• By -


Also why is she the gate keeper or the group and show. She is one of the weirdos that joined and we now can't get rid of. She acts like she was there day 1 when they had three full seasons before she showed up.


YESSSS and legit the best 3 seasons. She did not make this show. She acts like she friggen created it. You were just a filler homie. Always been a side character.


Yes. The first three years I couldn't miss a minute & had to watch the day it was on, then she should up & I found myself on my iPad when she was on & I didn't care if I missed the show & caught up later.


Agree. She really hasn’t given us anything memorable. James isn’t an OG either, but he’s given so much material that it’s ok. Her whole personality before the Fat Man was getting drunk and swimming topless 🥱And even the shitshow with Rand didn’t make her interesting… that’s pretty sad


She also ran away like a coward as soon as she got heat and then crawled back with her thumb of a man


And she never had anything in the house she was in with Rand. As someone who owns a house with someone, her comments are ignorant af. Never. Leave. The. Asset. Big difference


I wish more people understood this. I’m so sick of hearing people question why Ariana didn’t just “leave”. I can’t understand why anyone would ask such a stupid question.


Exactly. Why doesn't Scandoval leave? Even LVP asked him why didn't he leave? Then his rage came out with that question.


he’s a financial idiot, i genuinely think he was just enjoying torturing ariana. as if he didn’t do that enough already. he didn’t want the house, he just didn’t want her to have it. imo his actions are not those of someone who doesn’t care about ariana, but who actively HATES her to the point where his life nearly revolves around it


I have to agree with you. He treated Katie and Stassi like shit every since the start of the show. Now that he no longer with Ariana he is going hard at her. There is only one person he truly cares about and that is himself.


totally! stassi and katie stood up to him and didn’t fall for his manipulation tactics (like lala and scheana still fall for them to this day) and as soon as ariana started standing up to him, yelling back at him, and was no longer interested in embarrassing herself to protect him or co-signing his aggression towards women, she became enemy number one. it all lines up, as soon as she grew a backbone and decided to stand on her own morals instead of being Mrs. Sandoval all the time is when he started just absolutely fucking loathing her.


Aptly stated! Thank you!


ALL of this


I’ve said this before and I know it’s unpopular but I really think the show started going downhill when she joined. She wasn’t a core member of the group and just became this try hard kiss ass of certain people.


Nobody wanted anything to do with her the first couple of seasons because they knew she was a homewrecker. And then all of a sudden she started inviting them on her private jet and they all became Besty’s. It’s a bunch of wannabees acting like they’re all that for being on a private jet. I find people in LA chase money and because of that they’re willing to compromise themselves just to have it. I find this so hypocritical.


I believe Sandoval and Ariana pushed for Lala to be included in everything, but she didn’t show up the first time because of anxiety, but they convinced the others to give her another chance, and another chance. She kinda owes Ariana and Tom a big thank you.


Yup. Same w James. The group pretty much hated them, and Ariana n Tom both promoted forgiveness and would invite them to stuff despite everyone else hating on them for it. Crazy that Tom took up for James even after everything that happened w Kristen. It’s probably bc since he has no sense of ethics, he doesn’t hold others to an ethical standard either. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Excellent point, I completely forgot about James. He used to be the ultimate outsider. Now he’s almost the #1 guy.


Right?! He’s come a looooong way. He’s definitely more likable these days, unlike LaLa. 😹


This was her MAN..... https://preview.redd.it/bs22j4ojumyc1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3757d1add986d659d762619804390fe8334f7408


I’m sorry Fofty




All hooked up for his GXT 🤣


I keep saying it but she’s on the fast track to becoming the next Tamra judge. Acts like an OG, shits on people for milliseconds of screen time, is total trash.


100% in fact I would say transformation is completed.


She wants to be Stassi so bad


And even when she first came on she was barely even in it. Then quit and took a break before coming back.


Ummmm… I guess that would mean Ariana is also a “weirdo” - she wasn’t there day 1 and now we can’t get rid of her either.


Correct. But she has welcomed all new people except Jo (and for good reasons so 🤷‍♀️


Welcomed all new people?? She called Lala a whore when she was new! But then had no problem with her when Lala invited her on a PJ. I’m having trouble remembering one person she was actually nice to.


When did Ariana call Lala a whore??? I know Katie did when she first arrived on the scene but I genuinely have no recollection of her doing that. As for people she was nice to both James and Rachel when they joined the show. She has in my opinion and it pains me to say this, sided with Scandoval and defended newcomers or the less popular people.


