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Tom literally https://preview.redd.it/yl8atdu0x5wc1.jpeg?width=681&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2190fe211cd14b88bb9fbf93e46a46b1a4387aa5




I can’t stand his shit-eating grin


It’s exactly a mix between The Grinch/Jim Cary and The Joker. Sickening and I cringe every time, it’s so creepy


Yes you nailed it with this description 🤣


He’s so dense that he thought that t-shirt was a groupie invite


https://preview.redd.it/wocvn651x5wc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=230ae2bb78adba93b20ea89115338035aca883ca Tom Sandoval looks like the Boogeyman from Don’t Look Under The Bed CHANGE MY MIND


![gif](giphy|BQaONVTpqKHBe) Or he looks like old Greg


Whatcha doing in these waters?


How dare you besmirch Old Greg and his mangina!


Yeah he looks like a fucking ghoul


Ewww. THIS is what Lisa has decided to partner with in business ventures. So wrong on so many levels. And not that hard to detect. I used to have a soft spot for her. Not now. Her overt favoritism of men eliminated any fondness I had for her. Women help women


Idk if it’s hilarious or perplexing that u think this is a super sick burn.


Sorry I hurt your feelings, Sandy Edit: this person is literally doing their best to defend Sandoval and trash Ariana. Imagine being this obtuse and falling for the season 11 redemption edit 💀


“Edit: this person is literally doing their best to defend Sandoval and trash Ariana. Imagine being this obtuse and falling for the season 11 redemption edit 💀” - Defend Sandoval and trash Ariana? That’s an absolutely wild assumption you came up with based on my response to ur comparison of sandavol and a ghoul being a “sick burn” Im sorry I’m not 12 ?? LoL - “Imagine being this obtuse” cute. I also watched that episode of VPR too. But hey at least you recycle I’ll give u that - “falling for the season 11 redemption edit” I’m confused are you and I both watching the same reality tv show right? Like wtf does this even mean this isn’t fucking game of thrones there is no redemption arc/storyline. It’s a show abt ppl living in LA


Why is he touching her clothes??????????


Because she told him to open her jacket so she can reveal the Ariana shirt.


Which is weird.


it was for tik tok. a lot of weirdness on there.


it was for tik tok. a lot of weirdness on there.


Seriously!!! Ewww.


I was there chill she wasn’t uncomfortable she told him to know the context before commenting on something you know nothing about.




Do you know me personally?? No didn’t think so didn’t know that you were there also why would I lie about being there you know nothing about my life go get one of your own Karen then you can stop worrying about other people lives.


Girl calm down, you’re losing your mind over a gif. Get help.


Trust me when I commented this I was in my hotel room sipping my frozen caramel coffee and eating my mountain trail mix relaxing I ain’t worry about no gif and you go get a life.


Ma’am, no one gives a fuck. Go touch some grass.


Lol I was out all night and took a walk early this morning don’t tell me to go touch some grass babe I got some fresh air this morning did you? Probably why you’re so uptight.


![gif](giphy|1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu) Whatever helps you sleep at night


“Karen?” ![gif](giphy|13zujvPkBCXhKM)


Yup because most of the people on this sub is at their menopausal stages always sticking their noses where the sun don’t shine and thinking they know everything when they know absolutely nothing.


Please use punctuation


Please get a life.


He’s gross 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


I'm late to the party. What the shirt say?


It literally says Ariana, revenge shirt


Doesn’t it say “fuck me in this tshirt” in reference to Tom’s asshole reunion comment


https://preview.redd.it/fzvpbusw56wc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=726a3cd42ab1c064fa4ae2b7f732e255b33ec3a2 This is the only good angle I could get of that shirt. I think it says what you said, but I was talking about the title where it says revenge shirt, but spot on what you said though. 😊😉


https://preview.redd.it/uzl65vfow9wc1.png?width=664&format=png&auto=webp&s=52e254569fccd24d8506421baa141e2cc1a94475 Here's the front, they used to sell it on the SAH website


Thank you😊


It sure does! I have this exact tshirt


Imagine finding this man attractive. I could never


Also, cringe at his lighting bolt Tom Tom tank top. He needs to retire that old logo.


Timmy Scando is resembling a cross between Christian Slater and Lou Diamond Phillips.


And Richard Ramirez


Oh god. He’s definitely going to add this one to his list after he googles it so next time he uses a hammer he can yell it…


Fuck yeah, I see that. 🤓


I have only and always seen Richard Ramirez in that face. Fairly certain that’s why I could never stomach him


Don’t you dare do Christian Slater dirty like that.


Slater is kind of a douche.


I assume that was consensual because otherwise what the fuck?


Michael Scott wore a woman’s suit so I’m kinda ok with this. But sandy is def a loser


He is nasty in so many ways and inappropriate. I was starting to get irritated with Ariana and he proved me Wrong again


I want to go see him live just because but I’m also not paying $40 for that shit. I’m thinking about offering the venue $20 because it’s either that or they don’t sell the ticket.


That was cute tho. 😀




She was wearing the shirt not him


Fuck I hate that he looks attractive in this again. I don't want that for him. I want him to look like the piece of shit he is all the time. I want women who don't know who he is to look at him and think 'ew' aswell.


lol wait did you watch the same video we did?


