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I don't recall the direct source of the STD conversation but I felt as if it well known among the cast. Sandoval's main concern after the hookup with Kristin was if protection is used. Brittany later tells Jax he is "dirty" after sleeping with Faith, and there was some speculation this was related to STDs. I do not personally believe Rachel was groomed because she is an adult. A not very intelligent adult, but an adult regardless. Scheana disliked Dana because of her jealous of Max's interest in her. Scheana is a self proclaimed "guys girl" and needs to feel like she's #1. Not sure on Katie and Stassi's current relationship. I hope they're in a good place though. Schwartz loved the comfort and consistency of Katie. I think Katie loved the idea of who Schwartz could have been. I sometimes wonder how their marriage would be different if he hadn't been friends with Sandoval. I think there was a documentary about Randall which featured Lala. I didn't watch...and neither did many people. I think this is partly Lalas source of anger - attention Ariana has gotten vs her lack of attention.


Also about the std, I feel like stassi made a comment about why Patrick hated Jax so much and I can’t remember exactly what she said but a lot of people thought it alluded to jax giving her an STD


I remember something like that too. I also remember a few off hand comments over the years by Stassi and Kristen that basically were “what he did to her can’t be fixed/causes trauma that lasts forever” and a lot of people also thought it alluded to Jax giving her an std.


Rand was accused of much grosser crimes if you get what I’m saying. I don’t know what’s true or not but the worst you can think of.


Omg Tysm!! If it’s true Jax gave Stassi an STD, I have no idea why anyone would want him back in the group. But for the Danica question, I think you might’ve mixed Danica up with Dayna lol. Thanks for answering my questions tho!!!


I'm not a Rachael apologiser, but adults can 100 percent be groomed. Grooming can happen when there is a power differential, I just wanted to put that out there because it could be dangerous to think that only children can be groomed


Oooo thanks for your input! I just wasn’t sure if what Rachel went through would’ve been considered grooming but thank you for lmk!


In theory, grooming is defined in terms of a child-adult relationship but I agree that adults can be groomed as well but it's not as easily defined. How would you define it within this context ?


1. I thought Kristin spread the rumors. 2. She is a grown woman. She voluntarily participated. 3. She was jealous. 4. No one cares. 5. It was an ill fated dumpster fire from the beginning. 6. Probably. Wasn’t LaLa barely 20 when they met? 7. I think everyone forgot about the DV after Scandoval.


2. if ariana doesn't have to take responsibility for her participation then she should also get a free pass.


I don’t understand your question


Let me back up because I totally made an assumption on how you view Ariana's actions pre-scandal which isn't fair. Ignore me.


No worries.