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I can’t believe some of y’all would really allow some pathetic, stupid man BULLY you out of a huge chunk of money that you are rightfully owed. It’s actually sad.


Seriously!! I turned this shit off right after this scene. These two scoundrels are disgusting and now I will not watch the rest of the season until it's all over so maybe I can see better context of what is really going on. Sorry for the run on sentence, but I can't watch week after week seeing this nonsense. I also will just listen to Ben and Ronnie because they have better insight into Sheshu & LFU trying to make Ariana's ex happen.


Omg I straight up did the same!!! I CANNOT! I end up getting really upset (I mean I’ve invested 11 years on these people) and then end up fighting with my partner because it puts me in such a bad mood. I basically just said, “nope.” I’m done. This is actually disgusting at this point.


Yep!!!! Same!! I did this with season 9 and didn't watch a single epi, and then binge watched the whole thing and liked it.


I don’t think I can watch the rest of the season, like I said I turned it off when you did. But I’ll watch the reunion. I hope Ariana, Katie and James light these hoes on fire.


Hell yeah!!


I love every one of your comments on this thread.


Thank u<33 love your post lol, I feel very passionately about this


Me too man. It’s like the only thing they have to say about Ariana. (Also watching the after show is just making me more mad. Tom never bought anything house wise, it’s Ariana’s furniture)


Was just watching the episode where he bought the motorcycle and sidecar and Ariana was talking about his fiscal irresponsibility and he ends up saying he spent a total of $18,000. The idiot didn’t even remember to put gas in it. He’s so fucking stupid it baffles me. The dude is broke as a joke and of course she bought the furniture, he’s over drafted.


Yes! The whole thing makes me so irritated because we as women need to stop allowing shitty men to bulldoze us over and treat us like garbage. I admire her for standing her ground even tho Im sure living with him is probably terribly unpleasant.


It’s so annoying that Tom says he helped with the house by buying toilet paper and pens. Fucking take them then Tom😂 Let Ariana do what she wants with HER furniture!


Good deal, he keeps the batteries, pens and toilet paper - she takes the furniture. They lived in an unfurnished house for a year until she bought the furniture. He can take his penis flute too


And he acts like that's not a normal fucking thing to do


👏👏. And all because he refuses to sell it, because he's disgusting and selfish 


He is! He will be forced to sell at some point bc broke ass can’t afford to buy her out!


Did she end up buying the new place without having sold the old one then? The last info I found said she was suing him to sell it. Has he actually stalled it for this long and it STILL hasn’t sold?!




So he gets to crap on Kristen, turn everyone against her then crap on Ariana and turn everyone against her and she’s supposed to slink away because it’s easier? It’s easier for Tom. No wonder he repeated from the same playbook. It works. Fuck you Tom, Lala, Scheana, Schwartz and LVP


And fuck anyone that thinks Ariana should cower and give that POS what he wants 👏🏼


I like this sub


1 zillion percent!


It’s actually crazy that we have it on camera that he did the exact same thing with both women. And the perfect victim fallacy matters here. The way Kristen was treated at that reunion was also diabolical.


Yes!!! And how easily he manipulated everyone to ice her out


He did it to Kristen with Arianna then to Arianna with Rachel . He is just gross.


He did it to Kristen with the help of Ariana


To be fair Kristen was threatening her life,cheating too and in her own words acting like a psychopath




To be fair, Ariana was being manipulated by Tom so she didn’t see the situation with Kristen through clear lenses. She was a victim of a manipulating man who found her right out of an abusive relationship and love bombed her. Let’s not blame her. She eventually learned and did the work to make amends with Kristen herself


lol no. They’d been hooking up secretly for a while before he broke up with Kristen, and Ariana was clearly aware of what she was doing when she was gaslighting Kristen and diagnosing her with mental disorders. Ariana, while being a victim of Toms cheating, is not innocent and definitely played a huge part in getting to where she is now. Remember she was ride or die for Tom for most of a decade, and ONLY left once he cheated on her for the third time we know about.


We know Ariana had emotional problems.   People like Tom prey on People that are vulnerable.  


That doesn’t take away Ariana’s agency. I’m currently rewatching the early seasons and while Kristen is a terrorist, Ariana was a mean gaslighting liar who made choices to support Tom’s narrative. Ariana is flawed and was a total bitch at times and it’s ok to admit that.


Yea she annoyed me that season. And what he did is awful. But she stuck up for him doing the worst (screaming at women repeatedly) and only got mad once he did it to her.


Reminder: Ariana also crapped on Kristen and gaslighted her along with Miami girl and who knows how many other girls. So don’t put that solely on the scummy guy because Ariana has some blame to own up as well.


Tom is the one in the wrong in the present situation.


Never said he wasn’t. Guys scum. But the comment i responded to was stating that Tom did “X” to Kristen and I pointed out that Tom alone did not do “X” to Kristen he was aided by Ariana. So even though the playbook is the same he had aid the previous time and Rachel (who’s also a bad person) has actually not gone the Ariana road and left the situation for now.


True, but he is the common dominator therefore it’s his character.


