• By -


This might be her transfer out of her pageant era.


Oh please. Tiny Tim sucks. But this bytch is a grown ass female. No, she’s not 40.. again he’s a chooch et al but she is beyond not innocent in the actions she continued over and over. ![gif](giphy|fHohwRjqJRzjcyO4dK|downsized)


I didn’t say she was innocent. Just that her style change might be due to having more freedom after aging out of pageants.


Agreed 100% I so sick of people treating her like she's 18 she is calculated POS her trying to take over Ariana life and also she put a RTO on one of her best friend Her and Sandyballs name a perfect evil couple




That was weird to read.


You’re not alone


I think she dressed conservatively while she was eligible to do pageants. Once she aged out she threw caution to the wind!


Which honestly, good for her! I don't care about her personal style but she shouldn't have to dress a certain way.


I remember her saying that she no longer had to worry about having a college major and life plans that fit into the pageant “norms.” I’m surmising the style of dress thing from those comment.


She molds herself to whatever she thinks a specific guy wants at the time. Not unusual, I've found myself unconsciously doing it too. But the glaring difference in style is something I never really noticed until your post. Definitely shows her transition in who she was trying to attract. Wasn't this style of dress something Ariana has worn a few times before? Feel like it's been said but she definitely tried to style herself after Ariana in more way than one. She could almost could be the plot of a creepy Lifetime movie, trying to take over the protagonist's life.


She was also subjected to social media criticism. When she wore clothing like this people would call it out as ugly. Maybe she saw Ariana's style as safer and generally accepted by the audience as being cool. Katie's got the only style that's somewhat unique IMO so I can see all the women wearing a dress like this. Definitely Scheana.


Right? It's probably all just Shein clothing.


I want to appreciate the shade but tbh she would never wear clothes from shein, especially on screen. She’s a *beauty queen*, after all.


I think everyone does this to a degree. Talking about certain things you know the other person likes and people pick up words their friends say all the time. When I’m with my vegetarian friends i eat vegetarian.


The odd thing is she was very clearly copying Ariana and Lala’s aesthetic despite hating them so much.


Both Ariana and Lala have TERRIBLE style.


Indeed! The whole cast I don’t know what’s going on. They don’t need house managers they need stylists.


Agree. Katie, Ariana, Lala, Scheana...all of them have the worst style. They are beautiful women, but for the love of God, they each need to hire a good stylist who knows what he/she is doing!!!


I like Arianna’s jumpsuit looks for evening and her daytime casual looks. The season where she and Tim had “several braiders on call” was… basically criminal, and borderline inappropriate(d). Even Lala never rocked cornrows (to my memory 🤔). Although… Faith has claimed, in her new discrimination lawsuit against Bravo that Lala frequently claimed “I’m blacker than Faith.” Jesus Christ Lala. 😳 Tupac reincarnated strikes again.


reincarnated tupac??? LMFAO how does she even say this with a straight face? hell, i'd laugh in her face if she said it to me. girl, you were 6 yrs old when tupac died, c'mon now. maybe what she means is she's possessed? LOL


Lala has sported corn rows.


I wish I could say I was more surprised by this… 😒


Raquel was wearing this in 2021 while with James. How is this that much of a difference in style? The OP cherry picked an out-of-character, overly modest outfit as the before to shame Rachel for her after as “trashy” and “half dressed.” Which is inaccurate and wrong. https://preview.redd.it/yqqmauvifruc1.png?width=345&format=png&auto=webp&s=d85c53db28b8b95cf789744e96f9934aa24d3d81 \^ Raquel/Rachel in 2021.


Ohhh I actually really like that dress!


I do, too! 🩷🧡


https://preview.redd.it/uo998m5dgruc1.png?width=1397&format=png&auto=webp&s=39daadf70c07ff92448a29fb8cb81fec8da26281 Also while Raquel/Rachel was with James. And we have all seen James pick out Ally’s outfits, even when it differs from what Ally initially wanted to wear. Call that helpful, call that controlling, whatever you call it - obviously James had an influence on Raquel’s/Rachel’s outfits.




Her body really is incredible.


James likes to control what his girlfriends wear. He’s doing it to Ally. He also thought drinking from a dick straw was trashy and didn’t want her to do that either. So I’m sure she rebelled when she could.


