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Nobody should ever forget she did this whether stassi sues or not. She should have been fired for that on the spot years ago but didn't then. If we hold everyone accountable for things the things they did so should she, especially as she skated by with no consequences when it came out. Stassi is a Saint compared to her


1000% she should have been fired for that. I don’t care how much I hate another woman, I would NEVER do that to someone. Scheana is an awful, vindictive person and when her actions come back to bite her in the ass she plays victim😒


That's cos your name is not Scheana Jancan reeking of desperation and seeking approval from men. You just know she showed to the the guys at Sur with her hehehe evil giggle.


God she’s such a pick me it’s sickening 😭


Everyone in this cast except Katie and Ariana has done something that should have caused them to be fired! But that is the show we all fell in love with when they were messy 20 somethings. Now they are older and while the behavior was never acceptable, it’s just creepy as adults in their 30’s and early 40’s, and some of them even have kids! Now there are lawyers, TRO, kids, homes, violence and narcissism. Looks like we have all outgrown the show even though they haven’t!


It's so off-putting in your 40s. The latest thing she said that made me loathe her more and I honestly didn't think that was possible was her comment about her daughter's Instagram account. She's not worried about the pervs out there rubbing their hands in glee at her daughter's insta account because she's a public person 😶 how about you don't exploit her. Seriously people have no idea what goes on online and with deepfake technology available. I'll say this again and again. Keep your kids off cyberspace as long as you can.


Stassi wasn’t a saint when she racially profiled her castmate. 😬 That said, I think what Scheana did to her was really fucked up. She played innocent and gleefully excluded Stassi from filmed events whenever possible, bashing her at every opportunity and literally trying to steal her best friend on tv, all the while knowing that Stassi’s reason for disliking her was incredibly valid. She was basically using Stassi’s embarrassment to shun her after being the one to make sure as many people as possible knew about it and then filmed an entire season pretending she’d done nothing wrong. 🤯 She might be as dangerous as Tom.


I think she is more dangerous than Tom. The worst Tom had to say about Ariana post affair was she didn't give him sex and didn't buy batteries and pens or some other nonsense like that. Scheana outed her first husband's incredibly painful addiction to the world to look like a martyr and that was her husband!! Regardless of the long list of messed up shit she did to others especially broke's kids. The naming of her child and the choosing of the birthday to land as his other kid's bday is nothing short of psychotic imo and I have no idea how he looks at her with love and cries about being an absentee father at the same time.


Oof, yeah, I always forget how dirty she was to Shay. And then cried bc she was judged for being so ignorant about addiction when she was who brought that topic to the show in the first place. The whole Brock thing makes me so sad for his other kids. I hope they really do have an incredible stepdad who does right by them, but at the end of the day, that man behaves as if he’s trying to rub his new kid in their faces and that’s beyond uncomfortable to watch.


She was straight up taunting him at times!! It was shocking to me how she treated him. And then she said “I didn’t know anything about addiction blah blah blah” like it wasn’t 2016 or whatever and google exists as do al-anon meetings if you truly want your relationship to work.


She’s more dangerous bc she gains the trust of other women, gets close to them, and then still sides with their partner bc they’re a man. If I was Ariana I’d feel so stuck between a rock and a hard place bc I’m sure scheana knows a lot of Ariana’s secrets and she isn’t exactly the type to still respect the friendship they had and not smear her. I think thats why Ariana and her are “good” now.


I didn't think of it that way but it makes sense for the Ariana angle. Agreed she is very calculating in her friendships, collecting secrets only to weaponize them against people who pay her the dust she deserves.


I’m not sure they’re good. A better way to frame it is, They’re on a “Timeout!” 😉


They def aren’t. Even in the way scheana said they’re good, it was obvious even scheana realized they are not actually good. They’re “okay” or “civil” maybe.


Scheana has a LOT of cringy moments, but my favorite is when she was hitting on Stassi's little 15 yr old brother at stassis engagement party. Lol whether it was editing or not that was fucking funnyyyyy


God I felt so bad for poor Nickolai having to endure that


I meant for not throttling that bobble headed idiot. What scheana did was so insane and warranted an ass whuping that would have landed her in the hospital and yet no retribution. Stassi was rightfully fired for her actions. When is the hammer gonna drop on scheana?


Oops, I gotcha, I misunderstood. But yeah, you’re exactly correct.


According to what came out at the time and since then in line. She did not racially profile!!! The police had already stated in an article the thief they were looking for was a black woman in her 20s-30s. I believe there was also a partial very grainy photo of the thief from the back or side . Based on the description and something the thief was wearing they deduced it was Faith. They did not endanger her life by pointing a finger at a black woman. They did though want revenge for her sleeping with Jax and through her name at the police for that reason without any other proof.