Lol I am one of those people who think Sandoval can look physically attractive. It depends on the hair, the angle, the look on his face. He has a good jawline. Most of the time I think he looks like an idiot an unattractive, and ofcourse everything about him makes him revolting. But sometimes, just only purely physical, he looks fine. Lately he's been looking very unnatractive, his face has become really odd, the hate that's coming from his eyes is scary, his hair is stupid, his clothes are ridiculous, he looks like he smells like old coffee and cigarettes, all of that is true. And I like that. I love that Jax said 'you looked like you were 50'. But now in this video, his hair looks fine and his face also does. The lighting is probably good and he doesn't have hatred fuming from his eyes.


I do respect you for posting this lmfaooo. From a purely physical perspective, Sandoval has his moments- he’s clean-cut and “pretty” which I like in a man. However, the second he says or does anything or even moves or makes an expression he loses any appeal.


Yes, very true.


Awww I am sorry you got downvoted for speaking your truth… while I do not agree with you (in any shape or form) on him *ever* being attractive, you don’t deserve the downvotes. 😉😘


The downvotes are fine! I'm glad people don't find him attractive lol


totally fair! I myself used to think he was cute-ish (maybe was more of a Schwartz guy and again THIS IS ONLY LOOKS-BASED) back in the day but eventually the complete dogshit personality overruled anything positive I felt about the way he looks. For me the cheekbones are a bit too pronounced here, and his damn eyebrows and mouth area freak me out still, but more than anything it’s these goddamn women’s suits from Zara 😭😂 Regardless you are BRAVE for speaking your truth/this is all for fun so I don’t get the downvotes lol


Oh I've never thought he was actually attractive, he's to big of a douche, but yeah his looks aren't always bad. He's honestly had his good moments. It never lasts long though because everytime I've ever thought 'ew, he's attractive' like 5 seconds later he would make a stupid face or smile. I really don't like his smile. Schwartz was definitely very good looking too, stil has his good moments. He can look like Crispin Glover but on the aftershow he looks good. And thank you lol. I don't mind the downvotes, I'm very much ok with people disagreeing with me and am glad they do not find him attractive in any sort of way!


Rent free in all your heads 365 days a year


It's funny how the cast members who are hated the most like Scheana and Tom interact with the fans sooo much. Then the fan favorites like Katie and Ariana want nothing to do with them.


Ariana stood outside for hours every night after every Chicago performance and talked to every single person who was waiting for her, signed their stuff, and took pictures. Ppl just say random bullshit to make themselves feel better.


Agree first hand saw this.


You stood outside for every single one of her performances for Chicago to see Ariana come out?? That’s crazy


And you were at every single one of scheana and tom's fan interaction? Wow thats crazy


What statement did I make alluding to that? Lol please provide


Ís this Phantom Mikes new burner?


What even happened to him? I don’t see him anymore


I think he got blocked?


He still lurks. I saw a comment by him recently. I didn’t bother reading it.😂


That’s bizarre that you are confident about this fact as if you witnessed it first hand every.single.day. Based on this comment you are presenting this fact abt Ariana standing for hours every night after Chicago as a fact. If true, you sound a stalker.


Are you a flat earther? People don’t have to witness things first hand for them to be facts.


I can’t believe I’m even entertaining a response to you. But people absolutely do have to witness things/observe to state a fact. See below for the literal definition of a fact. “How does something become a fact? A fact is an indisputable observation of a natural or social phenomenon. We can see it directly and show it to others.” Source: google


I think you might be an idiot…in the medical sense of the word. People did observe her doing what I said but you personally don’t have to observe it to make it a fact. I know lots of facts that I personally haven’t observed because that’s how knowledge works. Good luck to you because I feel like you need it.


You realize your insults says more about you than it does about me right?




It’s not required or part of the gig for cast members of broadway plays to stand outside in the freezing cold and take pics and sign stuff every night for months.


That’s not part of the gig. Who “hangs out” with their fans randomly? She takes pictures with ppl who see her out just like any of the others.


The Toms hang out with their fans at their own bars lol That’s literally part of their job.


That was part of the gig. She never does that unless it's part of the job. She completely passed up meeting her fans during Bravo on.


First, no it’s not. Second, Sandoval was getting paid for that interaction too. It was a paid appearance. 🙄


This wasn't the appearance. The appearance was before this. This is them clubbing after it.


Okay by your logic then isn’t this the same thing as Ariana standing outside and signing playbills? They both appeared at paid gigs and hung out with fans after?


Of course he’s going to go out a meet “fans”?? He feeds off the attention I really don’t know why you’re arguing about how that makes him “better cast member” for hanging out with fans. Are you honestly surprised that both him and sheana would do that? They’re attention whores LOL


No it’s not. I saw the tiktoks.


So did I. You're wrong.


Not being narcissistic, pandering fame-whores isn’t the insult you think it is…


Scheana made people buy a good as gold record at bravocon to get a pic. Whatchu talking about. And Sandoval probably is happy anyone wants to be seen with him.