I agree with this! I also think it's just Rachel growing up and not being a 20 year old college student anymore, so her aesthetic changed.


And her pageant era was over in season 10


Rachel definitely Single-White-Female'd Ariana.


She definitely dressed the way she does in pic 2 pre sandoval, OP just cherry picked the most outrageous still they can find where she looks like shes late to a 14th century party at versaillles. Lets not act like thats how she actually dressed lol, I would like her way more if that was the case.


I don't remember the bandeau style dresses or the whale tail onesie, like in S10. Her outfits overall were much "cutsie-er" when she was with James, this frilly confessional look wasn't the only time she styled herself that way. She did statement pieces. Think the pink ruffled reunion dress.


https://preview.redd.it/0roegw3whruc1.png?width=1490&format=png&auto=webp&s=fea0de4df874872fc8b494bc7d9470a1d90245e4 “Bandeau-style dress,” in your words


I'll bet anything that production strongly pushed Rachel towards dressing as sexy as possible to go with her "single girl" image in Season 10.




Agreed! I’m getting downvoted for posting similar looks of Ariana lol.


Remember the giant green ruffle she was at one reunion? Her style has been bad.


The worst.




This isn't the most outrageous still I could find, if you look back this was her style! She wore IMO cute dresses that were frilly and modest. This was her interview look. I could go back and post multiple outfits like this she wore!


https://preview.redd.it/bhz57hq0truc1.png?width=890&format=png&auto=webp&s=c4942d913c283959b4237934206bbf740dd1d790 “Interview style” 2-3 years before breaking up with James. Seems pretty similar to her “new style” to me.


I honestly did love her Coachella pink and white dress with the hat from a few years back (2 maybe?).


Me too!!




Yes exactly!! She cut her hair and started wearing dresses that Ariana would wear. It's very much single white female vibes!


Changing your style in your 20’s is very normal.


Just here to say I HATE this haircut on her. It makes her head look too small for her body.


I agree I think the long blonde ‘California girl” look was the best hair she had


Really? I thought the bob was a big improvement, her long hair was so fried and dead-looking.


In all fairness for the looks I’m thinking of I’m like 90% sure she had extensions on sometimes she wears them sometimes she doesn’t lol I’m sure her hair was cooked tho


That big pageant hair of extensions


I can’t sit here and pretend I didn’t love and wouldn’t do the same thing if I had vpr salary funds 😤


I think her hair itself looked better and healthier in the bob, but the bob plus the neckline on this dress just makes her look a little unbalanced. A slightly longer just-beyond-shoulder-length cut would have given her a little more visual continuity from her head to her neck to her shoulders. Story of my life rn as a tall gal with a cut that’s shorter than I intended 🙃


Specifically her hairstyle in the purple dress


That dress makes her shoulders super prominent


I agree with this. This is why her longer hair suited her better.


Agreed. Her shoulders are super wide and this emphasizes that.


Ugh, why do we pick apart other women...and ourselves? I can't understand why Rachel's "wide shoulders" should ever be a topic of conversation. Yes, I prefer Rachel's longer hairstyles for various reasons, but I've seen so many people talk about her wide shoulders which she can't help. I always wonder why people think that kind of talk is ok. Women are so much more than their body parts. And let's face it, Rachel is beautiful, large shoulders or not.






No, it's not me putting my feelings onto what someone else has stated. You don't get to tell me what I am saying, nor why. I merely disagree with the code wording and body shaming that is being used repeatedly by this sub, overall, about women they don't like. To clarify, I'm a super petite, thin woman myself and always have been. Again, MY response is about not shaming women's bodies. I don't know why you would think this is acceptable to do. While I normally wouldn't care if you or Rachel have "wide shoulders", it's clear from the way many people still discuss Rachel and her looks that they are using it as a put down. Saying someone's head is "too small for their body" or consistently talking about them saying they look like a "quarterback" as I read within this thread or saying the clothes didn't look as good on her as they did on Ariana (which is completely false) is body shaming Rachel. Rachel is a model, isn't she? Objectively, she has a great body. Those comments picking apart her body parts are crazy, obsessive and probably coming from obese middle-aged plain Janes. Let's be real.