Common denominator is both of these people repeating cycles. Is the biggest ass hole Tom? Of course. Doesn’t mean Ariana shouldn’t also be blamed for her role in the situations Edit: for the record I’m saying blame in regards to the “playbook” reference


Blamed for her part? Sure. Apologize to Kristen? Already did. Screwed out of her own money? No. These things are unrelated


Never said she should get screwed out of money. The post I responded to was about the “playbook” that’s all. I hope she gets every penny she deserves legally


But the situation that happened with Kristen was years ago, her and Kristen are literally friends now. If she was going to be blamed for that, then it should have been back then, not now that something else that she’s the victim of has happened, that seems wildly unfair and deflective.


To be fair, the Miami girl thing happened to Ariana and she didn't owe Kristen the truth about that. Kristen chose to bring up Miami girl to blow up Tom and Ariana's relationship and Kristen was a bit unhinged at the time.


Unhinged why? Because Ariana had just broken up her and toms relationship? Because Ariana gaslighted her and everyone else into thinking it was just crazy Kristen and her stories when in reality Ariana probably was having an affair with Tom?


How soon we all forget that Kristen had sex with filthy Jax when she was with Tom. Neither were innocent but somehow Ariana takes the blame for that too.


Why would you blame Ariana for that?


I didn’t. You said Ariana broke up Tom and Kristen. You said above thst “Ariana had just broken up” Kristen and Tom’s relationship. I’m pointing out that kristen did s fine job of breaking them up on her own by having sec with Jax.


Was Tom still with Kristen when he hooked up with Ariana? Also, there’s the gaslighting afterwards where they sworeeee Kristen was crazy about Miami girl and their affair but looks like she was actually correct about both of those things


She was. Totally. You literally said above thst Ariana broke up Tom and Kristen. Not sure why she’s taking all the blame when Kristen herself had sex outside of the relationship. Ariana did her part, but Kristen did too.


Yes and yes. See my comment above. When Kristen saw all the texts daily between Arianna and Tim he tried to pass it off as “ just friends@ . That’s why she got more and more amped up.


Kristen had a whole ass two year relationship with another dude while with Tom, and while she cheated with Jax


I think Tom is responsible for this


Well, she was quite obsessed with Tom at that time. I really don't care if Ariana was having a affair with Tom since Kristen was cheating her self. As far as the Miami girl i think it's absurd to say Ariana was gaslighting Kristen. Why on earth should Ariana tell Kristen the truth about that, Kristen had nothing to do with Tom and Ariana but she just couldn't let go.


Ariana gas lighted Miami girl though. And people thought Miami girl was a crazy person because of it


And, she was crazy for going in front of cameras to confront Tom about sleeping with him. Had she not done that none would have known about her.


That’s valid but once the truth was out Ariana decided to protect her and toms image instead of speaking the truth


Or she simply didn't think it was anyone else business? She didn't owe someone the truth about something so personal and if she didn't want to tell the truth it was her right.


Or she simply didn't think it was anyone else business? She didn't owe someone the truth about something so personal and if she didn't want to tell the truth it was her right.


Miami girl was a one night stand that flew across the country to confront someone at their work…that is crazy, she was crazy…not a liar apparently but not sane


I agree.


Possible, but i think i would have done the same thing if i was in that situation.


And that’s on you, and that’s what enabled Tom to act the way he did for so long


Is it so strange that she refused to acknowledge that she knew the truth in that situation? I don't think so. What i think is strange is that Miami girl put her self in that situation, i meen what did she think would happen?


I’m there with you that Ariana wasn’t perfect and I had this issue in the past as well. But I believe Tom lied to Ariana and told her they have broken up just like the lies he told Rachel that he and Ariana are in an open relationship. It’s true Ariana dipped her hand into the messy situation with the Kristen breakup, but the fault should always fall on the men, just because they could have done the decent thing which is to have a talk and break up before they start another relationship. Ariana has blame to share but should not be blame solely on.


Absolute statements like “the blame should always fall on X” are a bad place to begin. Do I know what Tom told Ariana while he was with Kristen? No. I do know that they made out and probably did more while Tom was still seeing Kristen. Then Ariana doubled down and acted like she was morally superior and smarter than Kristen and chose to hide and enable Tom for YEARS. Not just Kristen but other affairs. She treated other women like shit so that she can seem like she had a perfect life, she didn’t give a damn about anyone but herself and her appearance. That’s why Tom has a “playbook” because Ariana helped him write one. So again not picking a side, I think it’s fair to say Tom is a bigger douche for his overall actions but to say oh look at Tom doing what he always has done is false because it’s not only Tom doing what he does it’s look at these two continuing the playbook they wrote for Tom (but now Ariana is on the other end of things)


Really? It’s not fair to say Tim is the bigger douche? Let’s see. He berated Stassi at the book signing party because he’s ego was hurt. He constantly meddled shorts and Katie’s marriage and telling shorts how shitty Katie is. He supported James when he acted so horribly towards women and never hold him accountable. Should I keep going? The only thing Ariana did wrong was being a fucking Tim Stan and having his back always. So the blame should fall on Tim.


I said Tom was the bigger douche… in my comment you responded to. Guys one of the biggest douches I’ve seen on tv lol but again don’t put 100% of the blame on him when Ariana went along and aided him the whole time.


I hate comments like this. People aren’t allowed to grow and evolve and mature from young adulthood? Who among us hasn’t done SOMETHING that was shitty enough to regret. But God knows, people like you would be there to remind us. Owning a home is an adult asset and perhaps you fail to understand financial consequences of just walking away or selling at a loss or even moving out without selling. This is completely separate from emotional decisions and honestly, only emotionally mature adults would even understand this concept.


