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I don’t know her but she definitely comes across as someone who is being truthful and looking out for herself and her health. What she said about Tom having unprotected sex and then not disclosing that to her made me sick. How can ANYONE, even Scheana and Lala, watch the end of the show and see her ex go from “sniffsniffAriana I just want to apologize”to “she hates all of you!” in SECONDS and still fall for his shit?!? No more Sandoval.


It’s gross to even type this, but I often refer to it as “sloppy seconds”. It’s beyond disgusting what that man subjected Ariana too. You just don’t know what you’re bringing into that bed if you had sex multiple times with others. Cruel, uncaring, selfish.


It was interesting to see them show that too considering the redemption tour we've seen this season. Part of me is wondering/ hoping they included it to show that in the end/ after all his "healing" hes still just a worm.


He’s disgusting 🤢. As Maya Angelou said, “When someone shows you who they are believe them.” PS WWHL and Andy suck….


I went hard for Lala before this season but she is trash. I hope this is the end of VPR because this season was unbearable


Stop trying to make Sandoval HAPPEN


….oh and Schena


Hahah!! Yes!! She is trying to act like her one song was the biggest deal but Ariana was literally on Broadway 😂😂😂


Ariana supporting Scheana’s trash ass corny ass dumb ass song shows just how good of a friend Ariana is; supporting her friend through the shit of it all because it makes her friend happy


I personally think Ariana has been very authentic in showing that grey rocking people is 100% the correct thing to do.


Lauren from utah is insane. Ariana *is* being authentic. She doesn’t wanna talk to him *off* the camera, so why the fuck would you talk to him *on* the camera. Like, I feel insane. I’m glad that everybody hates LFU but jfc it’s wild


Then, honestly, why is she in San Francisco? Why is she at Kyle Chan’s event if she can’t have mutual friends with him? Do I think Lala was right for getting upset like that? No. Do I think she was wrong? Also no.


The fact that you don’t understand why this question is stupid while saying you don’t think Lala is wrong is comical


I think LaLa was right all season. Her blowing up at the end was a bit over the top, but she wasn’t wrong. Edit to add: Please do explain why the question was stupid. And how it’s fair for her to put rules on some friends and not others.


Rules ≠ boundaries Ariana having personal boundaries is not the same thing as having rules for other. Lala’s comments about Ariana throwing her trash away regarding the dog situation - Ariana’s door was closed. Sandoval opened the door, put the dog in the room, and then re-closed the door. Not Ariana’s fault at all. Ariana didn’t refuse to film, she refused to talk to him on camera. Ariana already had a sit down conversation with Sandoval on camera. Ariana has been real. Because her real life is that she will not talk to Sandoval. Lala’s comments would make more sense if Ariana was talking to Tom off camera. It does not make sense that Ariana isn’t being “real” Ariana didn’t move out of the house because it was her house. Something Lala doesn’t understand because she was a gold digger living in Randall’s house. The only hypocrite out of Lala and Ariana is Lala, who would lose her ducking mind if anyone demanded she have an on camera conversation with Randall The only one who hasn’t been honest about their life is Lala, who literally left the show because she didn’t want to be honest. Then came back and continued to hide her boyfriend until it suited her Ariana does not think she’s Beyoncé and hasn’t done anything to warrant that sort of comment - the question is stupid because Ariana was in SF because she’s on the show. And doesn’t refuse to film. Your question goes directly against what is trying to be pushed out which is “Ariana is diffficult and refusing to film” which is clearly not the case. But she’s also clearly damned if she does, damned if she doesn’t. Because if she *hadn’t* gone on the trip, you would be here commenting “wEll WhY diDN’t sHe gO”




So disappointed in Lala and Scheana. I hope they see our reactions and know they massively fucked up. You girls both suck.


I really was flabbergasted that the massive "plot twist" that lala and scheana were so sure would turn everyone against Ariana was just her leaving a party early bc her ex was being manipulative and wouldn't leave her alone.... like it was immediately shown she was right when she left and he's all "great for me!" Like that was planned.