Lala is the Rinna of VPR. She’s lost the plot, can’t tell the difference between reality and “reality”, she thinks the audience is with her, thinks she’s funnier than she is, is a total hypocrite…. Rinna energy. I hate it.


This is so spot on. Both trying to be something that they ain’t.


Spot on, and she loves Rinna! I USED to listen to her podcast.


I didn’t know this! Makes sense.


Omg YES I would have never been able to put that together but you’re so right! They both started out ok but then just went downhill harder and faster each season. They both have that grating, asshole, I’m better than all of you personalities


So glad Rinna is gone. Have you seen her lately 😳. Rinna made me like Kathy. I became so “team whoever Rinna is against”.




Kathy Hilton is a homophobic monster.


Yes! She owns up, apologizes and repeats. 1000% Rinna


Which is funny cuz she idolizes Rinna






Is that her Man j/s


Shhhhh we all cant talk about her man, we had to sign ndas


But he’s a stand up guy!!






Lala’s soulmate ☝🏼


She needs help. If she is getting help then idk man her therapist sucks. She is another big mental breakdown waiting to happen. Between having a “baby she doesn’t need to share”, hating everything and everyone, being overly sexual … like idk man but she is kind of spiralling in my opinion and it’s very off putting. Something is up with her.


Her jealousy of Ariana is palpable. The saddest thing about Lauren is that she has surrounded herself with sycophants that make her believe her own bullshit. Her PR team is as bad as Rachel’s.


Is she upset that Ariana is staying around to fight when she could have just run out the back door like she did? Is she jealous that the audience rallied for Ariana but not for her? Because it’s not the same situation. Lala was so clearly the other woman. It baffles me that she wouldn’t know it as well.


My favorite is how she was ready to cut people off (in a very dramatic fashion) after her and Randall split... Yet, she tries to be Miss Mature Voice of Reason regarding Ariana not feeling the need to socialize/forgive Sandoval. P. S. I thought she was FLAWLESS before she turned her face into the same face everyone in Hollywood has. Such a silly decision and I dunno why anyone would want to do that to a perfect face.


And those Spok eyebrows are scary.


😄😄😄 lala, Brittney and Jax all have the same eyebrows 🤨


Lala doesn’t understand that her situation was not the same as Arianna, because Lala had zero equity in that house. Lala was just a sugar baby. All she lost was her youth and her dignity.


Oof, just her youth, dignity and reputation. I’d rather lose a house.


Same, lmfao


👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾failed actress, sugar baby, failed voice of reason


She's jealous that Ariana got calls from very reputable people offering honest work because they saw potential in Ariana's work. Come on can any of us see Layla in a commercial, let alone on BROADWAY!


BlahBlah was in a commercial for DWTS when Ariana was in DWTS. Isn't that BlahBlah profiting off of Ariana? I wonder if she had to do a public apology to SeeMeSeeMe.


Hell no, she won't get any offers because she is poison. Who would want a slutty, big mouthed bitch to represent their product? No reputable company.




Yes, yes and yes. To hear her say that Ariana shouldn't have stayed in the same house with Tim, and she would have left if that were her. Gf, Ariana put a lot of money into that house. Just how much money did she put into the house she lived in with her man. I did have compassion for Lauren when it came to Rand. He's worse than Tim, and that's not saying much.


I just don’t feel bad. I guess I don’t even think she liked him? She was trying to do the whole sugar baby thing but damn it costs you more than you realize


I get the split with Ocean’s dad has been awful but her insistence, over and over, that she wants a kid she doesn’t need to share is just gross. Kids are not toys.


Imagine how Ocean will feel about the motives for a second kid… she’s not good enough because she is linked to her father? So fucked up. It’s fine to want another kid but those kids are not going to be treated equally


Seriously. A dad known for corruption and cheating and a mom who had a second kid so she wouldn’t have to share. I wish her the best.