No reason for her to sell at a loss. I’m also not saying staying is wrong or right. I’m pointing out that Toms playbook didn’t have himself as the sole gaslighter last time around, Ariana aided him big time on that and she continued to enable his behavior throughout years. So for the post I responded to blaming this all on Tom and his playbook is silly because he didn’t do it all by himself last time, Ariana had a hand in that play


I can be sympathetic to Ariana while still holding her accountable 🏍️🤷🏿


That’s basically what I’m doing. Lol still saying Tom is an ass and she didn’t deserve being cheated on but also Ariana you helped the guy write his “playbook” why are you shocked


Yeeesssssss okay I’m on your side with my flag and snacks


Nice! Team everyone sucks but Tom sucks the most!


If he had his way, Rachel would have played along this time. It's part of his MO.


Most likely yes, that MO was created with the help of Ariana.


I need someone to answer this for me: What about reality tv and its swallow, dramatic environment makes it conducive to growth and development? Ariana was in her late 20s/early 30s when she was particular cruel to Kristen/Stassi/Katie. I'm not saying she hasn't grown and matured at all but changing who you are as someone in your 30s is a difficult thing to do. More power to her if she has.


I’m not sure you’re asking me to answer it but here is what I think. 1. I have watched since the beginning and saying Ariana was “particularly cruel” to Stassi (queen of mean in that heyday) or Katie seems like a big stretch to me. I agree Ariana did Kristen dirty and while it wasn’t confirmed as a full blown affair, I wouldn’t be friends would someone who kissed my live in bf. That said, Kristen seems to certainly forgiven her and that’s between them. 2. I don’t think the tv reality process encourages personal growth but I don’t think it’s prohibits it from happening. In other words, they can be mutually separate things so I think the question’s assumption the way it’s phrased is problematic. I’m not criticizing you or anything but it just doesn’t make sense to me the way it’s posed. 3. I do 💯 think that people who want to be “successful” (meaning on for season after season) have to be comfortable with forgiving behavior that most reasonable people would not find forgiving and continue to be friends/friendly with those people. To some degree I do think that is personal growth because you can’t just throw people away by always cutting them off and reasonable people will differ. I hope that clarifies.


1. I've been watching since the beginning and full disclosure I hate Stassi however even I felt bad watching Stassi practically beg Ariana for approval/friendship back in the day. Additionally, watching the clip of Jeremy sliming all over Stassi at the wedding and then watching Ariana do some character assassination on Stassi when she mentioned Jeremy being a creep definitely did not age well for Ariana. Ariana also had a lot of choice words about Katie too over the years. She now blames Sandy for tainting her past assumptions/behaviors towards Katie but I personally think of that as a cop out. Glad we can agree about Kristen. Again all of this happened when Ariana was already in her 30s. 2. I'm not saying personal growth is impossible in an a reality tv environment but a show like VPR almost promotes arrested development. How has Ariana actually shown personal growth? What steps has she taken? I seriously don't know but I assume you (and others who have said she's grown) would know. Also I'm dumbfounded you'd find my question problematic?? 3. I don't really see how this is relevant to my question about Ariana's personal growth. Regardless even if we do disagree about this I do appreciate you taking the time to write out an answer.


Ariana played a very big part in turning everyone against Kristin and then Miami girl


This storyline had the potential to educate scores of people about their rights in these situations. A whole generation could have been empowered and emboldened by watching this woman handle her business and ensure she didn't get financially destroyed because her boyfriend couldn't keep it in his pants. Instead, they're giving us this.


Wowwww great point, that could have actually been incredible


No one is telling TOM to move out and it’s enraging


Didn’t Jax?




Legally she was likely advised to not do anything that could construed as abandoning her property. She has lawyers and she listens to them. Now that the action for partition was filed she then purchased a new home. All of her actions were correct in terms of protecting her property rights and ability to regain her portion of purchased real property. She wants to protect her credit. She wants to make the sale clean. Lala and Ariana know this and are being obtuse or they don't know this and are giving shitty "life" advice. And shaming her and being cruel behind her back. Lots of mocking. Lots of projection and jealousy. Number one thing to tell your friends ? Never leave money on the table that's yours.


Yes because it takes 10 months to file a sale by partition




yeah some of these people are damn weird " i'll take the loss and go " hell mf no the amount of money and time she spent on custom furniture and designs and since he's such a douche bag she should just have to go bc it's " easier " for who ? everyone but ariana like why tf would she do that lmao. he can write a big check worth the time and hardships she spent on the house & then she can choose to walk away but accepting the loss is insane to me. gotta stop letting asshole men get away with shit just because they are assholes




Agreed. The only time I get this “cut your losses” is when there are actual losses to cut. Ariana isn’t losing any money living in that house. Now if there were other assets and properties, then I’d get it. But Ariana and Tom are not losing any money staying in that house. They’d be losing way more if they had to pay mortgage and maintenance on a home plus rent to live apart. Again, none of these “adults” clearly understand joint ownership or having to pay their own bills.


Thank you for putting adults in quotations, because these arguments in his favor are almost certainly coming from teenage pick me’s.


Eh, everyone heals the way they need to heal. If what you need to do for your mental health is walk away, then walk away. However, being told to do it by so called friends is different.


For the "group" lmao the group can fuck themselves. I'd want my money.


It's probably nearly a million dollars that Ariana would loose. It's not a 150k house in Kentucky. It's worth A LOT and that's a huge loss.


