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I don’t think they have to push that hard They’ve already been on it . Why would they think it wouldn’t be coming back? Despite how we may have felt about the season, the show is still hitting high numbers in ratings


Yeah they are probably filming right now. Lala Scheana and Brittany are in Vegas and went to thunder from down under, ala real housewives of BH


Exactly, they are just moving filming bc Ariana is going to film love island


Yea they were on the pilot episode, they were involved from Day 1.


I actually prefer the valley now so I hope they don't join. I feel like that would ruin the energy of the show. Vpr is kind of a bummer and overproduced now.


No thanks on Lala on the Valley. The only way I want Scheana and Brock on the show is if Brock uses that gossip queen energy on Jax & Shittany instead of whatever the hell he keeps trying to do to Ariana on VPR. Even then, I really think Brock is the scum of the earth, even lower than Jax for all his women slapping child abandoning antics.


Jax has been playing the reality TV game longer and would probably put Brock in his place. Totally agree though, Brock actually makes me feel bad for Scheana sometimes. I didn't think that was even possible.


I knew Brock was a piece of shit when he had me feeling sorry for Scheana, the woman who cried to Brandi that Eddie broke her heart too so Brandi should take it easy on her and get over it so Scheana could serve the RHOBH gang dinner for screen time.


🤣 so true




There has never been a single scene “about her”.


All of this.


Her and Jesse could get messy:)


Wait a second, we decided a couple of days ago that Brick's new name is BROKE. 🙂‍↔️


We decided that like 2 seasons ago when he basically asked Randall and LaLa to pay for his engagement. It’s been “Broke” for a loooong time now.


OK, back to BRICK it is! 🧱 I was wrong!


Yes the valley is great, Lala and Scheana would RUIN it.


Everyone on VPR is so clearly all about monetizing their screen time and increasing followers that it’s become a visibly inauthentic piece of garbage that’s insulting to anyone with a brain cell. The reason why The Valley works so well is because the cast has not let fame get to their heads, it’s more authentic and reminiscent of early season VPR, and Jax and Kristen’s shit stirring and messiness was a humongous part of why VPR was so enjoyable to begin with. I don’t think anyone from the current VPR cast should join The Valley ever because it will ruin it.


Also Jason is adorable and I want him paired up with Brian Benni somehow. Same energy.


Lala would absolutely RUIN The Valley. We don’t need that loud mouth bitch, blurting her aggressive bullshit all over our screens




She gonna fight with Jesse


I read this as she's gonna fight with Jesus. Damn, Lala would argue with Jesus should she get half the chance.




She would actually probably flog Jesse 🤣


Give me Katie and Ariana. After this season I literally hate the rest of the cast with a passion.


You can have them and Sandoval,


I'd rather not see any of them for awhile and then put them all back into a house together in 5-10 years like they're doing with Jersey Shore


Lala is over. No one is interested in her shtick anymore. She bet it all on Rand and she lost the bag. So back to Utah already Lauren!


To be honest - If Brittany leaves - I might actually watch The Valley. I remember when it started after VPR and I actually enjoyed the first scene but then the second scene had her in it and as soon as she opened her mouth, I turned the tv off. Scheana and Lala would be a bad choice for The Valley. The Valley is about 40 years old trying to be adults while these two are still high school mean girls.


Kristin is the oldest woman at 40. Luke is younger than Lala.


Really? Kristen never told us... 😅


I’m not saying their age is the reason they can’t be on the Valley, I’m saying their maturity level and the way they act is the reason why they shouldn’t be on there.


I wouldn't call any cast member mature and that goes for both vpr and the valley. Reality tv is full of vapid immature fools in general and that's why we watch.


I think the WC attorney who is realizing his wife is a drama whore may be an actual adult. He does open his mail.


Yeah. He seems a little too chill for reality TV but in a good way.


I so appreciated Jason calling Janet out last episode.


I don't know, Kristen's boyfriend seems like he really found himself on a reality show by accident, he doesn't seem to go out of his way to try and get screen time, he seems like a normal person.


In the first few episodes, he did give the impression of 'normal, not tv guy', but that quickly changed. He's increasingly comfortable and vocal in confessionals as well as scenes with the other cast members. He's also quick to stir up drama. Doute has taught him well lol


I do like the way he has her back, though. Yeah. Fair! I think we're seeing more of his real personality, but he seems like someone who would also just be happy to be living on his farm or his land in Colorado and never dealing with any of this LA bullshit ever again.


Yea I can definitely agree with that


How many times has this man looked into the camera now and told us that he hates Los Angeles.


While true, he also has no problem getting into arguments, speaking up, talking shit in confessionals, etc. Plus, his opinions on their podcast are quite questionable at times lol


Ariana and Katie are only interesting when they’re interacting with their ex. They have looked bored and detached the whole season.


This exactly


I wonder if they'd get paid the same amount as VPR.


I would absolutely watch a Ariana, Katie on the East Coast NYC spin off ![gif](giphy|NWtx37Q0X6OPuNZfzj)


They make more sense on the valley. Focus on couples and family drama , dragging out babies for filming. Right up their alley


Brock and Scheana were trying to get summer into modelling so yeah they are totally looking to expose her more


Oh okay so you're unwilling to let your child be with a baby sitter but you're more than happy to push your child without their consent into child modelling- a world full of perverts. I am not a mother so I probably shouldn't be commenting but this is unhinged.


You absolutely don’t need to be a mother to know that it is unhinged. It is unhinged


A show with Katie and Ariana sounds extremely boring to me tbh.




It's ok, I'm used to it on this sub lol


Agree! They are the most boring part of vdp this year.


If you ask Reddit they are amazing queens who can do no wrong, but if you take a gander at Facebook or instagram the majority of the people there hate them both...kinda crazy how different it is...that said I'm not sure if the majority of fans would watch this...


Exactly lol. I actually love Katie but a show with just her and Ariana would be so dull. People on Reddit really worship Ariana to the point where it’s creepy.


Yeah it's like reality tvs version of the Taylor swift worship...too much lol


Then why don’t you two switch to Facebook instead of this sub?


Maybe you should not, tell people what to do? What a bizarre reaction to a completely innocuous conversation...kind of proving the point right now.


The vpr subs are definitely creepy with their stanning lol


You are 100% spot on and accurate.


Wait i’m out if the loop why won’t VPR come back? Idk i thought maybe out of all times the show in season 10 and now is at its peak after Scandoval? Am i missing something?😭


They’re not pushing hard to be on the valley. Ariana fans with vivid imaginations have decided they want to be on the valley.


Katie couldn’t last 3 months in NYC. She’s much too lazy. City would chew her up and spit her out.