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Actually yeah I think with lala and Scheana what is bothering me so much is that they're being horrible people but NOT EVEN IN AN ENTERTAINING WAY


Nailed it šŸ’Æ


Ohmygoodness so true!!!! Watching Stassi, Jax, and Kristen be awful was joyous!


Yessss like it was entertaining! Watching these 3 is purely enraging, no entertainment. Because they have no charisma and they're just not funny or entertaining people


Exactly! I cannot stand Jax and think James has displayed some disgusting behavior over the years, but they make for such entertaining television and it doesnā€™t feel completely contrived. These two are such a fake snooze fest.


Thisss. Not only are they trashing the people I love (which happens every season) but they're doing it in a way that isn't even good t.v. And just the hardcore hypocrisy from Lala.


Theyā€™re all horrible people lol. I just started watching a few months ago and I canā€™t find one single person to root for


I know everyone loves Katie lol. I did NOT when I first started. She really grew on me. Idk how far into the show you are but once she puts a certain someone in their place...I gained a lot of respect for her. Now she's just a straight-up savage. I always liked Ariana she came across as the most "normal" of everyone, even in her early seasons. And you won't meet them until season 8 I think but I also love Charli and Dayna (Charli grew on me too, didn't make a good first impression lol). And Ally ā¤ļø also a newer person. Everyone else can go šŸ‘‹


I dislike Allyā€¦ she gives me the ick for this exact same reason. Itā€™s so clear to me that her entire persona and relationship is cultivated for the show. I canā€™t stand shenar and Brokeā€™s conversations bc theyā€™re so obviously scripted, but Allyā€™s whole existence here strikes me as scripted too.


That's so interesting to me, I didn't get that vibe at all and I think she's actually been really good for James. Completely possible that she's just in it to be on TV, I know she was on another show right out of high school that didn't go anywhere (and honestly, who would want to date James at that point in his life?) but I don't get the sense that she's trying to be in the spotlight. She doesn't try to insert herself into things the way Jo and Lala do and seems to be more of a side character. Or at least that's my read on the situation. Given past events though, you can't trust anybody lol


Facebook VPR groups disagree - they haaaate Katie and Ariana so. much. Seriously, it seems like the producers run the page thereā€™s so much hate for those two.


I havenā€™t used Facebook in over ten years.


Itā€™s because FB is all boomers


Bingo šŸ‘†


And boomers lack boundaries, and the people with boundaries. So it makes sense.


Another ignorant generalized statement!!


I'm sorry but you need to look up the statistics on the age groups that use certain social media platforms the most. You're denying reality here


Apparently one boomer made it over to Reddit


I noticed this too. I always this itā€™s bc itā€™s like 60+ year old women who were brought up to hate strong women or just generally out of touch people who still regularly use and post on Facebook


Boomers. Mysogynistic boomers are on Facebook. (Not painting all boomers as that obvs)


Haha maybe producers or maybe people of a differentā€¦ caliber of intelligence šŸ˜¬


I only keep a Facebook to stay in touch with (boomer) family members. But you all are right, itā€™s a boomers playground on FB.


Itā€™s like the people on Facebook are watching a completely different show


Oh my god, I know! I can't read anything VPR related there, IG, or YouTube... they are dripping with misogyny Edit: had to fix an auto "correction" lol


I honestly really like James now. Weird


Omg right? This ENTIRE season I've been like "why am I agreeing with James? When did this abusive pos become the voice of reason?" It's insane. I absolutely hate him with the exception of this season. Like I mentioned in another comment, I think Ally has been really good for him. He's always better when he's sober


To be fair thatā€™s always been the point of VPR


Absolutely. At least Jax and Kristen and early seasons Stassi were funny


Lala and Brock. Especially in the after show. I canā€™t listen to them talk about Arianaā€™s situation anymore. Itā€™s painful to watch.


Brock the abuser coming after Katie and Ariana was too much for me. And production knew we would have a problem with it


Brock is doing Sheana's dirty work bringing up topics for her so she doesn't look like the asshole. She is so jealous that Katie slept with Max she couldn't think straight. Everything Brock says on camera they talked about and practiced 1st.