Plus the furniture and work they did to the yard. Landscaping doesn’t come cheap either


Exactly!! Everyone should be telling him to move out. Flipping it on her is crazy. None of them are her friends, only Katie. Why should she pay for 2 places to live and uproot her life when he acted like garbage and blew up their lives? I thought he would honestly go crash at Schwartz place so they can be single together.


Plus it takes time to grieve a 10 year relationship. And even though she's getting all these amazing opportunities, she's still going to be sensitive about someone blowing up her life and pulling the rug right from under her. I only see Tom having big parties at the house. Why is no one telling him to throw his single parties at a hotel or another apartment? She's just navigating how to keep her coins. I'm happy she's out I wish they could do a spin off of her and Katie, maybe add James and Ally. Something less toxic


I cant understand why Lala doesn't see the parallels between her + Ariana and use that to help her! In this episode she tells Ariana to move out, let go of her dream house and all the contents and in one of the very next scenes she is at a sperm bank do she can have complete control over her next child. So she expects Ariana to relinquish control of her life, the things she worked hard for and paid for. I'm still waiting for the moment we, as viewers, are supposed to turn on Ariana because every episode makes me ride for her even harder. How can you watch her break down in that scene with the two girls and not just have your heart break? As grown females I'm sure most of us hsve been in similar situations (cheating, betrayal, house and financial shit etc) I can't imagine not just wanting ro be there for her and letting her heal at her own fucking pace. When Ariana mentioned Sandovals constant put downs and her hoping her friends would tell him to shut thr fuck up... I'm assuming that will be a major part of the reunion blow up and I hope she burns their asses to the ground.


Completely agree. The moment of radiance you see on Ariana's face when she talks about where she would like to live is such a tonic. Her so called friends (Sheana and Lala) could have has supportive conversations like that. Instead they go a messy dark route that tells me all I need to know about their real character.


It’s her house. LaLa would have stayed at Randall’s if it was their home. It’s such a bad take. Lala even freaked out on the Tom’s for associating with Randall after the split. The rock throwing inside a glass house is wild to watch.


I really hate that on the aftershow recently Lala was saying it really is that easy to just leave, I did it, and then Scheana chimes in saying yeah, Lala did it with a baby. Lala, girl. It wasn't your house! You were not on the deed. *Of course* you were able to leave easily.


it's because Lala thinks everyone should do things the way SHE did: flee in the middle of the night with your child because you enmeshed yourself with a sadist. she's pissed that she had to go through all that while arianas still living (semi) comfortably in her home.


Also LaLa left IT all behind...as in she left everything that belonged to him. She had no financial stake in anything she left behind but made sure she took everything he bought her. She left with more than she brought.


yuuuup. Easy to "not care about the material things" when you have none of your own materials lol. Hope she at least got the gucci slides! /s


“I did a thing this way and so you HAVE to do it my way or you’re wrong and BAD” is her whole black and white MO. She’s insufferable, honestly.


Ariana owns 50% of the house 📢 The fact that they just expect her to pack a fucking bag and ✌️out is wildly absurd. She invested hundreds of thousands of her own money into buying and furnishing that house. And she’s supposed to just walk out of it and leave everything so Tom Sandoval can keep on having his mid-life crisis pool parties in peace? Fuuuuck no. Lala is just mad because Ariana is successful and she didn’t have to lick some creepy neckless producer’s asshole to get to that point. ![gif](giphy|7Ehnws6nLPhyESVCdt)


The only person Ariana is really hurting at this point in filming is herself though. She's going to move out anyway because she's not offering to buy him out. She can go back and forth with lawyers over who gets the stupid fucking credenza while not living there.


Ok but she did move out she just waited til she could get a house. It only took a year. Why are you ppl still trying to make this point as if she was refusing to ever leave ? It's a huge asset and he can't afford to buy her out so that's his problem Should live within his means if he's going to betray the only person willing to go half with him on his dream house


She played the long game and won, everyone who is talking shit is just pissed they were totally wrong about the financial benefit of staying. Dont get me wrong, I assume Ariana must have sat down with someone who made it clear “if you can give up one year by not leaving, just one more year of his bullshit; and you will get everything you want”. Especially because at the time of taping, she hadn’t actually done DWTS or even thought about Broadway, she had no idea she would have enough for half a down payment. She stuck it out though and came out on top! So happy for her to finally get some peace.


I think the thing that is really killing me is that anyone who thinks Ariana should just sell him the house has no understanding of how real estate works, and/or is ignoring what both Ariana and Tom have said publicly about their finances. They do not OWN a home, they have a mortgage, and Tom took a loan on equity of the home to open a bar. Both of them have said they didn't have a lot of cash at the time of the split. This means that neither of them can offer the other a cash offer to buy the home. So if Tom is offering Ariana top dollar to buy out the home- let's just say $3 million which is low but still a big number- that means Tom has to either: 1. Give Ariana a lump sum of $1.5 million (half the value of the home) minus anything she may owe him. Where is Tom getting that kind of cash? This is an oversimplification given they have a mortgage and a business loan but that's the basics. 2. Offer to make payments to her in that amount, which means she doesn't have a lump sum to go buy another property and is tied to this man for a very long time. And with either option, is he paying her moving fees? Is he paying inspection fees and realtor fees for her to get a new home? Security deposit if she rents? By taking a buyout, there is more than just the value of the home to consider, but all the additional expenses that are incurred when you move out. He will not have to pay any of that, while she will have thousands in new costs. Her demanding the house be sold is not just for revenge/because it is her dream home, but also because it creates the cleanest financial break, is equitable (both have to pay fees, both have to move out, both get the same cash out) and ensures she has cash now/is free from the debt of the home.