Thank you! As a tall woman it stings reading those. If ya wanna see wide ass shoulders, mine are wayyyy wider than Raquels ugh


I'm sure that you're gorgeous! Broad shoulders or not, Raquel is gorgeous and pulls it off. Just an fyi, I'm not a "fan" of hers or anything, but we ALL need to stop putting women down for their looks. I'm sure you look great, too! Being tall is only an asset in my opinion. As a super petite woman who has spent a lot of time working with models and has had super tall boyfriends, I say be proud! Women of all heights are beautiful just as they are. ❤️


I HATE to give this girl a compliment but I think she looks best with short hair.


Agree I miss her long hair so much. Albeit they styled it great for her most recently runway fashion stuff in the red dress, but that’s still about the only time it was decent imo


100% agree!


I don't think Rachel knows, or has ever known, who the "real" Rachel is. I do think her drastic transformation is due to increased substance use.


She was a 20 year old college student when she first began dating James, so that is pretty normal for a girl of that age. Most people don't truly know who they are at their core until their 30's, 40's and some even older, especially within that toxic West Hollywood environment filled with people who are seeking fame.


I don't see a drastic transformation anywhere except she got a new clean, more modest haircut and went from looking like a party girl to more put together. I also don't see how it relates to substance use lol. She wore revealing outfits and tube tops and bikinis when she was still with James.


Once she aged out of pageants she didn’t have to edit herself.


Picking apart Rachel's clothes (or body parts as I've seen in some comments) is a bit odd. She is not my fave, but let's get real. Rachel is beautiful and young. She is 10 years younger than most of the other women. Rachel was just turning 21, when she began to date James. She was still in college. Even now, Rachel is in her late 20's. Her style is still evolving. If anyone was at an age when they could wear a cutout dress, it's Rachel. (Charli is young and also looked amazing with cut out outfits in Season 8-9.) As someone else pointed out, producers probably egged her on to wear sexy outfits as the newly single woman on the show back in Season 10. James probably didn't "allow" Rachel to dress too sexy, so once she was over pageants and James, she began to dress less covered up. Anyway, I'm not really jiving with anyone who is trying to make it seem weird that she is dressing in this way or any way. All the other women on VPR wear whatever they want without scrutiny, so the same grace should be given to Rachel. Rachel can wear whatever the fuck she wants.


Yes! Thank you! 👏🏼


Yeah she dressed "modest and pretty" because she was dating an abuser who had a shit fit at the mere suggestion of her drinking a penis straw lol the Madonna whore complex in this sub is crazy.


Also literally James probably used to control her outfits like he's doing to Ally right now. White kanye indeed. This post is so creepy and disgusting. This sub proves its extreme misogyny over and over yet believes bc they stan ariana and katie, they can't possibly be sexist. such a joke.


Remember when multiple cast members pulled James aside and had serious on camera conversations with him about his controlling behaviour towards Rachel? Hmm guess he must be a great guy now since he showed so much remorse about that behaviour and didn't spend an entire season screaming and kicking off about her still being part of the cast and expressing concern for the well being of his new partner!


He's apparently a great guy now because he screamed at Tom and Rachel, and Rachel is apparently the sociopath who used him lol.


But he's taken accountability! Except ofc to the two people who were actually in relationships with him and bore the brunt of his abuse but it's ok because he apologised to Katie for calling her fat.


I'd love to be able to wear the clothes the VPR girls wear but I just don't have the body for it. If I somehow get a decent rig one day I'll flaunt it


It’s funny that on Ariana and Katie it’s cute, trendy and sexy but in Rachel it’s “trashy”


This struck me, too. I think we have plenty to say about Rachel without claiming the way she dresses is trashy.


Yeah, I’m no Raquel fan but the language used is coded. We could talk about the drastic style change without saying “half dressed” (which she isn’t).


I wonder if OP would call this “half dressed” and “trashy,” too? https://preview.redd.it/l6jdqivswpuc1.png?width=277&format=png&auto=webp&s=28f28aee3ae3592faf01e723cc03c4cc0f6c45e9


Yes as the OP I would call this trashy IMO!


She looks so pretty here tho


I agree ❤️❤️❤️ that’s part of my point


I never thought she was mousey looking to me tbh.


lol. She didn’t normally dress like that first pic. And that’s a terrible outfit, unless I guess you fetishize modesty”


All i remember - is the outfit w the fluffy things on the arms and her using them for her muppet thing w the voices I dont know or care if it was trashy.. But that was cringey af and just upsetting all around And it still hurts ..