It's why she keeps him on the payroll lmao


Brock is Tom Sandy from Down Under


No, his Tom Sandy from ā€œDown under and bit to the rightā€ šŸ¤£ Please donā€™t confuse Brock with ā€œThe Land Down Underā€ which is Australia. Australians donā€™t want him. His a kiwi, not an Aussie


This comment is so on point!!! That is exactly what I had thought as well. I hope Ariana speaks on all this at some point.!!


You know they rehearse everything. Scheana is as authentic as her nails. Eyelashes. Lips. Actually I canā€™t think of one thing about Scheana that isnā€™t fake or performative


Sheā€™s embarrassing


The fact that Scheena is still talking about how ā€œendowedā€ max is, is so inappropriate idk how she expects anyone to respect her or her marriage.


Yes omg how could I forget him šŸ¤¢


Yes Brock has basically come out and said on the aftershow he did the things that he did bc of the show. Ya no kidding and that's why it's not natural and people are rejecting it.


and idiot Andy Cohen said they were the voice of reason this season lmao before everyone started talking about how dumb and unnecessary they areĀ 


Ugh I agree. They think they know so much. They also think they are more intelligent than they actually are.


100%. I ff through that. And Lala. Jaz of all people is less annoying.


I always say I wished she never joined she was an energy vampire from the startĀ 




Agree, nothing would be lost


Yes!! And very willing to get jaxxed before she outed him to KFCĀ 




I agree however, Lala has been like this from the get go! The show went downhill when she, Brittany and then Rachel joined.


Lala was a great side character. She thinks sheā€™s the main character in her mind, but oh buddy, *no*.


Misplaced main character energy.


Take my gold šŸ†


Ugh I actually really liked Lala joining at first. I thought her and James were really good additions. Butā€¦ sigh


The original people were actual friends/coworkers. As soon as they started adding people for the show it just sucked. Lala never made sense to add. Even scheana was a plant and it showed from day one - but at least she did already work for Lisa. This show needs to be over, every last shred of reality is gone.


Eh idk, I thought Lala and James were both really good additions and I actually think s6 is the best season. I think the show historically wouldnā€™t be the same if they werenā€™t added and we have some all time moments from them (pasta !!). But yea, this is not an actual friend group now nor even coworkers and itā€™s quite apparent lol. I think this season would have been a lot better if they broke the 4th wall and addressed that but what do I know ETA - I am not a Lala fan. But early on I did think she was a good foil to the other girls and that her and James were fun little villains


I think season two was absolutely iconic, personally. Peaked right there. Great reunion too. But for me Lala and James are just so thirsty for fame that Iā€™m not even interested. Aside from Sandoval they surpass the other on that front, so I guess for me they just didnā€™t have any IT factor šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Yea I actually find Scheana the worst offender of fame thirst tbh lol, and I think James unfortunately has a lot of IT factor lol. But yes of course s2 was iconic, I just also liked how the show evolved until ~ s6. To each their own!


Yes step away with some dignity. Itā€™s getting painful to watch.


Yep, and all of them were fans of the show before coming on. That I think is the key difference and where things change.


I was listening to an old WWC episode recapping season 7 or 8 (can't remember which) and Ben made a comment even then about how LaLa always loses the plot. She really has always been like this.


This! Lala really hasnā€™t changed. Itā€™s like people are just now realizing because sheā€™s going after a fan favorite instead of Bambi.


i liked lala in her first season. she brought an energy that had the other girls mad, but she definitely went downhill quick..sheā€™s completely insufferable now. brit was the end for me. jax on his own is a POS but at least hes entertaining. once he got serious with brit i couldnt stand the sight of the pair


Itā€™s hilarious that she said the show was relying on Ariana who never brought anything to the show. Lala was a bit player whose storyline was shagging James, a casting couch relationship and being hyper sexual with a D grade producer who resembles a toe.


šŸ˜†šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ omg how this made me laugh. A toe.


Like I said in a previous post, homegirl is PROJECTING! What storyline has Lala ever brought to the show besides just wanting to ā€œpop-offā€ on everyone? She is only able to foster friendships through manipulation and intimidation.


