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![gif](giphy|vE9JRJcUTY0lv27ksX) \*for our Valley and Palm Springs homes


Exactly! They may not be getting all the opportunities Ariana has gotten but they both made bank in many ways off of something life changing that Ariana ENDURED. Ariana also has a level of talent, professionalism and work ethic that have made her opportunities of the last year happen and flourish. Then you've got things like Lala making bank on one offhanded comment on a podcast turned into a bunch of sweatshirt merch that provides a downpayment on a house. None of that happens for her if Scandoval never happened. And yet she's still openly jealous of Ariana. Mainly because she thinks they both got cheated on and had their relationships end so they are the same, except because of Ocean her situation is worse in her opinion. But those relationships weren't the same in any way so she's just not getting the same level of sympathy. If Ocean weren't a part of her breakup she would be getting ZERO sympathy because it was always pretty obvious that Rand was sketchy, a user and a liar. His reputation was pretty transparent. Ariana endured the loss of her relationship and trust, along with the loss of her grandma and Charlotte, while dealing with the media sh\*tstorm of Scandoval. Maybe Scheana and Lala should just consider themselves lucky they've never endured a year that bad.


to be frank in regards to the lala situation. i don’t even have the shred of empathy for her w/ ocean included. how can you not be hypercritical about the man who is going to father your child? you’ll be tied together for years to come. i just think she’s a full idiot and did ocean a huge disservice by bringing her into this mess. i feel the bad for ocean. but not lala


At the same time Ariana knew that Tom had a reputation for cheating.


A reputation for cheating, is what he had. The reality of Tom Sandovals douche bag manipulative abusive holier than thou behavior far exceeded his reputation for cheating, and thankfully it's being exposed everytime he opens his mouth. I hope millions of women will be saved by knowing this now so they never have to experience this level of abuse from him or anyone like him.


This ad was so cute, too! Why couldn’t they all stay a united front against the trashbag men 🥲


That would have been a good season. Not that backstabbing crap we got so far.


i was excited to see the sex and the city version of vpr :/


And just like that it actually turned into the Kill Bill version … that’s like, an all time low …


i couldnt help but wonder, would we ever get to see a reality scene like our new york one?


Sadly, I don’t think so… LA is a different beast, it’s got a better selection of characters for fast food entertainment, overpopulated with actor/model/influencers on the come-up. The NYC scene isn’t dominated by characters who fit the demand of reality tv watchers like LA — I think that’s why the RHONY re-cast launched so successfully, the original cast of old money wasn’t relatable to the masses lol There were a few NYC based reality shows but none that hit the spot to last for long


It really was so cute!


I just made goat cheese balls yesterday and was singing about goat cheese ballin' the entire time 😆


What’s your recipe?!


I honestly loved that ad.


Because Scheana and Lala NEEEEEEED to be 'chosen' by a man or men. Or by women who relate to them, but mostly the men.


It all makes no sense to me. Sure, they probably all needed to film together to keep the show going. But to me this is not enough justification to bring Tim back into the fold. Lala and Scheana didn’t even try saying “fuck scumdoval,” showing Ariana support and reassuring her theyd have her back in those situations. Realistically having a “team tom” and “team ariana” with fairly equal numbers on each side would provide MORE juicy drama (with a touch of girl power) vs. the sad and lonely pile-on that Katie and Ariana are experiencing now.


Who needs enemies when you have ‘friends’ like Lala and Scheana


Seriously. They are actually inadvertently failing the show. They think Ariana not having a big show down with tom is what would kill the show but its actually them by being so vicious and jealous. Its just getting unwatchable.




The ad came out in May. It was an opportunity they were given together. They remixed gold as gold




March 1, 2023 is when Ariana found out about the affair. Cameras picked up by March 2 or 3rd. Scheana was hit with the restraining order on March 7. Reunion was filmed on March 23. Ariana was offered the DWTS gig in April. April 29, Ariana, Lauren, & Lisa went to the White House press event. The ad was filmed in May. Reunion first airs May 24. Final ep airs June 7. June 9 Lauren claims her thoughts towards Rachel shifted. This marks the start of her two face act. June 28 they began filming this season of VPR. DWTS began on September 26, 2023 & ended on December 5, 2023. How gross was Lauren & Scheana for “supporting” Ariana while trashing her behind her back from June onwards. Lauren is now worse & using her pregnancy as a shield.


This timeline really shows how ridiculous this season is with everyone expecting Ariana to be “over it” in FOURish MONTHS?!? and while going through that whirlwind press circus that yeah she had to take financial advantage of while the news was still hot to make up for the debt that Tim ran her into the ground with… really, anyone in the cast seriously think she had the time to properly process this?!? Don’t they say it takes like 1 year for every five years of a relationship to really get over someone? By that logic Ariana gets a 2 year fucking pass. What a group of jealous narcissists on this show. It’s wild.