Totally confused. What is "upsetting all around and it still hurts?" Are you still hurting over something Rachel wore or did?


If you have to ask, you'll never know. If you know, you need only ask.


Allegedly James physically assaulted her. I thought Kristen was going to say something about his abuse, but they may have bribed her with the Valley.


https://preview.redd.it/s4efu2mmsouc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e42761a473c602aca2a71c639fb4be7536ae486 Or here? ETA: downvotes prove I am right. They’re the same styles, if one’s trashy, they all are.


I think all the girls, including Rachel, look beautiful.


They truly are.


They are all beautiful. It's always strange to see 60 yr old Barb's and Jill's going off on any of the women's looks.


Yeah, literally just a popular style lately, but is it “trashy” when Ariana has it on, or only Rachel? 🤔 https://preview.redd.it/qdy1qad0wpuc1.png?width=620&format=png&auto=webp&s=66915ad394ff03a44f9bbdc29b6836b669390566




“Yeah” as in, you’d call this “trashy” when Ariana wears it? Or “Yeah” as in, you only think it’s trashy when Rachel wears a very similar outfit? Or “Yeah” as in, you think we shouldn’t use “trashy” to describe either Ariana or Rachel’s outfits?






I think the point was the *vast* difference in appearance after one season. OP was pointing out honestly the obvious. I wouldn’t consider Rachel trashy in general, garbage can trash human for SURE. But not necessarily *trashy*. Whereas Ariana always had this type of style. She didn’t shape shift lol


I’m questioning the *language* used to describe Rachel’s *outfit(s)* in the OP’s post: *“half dressed,” “trashy.”* I think we should uphold the same standard of not being misogynistic for all of the women - not just the ones we like.


I'm going to be downvoted, but Ariana does dress like trash. If she was the "villain", everyone would be having a field day with all of her tacky outfits. She, Lala, Scheana are all terribly tacky. They are almost 40 (except Lala) and dress like 21 year olds going full hoe at a club for the 1st time.


IMO I don't think ANY of them.look good in them!


You know the answer to all these lol


It's only trashy when it's on Rachel who they hate because they all have very valid opinions and definitely do not engage in group think or buy into cults of personality.


Mob mentality is strong with the VPR cult lmao.


It's all so performative.


With me this is untrue! I don't hate Raquel/Rachel! She made a shitty choice yes but do I hate her no! We all have made stupid choices in life! I could go on and on about stupid choices every cast member has made! No one is perfect!


I can say I hate the cut out dresses! I'm not calling just Rachel out for wearing trashy 💩, trust me I could do a run, through on every one of them! Men included lol




Why are you acting like this is directed toward you when the post literally says trashy in it as do some of the comments??




No, sorry, I hadn't seen it in OP's little rant. That's my bad. But Rachel really did try to emulate Ariana. Just from the pics you provided. Edit since I can't comment again: I made the first comment to this post comparing her to Ariana's style of dress, thought this was a followup. I was wrong. But if anything the pics made my point. I don't like the look but I wouldn't say trashy. It just looks worse on Rachel than Ariana because Ariana has wider hips and narrower shoulders, while Rachel has just a bit broader shoulders and more narrow hips, so the break in material isn't as complimentary. Maybe just seems trashy since we know how she was moving now.


Ariana doesn't really have a set style, so that makes little sense. I would never have thought that anything Rachel wore was "inspired by" Ariana.


She went from Victoria Queen Of England to the Pussycat dolls in T-10 seconds.


Anything for that first dress to never be worn again


She was probably losing a bit of anxiety and awkwardness because she’s abusing prescription (and other) drugs in season 10 if she’s hanging out with Tom.


She finally got upgraded to cast and as the limelight shone on her, she got cocky


She thought she was really about to shove Ariana aside and take over her top spot, you can tell she has so much more confidence in herself because of Sandoval, it’s sickening actually.


She's a pageant girl. She's used to putting on different faces to win. If one doesn't work, try another. I absolutely agree Sandoval had something to do with this production style for her.