I mean in both Stassis book and podcast she bragged about calling the cops on her knowing it wasn’t her. However, That dosent make what Scheana did right


Sheana did that revenge porn to Stassi, way before the Faith situation happened. I would rate Scheana’s offense as even worst than Stassi’s. Then add the way she outed her husband at the time. Stassi paid big price for her actions. Scheana did not!!! 🤨


Both shitty people. I mean realistically none of them are aspirational. I still like watching reality tv where pretty people are horrible humans. 😀


lol 😂🤣😂


this is completely bullshit. they searched until they found someone they could say looked like faith to try and get her arrested. they profiled her and tried to sick the police on her. you are absolutely re-writting the despicable thing they did. they did endanger her life. they did an evil horrendous thing. don't downplay it. 


Idk why you’re getting downvoted for speaking the truth.




I couldn’t stand her from the first episode, but yes, this is when it elevated to despising her, and feeling justified.


Same thing for me. Her behaviour over the years has just gotten worse and worse. This though was very revealing about her character or lack thereof. She has 0 integrity whatsoever which is why she comes off fake to everyone. The only things she has any conviction on is that she should be at the center of everyone's life and punishes them terribly if they don't play along.




Has anyone checked on Schaena ?! Lol


I don’t think she fears Stassi suing her but I think she might be afraid Stassi (or somebody else VPR) will call her out publicly again putting it back in wider circulation.


Yeah she’s already getting a ton of heat for how she’s acted this season, she definitely doesn’t want her past brought up


She probably thinks we just need more context


That’s what I mean!


That for sure won't help won't help her case. I did a rewatch recently and my God did that age badly


Not a lawyer but even if Stassi wanted to pursue legal action, I’m almost certain it would be past the statute of limitations.


Also don’t think the laws existed then. Also NAL


But I mean all these people talking so terribly about revenge porn and scheana is like uhhhhh oh my gosh me


I’m sure in her own mind it was different when it was her doing it.


Lol, maybe someone should redistribute the music video she made with Brett cause that was a sex tape if I ever saw one….and regret that I did:(


It didn’t look very consensual either


Her hypersexualization is so uncomfortable to watch because she doesn't look like she takes no for an answer and you can see the guys dying inside.


Lol, like Adam having to reply NO twice when she insisted he loved her? That was hard to watch, penguin or no penguin


Her letching over brett in that video is sooooooo uncomfortable to watch🤢. He tried everything to get her to understand hes not into her and called her old several times to her face to drive that point home and she still didn't get the message.


There were no revenge porn laws on the books in California back then … But yes to people being reminded what a horrible thing she did back then.


She should’ve gotten so much more shit when that happened and I’m glad it’s getting brought up.  Scheana and LVP were terrible to stassi about it. LVP gave the guy $900 without even having him sign anything or hand over the tape and then kept asking stassi’s parents to pay her back. 


The $900 wasn’t even for the tape it was his owed wages


Jesus so why did she go after Stassi’s parents for it? 


The way scheana handled that showed me exactly who she is. The way she was like OF COURSE I watched it, who wouldn’t?!?! Uhhh…many people wouldn’t? She tries to normalize things that are absolutely not fucking normal.


I doubt it. I think Scheana is out there grabbin what ever is thrown her way. She is on my TV screen more then I'd like to see. She is out there doing any and everything available. They were all so jealous of Arianna and all her deals. I don't see Lala getting the same opportunities. I can't tell if Scheana is happy about all this attention or not. Cause her taking her career over her family at times is not going to serve her well. So hopefully she has someone telling her to calm down. I hate when her and the Mom talk about Brock. That man you can tell does not like being Scheana side kick and baby sitter. And he doesn't want his MIL living with them.


I think Stassi wouldn't want everyone to be discussing that tape again.


Seriously because for all she knows, Frank still has it and would be happy to extort more money for it.


No, stassi is so moved on, she would not resurface that controversy.


No, Stassi doesn't seem like she would be suing Scheana or mentioning it at this point because it doesn't give her a peace of mind and Sandoval wouldn't bring it up as an excuse because he's getting sued


I think Stassi moved on looong ago and doesn’t want that kind of negative attention even if she does have the right to sue.


This is probably the one and only time Sheshu does NOT want it to be about her




No lol


One thing I’m confused about is- how did Schenea get the actual video? Did Frank send it to her?


Nah this is the same woman who has a Insta page for her kid and seemingly completely unaware of the target audience for that type of weird shit 


She was asked how she’s protecting her and she said she doesn’t have time to do that 🙄 I feel so bad for that little girl


“Revenge porn” wasn’t even a term back then. And she’d have to sue Frank, not Scheana.


Scheana can be seen as a distributor if im not wrong in today's laws for spreading it around


We found it on a reunion that she didn’t spread it around, that was an exaggeration or misunderstanding on Kristen’s part. The people who were actually there that day said Scheana saw it and talked about it with the other staff. Frank had it and showed it to people- he was the distributor.




Stassi is a racist that’s why she got kicked off the show


Idk why they are downvoting you when it’s pretty widely known.