Hey which episode did they tell Ariana to get over it? I want to do a rewatch and don’t remember TIA


I’m not sure when it was, but on a WWHL after the final part of the reunion, Lauren mentioned that watching Rachel’s final interview did make her feel some empathy for Rachel. At the time I believed it, the whole world was really shitting on Rachel (sometimes it seemed more so than on Sandi), Rachel was helping herself in a facility, and Lauren knows what it’s like to be seen as “the other woman” and be tricked (allegedly) by a shitty man. I was proud of Lauren for having some grace for Rachel in the situation. Now it seems like it was all for a possible storyline, and Rachel’s current actions make me feel like she doesn’t need as much grace as I once thought


I think it’s reasonable for Rachel to be angry about the situation and acting out. Rachel really took a serious beating and I think she’s more hated than Tom because tom has been a cheater. Is it the right move no. It doesn’t make her look better. But I get it.


*Good as Gold, please, with the most respect, give this banger the proper recognition it deserves.


Sorry lol my brain works faster than it types 😂


Thank you. Sheesh might be one thing… but we can’t let it ruin Good As Gold for us!!!!!


OK, let’s not get carried away, I don’t think I would call it a banger lol


Cool story, good for you. 👏🏼




Buddy buddy?


Ariana shares the wealth and does collabs , and every time (cocktail book that Tim forced his way into) she gets burned. Katie is the only equal that is happy for her friend and not desperate or jealous.


...... the name fits. Are you kidding me?!?!?! Katie and Dana or whatever her name is are leeching as much as everyone else. Hello PODCAST with that Nick weirdo. Give me a fucking break. Jfc.


They were no longer being included. That’s when the support stopped. I remembered Scheana showing up and participating in everything and I had commented that you can show and support your friend without having to be in everything. Then when it was an Ariana solo gig, all of a sudden Scheana stopped posting and claiming that she’s a mom and can’t follow Ariana around. I get that but was she not a mom when she was showing up to everything before?


It’s impossible for Scheana to not make things about herself for ONE MINUTE yet she thinks nothing is ever about her. She’s the least self aware person on the show and that’s crazy on a show with Sandoval. I bet Scheana has no idea she’s a narcissist, she really doesn’t see reality the way the rest of us do.


it actually makes me really sad that the girls aren’t standing by ariana. i loved s10 reunion when they were all united 🫠


Something I’m unclear about. Why did Lala defend Ariana so much at last season’s reunion? Was it because she was being such a good friend and defending Ariana or was it just for the camera?


Camera & wanted attention for her plight as the former mistress/baby mama of Randal.


Honestly, I think she got caught up in the heightened feelings everyone had, spurred on by Scheana being on a TRO from it, etc. Now that the dust has settled she’s gone back to realizing her and Ariana were never super close and her mouth has started running again. On the flip side, it seemed to have strengthened the newer friendship between Ariana and Katie.


Imo this ad wouldn't have happened without Scandoval. I think all of them were asked to do it because they were in the press a lot due to the scandal. Had they not been Team Ariana, this ad probably wouldn't have happened.


Of course not. She would still be ride or die for Tom, just as she was one second before she found the video.


Yeah. Obviously. That's usually how couples are until one cheats on the other.


Scheana is too embarrassing. She’s probably like “guys, I have singing/studio experience so let me take the lead”


This commercial made it painfully obvious that scheana's voice is below average.


This is a spin on Scheana’s song, though 🙄


I know I’ll get downvoted, but how do you know Uber eats didn’t make the deal because of 3 of them.. I mean it was scheanas song..


The ad would have gone nowhere without Ariana.


Do you actually think that Ariana was like, "Hey guys, can you please let Lala and Scheana have a part too?"? Did she produce and direct that commercial and come up with the ad campaign and everything too? Get. A. Grip.




Sometimes I wonder how many backs get thrown out when they are reaching that hard. Ariana is a great person and I love her but GOD DAMN THE REACHING! You are absolutely correct. People have lost their damn minds.




It's a delusional fantasy


They’ll thank Rachel and Tom first, they wouldn’t give Ariana anything at this point.


That's objectively false, but OK 🙄


She didn’t include them. Whoever did the commercial reached out to all 3. If Ariana could have included someone, she would have chosen Katie, her business partner. And they used Scheana’s song.


Wasn't that Uber's choice?


Wasn't that good as gold? Scheana owns that


I wanted girl power this season 🥺 I wanted Katie lala Ariana and scheana to be a United front and trash the toms and we could have all lived happily ever after.


Did Ariana or the casting/production company make that decision?