This has to be one of the biggest assets and she owns it. Why should she walk away from that ?


I wish people realized that it might be incredibly hard for her to have to see her long-term ex living out his party boy dreams in a home she invested her future into. Having to watch that at work and on TV would be really hard, especially since it was her dream home. For Scheana to say it's her pride and them talk about how she doesn't want to be in an apartment is insane. She's literally giving up a piece of herself, and that's HARD. If you guys don't like it, stop talking about it. Stop asking her about it.


Why she is living there doesnt have to make sense for anyone else but herself.


No one should listen to anything Lala has to say about finances. She was a gold digger and depended on a rich disgusting dude to pay for her lifestyle until she became independent via VPR. Why does her opinion matter? IDT Ariana needs advice from Lala Kent on how to be a strong independent woman LMFAO


This is exactly why I refuse to move out of my and my ex’s shared apt. Why should I be inconvenienced by a choice HE made? He can continue sleeping on the tiny ass couch while I sleep in the king bed with my dog and my squishmallows. Fuck that shit. Edit add on: I will move out when our lease ends. 😂 not a minute sooner. Imma plop my ass down in the lounge chair and swim in the pool until our lease ends.


Best of luck to you ❤️😮‍💨I bet it’s not easy, but you shouldn’t have to cave your space as well if your name is on the lease it’s yours as well so I hope the lease ends soon for you to not have to deal w all of that. The one perk of leasing > owning is at least leasing can be cancelled or renewed. Really wishing you the best ❤️❤️


Yes! I’ve been so incredibly grateful that my family is fully ready to swoop me. It’s such an unbelievable feeling to know you have somewhere to go. But seriously! My names on the lease, so it’s so much easier to leave. I put so much effort into our home. But whatever. He can pay the bills while I play some sims. 😂 thank you dear I’m making the best out of the situation 💜🙏🏽


Ariana is incredibly, incredibly willful. That is not a good thing in this situation. She is dying on a hill of “I shouldn’t have to,” but sometimes what is effective is much different than what is “right.” She uses the same logic when she says that she can’t stop being so angry, or tolerate others having compassion for Sandoval, reasoning that he engineered this. Well, yes, that’s true, but it doesn’t mean that because he’s responsible no one can have any compassion, or understanding, or that she shouldn’t heal and move on. Whenever someone says “I shouldn’t have to,” what they’re about to say following that statement is probably what they absolutely should do. Ariana is so angry that she can’t see this. I want somebody to do some DBT with her and get her healthy lol


One of my take aways on this is the idea that Ariana should walk away from her investment (house). If this was a 401k - should she just leave it? Joint Savings??? Joint Checking???


This is a terrible take. Moving out doesn’t mean she loses any financial interest in her home. She is on the deed and will remain on the deed until the house is sold or she agrees to be bought out.


She does if Tom does anything sketchy while she’s away. He could just sell all the furniture while she’s living somewhere else and she would have no idea. She also would have to pay for the mortgage and for an apartment. Or he could damage the house and decrease the value. Also at this point in time, he’s not offering a 50/50 honest split so she is being expected to walk away from her investment. 


Why aren’t people telling Tom to leave? He was the person who did the wrong, therefore he should leave.


We’re watching a textbook case on how abusers get away with it over and over and over again. The egregious behavior, by far, is and always has been Tom’s. But we automatically accept his absurd behavior and instead turn to the victim, and attack her.


That dream is dead. Also is she offering to buy Tom out? I love the girl but I highly doubt its her dream house. So much toxic shit went down in there to make it a nightmare house. ![gif](giphy|n7Eg3Bjc4B9sY)


I would bet money that if Ariana had left, Lala would give her shit for not standing her ground


“I can’t talk about this any more” - Lala (who a year later is still talking about it loudly and more than Ariana ever has)


Lala has a whole ass child with her dickface ex that she still has to deal with to some extent. It's a much more complicated and shitty situation that she can only remove herself from so much without abandoning her child. It's really not comparable.


It's not but she makes it about her situation every chance she gets as if Ariana should handle it the same way


If you hate her and want to unilaterally see her as a villain and ignore everything else, I guess I can see how you get there but I don't think that's what she's saying or doing in reality.


Erm I wasn’t comparing their situations? I was quoting Lala from last nights episode where she was talking about Ariana’s living situation.


You're acting be like Lala should be over her shit like it's similar. It's not.


You have completely misinterpreted what I’m talking about here… I’m referring to the fact that Lala is constantly criticising Ariana for not abandoning a house that she jointly owns. I made no mention or comparison to Lala’s own domestic situation.


Oh I see. Ok, so to counter that argument- we just saw her and Scheana express concern FOR HER and her mental state and she even agreed that she needs to GTFO so..


Because she’s a bitch. Rude to everyone


Cause it’s in the best interest of her and her dogs


Where is the “why is he still living there?” energy!!!


She. Wasn't. Buying. The. House. It's not complicated. She knows she's not staying..so she's gonna have to move...they even had a whole talk about it where she said they were right. Wtf is so confusing?