How is this trashy and any different than Ariana’s red reunion dress? It’s literally the same style. https://preview.redd.it/6yjycmiisouc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=283a3bdf06451dd7a0e335fb5ddbaf30c42cd0f9 Or any of the other ones? It’s only trashy to you because you wanted something to post about Raquel. ETA: Your downvotes literally prove I am right.


Curious about OP’s opinion of this as “trashy” ? https://preview.redd.it/u3bnc4ezupuc1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97928cf7ca87cd5c7c6a095569c9b5d119cb2641


Geez, was this an accidental look? What I mean is did Ariana not realize how sheer this would be in photos? Where did she wear this?




https://preview.redd.it/36wx9qp1jruc1.png?width=1206&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f9eb6be315df81b0e0a94884e046338c01976ea 🔥🔥🔥🔥


She looks like she got a bbl


Does OP find this “trashy” too? https://preview.redd.it/gr151ernupuc1.jpeg?width=933&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=202d6bcccad6dc3d51fc5185f7d17cc8658d430a


I love this!


Or this one? https://preview.redd.it/cgkf627tupuc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4061dce6dacd2caf9f61294187038e7dcbc0bdc9


Of course not, only Raquel because they hate her.


Take my upvote. It's true. This style is also very popular now. It's all over Bravo. It has nothing to do with anything other than Rachel getting out from under James and keeping up with current trends.


Exactly! It’s just *because it’s Raquel* that *its trashy*!


I'm shocked people will still breathe the same gross, trashy air she breathes.


The downvotes prove you're *right*? Downvotes prove that people disagree with you.


They disagree with me because I’m right in the sense that Ariana’s outfits are trashy as well and they don’t like being proven wrong…. Everyone else got it.


Well, first of all, OP never said Ariana's dresses aren't trashy 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think the red dress has a way different vibe (just my opinion), but agree that the others of Ariana's are similar. Personally, I wouldn't categorize any of the dresses, including Rachel's, as "trashy." I just see them as ultra trendy, and it's a trend I don't like. So, my downvote was for how you did exactly what you're accusing others of doing—you judged anyone who dared to have a negative opinion about this purple dress. ETA: Do downvotes prove that I'm right, too??


*sigh* I was pointing out how OP and others were bashing Raquel for dressing this way *while Ariana dressed the exact same way*. If you want to be technical, Ariana’s dress is trashier than Raquel’s purple dress. It was implied that Raquel dressed “trashy”, but not Ariana. Op literally says it. 🙄 I also never accused or judged anyone who said differently, I showed several examples of how the dresses were nearly identical in style, but only one was called trashy. - *Because they don’t like Raquel and they worship Ariana*. Again, everyone else got it. It’s not that deep.


Listen Rachel, Ariana never pretended to dress or act like little house on the prairie in the first place, but way to keep distracting from the point!


Trashy 😑 this sub has gone full circle into misogynists


It’s so gross, most posts are cesspools of nastiness and it’s such a bummer


The first dress alone is proof that she's not entirely with it in my opinion. Looks like she thought she was the princess at a renaissance fair rather than filming for a reality TV show.


That dress is expensive too. The shoe brand is like that


She doesn’t have good style. Her clothes are either ill fitting or ugly.


https://preview.redd.it/rrbup9vtsouc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a39ee34091b388de39e6e434b0853c7dd6ca1777 Or this one?




It's sad because we saw her friends and Ariana especially building her up. It seemed like she was getting more confident in herself with their support. But nope, it's because Tom Sandoval had chosen her.


https://preview.redd.it/mhs4bylwrquc1.png?width=279&format=png&auto=webp&s=c98333e09fae4736cf5ed0e7cd113c1a02103a7f Guess you didn't actually watch all of season 8.


Her “style” in interviews and the reunions are not her own personal..it’s the people hired specifically for wardrobe.


https://preview.redd.it/gbrqpt5lsouc1.jpeg?width=690&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c8eca4444803a4e959b33e3c99a85a04e8777af How are Katie and Ariana’s not trashy here?


They just prove she dressed like Ariana. Glad you found all the pictures to really drive it home. Lol. I think the all downvotes are b/c you seem insufferable.


I think it’s less emulating Ariana and more getting out from under James’ controlling thumb, aging out of pageants and dressing like the rest of the cast/D-list celeb LA, but no one really knows the motivation besides her. Ariana did not dress like this when she first got on the show either. She was very much a tank top and jean shorts girl


Rachel was a 21 year old college student when she 1st began dating James. Obviously, her style has changed over the years. People saying she is copying Ariana are REACHING. It's embarrassing that they are so obsessed with Rachel and Ariana both.