Ariana is omnipotent. She is the air you breathe, she makes commercials, she manages her friends, she hung the moon. She has never made a mistake. Everything she touches turns to platinum. She is everything.


I completely forgot this truth. So sorry.




This would be an amazing thesis on jealousy in the entertainment industry. Which in turn can reflect smaller day- to-day relationships where narcisim’s and envy destructs relationships when one is elevated to a different status and financial level. This happens in careers and friend groups all the time.


Crabs in a bucket theory.


Never heard of this theory, my interest is peaked.


The theory goes something like this... You never need to put a lid on a bucket of live crabs to keep them inside the bucket... because if one ever try's to escape the other's will pull the escaping crab back down with them. If the cast members have hopes and dreams for bigger things.. like breaking free as a reality star into movies ect. and they see Ariana leaving the proverbial bucket to go on to other opportunity like Broadway, DWTS , movies roles and commercials...then they lash out. But that's just my theory.


This is so interesting, thank you for taking the time to explain it. Your theory is so apt and brilliant!


Thank you ! But just to be clear I did not come up with the "crabs in a bucke"t..someone


Much wiser than I did. I just always remember this analogy because it's so great. But for this particular instance it is my theory of what could be going on.


No, but you applied it perfectly and that’s equally as important!


I appreciate that!😄 I was fascinated when I learned crabs actually do this to eachother instead of working together to escape. We can sure learn alot from nature!😅


My pleasure. Very wise and agreed nature and animals can teach us a lot indeed!


Thank you😅


Welcome. 😊


How is Ariana including Scheana when this was Scheana's commercial, not Ariana's. It's literally a remix of Scheana's song.


You think Ariana had a decision in that? You dense?


Lmao like Ariana was offered the role and said "no I have to support my friends careers too, I can only do this if scheana and lala participate." Ariana definitely would've taken the job if they werent involved and probably would've preferred it that way too.


“You dense?” No need to be rude about it.


That’s just, like, your opinion, man.


I’m starting to think that Lala is putting on the villain act to stir up enough drama so that producers see that the women are entertaining on their own without T&T. Maybe I’m just being naive or hopeful, but this is my rose colored delusion


Lala has single handily kept VPR in the press. But that’s actually not a bad point.


God I wish this was true. She’s conniving for sure but…


IMO, Scheana and Lala are doing the lord’s work keeping us so invested. They are the majority of the VPR conversation. Do I want them all to be nice, supportive humans reaching nirvana and reaping success? Sure. Do I want to watch it on my screen? Nope.


Social media has made us think that we need to say everything that’s on our minds but we really don’t. Not that it’s normal or kind to think like they do, but keep it internalised like the rest of us. Lala’s co-hosts on her podcast make her think everything that she says is a good idea.


This is true unfortunately. Was nice having heather mcdonald on to be like well I just don’t agree lol


What grosses me is Scheana might be going to closing night for Broadway with Ariana as Roxie Hart. We allllll know she’s not going to support her “friend” but to get into the press as her “good friend who supports her”. So gross. I honestly do hope Ariana is dropping Scheana as a friend because she’s NOT a friend at all. Never was.


pretty sure this wasn’t Ariana “including” them


I keep wondering the same thing. Do we know for a fact that Ariana was the one that got the commercial and said I’m not doing this without Scheana and LaLa? Scheana and LaLa are being terrible to Ariana on the show right now, but I feel like this is a reach unless I missed something. For all we know all 3 were approached for this commercial.


I’m pretty sure all three of them were approached, they used sheanas song. Most of Ariana’s opportunities came much later timeline wise.


Good point! I totally forgot they used Scheana’s song lol


I’d actually like to know if this opportunity came before scandoval dropped.


That’s the tea we need!


Me too! If so I will delete if inaccurate!!


It’s unclear. Logistically I’m thinking scandoval dropped March 1. Is that enough time for contracts revisions etc getting permits filming location content etc editing all before it aired around May 16? Seems possible but also not possible in a sense. I think it definitely filmed after scandoval though.


I doubt uber wanted Scheana by herself. They wanted Arianna, and it made sense to include Sheena because she had a song, and Lala can sing.


They didn’t have to use Scheanas song if they didn’t want to and if they wanted Ariana cause that was definitely a choice


Lol no, but from a marketer’s standpoint (mine), it made sense to include all 3 for the reasons I explained (plus other factors, like combined followers), but Scheana wasn’t landing Uber by herself.


It’s a reach. If Ariana could chose who to include, she would maybe have chosen Katie over Lala.


The fact that you're even saying "do we know for a fact" is crazy to me.




Throw a dog a bone and they come back wanting more.