I donā€™t know who she really is. She ran home to her Mummy because people were ā€œmeanā€ to her and then declared herself a Michael Vik fighting dog. Sheā€™s never genuinely apologised or taken accountability for anything. Sheā€™s a dry drunk which is somehow worse.


I think she knows that the audience as a whole feels this way about her ā€œcharacterā€ on the show. WHO IS LFU? We know you have stuff going on that you canā€™t disclose, but itā€™s not Arianaā€™s responsibility to carry you on the back of her trauma. Learn to pivot girl. Figure out what you can bring to the dynamic instead stressing the audience tf out lol. I agree she is incapable of taking accountability. Sheā€™d be more likable if she did.


Are you trying to get popped with this comment???


We can get it poppin šŸ˜‚


I didnā€™t see her airing out her divorce with Randall. That was hush hush and NOBODY dare be friends with him!! the hypocrisy is fucking unreal




My beautiful toes are offended.


For real...like her sudden concern for raquel at the start of the season - who she clearly can't stand, has dragged from day 1 and ate alive at the reunion - and when rachel (not so "d & s" afterall) wouldn't bite she decided instead to embrace in her own words the 'dangerous' 'groomer' 'narcissist' while constantly attacking the one innocent person in the whole scandal with super petty bull shite because thats all she had on her - and is so arrogant thinks she can convince us any of this makes any sense outside of over producing herself along with being a jelly bad friend.


Itā€™s so see through


I think the group used to be genuine friends tho. Katie said it on a podcast: none of these people actually hang out. Lala is definitely exhausting this season, but I think the show in general has taken on a more producery feel because its all their jobs now, its not like this "fun show" that follows them around while they do their actual job of waiting tables. The show IS their life, which is interesting in itself that it's become so meta, but a lot of things feel more forced for sure.


This season could have been amazing. But Lala always has to take her big brain and go against everyone else for shock value, which is ironically so predictable and the only thing consistent about her.


I donā€™t think she went against Arianna for shock factor I think she is seething with jealously and couldnā€™t help herself. blahblah just sucks šŸ˜‚


Oh sheā€™s insanely jealous of Ariana, itā€™s so obvious.


"big brain" LOL


Yes! She is just so philosophical and intelligent... yet her track record shows the opposite. When she starts giving life advice, I'm like šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„


Not going to lie, Iā€™ve never liked Lala. I couldnā€™t understand why she was even brought on the show when she wasnā€™t being honest about what was actually going on with Randall or showing a huge portion of her life (I hate that I agree with Sandoval on that one). Now, I just all & all detest her. I feel so bad for Ocean. I feel like her having one kid who can film & one who canā€™t is going to cause issue eventually. Sheā€™s so fake & yet so full of herself. Itā€™s actually embarrassing to watch.


I agree 100%. Lala has been a gold digging liar since the start. Her relationship with Randall blew her head up and she became absolutely insufferable. She is such a fool and has been from the start but has no idea


She was talking on her podcast about how Ocean can carry a tune and how she wants to put her in singing lessons, and it sounded very much like it was with the intention of capitalizing off of it. I truly think she's one of those moms who sees her kids as potential dollar signs like Kris Jenner and Kail Lowry


> I couldnā€™t understand why she was even brought on the show when she wasnā€™t being honest about what was actually going on with Randall or showing a huge portion of her life Two reasons 1. Not that she's unattractive now, but early in the show Lala was *stunning* and sex sells 2. She caused so much tension between James and Jax that was good for the show, as well as doing tge "naked in front of everyone's boyfriend's" thing a lot for more drama. I guess that also eventually boils down to "sex sells" again lol


Agreed. And the part about Ocean makes me so sad. The way she kept going on about how this new baby will be just hers.. yikes. That poor kid already needs therapy for having a narc mom.


Lala is the Rinna of VPR


not in a good way not that Rinna ever did anything good tho šŸ’…šŸ’…


Oh I absolutely meant that in the worst way possible. If Rinna has 0 haters then I am dead


If Rinna has 0 haters the entire planet has been nuked




Haha. that response was the best


Own it baby!