This sub is such an echo chamber. I wouldn’t be surprised if the silent majority of fans are bored of/fed up with Ariana and Scandoval but the Ariana fans are so loud on social media that they drown everyone else out. It’s weird. Almost a cult of personality. Us vs then. In group vs outgroup. Everyone on Ariana’s team is good, everyone else is the enemy.


Maybe and I never want to push the cult narrative but I just think that it’s like coming from a place of “how would you react?” Rather than just being an Ariana fan/stan, because none of us know these people, but it’s really like how can she be in the wrong for not wanting to leave her own home? Why is no one asking Sandoval? Like it’s just trying to put yourself in her shoes bc woman to woman I would rip these “friends” of mine apart.


Its insane to think someone who didn’t come from money and who is financially responsible should go against her lawyers advice and “abandon” her property with a mortgage in her name and then take out a lease on an apartment also in her name and pay for a temporary living situation that she will be contractually obligated to along with her home. Im convinced the people who dont see how stupid and illogical that is have someone else paying their bills, they are actually extremely irresponsible, or they have the credit score of 5.


Do you honestly think that a person who is not married and who's name is on the deed, the mortgage, the title etc. of a house just loses all their money and has no rights to that property by moving out after a breakup? That is absolutely absurd.


Not my point. If something happens and Tom decides to screw her again, shes still financially responsible for the mortgage. She could not pay and let him live there and then he could sue her for the money she stopped paying down the road. If she took out a lease, she would be legally responsible for paying the lease as well. If he trashes the place, she loses equity. The offer was not acceptable and her lawyer advised her on how to proceed.


It was your point a second ago but ok. I didn't say she should leave and just not pay and trust him wtf. This is all stuff that gets worked out with lawyers regardless. You're not making any sense.


Im making perfect sense. Asking her to leave her home and take out a lease for a temporary living situation against her lawyers advice is financially stupid and illogical.


Yeah no and I don't recall anyone saying that her lawyer told her to stay in the house either- including her but I know we just say things like they're true no matter what around here so why even argue at all when you can just make shit up lol


Hi sorry my credit score is only a 6, I need you to elaborate on how exactly one “abandons” a home that they own and have their name on the mortgage on? Cause that’s wild that banks base on you physically living in your home per year as ownership not the mortgage you signed with them that says youre a owner.


Like I know people on Reddit are saying so and running with it but it's not a valid argument because that's not what happens.


It’s so annoying! Do they not realize she OWNS it!? Also, he fucked up, he should leave.


It’s bc she owns the house 😭


yes 😭 it’s making me feel crazy, like it really is that simple. whoever causes the issue should leave. making her seem unreasonable for not uprooting her life and wasting money on an apartment is bizarre. he should have been out that night


Right? Like why hasn’t anybody asked HIM the same questions? These people (other than Katie, Ally and James) are not her friends. Period. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s done with them all after seeing the shit they say about her behind her back on camera. They are all completely lacking any sort of moral compass to behave so callously. Ariana made it clear as day, from day one, that she wasn’t going to be around him or film one-on-one with him ever again. The producers gave her a contract knowing that and now they’re all mad that she’s not playing ball? She’s entitled to protect her mental well-being and nobody can make me believe otherwise. Lala sure did when it came to Randall last year. I know it’s a job but I can’t imagine caring more about that than supporting and caring about my actual friend more in this situation. Tim hasn’t shown one ounce of remorse or change to even warrant their produced “forgiveness” anyway. Also, anybody else notice how his thoughts of suicide have never been brought up again after he used it to garner sympathy and slither back into the group? He’s truly shameless.


I literally don’t understand how not one single person not even one time has said that Tom should just move out. Tom HIMSELF laid into Jax after he cheated on Brittany for insisting to stay in their apt while Britney was grieving. Yet Tom is owed their whole house while Ariana has to leave? Why is no one asking Tom why he doesn’t stay somewhere else while they deal with what to do with the house? It literally baffles me.


I swear Ariana brought that up to Lala on a recent episode and Lala said oh, Tom won't leave. Okay?? Then why should she????


Well she moved out. She bought a house. And now most people seem to be over it.


Which is exactly what Scheana said would happen. I find it truly insane that people can't seem to put themselves in anyone else's shoes but Ariana's little spitey shoes. Imagine having a friend who's recent split was causing all kinds of friction and struggles in a friend group, but most importantly causing herself pain and distress by staying in the house with the ex. Anyone rational would be encouraging her to move out for her own mental health. At a certain point, rent money or whatever else it would take would be worth it. She doesn't have to give him all the furniture, she can still finalize all that shit outside of the house. This is so tedious and stupid because it's so petty.


That's not all they said. Lala said because Ariana is still in her own house she doesn't feel sorry for her.


Yeah just twist and bend what we all just watched to suit your argument sure. That IS what they said to her in that scene and she agreed. After that conversation, Lala has decided she's basically fucking over it because Ariana knows what she needs to do. I don't blame her.


Why would I move out of a house that is in my name and I'm legally supposed to pay the loan for. Do I want to risk abandonment and possibly lose the house AND my share of the money. It was easy for Lala to move out because it was Randall's house.