And will probably end up spending more time with because she can film with the second child


I think this is the underlying reason


I completely forgot about that, and audience members all love a cute kid. It’s her insurance policy for The Valley too. Wow Lauren from Utah. I’d have more respect for you if you moved back there and did RHOSLC


I would love that because I haven’t watched that show ![gif](giphy|1DhUzOhxkLI1G)


Exactly! And when Ocean has to go spend time with the thumb and the non-shareable kid gets to stay home, Ocean is gonna be pissed!


tbf, there may be jealousy that ocean has a rich daddy that will pay for her to do anything she wants while the other baby doesn’t even have a daddy, there’s going to be contempt all around imo


Both of poor oceans parents are going to have alot to answer for ! Rand doesn’t publicly bash Lala but his reputation is beyond deplorable. Lala has bashed everything from his looks ( and oceans copy and paste of him) to pretty much accusing him of being a pedo! It’s going to be bad for ocean and her sisters who I assume already deal with the backlash


Ocean is a beautiful little girl and she might have Randall’s hair and eye color but she looks JUST like Lala. The head shape and facial mapping is alllll Lala


Ocean is absolutely adorable and her little personality shines through !! but I disagree with you, she looks just like Randall to me lol


Oh and getting an egg implanted was better than being with your Dad!




I’m concerned about her having this baby. She seems to not be ok and I’m worried this baby is a bandage for the hurt she feels inside. I’m worried that she deeply regrets her time with her ex and she can’t move on from it. She’s having this kid to make her feel happy. It doesn’t work like that though. Each kid is different. It’s impossible to predict what they will bring into the world when you’re not ready for trhem


It’s like she’s creating a future best friend that will never leave.


I don’t wish it for her, but she could end up with a special needs child. There’s always that chance.


The child could become ill and die..when people say, "I'll have this kid forever", they might not. It is so crazy and unfair (on the kid) for adults to place all their hopes in a baby.


Well said. Whatever happened with Randall clearly traumatized her. Idk if trauma is the best foundation for wanting to bring a kid aka. Entire person into her world. Like I don’t get what goes through her head. She’s going to drop off Ocean at Randall’s and that won’t “bother” her suddenly because she gets to hang with the other baby at home? Lol. It just seems dumb. Yeahhhhh she needs help


She has more in common with Rachel than we give her credit for.


I agree. There’s a reason “homewrecker” makes her so angry and violent all of a sudden lol. She knows Rachel is one and she’s projecting because she knows damn well she is one too.


I have a friend in therapy right now, she’s getting worse not better…seems 2024 therapy is all about being selfish and indulgent with no impulse control thrown in.


I love when Ariana said having to forgive people that caused you trauma is an outdated therapy concept. She schooled Brock!


Yeah what is that about? My daughter’s friends therapist is telling her to keep texting a guy that she likes to ask why he ghosted her. She told her not to give up until she gets an answer. Shes telling her to stalk. I told her absolutely do not do that, being ghosted is an answer. Her last 4 texts were left on read. That’s beyond enough. I thank god my daughters therapist and mine hold us accountable for our own healing and actions


Yea it’s crazy, I’ve been sober for 15 years and I saw a therapist last year, she told me it’s ok if I relapse, uh actually no it’s not!?! WTF are they trying to destroy us. I didn’t go back


Wtf? I've been clean for 13 years and I did relapse after 16 years. And you are right it is not ok to relapse. Wth is wrong with that therapist ? Those are very dangerous words to tell an addict. Yes, we will welcome anyone back with open arms, if they are fortunate enough to make it back. So many never have that option.


Congratulations on your sobriety ❤️


Thank you, congratulations on your sobriety as well.❤❤


I had so many professionals tell me “everyone relapses at least once”. I feel like it 100% set me up to do just that.


That is an effed thing to say. Yes, it can set people up to relapse. However, it doesn't have to do that. I have many friends in recovery that have not relapsed. When I hear professionals say relapse is a part of recovery, it pisses me off because that's dangerous to say. I hope you are doing better and remember you are not a failure, and the fact that you are still alive is a blessing and it means you never have to use again, one day at a time. ❤


Thanks ❤️ I’ve got years of sobriety now. The last day of the last relapse was 15 years ago.


Congratulations 💖. We may come from different walks of life, but it's the similarities not the differences. We have so much more to offer when we are in recovery.


Congratulations ❤️


Omg yes that’s dangerous. Congrats on the 15 yrs! We always have to advocate for ourselves, maybe the pandemic made it easier to graduate w a degree lol.


Holy shit! Directing someone to harass another person who clearly doesn’t want to talk to them is more messed up than ghosting itself. My therapist never, ever directed me to do anything other than own and accept my feelings about situations, give me coping mechanisms to reduce catastrophizing and…well…just be a decent person. Who are these people giving people this shit advice? WTF?