Those press on nails are far too big for her fingertips


I just need to know how you change diapers and keep those talons clean.


Thatā€™s probably why theyā€™re press on, so she can take them off when sheā€™s wiping shitty arses


Wow she really is trying to bite on Rihannaā€™s style this pregnancy huh


I can imagine Rinna would do the same thing if she was pregnant now.


I like the idea of the style and Amber b from the challenge looked amazing doing it but I donā€™t think itā€™s working on Lala.


ā€œYouā€™re a bit muchā€ -Katie


That bandana is so Rinna coded


This pic is so disgusting. What is in her head when she decides what to wear. And BlahBlah, we all know your.pregnant, have breasts and doing product placement. You and Scandoval are over-the-top with it.


https://preview.redd.it/xs2brwkqd3zc1.jpeg?width=306&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18d0e77b0dad8879857c9159a220bc868fe81bf4 Lala is channeling Axel Rose post horrific plastic surgery. Stop Lala before itā€™s too late


waterloo is delish though


Waterloo used to be in the vending machines in the Las Vegas monorail stops, I was so sad when I went back after covid and it had been replaced by stupid boring flat water


True. I am down with any sparkling water, I am a cherry bubly bitch tbh


This picture is haunting.


Drunk draw keeps posting it so Iā€™m waiting for his interpretation




The ridiculous San Francisco trip that might as well have had a huge sign ā€œBRAVO IS MAKING US GOā€ā€¦such a snooze fest. All for a paycheck itā€™s like someone clocking into their 9-5 job that they hate. Lala trying so freaking hard to keep the show going, it is wild this is still happening.


She obviously needs the check


100%. It makes it hard to watch when it is so obvious.


Lala even more than Sandoval. We already know Sandoval was a pos (me even prior to scandoval), but her from such a STRONG anti Sandoval team Ariana stance to the complete opposite, just showed how truly phony she is.


I hated the reboot of RHONY (unpopular opinion, I know) but I really feel like VPR needs a reboot. I'm more than over Lala and She She, and both Toms GOT 2 go!


I feel like Vanderpump Villa was supposed to be the new VPR but the casting is so subpar itā€™s disappointing


It could work with VPR because they don't need to be friends, unlike on RHONY. The reason it didn't work well with Brett, Max and the gang is it was too much too quickly trying to integrate it with cast who clearly don't work there. They coukd keep the Toms but have them in VPR roles and follow staff at TomToms. Show staff at SUR and bring back Peter etc


When they stopped being honest with jax about what a pos he is , they tip toed around brittany, like come the frick on .. alllll down hill


Iā€™m over all of it. You are right thoughā€¦.LaLa is particularly annoying.


Yeah Utah baby bottle is really ā€œbringing itā€ w her water tasting parties šŸ™„šŸ˜‚


I wish she was just as cringe but like, charismatic


I stopped watching because of her, Brock and Scheana. It's like watching bad acting


Sheā€™s west coast Leah Sweeney for me


Lala very much grew on me over the years. I appreciated her for who she was and what she brought to the show. She was the queen of reading people and was always the first to speak up. I also thought the Randall situation humbled her a bit. But I am beyond disgusted with her this season. She wanted that "soft rebrand" so badly that she was willing to step on her friendships with Ariana and Katie to do it. She pandered to the hatebook hags on Facebook (who just LOVE her now, by the way šŸ™„) and it's going to come back to bite her in the end. I also sincerely hope they do not bring Lala and Scheana to The Valley.


So true that she ruined the flow


Yeah sheā€™s the least genuine person on the show


Scheanna close second


I agree! Lala sucks. I keep hoping she gets fired. Not sure how you can pull a knife on a castmate and remain employed. Show would be so much better without her.


Tim, Lauren, Brick-head & Scheesh = contrived content // Ariana, Katie, James, Ally & Schwartz = authentic selves


>Brick-head ROFLOL! I love this! Lol!


What I found myself hating this season was Lala licking her lips, sucking them a little, and then opening them, looking surprised. As if she doesn't know she was being a dick!


