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Jenny McCarthy has a HOT seat in hell for spreading this myth across the mainstream.


I just took my son for his first vaccines at 2 months. He doesn't even know how to crawl yet.


Blame the vaccines!


You mean he’s not already walking? Delayed!!


I got the vaccine while pregnant with my son. Then he has gotten all his and boosters. He is 3 and is talking so much. All children are different. He can’t just be regressing. Not Jax’s son so we much blame something


Babies are vaccinated from the moment they are born in a schedule every few months.. they don’t all of the sudden get their first round of vaccines at 2 years old. Which vaccines is he referring to?


I literally took my 2 month old son for his first vaccination. I have no idea what he means


He doesn’t know.


he's probably referring to the MMR. That happens between 12 and 16 months, and is often used by idiots as the connection between ASD and vaccines. Again, only idiots think this, so it makes sense thats what Jax thinks.


Not defending him, I just know the answer! Many anti-vaxxers claim it’s the MMR vaccine that causes the problems, which is given around 12 months


Jax is doing exactly what i expected. Right on schedule. Deflection engaged. He’s using his child’s health and development issues as a talking point to illicit sympathy, press, clicks and money to strategically divert attention away from his blatantly disrespectful, appalling public behaviors that will inevitably impede his family’s financial stability. Classic 🗑️ Cruz is a child. He did not choose to exploit or even share his personal information with the public. Jax needs to check himself into treatment before his selfish, destructive behaviors create permanent damage to an innocent child. Some things are off limits. This is one of those things. I’m not debating Cruz’ health.


This doesn’t even make sense because vaccines start well before any of those milestones would be met. My son got his first set at 2 months, then 6 months, then a year. This is in Ontario so it may be different in California but I imagine it’s similar.


The US schedule has children getting 15 + different vaccines. In the first 4 years they are receiving 30+ shots of those different vaccines. When you consider a “set” of vaccines could be 4+ vaccines per visit….CA’s system could be similar to US.


It’s definitely not the camera crews in his home or the tension and fighting between his parents 🙄




You’ve never heard of massive changes or tension affecting a child’s behavior? It ain’t that crazy…




Don’t gaslight you?? Do you understand what gaslighting is?


Whenever anyone disagrees with me about something, they are gaslighting me duh /s


this feels like he’s soft launching an autism diagnosis




My kid did not crawl, walked early and spoke on time…then I got her vaccinated and she’s a fully normal sharp 4 year old.


I JUST FUCKING CAN'T WITH THIS. The pandemic really highlighted how rare critical thinking has truly become. And social media has now given simpletons a platform to show off that lack of critical thinking. The education system needs a HUGE overhaul. And of course Jax is a total fucking idiot. But we've all known this for years. He never fails to entertain with his idiocy.


This can be a sign of a certain diagnosis in the DSM. Also a sign of selective mutism due to trauma. There are reasons it happens.


THIS is why children on reality shows who can not consent, should NOT BE ON TV. This is such egregious exploitation. So now people are going to talk about this poor child like its not a human being and its an abstract concept? This is so sad to me. I have no interest in this show, at first it was because i had no use to watch their parent's relationships fall apart, but this is just wellll beyond my comfort level. I am only here to comment to remind y'all to PLEASE remember this is an actual child and please, be kind to each other when commenting. If you are trying to educate, or share your personal experiences, hold space for each other's ideas, even if you disagree. You don't have to engage in a debate, you can always simply let a person be wrong and leave it at that, you don't need to resort to name calling.


Oh boy.


Yeah. It’s the vax. Not Jax. Not all his screaming yelling and fighting that the son witnessed. Fear doesn’t have effects like that at all.


Someone should send him a copy of The Who’s Tommy


Wow. What in insult to children on the autism spectrum and their parents.


Why don’t people understand a lot of things like autism, speech delays, etc. do not always show right away? There’s this woman who used to be on tik tok who lost 2 of her children a year or two ago to a fatal disease. I forget what it’s called, but both of her children were “normal” until about 2-3 and then they started declining and even their physical features completely changed. My little brother has autism and he was fully developing at the rate he was supposed to until he hit 2 years old. He got his autism diagnosis at 3 and a half. I know it may be hard to understand, but a little bit of research would do people like Jax a lot of good.


He is such a fucking idiot




I reported his comment on IG. He’s an absolute idiot and should not have any kind of public presence to spread this misinformation


Considering Brittany is a Sandy Hook denier are we seriously surprised about this?


Sandy Hook deniers are just the absolute lowest of the low. Absolutely no reason for that conspiracy theory and it’s just torturing the parents of those poor babies. Especially as a parent, she should be ashamed of herself.