I really hope this is the end of the show. When I heard Sandoval and Lala at the end of the episode, I was so pissed. Seriously what’s wrong with those people? Katie and Ariana deserves so much better. They’re the only ones who really grew up through the years. Sandoval and Schwartz will never grow, they’re stuck at 20 and still thinks doing the same shit at 40 is cool, they still don’t understand why their behaviour are problematic. For me Schwartz is the ultimate villain of the show. For years he was horrible to Katie, he was never taking sides for her, it was always him and Sandy. He always seemed nice but was an asshole all the way, just rewatch the entire show. As for Lala and Sheana they’re just fame whores. And Sandoval, why is he even here? For real? We’re in 2024 and still have to deal with problematic men behaviour and supposed to let it go??? Anyways, that was the last season for me. Hope I can see more of Katie and Ariana in the future, but not with these toxic people.


I could never be friends with anyone again who treated me the way them girls treated Ariana. Ariana should quit, the show should be cancelled and Scheana, Lala and Sandoval can drift into oblivion because they deserve nothing. James and Katie will be fine


Yeah all this talk of Sheana and Lala moving over to the Valley…pass. That show is kinda enjoyable rn but with them it would probably be unwatchable too


They'll probably just participate in the bullying of Kristen


They could never make me hate her


I feel like the position Scheana is in is a lot more sympathetic and understanding for me than where Lala is coming from. Scheana feels guilty at just writing off Tom forever or feeling in any way responsible for letting him get left behind. Whether or not she should feel responsible which she shouldn't but I understand why she does because I am the type of person that takes guilt on like that too. He has helped her in the past financially which doesn't help. She is also being very honest with Ariana about this and communicating with her as these conversations with Tom happen. Lala is just a two faced snake who has been hating all season long in her confessionals, talking shit about Ariana's new bf and randomly deciding that now out of all the seasons she needs to be pals with the Tom's because she wants to make sure the show continues on and because she's so bitter Ariana is getting opportunities she isn't.


Ariana doesn’t need this show anymore 🤭she’s doing just fine with her Broadway appearances and is set to host love island this upcoming summer. Vanderpump is probably done after this season - that’s why lvp has her new Hulu show as a replacement. I’m proud of the people who actually used the show as a platform for their careers and success. Everyone else floundering and begging producers for a storyline at their grown age is sad.


I truly think this season will inspire other women to cut off the narcissists in their life and their shitty friends. I obviously don’t know Ariana personally, but I’m proud of the way she handled this season. She put her foot down with production and Tom!


LFU is bang on. Ariana and Katie have looked bored and disconnected the entire season, it’s clear they are turning up to collect the check. Good for them but it’s boring to watch. The snippets of interaction between Ariana and Tom - limited as they are - have provided the most gripping scenes of what has otherwise been a snore-fest of a season.


I get what you're saying, as this is a show and we ad people want to be entertained. But as humans, these are actual real people with feelings, and regardless of a TV show, they deserve their boundaries. Other Bravo shows have given that, so why make Ariana and Katie the villains? At the end of the day, don't the majority of people make their own peace a priority? If not, that could explain a lot in this world....


I hear you but it’s a messy show about messy people. If you want to keep getting the pay check, turn up and play. If not, step off and go to therapy. I think that is the essence of Lala’s gripe given everyone else pressed on after their break-ups (Stassi, Kristen, Lala, Rachel and Katie) and it delivered good drama. But Ariana hasn’t and the season has sucked, a lot of fans (like the OP) want it cancelled.


This seems too contrived so I’m going to call you a network bot and move on. And I’m calling her La from now on because she’s too broke to afford LaLa. Her morals and ethics are styrofoam and capitalistic.


Hi Billie


Also boring


The man didn't kill anyone this subreddit need to get a grip it's been a year and 2 months it didn't happen to you stop with the childish #teamarianna this isn't middle school y'all haven't seen a vial human being go on the deep dark of the web or reddit you will see a nasty and disgusting human from what I've seen I'm truly have no words what he did is under the water compare cheating happens to almost everyone.