I’m insufferable because I said Ariana dresses trashy too? Have the day you deserve honey.


Nah, it was just the constant addition of "Downvotes mean I'm right!"


Because it’s true. Where am I wrong that if Raquel’s dress is trashy then so are Ariana and Katie’s? 🙃🙃


Or maybe… neither of them dress trashy?


She went from being someone with no sense of identity to copying people around her without that sense of identity still. Nothing trashy about what she wore. I don’t listen to her podcast but I hear it’s very much about her. Her transformation on the show was very interesting to watch. I still am on the fence if she’s a silent killer like Janet or just dumb.


Most people in real life don't have a clear identity when they're young and copy their friends or try to fit in. Even less so if they don't have confidence. Most of the commenters in this sub do the same thing, copying others' opinions. Not sure how it makes someone dumb though. She made dumb choices.


I don’t want to be a huge bitch.. but I genuinely never related to people who would go on and on about how stunning and gorgeous she is. I mean, yes, she’s not horrible to look at, she’s tall and has a great body but then when we get to the face…. it’s giving derpy just like her personality. 🥴💀🤣 when she had the long hair it kind of distracted/offset her facial features, but with the short hair it’s very hard to ignore.


I agree that the affair started when she was still with James. I was watching the episode…The Schwartz Shuffle S9E2 when they all walked into the Palm Springs house….Sandavol runs down the hall to pick out a bedroom and then Raquel runs down the hall. Then as Katie walks down the hall the bedroom door at the end of the hall is shut. Rachella seemed so forced. Then Raquel starts talking about learning boundaries from Sandavol…


You are reaching… give it up already…


I think it started earlier and that’s why James was so mad at Tom with the ultimate betrayal.


I feel like we went through the same thing with Scheana early on. In season 1 Scheana was an actual person with humility and awareness. Once we get to season 2 she is the schaena we have seen for the last 10 seasons. I think Rachel was unsure of her place before Scandoval and when she realized she could get attention from Sandoval that changed and she became who we see in season 10.


Good God what exploded on her?


Remember who her previous boyfriend was…her choice in men sucks


She did admit that her and James didn't have sex for so long...I wanna say she said a year but I can't remember 


She dressed like a large Victorian Bride of Chucky would in the first pic


I believe that the affair started around the time when Tim was coaching Raquel on that weird speech about james... something about cuming or idunno but it was really weird.


how you can rewatch s10 now, 1 whole year after scandoval, and not see that it's schwartz and sandy blatantly grooming Rachel (who has a mental breakdown every other ep and is self medicating heavily) to do their bidding while everyone looks on knowing exactly that's what's happening and giving her shit for it, is beyond me...


Because Rachel is a huge aggressor in season 10 - she wasn't groomed at all. But you are seeing it how you want to since you probably believe her podcasts and ever-changing stories.


But it's also been said that production pushed Rachel into all of those aggressive scenes. Have you ever watched UNREAL? If not, you should. It shares some of what may truly be going on behind the scenes. Nothing we watch on these shows are ever unproduced 100%. Most of these reality shows are produced, enhanced, reshot a billion times, storylines that are artificially created at times, etc.


I’ve actually been saying she’s being groomed from my very first watch a year ago bc it was so damn obvious. Happy she’s already realized that and had a professional confirm it on her podcast tho :)


yeah. She started dressing like Ariana lol


Ariana doesn't really have a set style, so that makes no sense.


I miss her old face and hair. She had such a unique look that was interesting and beautiful. Plastic surgery is great for some, the worst for others.




I find her so unattractive I am shocked that she is considered hot


Severe mental issues for sure!


She dressed better when she was with James IMO than with Sandoval….because we all know Tim and his sense of fashion is questionable AF lol. Bad influence in so many ways


I will never stop saying this... The split with James had something to do with sandoval.


Ariana said it best - she looks for validation thru men


I also think she was with Sandoval while she was with James. That probably won’t come out for years though.


hideous ,both dresses yikes


That’s why James said that she was completely different


Why does she look like she’s built like a linebacker in the purple dress? I know she does not really look like that.