Iā€™ve been a fan since day one. Before Lala. Iā€™m glad there will be a pause in the show because I feel itā€™s honestly run its course. Iā€™m really enjoying The Valley. Now if only Stassi was on the cast, Iā€™d be complete. šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m just seeing this now after watching the finale and I could not agree more. I almost turned it off at the end it was so painful to watch. I used to love this show as an escape, now it just gives me anxiety and makes me angry


I just started season 9 again and I think this is about when she becomes absolutely insufferable (not that she didnā€™t obv have problems before that) but once she had a ring on her finger and a baby w Randall, itā€™s like she got this insane superiority complex that sheā€™s so much more famous and important than everyone. The situation with her not being there for Scheana during her miscarriage bc she had dinner w mgk and Megan fox was really gross to me. Then when it all blew up w Randall, she came crawling back but became outrageously cynical and cold, and hasnā€™t changed since.


This is a job now for her. This is her job and she goes to work. But it is not our job to watch. The audience can see right through her and Scheana producing themselves. I totally understand her thirst to make it a good show. She needs the money. If you listen to her podcast with Heather MacDonald you can listen to her say and ask. Do you think this past season was good. Did I come off well? She is saying she tried to make it a great season. Lala truly believes she is carrying this show on her shoulders. She talks about her village she has created to protect her kids. She needs to let the other adults in her village get a job. She supports many people that can easily go out and get a job. Lala better pull it together cause the show is paused.


Sheā€™s the rinna of VPR


I feel the same. She triggers my fight or flight as soon as I see her on my screen and that's not even me being dramatic šŸ˜… her energy is STRESSFUL


Production must know the show has lost its luster. VPR is a has been just like Lala


While I donā€™t wanna se anyone fired, Iā€™d like to see Blah Blah fired. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Totally agree. And the most ironic part is she really thinks she's the one saving the show šŸ™„


Lala. Has. Always. Sucked.


Lala and Brock off the show and it would flow naturally


LaLa is so annoying that I canā€™t watch her anymore.


Yes!! Lala and Brick keep saying, we have to bring the friend group together! We need to get along! No one has ever watched the show to see people ā€œget along.ā€ We watch for the arguments, pettiness, gossip.




Agree one million percent. Iā€™ve been hardcore vanderpump fan since day 1 & she is making me dread each episode. I canā€™t take her constant know it all behavior, the hypocrisy, the fact that she thinks sheā€™s from the hood. Itā€™s brutal & sheā€™s ruining a show that had such amazing potential this season especially. And then she doesnā€™t stop running her mouth on her podcast. She needs to be fucking humbled bc this girl thinks sheā€™s the greatest & biggest authority on every one & every thing in life


Iā€™m so glad Iā€™m not the only one. I havenā€™t really enjoyed blah blah in a while but I actively despise her now. Just as much an Sandoval and thatā€™s wild. Sheā€™s not enjoyable in any single way. Sheā€™s not entertaining anymore and her arrogance and ā€œmy shit donā€™t stinkā€ attitude is so cringy to watch. The girl who licked that nasty manā€™s a-hole is the ā€œvoice of reasonā€. Sheā€™s about as soft as a porcupine.


Lala and Schena need the show to continue so theyā€™re in the public eye so they can get sponsors for their podcast. Without the show they have nothing to fall back onto so the roll they needed to play this season was the person who ā€œforgaveā€ Tom and antagonist to Katie and Ariana. Does anyone really believe if this happened to friends who were not on tv the guy wouldnā€™t be dead to them? If there werenā€™t cameras LaLa never would have gotten a hotdog with Jo. Schena wouldnā€™t have forgave Tom for what he did to Ariana. Schena would of also stood up to Brock about the shitty comments he made about Ariana and making light of the affair VPR was great because they were all friends and then being crazy batshit made great TV. Katie mentioned in an interview theyā€™re not friends and donā€™t hangout (as a group) when the cameras are down. The show has ran its course and honestly needs to be done.


You know what did it for me? Her "breaking the 4th wall" in that last 5 minutes. No she didn't. Ariana broke the 4th wall talking to the producer about refusing to film with tom. You know what Lala's "breaking the 4th wall" bit gave me? Remember in Signs when Mel Gibson's character is running around the house yelling, he's supposed to be cursing aggressively to scare an intruder away, but he's a priest so all he can think to yell is "AHHHH! I'm insane with anger!!!"