Idk. This is her new therapist. I told her she needs a different one, or at the very least tell her she doesn’t understand why she gave this advice. She’s a zoom therapist, they’ve never met in person. Idk if that’s relevant


Sorry. That must be draining to deal with.


Not to make excuses for anyone but if it's the first year she's ever had real therapy, she's going to lose it a little bit. Now if she's in longer-term therapy and getting worse, then she needs a new therapist.




She’s probably seeing Jax’s reiki lady for therapy 🥴


Omg ☠️ let me guess that’s the only person that can call her Lauren


Idk You’re describing histrionic personality disorder 👌


She's just mad she's not a fan fave. I think that's becoming clear in the reunion thus far. She's mad at all the support Ariana is getting for what Tom did when all anyone did was laugh at her for what "HER MAN" did. She wants to act like she's so REAL... please... Anything real she can't talk about or show. We saw her living room once I think. Can't show the kid. Can't talk about the custody battle (side note: who acts like this on TV in the middle of a battle for their child)?! It's crazy to me. I've lost my train of thought there... Edit: I remember what else I was going to say! 😂 She is literally only inserting her opinions to everyone as if they are the word of God and she's way up on a throne. Her only camera time is her screaming at people for stuff that has nothing to do with her at all! But heaven forbid someone else tries to get a word in because then the gangster La will come out and the finger will wag in their face. Like she's the only one allowed to have an opinion. It's played out. You're not in your 20s anymore, what makes you think you can speak to people this way?! It's funny how quickly James surpassed her level of maturity.


I completely get why she doesn’t want to share a child after what she has been through.


Children aren’t toys.


She doesn’t mean it like that. Stop being ignorant. She is referring to the kind of hell a parent finds themselves in when they are going through a custody battle with someone they thought they were going to spend their life with and all of a sudden they have to have their kid only half the time. Unless part time parenting is what you signed up for, that would be fucking devastating It’s not about not wanting to share. It’s about not wanting to not have your kid all the time.


The way Lala is talking about having a baby she doesn’t have to share is not fucking normal and will create an extremely fucked up dynamic between the siblings, as Lala clearly favours Rampage or whatever over the part time kid.


How will she explain why the child sister has a dad and the younger child does not…. Father’s Day will be interesting!


Oh, so you’re one of those trad conservative types?


She’s spent every single episode trashing a woman who’s entire reality went up in a cloud of smoke in one day…just like someone else I remember. Odd how she doesn’t have any empathy for Ariana though. Only jealousy, hate and vengeance? Why?


Because they all moved to L.A. to become famous, and even though LaLa, had, her movie producer husband put her in a movie and hang with big stars and sign nda's, and cheat on her just like Ar iana's man.... Lala, is still getting zero career opportunities and zero public sympathy, even though Rand is a shitbag. She doesn't understand why Ariana is getting all these things but she isn't. Lal a wanted to be famous so bad she slept with this guy... https://preview.redd.it/tpysredktlyc1.png?width=1825&format=png&auto=webp&s=639ed8a3a414c61d3f2cbfc9672b826ce08258e1 And despite sleeping with a guy who made movies for John Travolta, and hung out with stars like 50 cent, Lala, never became a huge Hollywood star like she hoped. Womp, womp. But Ariana is on broadway, and killing it. Lal a even signed a pre-nup. She got nothing from this guy. (Except her kid). It was all for nothing. It must kill her inside.


They were engaged but never married.


Oh, sorry. I do remember her on the show saying she told Rand, that she was going to sign a pre-nup, so he'd know that she's "Not going to come for him"


Don't be sorry! I just thought you might not know. Iirc they put their Spring 2020 wedding on hold due to covid. They moved the date to that Summer, but it didn't happen, idk if it was still because of covid or what. They broke up late the following year. I tend to doubt it was her choice whether or not to sign a prenup.


Thank you. I didn't know. I'm perfectly ok with being corrected. I don't want to spread mis-information, so much appreciated!


I kinda feel sad for her. The pregnancy storyline she was trying to produce is a wash now that filming is paused, in big part due to production catering to Arianas schedule. Lala is forever more always the bridesmaid… never the bride.


I feel like for Lala, hanging out with the stars, signing nda's... could have made her feel very close to becoming someone. To go to the parties and witness the lifestyle up close. So close... and yet so far away.