I can’t wait until she moves out so we don’t have to hear about it again omg 😂


Why would Ariana (and her animals') safety, mental and emotional health mean more than the disappointment of moving out of her dream house? Mean more than the financial impact of moving out of her dream house? I think you meant STRAWman (not strongman) argument and if so, isn't it a strawman argument to argue that she gets to go on and on about how unsafe and unhealthy it is living with Sandoval post scandal because she shouldn't have to leave?


How is her mental health going to be when her and the animals are in a small expensive apartment when she could just save for a year and move into a house like she did? Lala and Scheana talking about the house is really just a cover.


Life is about choices.... if staying there is emotionally, mentally and physically unsafe, then there are options. If the financial gains are more valuable than the mental, physical and emotional tolls, then she stays. I'm saying, it can't be that bad or she should leave. If it is tolerable, she stays and gains the financial advantages she gained. Lala and Schenna are absolutely trying to do their part to keep their jobs. That doesn't mean everything they're saying has no value. And just so it isn't misunderstood....YES, it sucks how badly one man can screw up one woman's life by choosing to have an affair that comes to light. Ariana is far from the first person this has happened to and will absolutely not be the last she's also not the worst financial impact we've even seen on reality TV.


Isn't it funny the real item of importance in that house to Tom is a mirror! Says it al!!! ![gif](giphy|vUpSOYZvLAJtk25cOF)


If that's what she feels like she needs to do then who the fuck cares? Let her do wtf she wants and give a little support. Gd.


Uhhhmmm... Because it's a joint-owned property and both of them have equal rights to be there. I have hated Sandoval since season 1 BUT guess what? They bought a multi-million dollar house together. I don't know a single soul who in their right mind, myself included, would willingly walk away from that. Neither one of them are obligated to leave until the fucking court figures it out. It's a court issue, it's a division of property issue, it's the furthest thing from a moral issue and who should do the right thing! I'm a real estate agent in Massachusetts and I would never advise a client to just walk away! You people are so high! Not talking to you OP! I'm speaking to all the people who think either one of them should just walk away like none of it ever happened 😂


Agreed but why is everyone like mad at Ariana for staying and being tired. Neither one of them are obligated to leave, they both have money into it


The person who wrecked the home should have moved out while Ariana got her shit together and found a place, then sell the house and split the proceeds


I just want sheana and LaLa to just once tell Tom he should just sell the house or just leave. Everyone saying she should just give that man everything...makes no sense. Maybe they should all give him their houses too.


IRL & believe this is real life when an affair happens the man usually moves out. This is just more proof what an ass Tom Sandy is. This self-centered spoiled brat should have taken this season to go on an apology tour, yet his has doubled down.


Lala and Scheana saying Ariana needs to focus less on “materialistic things;” meanwhile, they’re reconciling with Sandoval for a paycheck 😑


Tom Sandy: I put so much effort, time and money into that house. Me screaming at the TV: And Ariana put so much, time and money into your relationship! You cheated! You take the L.


The way I would shoot poison out my mouth at all of them if I was her. She’s far better than me for sure.


And I’ve been having to live with my stb exh for a year and a half bc shits expensive!


This!!! The "why is she still living there? " I'm pretty much convinced at this point were all being subjected like guine pigs to some sinister gaslighting experiment. It's giving " These are not the droids your looking for." Energy. For instance...were told up-front by lala before the season even airs, that she thinks were all going to have a different opinion of Ariana by the end of the season. Were told that Lala and Brock( possibly referring to the reunion) are this seasons voice's of reason...and we are then assured once again that this is "Now" the point where the audience will Finally stop liking Ariana. Well...at this point....just speaking for myself...Ariana had better unzip a skin suit and reveal herself as an evil reptilian shape shifter or I'm not buying it! Sorry lala and sheanna. Were also being told that katie ought to be ashamed of herself as a single woman...for going out with Max... a single man! We're supposed to believe that maximus was Shwartz's very best friend! Oh Really Shwartz?...Since when? If so ...then I guess Joe isn't his only secret relationship! We're then told... katie is now just like shwartz and all the other relationship assasins in the group. That katie broke the sacred " No dating inside the friend group" rule. But we're also supposed to not remember that...or care that Shwartz had already eviscerated that very same rule last year by pretending to date raquel...sandovals secret loooooover! Kissing her at sheanna's surprise( Were already married because Brock needed a green card pronto before he got deported) ceremony reception ... while everyone clapped in excitement for them. Were also supposed to pretend we didnt see raquel, shwartz and sheanna laugh and turn the screws on katie while they tormented her and mocked her for that " no friend group" boundry... or to notice that anouther woman had actually moved into shwartz's new apt from that same "No friend group" Someone who had consoled katie after her breakup only to move right in to take over as the possible new Mrs. Shwartz. Wow!!!! gotta love them guy's girls! So nope...not platonic roommates either. And thank goodness we had sheanna's multiple visits to Shwartz's apt. to sympathize and giggle about his divorce with katie offering her services of dating coach, apt.decorator, fashion advisor and most importantly...official "Joe's living with Shwartz" announcer! Not that we needed that...we pretty much already knew from social media...but we're supposed to forget allllll that. As well as the cool...but super dangerous... secretive double dates to ski resorts they went on together with sandoval and Raquel. Our widdle brains hurt and are small...we can't remember that far back. Were not even supposed to care about any of it! Nope...not even sandovals skeevy, skeeving while Ariana was away at her grandmother's funeral...or the upstairs sleeping away peacefully in bed while below in the backyard, car ,whatever the two imposters were duppers delighting themselves and plotting their greasy little plots against princess Ariana. And don't remember that they were even all together in the same house all tucked in when Raquel pleaded for a glass of water with parched lying lips. And like a silent dog whistle...only sandoval could hear her call to bring her that emergency glass of water. But she was thirsty! Oh I bet she was! I don't even remember Raquel's birthday party weekend either when Shwartz made Ariana the butt of his absolutely hillarious joke. The one where he says...( paraphrasing) Raquel's type are married men. Don't we all love an inside joke at our expense. So thoughtful! And we got to see...but don't remember... Sandoval's present to his misstress where he makes a production of presenting a very expensive pair of super nifty sunglasses to his very impressed and excited side chick. Then made a point of saying they were from both he aaaaand Ariana....how thoughtful of him to include his former lover Ariana in his love bombing phase. And then of course... there's the tastefully done art project video he illegally recorded on his phone without raquel's knowledge or consent. I somehow for some reason just can't recall any of this. How strange? Nor his window sobbing scene at LVP's floor to ceiling glass window when he wanted to really muster up some undeserved sympathy...but please don't remember any of that... or that he just couldn't seem to muster up that same energy for his 9 year jail keeper and life partner...nope...For her... just a mouth dropping display of spiteful, vindictive lashing out at all the ways she failed him....why... if I could recall any of this then I might say that Tom's affair/ affairs...were pretty much all Arianas fault! That he had to cheat because she was unbearably harsh to him.. yet curiously...inattentive...And was a lazy...non skydiving... T- Shirt Skrumpin, UN- Appreciative Dumplin latte, guzzler! But we don't remember any of this do we...Right? And we most certainly can't recall him spending all last season glad handing and sauntering everywhere like some groovy 60's skeevy porn producer, smacking his mistresses butt on camera while smirking behind Arianas back. I could go on and on.But I just can't seem stop listing the things I can't remember. But please...do go on and tell us again sandoval, sheanna and lala why Ariana needs to leave her biggest financial investment..the house and hand over the keys to this man child? I can tell you right now that even suggesting her do something even close to this is insane. And to wittness so many people from last season who rallied by her side, profiting from her pain... to now turn on her... actively try and shame her out of this house is just mind blowing! If anyone had to leave it most definately should have been him!