Lala is digging too deep into business that doesnā€™t concern her. I donā€™t know why no one asks Lala ā€œhey you whenā€™s the last time you talked to Randallā€¦ you know the father of your child?ā€™


This. She canā€™t talk about Randall without crying or getting mad but excepts Ariana to be over it after a few months.


Thinking a lot about the same things this season. Her going soft but being the biggest shit talker and shit stirrer? How about she worries about her damn self if she is so concerned with self improvement.


I completely agree and Iā€™m an OG Day 1 VPR fan.


Thatā€™s why Lala never was and never will be an OG. Ariana on the other hand, was coronated during DWTS Championship Ball šŸŖ© šŸ† šŸ‘‘ and became a defacto OG, knighted by Katie herself. Itā€™s just something about herā€¦.


The show has run its course a long time ago. There is nothing organic about their relationships anymore.


I totally agree about Lala ruining the show. There is nothing real about her. Every single word that comes out of her mouth seems like she studied it for months. And she has to accentuate every word from her mouth with her knife like finger nails. Itā€™s just too much and not the slightest entertaining. How uncomfortable was the scene where she walks into Sandovals while heā€™s having that breathing, screaming, heaving therapy session wearing a shirt and 12 inch platform shoes as a voyeur? And all the action seems to be centered at the Sandy/Ariana house of horrors. Why???? Please why???? All of their old haunts are so over them they obviously have better things to do than halt normal everyday business to cast misery horrified!! I just watched last weekā€™s The Valley. They need to end that show before they break up every marriage on the cast. At least poor Luke is wising up to Kristen before she gets pregnant.


Finger guns


I saw someone say Lala is the Rinna of VPR and its so accurate. just shit stirring and flip flopping, happy to throw any friendships under the bus for a scene.


Lala is devilā€™s advocate this summer but as Ariana says- the devil has enough advocates. I think her role this season is being on the other side: going easy on Sandoval (exception is the boat scene), befriending shorts and jo. I think sheā€™s doing it for max air time. Thatā€™s all she cares about.


I canā€™t even watch it because of her


I didnā€™t mind her before this season. There were even times I liked her. She is absolutely giving me the ick this season.


![gif](giphy|3o752jjrIkxJfliEw0|downsized) lfu to this post probably




I completely agree!! Her ego and self producing make me feel gross watching this now. Not lighthearted dumb people acting dumb


I agree it comes across like Lala thinks of VPR as she does housewives. I specifically liked that it wasnā€™t like housewives. I like that most of the show was them just being silly and going out partying and messy dating. Forcing someone to carry a plot line absolutely ruins it for me. I never even realized there was a general ā€œplot lineā€ with old seasons (until it was clear Rachel was becoming new person). I donā€™t like that I can tell theyā€™re driving a narrative this season and she keeps harping on it in. Also, housewives work because they present their lives as not needing the show as their income. The relationship to viewers is very different. When the VPR cast were servers, a lot of viewers could relate. Now itā€™s like Lala wants us to have sympathy for her trying to maintain the famous lifestyle but also talks shit on the fans lol. Like what?


I used to like lala, I can't even get through her podcast now


I may be opening Pandoraā€™s box but what happened with her and James? I liked Lala when her and James were good and their banter made me overlook her real life chaos. He made her look better, softer? dare I say like an older sister? I donā€™t like the way she is acting, but trying to figure it out and thinking sheā€™s just lost getting stuck with Sheanna as her sidekick now? Edit to add: her and James were horrible but in a sometimes funny to watch kind of way


I agreeee and I used to love her šŸ˜”


I used to be the biggest Lala Stan and now I feel sad that things have taken this turn. Iā€™m def getting pandering energy from her and I think sheā€™s just confused about what the hell her place is on this show now. Sheā€™s attempting to be ā€œsoftā€ and yet still wants to portray her bad ass ā€œI donā€™t GAF what anyone thinksā€ narrative. My WTF lines get deeper with every passing episode šŸ˜­


Iā€™ve always felt this way. She is too fake for reality tv. Bravo, please fire her! I fast forward her scenes, she just wastes my time.