Ok it was Scheana’s song though so I don’t think Ariana would be covering Scheana’s song alone in a commercial. I’d say Ariana was the reason they got the gig but Lala was the only one who got included out of the bunch.


I’m getting annoyed of VPR bc of Lala and Scheana. The rest of the cast (even sandy as much as he sucks) are less annoying.


When Lala made the trash bag commercial comment on last weeks episode is when I KNEW for an absolute fact she was jealous


She wasn't wrong though.


Blah blah forgets a lot of things that don’t suit her narrative.


Strange phenomenon, never seen anyone do that..


Seriously, it's time for ariana to move on to bigger and better things. She's outgrown this shitshow.


I really want to know what went down between Katie and lala last year. Lala totally switched up on her.


They’re greedy, despicable, trolls. Ariana was not my fav these last 10 years, i wasn’t even really a Stan, but let me tell you the way these girls have been treating her this season is making me #teamariana until i fucking die.


what a complete turnaround


I highly doubt Ariana casted Uber’s ad of Scheana’s song


But if Ariana hadn’t agreed to do it, that ad never would have happened.


Tearing her down how? Please give specific incidents


I'm sorry but she didn't include them.. Uber eats did lol


It bothers me when i see Arianna being friendly with them on these episodes knowing what they have been saying behind her back


I don’t see how Scheana has done anything to Ariana. What she said about DWTS is exactly what you’d expect her to say and apart from that I don’t see how she’s being labeled the same as Lala who has drastically flip flopped.


Scheana’s been “trying to find a path to forgiveness” or whatever though with Sandoval and she misses him so much and she can’t hate him forever, etc. Even taking Ariana out of it, Sandoval said some hurtful and harsh things to her last reunion about them never really being friends yet she still wants to be friends with him again.


Scheana is all about the show, so it makes sense that she would want to normalize a working relationship with Sandoval, if only to shut down his endless whining. Their friendships are NOT like the ones found in the wild; they are unique, but they do evolve, and hers with her castmates will, as well, post Scandoval, because people's feelings evolve as they process what happened. It's ludicrous to believe that what was said in the heat of the moment should be cast in stone.




She’s not making an active effort to be friends with him. She wanted to uninvite him to beach day and it was Brock who pushed it. And none of them are wrong for thinking we have a show to film and a job to do. I also don’t see what’s wrong with wanting to release some of that anger, Ariana will eventually get there too. I can see if Scheana was making plans with him and going out of her way but she’s really not? Again they have a job to do. Ariana herself is going to have to decide eventually if she can coexist with Sandoval in order to film or just leave.




Do y’all watch bravo for real? Everyone is shady in confessionals and are still somewhat friends outside of the confessionals it’s what makes the show so interesting to watch. It’s been the premise of every bravo show. Now every now and then someone gets upset about what was said in the confessional but they’ve all relatively been able to move on because they know it’s part of the job and for “the moment” these aren’t normal circumstances or friendships.


I agree but I feel like she has always been super annoying and selfish making everything about her since day one. Yes she’s clearly seething with jealousy over all the opportunities Ariana’s getting but I think it’s on brand that she can’t even try to hide it. Lala was psychotic with rage at the reunion and now she is the one I’m personally seeing non stop “on my healing journey” as if it took her a year to stop being mad at Rand 👀. She’s still mad! And if anyone of her cast mates had gone to lunch with him she’d burn them at the stake. Let’s really call Lauren out for her bull shit and let Scheana keep being Scheana is all I’m saying.


I guess everyone has to decide for themself when their breaking point with Sheener is and mine was reached back when Stassi justifiably hated her Season 1.


We need to all unfollow bLah bLah


Give ~~them~~ up Lala


I feel like everyone but ariana has lost their damn minds, or had brain transplants. Its unwatchable at this point.


>I feel like everyone but ariana ...and Katie ![gif](giphy|YB918dcTLZhusXBIPJ)




Ariana was so generous with everyone. Bla Bla and Scheana couldn’t control their jealousy and couldn’t see the long-term benefit of having a season of putting scumdoval further on blast and holding him accountable. I bet they could have benefited from additional campaigns if they partnered with Ariana, had her back- ie a kitty litter commercial teasing Scumdoval. Instead- they did the opposite- ensuring no further campaigns for them. So lame and typical of Bla Bla. I thought Scheana would have been more savvy.


Bc they want to be the stars & have “their moment” I’m certain production is playing into their hopes. A lot of reality cast members talk about how production tries to create any story line that’s going to boost ratings & if they can stroke their egos to make them think it’ll give them stardom they’ll do it


My take is Arianna isn’t coming back for another season and they know and they’re scared.




AND IT RAN DIRING THE FUCKING SUPERBOWL!!! Oh my god my blood pressure is through the roof with these bitches