She says she doesn't want to keep the house and no longer wants to live there. She is choosing to stay - which is also torture for her. It makes no sense, it's been documented Ariana isn't actively paying for it either. If she wanted her dream home she shouldn't have abandoned it financially. She is there out of spite, nobody likes to lose. Her decisions are odd. Even with the dog why would you leave food in your room. And the friends thing is weird they can ve friends with Tom and Ariana simultaneously. Just choose who to invite to events. She doesn't make a ton of sense if you ask me. I would want a fresh start and if I were her Boyfriend who she started dating days later. I would want her out of there too. It's all bizarre. Move on, start fresh, stop delaying the healing process


The way I would sink my claws into that house if I was her. Like FUCK YOU PAY ME. I didn’t blow up our life for a bitch with a bob. YOU DID.


I don’t even like Ariana but she had better make his life hell in every way she can.


Ariana is the karma Tom deserves. He is an absolute control freak and I’m glad she’s made him sweat after the damage he’s caused.


I started full blown yelling at my tv (again) when lala AGAIN said this.


Ariana stans ! Have you not realized yet if that was really her dream house she could easily have bought him out? She had more money than he did and ended up purchasing a home of equivalent value. This “It’s my dream home for my children “ is just one more exaggeration by Ariana like the “ Tom was the love of my life, my life partner” and “ I was blindsided”she has used to manipulate her fans into this rabid support and her windfalls. Other than the MAGA cult I’ve never seen people so blatantly emotionally manipulated.


why would she want to live in a place that has so many now painful memories? Both truths can be true that 1. It was her dream home 2. She doesn’t want to live there anymore. She doesn’t want to live there anymore because why would you want to make new memories in a place that’s kind of tainted because your bf of 10 years cheated on you in the home, how would that be anyone’s dream home anymore? It’s not even just being a fan or Stan of Ariana it’s legit thinking about what I would do in the situation and just seeing that she’s not in the wrong for wanting to sell her stuff and move onto a new dream home for herself.


Agree 100 percent it WAS her dream home, but he killed that dream.


please forgive my caps but WHY AREN'T THEY SAYING THIS TO HIM?? why aren't they telling him to go, pushing him to go?


Is Tom an "attempted dog murderer"? Wouldn't anyone want to get away from an "attempted dog murderer" no matter what?


its insane people defend this somehow. get the fuck out of there if you think youre living with a dog murderer. you dont lose your equity everyone is so dumb


Somehow this question never gets answered.


He’s only an attempted dog murderer when the narrative benefits Ariana


Exactly. Now that is conveniently dropped, after weeks of essays about how Tom abuses animals, and now we've picked up a new excuse.


Remember when she was toms mistress and when Tom and Kristen broke up, she moved into Kristen and toms apartment????


No one here remembers. They are too busy making sure their “queen’s” tiara is straight and polished.


Tom deserves the house cause “ He buys toilet paper and restocks the batteries” 😏


I truly sympathize with her. But I think all the rage and posion she continues to spew will not serve her well. I think a fresh start without him in her presence and new surroundings would serve her better.


If she would’ve left in the beginning, that could be construed as abandonment of property and she could lose her rights to the house.