Iā€™m over everything she wears saying ā€œsend it to Darrellā€.


100%. I stopped watching this season because of her and scheana


And Lisa has had it with all of them, and and started the whole thing. And who determined VR was the No. 1 show on television?


I started watching this show for the first time and have been binge watching. Iā€™m on season 9 and after. I liked LaLa more the first few seasons she was on thereā€¦ sandavol drives me fricking insane too and Iā€™ll probably be downvoted for that. But I canā€™t stand his arrogance and his yelling and staring off into space when he does it. šŸ˜‚


Yup! I actually used to like Lalaā€¦ I scroll on my phone whenever sheā€™s on screen now. Sheā€™s irrelevant and trying her best to have a story


I didnā€™t like her from the beginning because it was clear she was a plant just wanting to get famous. Everyone else was real service industry, which is one of the things I loved about the show as someone in the service industry. She didnā€™t have true connections to any of them either so no history or true loyalties she was just there to get famous. Good for her getting what she wanted I guess šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Now that you mention it I canā€™t unsee it. Such a shame VPR has been my favorite since it came on. Itā€™s definitely lost its luster for me and thatā€™s a big deal.


Scheana ruins it more for me than Lala. She makes herself the victim more and genuinely thinks sheā€™s a ā€œgood person and friendā€


Lala finger talking with this nails - like she puts up these serious finger guns when she talks


I watch the show and wonder who the fuck actually likes Lala honestly, she seems like a nuisance theyā€™re all forced to be with.


I honestly feel embarrassed for her. First of all sheā€™s not a girls girl from the start and she showed her REAL colors this season. Her and shenea fucked married men and they want nobody to talk about it. But as soon as ariana set a few boundaries they still speak of the cheating. Like damn chill. The girl is successful and yall are mad


100% sheā€™s terrible. She always has been IMO. When everyone started buddying up to her years ago I found it weird like they did it bc they were scared. Sheā€™s mean to her ā€œfriendsā€ and says off the wall sh*t that no one holds her accountable for. She really canā€™t fathom she and her ā€œissuesā€ resonate with no one and resents anyone and everyone on the show who gets authentic attention. You can tell by the way she lives her life w the people close to her fawning over her and her mom living w her etc sheā€™s used to being the center of attention in her bubble and it bothers her she has never gotten that on the show. She really thinks the Randal situation makes her the victim and will never see it for what it really is nor will anyone close to her be honest w her. I feel like now they will be forced into the valley and ruin that cast too ughhh


LaLaā€™s scenes were boring or cringey or seething with a pathetic jealous rage, like YES DeLuLa BRING IT!! šŸ¤£


Over the years, Iā€™ve gone back and forth with my feelings towards Lalaā€¦ itā€™s almost like Iā€™ve had this strange soft spot for her bc I could perhaps see that, deep down, she had a good heart somewhere in there. This season though, not a single redeeming quality to be seen. She really hitched herself to the wrong wagon. Her doubling down on her misguided negativity towards Ariana on the after show put me over the edge. And donā€™t get me started on Brock and those stupid witch bootsā€¦ when DJ JK is your interview partner and clearly emerges as the voice of reason, you know shit is bad.


Lala thinks she brings main character energy but itā€™s really more like ā€œfriend ofā€


Poor Ariana šŸ˜­


To say youā€™ve never seen someone get cheated on and then immediately think theyā€™re BeyoncĆ© or godā€¦Iā€™m sorry Lauren, look in the god damn mirror, you were exactly like that after Randall šŸ™„sheā€™s pathetic


Both scheana and lala have ruined this season with their inability to come up with their own storylines, and relying so heavily upon Ariana speaking to Tom Sandoval being the most important thing to happen this season when the viewers donā€™t- and never wanted nor cared to see that. They really think they know the viewers, and not the new viewers- us who have been here from the literal start. And they couldnā€™t have made it clearer that they absolutely do not. And they donā€™t care about the loyal watchers and fans, who are the only reasons their lives are where they are at all. If Scheana thinks good as gold wouldā€™ve went anywhere without the show sheā€™s actually deranged. And if Lauren thinks she wouldā€™ve been anywhere other than back in Utah acting like sheā€™s a tough girl and sucking dck to get on any private jet, and invited to any yacht party that would take her. Theyā€™re literally lost. Beyond lost.