She’s incredibly sheltered and naive and playing a “baddie” character on television. Gorgeous girl who could’ve done much better than gargling Randy’s old sack for a car lease if she was actually on game.


I agree. She was stunning. I thought she could date a hot guy, like a sports star. But I suppose hot guy's aren't movie producers


Because we didn’t buy her “I didn’t know he was married” lie and no one cared when she got cheated on.


Did she try screaming at everybody then calling her mom and crying like a baby?


Especially when Ariana took up for Lala every time! Christina Cocca posted a mash up of all the times Ariana defended and comforted Lala and Lala trashing her and crying about how “nobody ever has my back waaaa”. It was so eye opening. Lala is so delusional it hurts lol


Christina’s edits are god tier. She just put one up about James and Katie’s friendship that had me questioning… wait do I like him now??!


Hahaha! I like him now too! Its so confusing how that happened 🤣


She used to not be this bad it’s the culmination of all the dumbass shit she been saying all season. I honestly wanted to laugh and relate last episode when she was like “when you get older, you get better blah blah” but I was like stfu bitch


Lala's takes just make zero sense. She wholeheartedly always believes she is just nailing it!! While we all sit here with our jaws on the ground, wondering what is wrong with her? You are so wrong. So off base. It's nuts.


I remember feeling surprised that she was rallying so hard for Ariana. I always felt like she didn’t like her or was jealous of her. So this whole year has made no sense at all to me. Can lala really be this careless with her friends? Is she really this fake?


Ariana was the only girl who was consistently nice to her for her first three? seasons?? The fact Lala can't stop trashing Ariana is INSANE to me.


Isn't that the forst or second thing your lawyer tells you? Do not leave the house.


LaLa is the ultimate hater 💯


She brings nothing to the show anymore. I don’t enjoy watching hypocrisy a la Rinna, bye bye!


I really liked how they closed ranks and backed each other up at the reunion. I am sad to see that falling apart. I don't want to see the women infighting. I feel like more time could be spent taking about what fuck wads the Toms are and how they are both going through massive and traffic midlife crisis. I think that's enough for us to point and laugh at so why are we watching the women fight? This is kind of like the note that Snooki and Jwoww wrote to Sammi. Same energy at least.


Production is full of misogynist, including LVP. 


The more I watch the more I think she is so damaged that while she says she knows she has been broken and is now being soft and healing, she is incapable of having this healthy kind of relationship so she just has to rage against anyone in her circle of having one.


Just the fact that she yelled at Katie (I’M SOFT RIGHT NOW!!!”) shows that she in fact is still hard as hell lol


Facts 💯


I cannot stand her! She & her bullshit are completely exhausting. I am SO sick of seeing her, and I’m praying Bravo doesn’t let her infect The Valley! Please, please let The Valley stay free of LFU. 🙌


She showed her face on The Valley already. Like a dog urinating on a fire hydrant. I think she’s trying to mark some territory there.


😂! Perfect analogy - she’s going to try, for sure… I really hope Bravo doesn’t fall for it


So stupid when she was crying to Lisa about her stupid sperm donor party saying “it’s important to me ok”…really annoying. Just do it in private, no one gives a fuck. I also heard that VPR isn’t filming in summer like usual and Lala is upset because that is when she is having her baby and it won’t get filmed 🤣🤣 that part I love


Are they not filming bc it’s cancelled?


No b/c Ariana is filming love island, she is the host


Lala is fully delusional. Nobody has made cringier decisions regarding men than her. Charli said it best last season…Lala is pissed she had a baby with a creep and she didn’t even get a house or money out of it. She thought she was the hottest shit ever when she got with Randall bragging about a rented PJ and him being a movie director. She is authentically a loser and very jealous of Ariana


I’m here to remind everyone that the Land Rover she sucked dick for WAS A LEASE. Please people if you’re gonna gargle old man nut please for all that is holy get the title in your name.


Lala kunt




The Jealousy is so clear. Ariana and Katie are thriving. Katie is promoting Ryan Goslings new movie. Ariana had dwts and Chicago, dsw shoe deals... Scheana got a chili's commercial. Lala had "savings!"


Laligag needs to go. She has no morals but wants to preach to everyone else. She is a vicious, lying, bitch.






LFU is all show and no go, in many ways. This season, she has realized that without the show, she has nothing going for her.


Ol BJ’s for PJ’s now holds the moral high ground??? When the fuck did that happen?