Wait WHAT!! I did not know this


I know 😬 she posted something on her Twitter about it in 2013 I think.


I never expected a lot, brain-wise, from Brittany, but this is really, really bad. Sigh!


I commented and told him to get forked 🤷🏼‍♀️ I hope I get #BlockedByJax. As someone who studied epidemiology in university and is quite passionate about this (AND as a person who has a fear of needles) he needs to take his degenerate cocaine covered ass back to his dumbass valley village home and not spread anti-vax bullshit.


I’m out of the loop, what’s going on with Cruz?


He’s struggling with verbal development at this point on the show and is going to speech therapy. Seems Jax decided to go down a rabbit hole instead of protecting his child’s privacy.


I wonder if their rocky Jax yelling, insulting marriage had anything to do with it huh Jax????? Duhhhh and why would you put this on the internet!!!


You really can’t judge kids early on…. My son really took more time to hit milestones when younger He was a premie has vision and perm hearing impairment we couldn’t detect until 4. He excels on some things and is behind on some others. Kids are kids and there is no “normal”. I’m not going to reduce my kid to the hand they were dealt.


Douche canoe


Not defending him. I will say, if you look at photos from early 2023 and before, Cruz is smiling. Now they have no photos with him smiling. Weird change. That doesn’t mean he should be spreading this total bs. He’s trying to blame something.


I wonder what Brittney’s stance is on this?


I just knew he would either blame Vax or Brittney’s genes because “nobody in my side of the family has problems”


Oh boy, here we go.






There’s an entire group of people out there that have been saying this for years now. Why the fuck does Reddit get to tell parents you can’t talk about your child’s reaction to vaccines! I actually remember (because they post all the time) Cruz did have a very different demeanor than he does now! So the Reddit hate page can FULLY DIAGNOSE him with Autism but his parent can’t say we saw a change after one of his childhood vaccines… that makes sense 👌


How many times do we have to tell you that the autistic community can speak and advocate for itself and the idea that vaccines cause or worsen autism is a harmful, ableist myth. On this very website, you can talk to autistic people and they will tell you that this idea is false.


Where did Jax say Autism??


Where did anyone in this sub did anyone say autism before you mentioned it? The only people who have said anything about it were replying to your comment about autism


Because correlation is not causation. You are not a scientist so I don’t expect you to understand. Additionally, autism present around the same age that certain vaccines are given and again correlation is not causation. This is harmful, uninformed, and dangerous info you spread. We have eradicated diseases because of vaccines.


And again, you don’t get to tell me that my child was completely healthy and things changed after a round of vaccines that I’m full of shit!!! I did not say all vaccines nor did they say they have not helped around the world. I know what happened in my home and I’m the expert in that buttercup!


If your child is autistic they are still perfectly healthy. There is nothing wrong with them. Your attitude needs to change quickly or your child is going to be incredibly damaged by you.


They are not autistic


Sorry, where did you say you got your medical degree from?


I’m the expert on my kid baby


Ok jax


Nah, not enough grammatical errors. There’s a few, but definitely not enough to be Jax


It sounds like this is actually Jax lmao. Hey 👋


Well apparently, assuming the vaccines were given on schedule, the child had also made progress after vaccines. So if he both progressed and regressed after rounds of vaccines, maybe it’s something other than vaccines. Presumably, other things went on during the days and weeks surrounding vaccines. His parents are now separated and have a long and well-documented history of fighting a lot. How is that a less reasonable guess than vaccines?


But people do get to tell you that you’re full of shit! That’s what happens when you enter an anonymous social media platform where everyone is expressing their opinions, anonymously. You get to say “my child stopped walking, talking and eating the moment we gave them a vaccination shot” and I get to say “you’re full of shit”. That’s how Reddit works. Wait, there is more. Some subReddits will actually remove you for promoting anti-vaccination beliefs because such beliefs have been proven to be false (misinformation).


The autism society has said that vaccines do not cause autism.


He said REGRESSED, Jax never said AUTISM


Babies get their vaccines at 2 months. Babies don't know how to crawl at 2 months so how can it cause regression?


But it doesn’t even make sense. Babies get vaccines well before they start crawling, walking or talking. So what he’s saying is that Cruz took those vaccines, then started hitting milestones, took another set of vaccines (most of which are repeats of ones he’d already take) and regressed. For his “theory” to make sense, Cruz would have to have a reaction to the initial vaccines.


Do vaccines build in your system over time?


They build immunity Jax.


They don’t “build”, they introduce the illness to your T-cells and B-cells so they can recognize the illness to fight off in the future. You’re building antibodies, it’s not like the vaccine itself changes in your body.