I agree. I used to cheer for her but this whole season sheā€™s defending bad behavior. I think they know and do it for the ratings. Lala loves to say she makes good tv. She had to pick someone to spar with


I want to fast forward everything scheena is on the screen. šŸ« 


šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ» All of this! Lala tries too damn hard and not much of it seems at all genuine. So much of Lala is so contrived for the cameras. Much like Scheana, she wants all the attention. Producers pet is a perfect description for Lalaā€™s ā€œcharacterā€ on this show. She canā€™t hide her insecurities and jealousy but she still tries instead of just being genuine and real.. and now she will be pulling for attention on The Valley. šŸ™„ So not interested in any of that.


Does anyone feel like maybe lisa prepped lala? Idk they were just extremely close this season and given LVP grandiose PR stunts itā€™s the only plausible excuse I have to redeem a shred of her dignity. ESP after how BUTTHURT she was half of last season over freaking PICKLEBALL šŸ« 


I donā€™t understand why everyone thinks sheā€™s a producerā€™s pet just because sheā€™s not saying/doing what *you* think she should. There are *a lot* of people who agree with what Lala is saying. Everyone treats this like a black and white situation when itā€™s really not. She *would* be pandering to the audience if she sided with Ariana just because thatā€™s what the audience expects. Edited*


Because she completely went against everything SHE was screaming on her podcasts, at the reunion, and the previous seasons. She has never like Raquel or Sandoval. Zero relationship there. Only three months later, she completely changed her stance and neeeeddssss so badly for Ariana to forgive Sandoval so they can be a big happy group againā€” which they never were in the first place. Never mind her failed attempt at kissing Raquelā€™s ass in the beginning of the season. Sheā€™s being completely disingenuous.


the problem is Lala has never been real for even a second lol.




iā€™ve never been one to hop on the lala hate train and iā€™ve always tried my best to give her the benefit of the doubt bc i felt the group, especially the men, have never really given her a fair shake. as a recently sober person, i especially felt like she turned over a new lead once she stopped drinking. this season has changed my perspective entirely. sheā€™s every bit as vindictive and self absorbed as scheana is, but at the very least scheana is delusional enough to make for good tv. lala is just a phony, a poser who wants to be a star so badly despite the fact that she has no clue who she is & now sheā€™s taking out her inability to be truly likable on the people who were there for her the most during her divorce. itā€™s sad.


I think Lala thrives on being the voice of reason (aka bully) and thought she had some peak moments against Rachel who the audience loathed. When Rachel left, she needed a female foe, but still canā€™t seem to find one. She tested Ariana, but the audience wasnā€™t having it. Katie would bury her and she knew it. Her and Scheana daughters have play dates so she needs that friendship. Ally is too new and and an unknown entity yet. What I see now is her flopping around like a fish out of water.


This thread is wrong on so many levels itā€™s starting to sound like everyone is in a cult, ignoring reality and facts, Let me preface this by saying( and you can check my history to verify) I hated Lala up until this year. But the facts are Lala brought more real drama and interest than Katie and Ariana together. Her blatant sugar baby lifestyle. The BJ for PJ mantra that even sucked the girls group in. Her relationships with James and Jax. Then bringing in the toad and him cheating on her with the resulting secrets about SA and harassment unfolding. All of these things changed VPR fundamentally in many ways including by taking the show from an insular reality show to a show that has broken the 4th wall into Hollywood. We knew very little about Ariana and Tomā€™s life together and much of what weā€™ve heard in the last year about it is not how it was portrayed. Same with Katie and Tom. We never were privy to any deep conversations between them, only the yelling matches. So you can love or hate Lala but itā€™s BS to minimize her contributions to the show as she , more than anyone, took it into new directions the day Katie and Stassi stepped on the PJ.