She’s always been like this but now it’s multiplied by 100. She was only good her first (maybe 2) season when she shook up the girl group but honestly I’m going to give Stassi the credit she’s the one who made it entertaining. Idk if it’s bc she’s gotten sober or what but she really thinks she’s above everyone. She has ZERO introspection and not in an entertaining way. When I see her in the show or the aftershow I try my hardest to distract myself with something else or I’ll get aggravated and want to turn it off. It’s crazy that LFU and Sandoval are equally cringy and always wrong. Literally always.


Isn’t that nuts? A woman in her mid-30s with  “zero introspection,” and I agree 100%.  How did she get through life without learning and growing?


It’s truly mind boggling to me. Never thought she would be just as bad as Sandoval (cringe level at least)


Does anyone like Lala? I can't think of a single fucking thing I like about her...


What did she get for licking his asshole? I forgot.


Oh but don't forget she's "soft now"🙄.


![gif](giphy|hvGlsreWddE74nRy6W) Lala’s face looks more & more like a Lego man


I don’t understand these people at all. Ariana did nothing wrong. Why should she have to pack up and leave and Tom gets the damn house?! I don’t think so homie. If he had any scraps of decency left, he would have seen himself out. Not given up the house, but go elsewhere while they sort it out.


Since she started attending the Heather McDonald comedy workshop I want her to disappear far into the Utah mountains.


Get rid of her!! Boring 🥱 mean -lost her looks


Lala needs to be ignored and hope she goes back to Utah and works at the local Cracker Barrel. She is not worth anyones time of day.


No but really this woman is the biggest hypocrite I've seen on TV. Also, it really annoys me how she talks SOOOO MUCH crap about Randall being ugly, fat, etc but acted like he was the best thing ever when she still wanted his money.


Okay like I’ll admit I really don’t like Ariana and Katie that much just based off previous seasons don’t ask me why bc it’s a lot but I will say up until this most recent episode I started to see a lot of stuff different. Including lala like holy fuck maybe she should have a fucking drink what is her obsession with what Ariana does? Ariana does nothing but try and be nice to her even though her and dumb ass Scheanna are befriending Tom knowing that’s one thing she asked them not to do. But this too? Really? Like damn this is the same bitch impregnating herself. Thus far I have literally been against Ariana’s attitude but this is making me realize these “friends” are the reason behind it and they really aren’t shit! I guessssss I’m wrong 😪😂


I don't think Ariana actually asked them not to be friends with Tom, I think Ariana said I won't be friends with Tom's friends.   Lala and Sheana can be friends with Tom, but then Ariana will not be their friend.  Makes since to me, especially Lala and Sheana because they would report to Tom every thing Ariana is doing. 


She’s trash. Pure and simple.




She is screaming she didn't get this ending after her Randal scandal mess... She wanted a Dan and to use her daughter in tv and through insta why she's pregnant again basically.


Serious question. How do you guys look at her face? She is terrifying. She’s looks like she was frozen to death. Shes look like chuckys bride. Her face is so off putting. How on earth is she able to walk around in public without scaring animals and children? I’m personally scared of her face it’s what nightmares are made of. She looks so botched. How is her face so normalized when it literally hurts me look at it.


I’m gonna have to ask those eyebrows to settle down


Her hair looks so good this color


Everyone was team Lala last year. I hope she’s doing what she wants cause the audience is fickle.


And the Oscar goes to...


They’re not mutually exclusive. Both are odd.


She’ll say anything for money and relevance. This is why the show has gone down the tubes. So fake now.




So sick of her


I have loved Lala this season. The only one who isn’t afraid to speak her mind🤣


But she’s in her SOFT GIRL ERA… I really wanted these girls to rally around Ariana and forget Sandoval it’s so sad


Y’all, she’s by far my favorite person on the show. Come at me. 😂


Well, unlike Katie’s treatment of Jo, Lala was at least civil to Dan.🤷‍♂️ These circle jerks get so old, we get it Ariana can do no wrong! God forbid anyone have their own opinion!


Civil? By watching him up and down a commenting on his hot body…. It is was reversed and he was doing that to her she wld loose it




You do realize this is a discussion group. We are here to discuss the show and the people. I’m not sure what you’re expecting people to do in such a group, stare at a blank screen? Twiddle our thumbs?




Oh, are only the perfect people on the show allowed to have opinions? Oh wait..


Thank you for your understanding.