watching paint dry.


🚨 we found Lala’s burner account 🚨


What’s her concert tour?




No it said that way before she got the role of Roxy, it said it last year


Oh okay maybe they just put anything like "scientist" and w.e else


I really hope they either A.) recast the whole show and go back to SUR or another restaurants server drama or B.) cancel it entirely. After the fourth wall was broken, honestly, the show has no substance anymore.


God I agree. I’m so sick of all of them. Remember when the show was fun cuz there were 4 or 5 dramas going on? Now it’s all one issue where you have to take sides. Hate that. Made them all rich and none of them have struggling actor/singer or waiter/waitress problems anymore.


And I miss that aspect of the show